Dynamic Array Table (versatile display methods)

Mis à jour
Library "datTable"
Dynamic Array Table.... Configurable Shape/Size Table from Arrays
Allows for any data in any size combination of arrays to join together
  • all possible orientations!
  • filling all cells contiguously and/or flipping at boundaries
  • vertical or horizontal rotation
  • x/y axis direction swapping
  • all types array inputs for data.

please notify of any bugs. thanks

  Get Table (otional gapping cells)
    _posit: String or Int (1-9 3x3 grid L to R)
  Returns: Table

  Req'd coords Seperate for VARIP table, non-varip coords

  Add arrays to display table. coords reset each calc
  uses displaytable object, string titles, and color optional array, and second line optional data array.
Notes de version

Already updating.. found small error preventing full 99x99 possible size
(it will crash at over 100 table limitation)
also, updated and finished out the settings configuration to include frame/borders..
Notes de version

gut punch realizing i should have named this library "adapTable"

- updated demo, minor cleanup.
Notes de version

changed "to string" on final step for optimizing and removing NaN cells
added per-cell (row/column will override) sizing capability.
Notes de version

Merging superpowers added. not avail on flip at boundaries
- will skip cells if over the truncate limit
- will stretch cells if under

Needed upgrade for this nearly finished item.
Notes de version
update merge on/off toggle, filter for non-compat
Notes de version
minor bug fix
Notes de version

merge / table > 50 width/height
please report bugs or share any interesting usages.

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