
Library "MathConstants"
Mathematical Constants

E() The number e

Log2E() The number log[2](e)

Log10E() The number log[10](e)

Ln2() The number log[e](2)

Ln10() The number log[e](10)

LnPi() The number log[e](pi)

Ln2PiOver2() The number log[e](2*pi)/2

InvE() The number 1/e

SqrtE() The number sqrt(e)

Sqrt2() The number sqrt(2)

Sqrt3() The number sqrt(3)

Sqrt1Over2() The number sqrt(1/2) = 1/sqrt(2) = sqrt(2)/2

HalfSqrt3() The number sqrt(3)/2

Pi() The number pi

Pi2() The number pi*2

PiOver2() The number pi/2

Pi3Over2() The number pi*3/2

PiOver4() The number pi/4

SqrtPi() The number sqrt(pi)

Sqrt2Pi() The number sqrt(2pi)

SqrtPiOver2() The number sqrt(pi/2)

Sqrt2PiE() The number sqrt(2*pi*e)

LogSqrt2Pi() The number log(sqrt(2*pi))

LogSqrt2PiE() The number log(sqrt(2*pi*e))

LogTwoSqrtEOverPi() The number log(2 * sqrt(e / pi))

InvPi() The number 1/pi

TwoInvPi() The number 2/pi

InvSqrtPi() The number 1/sqrt(pi)

InvSqrt2Pi() The number 1/sqrt(2pi)

TwoInvSqrtPi() The number 2/sqrt(pi)

TwoSqrtEOverPi() The number 2 * sqrt(e / pi)

Degree() The number (pi)/180 - factor to convert from Degree (deg) to Radians (rad).

Grad() The number (pi)/200 - factor to convert from NewGrad (grad) to Radians (rad).

PowerDecibel() The number ln(10)/20 - factor to convert from Power Decibel (dB) to Neper (Np). Use this version when the Decibel represent a power gain but the compared values are not powers (e.g. amplitude, current, voltage).

NeutralDecibel() The number ln(10)/10 - factor to convert from Neutral Decibel (dB) to Neper (Np). Use this version when either both or neither of the Decibel and the compared values represent powers.

Catalan() The Catalan constant
Sum(k=0 -> inf){ (-1)^k/(2*k + 1)2 }

EulerMascheroni() The Euler-Mascheroni constant
lim(n -> inf){ Sum(k=1 -> n) { 1/k - log(n) } }

GoldenRatio() The number (1+sqrt(5))/2, also known as the golden ratio

Glaisher() The Glaisher constant
e^(1/12 - Zeta(-1))

Khinchin() The Khinchin constant
prod(k=1 -> inf){1+1/(k*(k+2))^log(k,2)}

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