
This a variation to my 120/60 Trend Model for the daily chart on Bitcoin, which has quite reliably been determining the over all trend as well as low risk entries within a longer term trend. It's a combination of 150 & 220 SMA, used on the 1D chart. Once price closes below both SMAs trend is an early bearish signal, while the SMAs flipping to red is later but more reliable bearish signal. For bullish trend it is the same thing just the opposite. Once the "cloud" switches red trend is bearish while once it switches green it's bullish.
Bitcoin tends to get rejected by the cloud during bullish and bearish trends. Once Bitcoin pushes through the cloud the trend will typically reverse.
Bitcoin trading within or close to the cloud is generally a good long or short entries, depending on the color of the cloud (red: short & green: long).
Moving Averages

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