Saturn–Pluto Cycle

Indicator colors background of the chart in the following way:

Saturn - Pluto Cycle in conjunction: Blue
Saturn - Pluto Cycle in opposition: Yellow

While opposition periods are indicated according to the actual date ranges an opposition occurs, conjunctions last only for one day.
Conjunctions indicated with this indicator mark a period around the actual conjunction date.
The actual date a conjunction occurs is indicated in the script.

Following the dates which were considered for this indicator:

Dates of Saturn–Pluto Conjunctions

October 5, 1914 at 2° Cancer (recurrence on May 20, 1915)
August 11, 1947 at 13° Leo
November 8, 1982 at 27° Libra
January 12, 2020 at 22° Capricorn

Dates of Saturn–Pluto Oppositions

February 17, 1931 – December 13, 1931 at 19°–21° Capricorn–Cancer (conjunct their respective North and South Nodes)
April 23, 1965 – February 20, 1966 at 14°–17° Pisces–Virgo
August 5, 2001 – May 26, 2002 at 12°–16° Gemini–Sagittarius (conjunct the lunar nodes)
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