Buy/Sell Volume Calculator

Mis à jour
This script is calculating difference between buy and sell orders, realtime when the candle is build, using the accessible data.
Since we do not know how many stocks every single trade is executing, It only can use number of trades, showing how many trades resulting in price raising or lowering.
But it seems to be pretty god anyway.
The script is supposed to be a fine tuning when a trade is running, and early signals is needed.
When the green candle is larger than the red, price is supposed to rice, and the other way around when the red candle is larger the the green.
It calculate ONLY realtime. When starting the script there is no data, until candlesticks is builded.
Notes de version
Scale moved to zero, and not open price
Notes de version
Code is optimized and percent calculation added after request
Notes de version
Percentage added in this new version, and a weighted calculation, using same formula as WVAP
Notes de version
Version 1.1
Notes de version
Percent added for the weighted calculation
Notes de version
Updated with a more informative and useful way of showing the candlesticks.

Script open-source

Dans le plus pur esprit TradingView, l'auteur de ce script l'a publié en open-source, afin que les traders puissent le comprendre et le vérifier. Bravo à l'auteur! Vous pouvez l'utiliser gratuitement, mais la réutilisation de ce code dans une publication est régie par nos Règles. Vous pouvez le mettre en favori pour l'utiliser sur un graphique.

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