
indicator("Gelişmiş Al/Sat Botu", overlay=true)

// Parametreler
rsiLength = input(14, title="RSI Uzunluğu")
macdFast = input(12, title="MACD Hızlı EMA")
macdSlow = input(26, title="MACD Yavaş EMA")
macdSignal = input(9, title="MACD Sinyal")
bbLength = input(20, title="Bollinger Band Uzunluğu")
bbMult = input(2.0, title="Bollinger Band Çarpanı")
maLength = input(50, title="Hareketli Ortalama Uzunluğu")
hacimCizelge = input(true, title="Hacim Çizelgesi Göster")

// RSI Hesaplama
rsiValue = ta.rsi(close, rsiLength)

// MACD Hesaplama
[macdLine, signalLine, _] = ta.macd(close, macdFast, macdSlow, macdSignal)
macdHist = macdLine - signalLine

// Bollinger Bantları Hesaplama
basis = ta.sma(close, bbLength)
deviation = ta.stdev(close, bbLength)
upperBand = basis + bbMult * deviation
lowerBand = basis - bbMult * deviation

// Hareketli Ortalama Hesaplama
ma = ta.sma(close, maLength)

// Hacim Filtreleme
ortalamaHacim = ta.sma(volume, rsiLength)
yuksekHacim = volume > ortalamaHacim

// Alım ve Satım Sinyalleri
alSinyali = ta.crossover(rsiValue, 30) and macdHist > 0 and close < lowerBand and close > ma and yuksekHacim
satSinyali = ta.crossunder(rsiValue, 70) and macdHist < 0 and close > upperBand and close < ma and yuksekHacim

// Grafikte Gösterim
plotshape(alSinyali, title="Al Sinyali", location=location.belowbar,, style=shape.labelup, size=size.small)
plotshape(satSinyali, title="Sat Sinyali", location=location.abovebar,, style=shape.labeldown, size=size.small)

// Bollinger Bantları Çizimi
plot(upperBand, title="Üst Bollinger Bandı",, 50))
plot(lowerBand, title="Alt Bollinger Bandı",, 50))

// Hareketli Ortalama Çizimi
plot(ma, title="Hareketli Ortalama",

// Hacim Çizelgesi
hacimPlot = hacimCizelge ? volume : na
plot(hacimPlot,, 50), title="Hacim")
Bands and Channels

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