Pump and Dump Climax

Mis à jour
A big volume is essential for any price analysis. For ex, enough volume is needed to confirm a price breakout, but big or small is subjective to the person that sees it. As we know it, we need to be objective in trading. To solve the problem, I created PNDC. If the PNDC is above zero, it means that the volume is big (above average) and can be used for confirmation, vice versa. If the PNDC is red or above the Climax Value, it means that volume is very big, and can be used to spot a potential top or bottom.

How the PNDC is calculated:
It calculates average of the last 36 (modifiable) volume, then it substracts the current volume with the average volume. If the result is positive, the PNDC is above zero, showing a big volume.
To keep PNDC value in range of 100, the result then get divided by the current volume and multiplied by 100.

You can modify the MA Length and Climax Value to your trading style.
Notes de version
Updated default input and new Climax bar color settings.
Notes de version
Updated color.

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