Entreprises sri-lankaises avec le plus grand nombre d'employés

Vous trouverez ci-dessous les Entreprises sri-lankaises qui ont le plus grand nombre d'employés. Classées en fonction du nombre d'employés, elles peuvent être en pleine croissance ou occuper une position stable sur le marché, alors analysez-les pour trouver un investissement fiable.
Variation %
Volume Rel
Capitalisation boursière
BPA dil
Croissance dil du BPA
Rendement du Dividende %
Note des analystes
HAYL.N0000HAYLEYS PLC36,27 K128,75 LKR+0,78%324,73 K0,4796 B LKR9,6613,32 LKR+429,92%4,18%Producteurs-fabricants
MELS.N0000MELSTACORP PLC25,67 K123,00 LKR+0,82%253,81 K0,47142,18 B LKR11,0311,15 LKR+17,86%5,74%Produits de consommation non durables
Strong Buy
JKH.N0000JOHN KEELLS HOLDINGS PLC20,61 K23,9 LKR+0,42%7,43 M0,40395,09 B LKR32,350,74 LKR+65,78%0,63%Commerce de détail
Strong Buy
DIPD.N0000DIPPED PRODUCTS PLC17,58 K52,1 LKR+1,17%513,42 K0,3531,01 B LKR6,837,63 LKR+48,37%2,80%Producteurs-fabricants
CARS.N0000CARSON CUMBERBATCH PLC16,42 K362,00 LKR+0,56%70,0070,94 B LKR7,6447,35 LKR+28,50%2,36%Services de Distribution
BUKI.N0000BUKIT DARAH PLC16,42 K590,00 LKR−1,67%1,71 K1,4960,18 B LKR8,3470,75 LKR+35,21%1,81%Producteurs-fabricants
SPEN.N0000AITKEN SPENCE PLC13,28 K150,00 LKR−0,66%102,65 K0,1860,7 B LKR11,3213,25 LKR2,84%Services au consommateur
Strong Buy
SHL.N0000SOFTLOGIC HOLDINGS PLC11,39 K7,2 LKR+2,86%38,24 K0,199,91 B LKR−13,41 LKR+39,09%0,00%Commerce de détail
CARG.N0000CARGILLS (CEYLON) PLC11,34 K426,75 LKR+0,06%1,13 K0,34108,68 B LKR16,8425,34 LKR+17,68%3,63%Commerce de détail
Strong Buy
VONE.N0000VALLIBEL ONE PLC9,39 K62,3 LKR+0,48%886,4 K0,7770,61 B LKR7,238,62 LKR+18,21%4,84%Services de Distribution
HNB.N0000HATTON NATIONAL BANK PLC8,9 K323,00 LKR+4,19%984,38 K0,93177,37 B LKR6,7348,00 LKR+19,38%1,21%Finance
Strong Buy
SLTL.N0000SRI LANKA TELECOM PLC8,6 K67,1 LKR+0,15%35,12 K0,25121,29 B LKR−0,25 LKR+88,71%0,00%Communications
KVAL.N0000KELANI VALLEY PLANTATIONS PLC7,78 K93,0 LKR+1,53%26,62 K0,166,26 B LKR5,2517,71 LKR+21,11%5,71%Industries de transformation
CCS.N0000CEYLON COLD STORES PLC7,36 K80,2 LKR−0,99%58,85 K0,2076,13 B LKR16,084,99 LKR+109,89%3,48%Produits de consommation non durables
Strong Buy
KOTA.N0000KOTAGALA PLANTATIONS PLC6,38 K10,1 LKR0,00%2,79 M0,723,45 B LKR−0,09 LKR−107,02%0,00%Minéraux non-énergétiques
COMB.N0000COMMERCIAL BANK OF CEYLON PLC5,95 K139,00 LKR+0,36%272,56 K0,20220,72 B LKR5,3426,05 LKR+56,57%3,03%Finance
Strong Buy
MASK.N0000MASKELIYA PLANTATIONS PLC5,87 K82,0 LKR+2,24%11,49 K0,224,42 B LKR4,1519,77 LKR+146,86%0,00%Industries de transformation
HHL.N0000HEMAS HOLDINGS PLC5,83 K109,00 LKR+4,81%591,51 K0,7364,5 B LKR10,4110,47 LKR+43,83%3,70%Services de santé
Strong Buy
LOFC.N0000LOLC FINANCE PLC5,06 K6,7 LKR+1,52%5,04 M0,34221,63 B LKR9,140,73 LKR+0,69%0,00%Finance
RCL.N0000ROYAL CERAMICS LANKA PLC4,73 K41,5 LKR+3,49%732,79 K0,2345,65 B LKR6,935,99 LKR+20,75%7,04%Producteurs-fabricants
Strong Buy
ELPL.N0000ELPITIYA PLANTATIONS PLC4,55 K126,75 LKR−1,93%36,58 K0,689,18 B LKR5,8321,73 LKR+67,40%3,97%Minéraux non-énergétiques
KGAL.N0000KEGALLE PLANTATIONS PLC4,42 K143,75 LKR+1,77%4,91 K0,213,52 B LKR−3,58 LKR+66,97%2,49%Industries de transformation
HPL.N0000HATTON PLANTATIONS LIMITED4,32 K28,5 LKR−2,40%16,32 K0,166,65 B LKR5,315,37 LKR+50,31%10,68%Produits de consommation non durables
TPL.N0000TALAWAKELLE TEA ESTATES PLC4,28 K145,00 LKR0,00%26,45 K0,566,92 B LKR4,0236,08 LKR−11,31%5,66%Produits de consommation non durables
SAMP.N0000SAMPATH BANK PLC4,18 K114,00 LKR+0,88%1,17 M0,57133,98 B LKR5,5120,71 LKR+26,59%5,12%Finance
Strong Buy
LFIN.N0000LB FINANCE PLC4,13 K91,5 LKR0,00%179,69 K0,1750,7 B LKR5,0718,06 LKR+12,60%6,28%Finance
Strong Buy
KAHA.N0000KAHAWATTE PLANTATIONS PLC4,13 K19,7 LKR−1,01%4,58 K0,051,96 B LKR13,081,51 LKR0,00%Industries de transformation
AGAL.N0000AGALAWATTE PLANTATIONS PLC3,85 K52,9 LKR+1,73%127,88 K0,188,22 B LKR7,786,80 LKR−11,27%3,80%Industries de transformation
HOPL.N0000HORANA PLANTATIONS PLC3,72 K52,5 LKR−0,76%12,41 K0,081,31 B LKR9,405,58 LKR3,14%Industries de transformation
CINS.N0000CEYLINCO INSURANCE PLC3,56 K3 048,00 LKR+1,60%20,0068,84 B LKR6,73452,87 LKR+29,56%1,60%Finance
MGT.N0000HAYLEYS FABRIC PLC3,29 K54,6 LKR+1,30%107,36 K0,0822,64 B LKR10,595,16 LKR+2 328,30%3,67%Industries de transformation
Strong Buy
NAMU.N0000NAMUNUKULA PLANTATIONS PLC3,24 K399,75 LKR+0,19%1,47 K0,169,46 B LKR5,9966,76 LKR−29,80%3,26%Industries de transformation
TJL.N0000TEEJAY LANKA PLC3,16 K50,0 LKR0,00%97,81 K0,0835,69 B LKR18,522,70 LKR1,51%Produits de consommation non durables
Strong Buy
SINS.N0000SINGER (SRI LANKA) PLC3,1 K27,0 LKR0,00%353,48 K0,4831,53 B LKR11,712,31 LKR1,22%Commerce de détail
SEYB.N0000SEYLAN BANK PLC3,1 K79,5 LKR+0,63%70,16 K0,0943,27 B LKR6,0213,20 LKR+26,96%1,19%Finance
HAPU.N0000HAPUGASTENNE PLANTATIONS PLC3,06 K46,0 LKR+2,22%4,05 K0,292,13 B LKR5,997,68 LKR0,00%Industries de transformation
DIAL.N0000DIALOG AXIATA PLC3,02 K11,7 LKR+0,86%1,36 M0,44107,64 B LKR9,061,29 LKR+62,27%11,45%Communications
Strong Buy
DOCK.N0000COLOMBO DOCKYARD PLC3 K64,1 LKR0,00%5,33 K0,084,53 B LKR−38,74 LKR+70,58%0,00%Producteurs-fabricants
PLC.N0000PEOPLE'S LEASING & FINANCE PLC2,9 K17,7 LKR0,00%2,07 M0,9937,92 B LKR8,792,01 LKR+11,29%3,98%Finance
Strong Buy
AHUN.N0000AITKEN SPENCE HOTEL HOLDINGS PLC2,82 K81,5 LKR+2,13%152,34 K0,6027,17 B LKR12,886,33 LKR0,00%Services au consommateur
Strong Buy
NDB.N0000NATIONAL DEVELOPMENT BANK PLC2,76 K108,50 LKR+0,70%421,19 K0,3145,08 B LKR8,5212,73 LKR−32,07%1,77%Finance
UDPL.N0000UDAPUSSELLAWA PLANTATIONS PLC2,64 K119,50 LKR+2,14%3600,032,26 B LKR2,4848,27 LKR+40,49%0,00%Produits de consommation non durables
LWL.N0000LANKA WALLTILE PLC2,5 K56,5 LKR+1,99%40,48 K0,1515,34 B LKR7,407,63 LKR−10,05%8,36%Producteurs-fabricants
NTB.N0000NATIONS TRUST BANK PLC2,48 K176,00 LKR+0,57%115,81 K0,3858,08 B LKR4,0443,53 LKR+24,86%1,37%Finance
KHL.N0000JOHN KEELLS HOTELS PLC2,43 K20,9 LKR+0,97%164,87 K0,1230,43 B LKR−0,51 LKR+19,48%0,00%Services au consommateur
CIC.N0000CIC HOLDINGS PLC2,27 K96,0 LKR0,00%219,14 K0,4633,96 B LKR3,4228,10 LKR+124,18%2,60%Producteurs-fabricants
Strong Buy
LHCL.N0000THE LANKA HOSPITALS CORPORATION PLC2,16 K81,5 LKR+0,62%25,25 K0,5018,23 B LKR12,296,63 LKR+96,68%3,68%Services de santé
DFCC.N0000DFCC BANK2,11 K110,25 LKR+0,68%798,25 K0,4247,48 B LKR5,5319,92 LKR−1,42%2,60%Finance
CFIN.N0000CENTRAL FINANCE COMPANY PLC2,09 K184,75 LKR+1,23%76,08 K0,1941,78 B LKR4,9337,46 LKR+13,03%2,59%Finance
AEL.N0000ACCESS ENGINEERING PLC1,93 K33,8 LKR+1,50%333,7 K0,1733,7 B LKR9,213,67 LKR−47,58%7,42%Services Industriels
Strong Buy
HAYC.N0000HAYCARB PLC1,93 K84,1 LKR0,00%37,55 K0,1325,02 B LKR7,0012,01 LKR+7,40%5,58%Producteurs-fabricants
DIMO.N0000DIESEL & MOTOR ENGINEERING PLC1,93 K1 221,00 LKR+0,23%5,66 K0,2311,32 B LKR−6,32 LKR+79,27%0,41%Commerce de détail
NHL.N0000NAWALOKA HOSPITALS PLC1,93 K5,8 LKR+5,45%189,1 K0,198,18 B LKR12,120,48 LKR0,00%Services de santé
CDB.N0000CITIZENS DEVELOPMENT BUSINESS FINANCE PLC1,92 K239,25 LKR0,00%1,66 K0,1916,05 B LKR4,8749,16 LKR+168,78%2,94%Finance
CHL.N0000CEYLON HOSPITALS PLC (DURDANS)1,91 K121,25 LKR0,00%320,004,79 B LKR11,2310,80 LKR+54,96%1,65%Services de santé
BPPL.N0000B P P L HOLDINGS LIMITED1,9 K22,0 LKR−2,22%18,58 K0,156,66 B LKR1,52%Producteurs-fabricants
MBSL.N0000MERCHANT BANK OF SRI LANKA & FINANCE PLC1,75 K6,6 LKR−1,49%81,14 K0,033,51 B LKR−0,12 LKR+29,28%0,00%Finance
ALLI.N0000ALLIANCE FINANCE COMPANY PLC1,74 K164,50 LKR+1,39%3,29 K0,065,5 B LKR4,1439,78 LKR+141,00%5,15%Finance
DPL.N0000DANKOTUWA PORCELAIN PLC1,72 K23,1 LKR−0,43%1,22 K0,043,75 B LKR−0,23 LKR−114,27%0,00%Biens de consommation durables
WATA.N0000WATAWALA PLANTATIONS PLC1,71 K141,25 LKR+0,89%169,43 K0,3928,67 B LKR16,588,52 LKR−15,95%10,64%Produits de consommation non durables
SUN.N0000SUNSHINE HOLDINGS PLC1,7 K96,2 LKR+1,69%422,65 K0,4447,13 B LKR11,618,29 LKR+40,98%3,65%Commerce de détail
Strong Buy
AACL.N0000ACL CABLES PLC1,59 K119,00 LKR+0,42%573,82 K1,2028,87 B LKR7,3116,28 LKR+23,25%1,04%Producteurs-fabricants
Strong Buy
VFIN.N0000VALLIBEL FINANCE PLC1,5 K54,8 LKR+1,29%79,26 K0,0712,81 B LKR5,0210,91 LKR+35,40%3,68%Finance
COOP.N0000CO-OPERATIVE INSURANCE COMPANY PLC1,48 K3,2 LKR0,00%3,28 M1,615,12 B LKR73,900,04 LKR3,23%Finance
PABC.N0000PAN ASIA BANKING CORPORATION PLC1,47 K36,2 LKR+1,97%3,78 M0,6615,98 B LKR5,666,39 LKR+0,63%0,69%Finance
HASU.N0000HNB ASSURANCE PLC1,45 K80,2 LKR−0,62%18,25 K0,2212,01 B LKR6,2812,77 LKR+115,49%4,87%Finance
AHPL.N0000ASIAN HOTELS AND PROPERTIES PLC1,44 K61,0 LKR−0,16%134,65 K1,4226,57 B LKR−0,18 LKR+20,93%0,00%Services au consommateur
ODEL.N0000ODEL PLC1,4 K10,8 LKR+0,93%1,42 K0,095,81 B LKR−13,67 LKR−29,16%0,00%Commerce de détail
COCO.N0000RENUKA FOODS PLC1,37 K12,8 LKR+3,23%47,45 K0,262,33 B LKR−4,53 LKR−44,22%0,00%Producteurs-fabricants
RHL.N0000RENUKA HOLDINGS LIMITED1,3 K17,9 LKR+2,29%11,67 K0,033,23 B LKR−0,45 LKR−438,04%0,00%Divers
SDB.N0000SANASA DEVELOPMENT BANK PLC1,29 K43,0 LKR−1,15%698,23 K0,267,08 B LKR9,714,43 LKR+44,33%0,00%Finance
UBC.N0000UNION BANK OF COLOMBO PLC1,22 K11,5 LKR−0,86%401,67 K0,3112,46 B LKR108,900,11 LKR−79,96%0,00%Finance
TKYO.N0000TOKYO CEMENT COMPANY (LANKA) PLC1,2 K72,0 LKR0,00%15,84 K0,0430,05 B LKR11,786,11 LKR−3,18%2,78%Minéraux non-énergétiques
Strong Buy
BFL.N0000BAIRAHA FARMS PLC1,17 K184,00 LKR+0,41%4,93 K0,083,23 B LKR−1,27 LKR−115,78%3,16%Industries de transformation
AAIC.N0000SOFTLOGIC LIFE INSURANCE PLC98566,0 LKR+0,15%220,02 K0,4720,88 B LKR6,2110,63 LKR+63,65%12,50%Finance
SFIN.N0000SINGER FINANCE (LANKA) PLC94224,9 LKR−1,58%142,79 K0,214,97 B LKR10,162,45 LKR+12,36%3,25%Finance
DIST.N0000DISTILLERIES COMPANY OF SRI LANKA PLC92138,0 LKR0,00%419,61 K0,76174,8 B LKR6,32%Produits de consommation non durables
Strong Buy
SFCL.N0000SENKADAGALA FINANCE PLC912440,00 LKR+2,33%110,1240,7 B LKR22,5119,55 LKR+153,07%0,38%Finance
ABL.N0000AMANA BANK PLC88625,5 LKR+1,19%332,01 K0,3614,16 B LKR7,233,53 LKR−4,07%4,67%Finance
TILE.N0000LANKA TILES PLC84355,5 LKR+0,91%129,33 K0,5914,69 B LKR6,358,74 LKR−7,07%10,29%Producteurs-fabricants
SERV.N0000THE KINGSBURY PLC80213,0 LKR0,00%690,48 K0,436,24 B LKR33,130,39 LKR+509,32%0,00%Services au consommateur
UAL.N0000UNION ASSURANCE PLC78060,1 LKR0,00%17,54 K0,0835,36 B LKR9,536,30 LKR+11,93%14,58%Finance
ALUM.N0000ALUMEX PLC77414,4 LKR+2,86%1,08 M0,418,56 B LKR−0,56 LKR−9,15%0,00%Minéraux non-énergétiques
Strong Buy
CARE.N0000PRINTCARE PLC76948,5 LKR+0,21%54,98 K0,824,16 B LKR399,180,12 LKR−91,90%4,13%Services Commerciaux
GRAN.N0000CEYLON GRAIN ELEVATORS PLC745193,50 LKR+0,52%42,41 K0,5311,64 B LKR4,6941,27 LKR−20,19%13,92%Industries de transformation
GREG.N0000AMBEON HOLDINGS PLC73043,5 LKR−2,03%1,64 K0,0315,56 B LKR15,182,87 LKR−52,52%3,90%Services Commerciaux
TTRAN.N0000TRANS ASIA HOTELS PLC72144,0 LKR+0,69%740,008,74 B LKR46,730,94 LKR+1 451,07%0,00%Services au consommateur
LOLC.N0000LOLC HOLDINGS PLC720683,00 LKR+2,55%268,06 K0,74325,16 B LKR5,26129,90 LKR+855,50%0,00%Finance
CTEA.N0000DILMAH CEYLON TEA COMPANY PLC7171 105,00 LKR+3,27%920,2622,11 B LKR37,6729,33 LKR+6,42%1,69%Produits de consommation non durables
LMF.N0000LANKA MILK FOODS (CWE) PLC71347,3 LKR+1,28%1,67 M0,5218,76 B LKR12,213,87 LKR+14,88%1,34%Produits de consommation non durables
CONN.N0000AMAYA LEISURE PLC70431,4 LKR+2,28%53,03 K0,353,38 B LKR71,580,44 LKR0,00%Services au consommateur
JETS.N0000JETWING SYMPHONY LIMITED70012,0 LKR0,00%171,87 K0,207,23 B LKR17,390,69 LKR0,00%Services au consommateur
TAFL.N0000THREE ACRE FARMS PLC699305,00 LKR−3,10%1,97 K0,097,33 B LKR3,4987,42 LKR+15,27%13,16%Industries de transformation
AABAN.N0000ABANS ELECTRICALS PLC648399,00 LKR+9,69%8,83 K1,792,01 B LKR3,14127,04 LKR+246,86%2,54%Biens de consommation durables
BRWN.N0000BROWN & COMPANY PLC625185,00 LKR+4,08%236,72 K0,5839,28 B LKR1,40131,74 LKR0,00%Services de Distribution
HARI.N0000HARISCHANDRA MILLS PLC6243 955,00 LKR0,00%30,027,59 B LKR37,26106,15 LKR+10,21%2,02%Produits de consommation non durables
CCBNK.N0000CARGILLS BANK PLC6238,6 LKR0,00%400,25 K0,618,04 B LKR48,700,18 LKR−80,79%0,00%Finance
CSF.N0000NATION LANKA FINANCE PLC6230,4 LKR0,00%1,46 M0,192,8 B LKR−0,24 LKR−131,15%0,00%Finance
CWM.N0000C. W. MACKIE PLC614106,50 LKR+0,24%8,84 K0,413,82 B LKR8,7712,14 LKR+7,43%7,53%Producteurs-fabricants
KFP.N0000KEELLS FOOD PRODUCTS PLC601172,00 LKR−4,18%350,044,34 B LKR−1,83 LKR+84,98%0,28%Services de Distribution