Derived moving averages

Mis à jour

This indicator shows five derived moving averages based on a daily simple moving average (daily MA).
The derived moving averages are projected along the daily MA on which they are based on the chart.
The period of the daily MA, and the percentages by which the derived moving averages are removed from the daily MA are adjustable.
The derived moving averages are shown both above and below the daily MA.

The derived moving averages act as support and resistance .

This indicator can be used for a wide array of markets.
As far as I know this indicator can be used for stocks, cryptocurrencies, futures , Forex and bond yields.

It only works on hourly time frames.

Notes de version
I have made a small update to the indicator. It's now possible to use it as a simple moving average OR exponential moving average.
Notes de version

I have made a small update to the indicator. It's now possible to use it as a simple moving average OR exponential moving average.
Notes de version

Chart updated to make it more clear.
Notes de version

Chart updated to make it more clear.
Every white line is an extra 10% more depicted from the 21 weekly EMA, 147 days.
Moving Averages

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