Carbon Triangle Oscillator

Mis à jour
This is a variant of the Awesome Oscillator that can show the realtionship between three instruments at the same time.

I created this primarily for currency trading where a Currency Triangle is an arithmetic relationship between three currency instruments.


By viewing the reationship between a currency instrument of interest and two of its component instruments,
we may be able to discern patterns that lead to profitable trades.

This script uses the current instrument on the chart as the foreground line plot,
and the other two configureable instruments as two overlaid histograms behind.

Notes de version
Republished with a clean chart.

Script open-source

Dans le plus pur esprit TradingView, l'auteur de ce script l'a publié en open-source, afin que les traders puissent le comprendre et le vérifier. Bravo à l'auteur! Vous pouvez l'utiliser gratuitement, mais la réutilisation de ce code dans une publication est régie par nos Règles. Vous pouvez le mettre en favori pour l'utiliser sur un graphique.

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