Mis à jour
This indicator uses a combination of extension from moving averages, and price volatility on different time scales to give buy and sell signals based upon your preferred risk tolerance. Increasing the buy and sell basis will reduce the chances of false signals, in addition for more advanced users the length of the Bollinger Bands, SMA's, and EMA's used can each be individually adjusted. It is setup for 1 or 2 hour time frames, and when using it on different time scales, it will need to be adjusted.
Notes de version
Added ema's to the plot.
Notes de version
Use the signal crosses of either a linear level or the ema to generate buy or sell signals
Notes de version
Added the "trade" signal, which with a more normalized signal, will give you more precise timing with trade signals, and wont be affected by a market which is strongly trending upwards or downwards.
Also adjusted the buy, and sell basis for 1minute time frames, which will usually give about 1 signal every 30min-1 hour.
Notes de version
Added the additional "difference" plot, which can be used to interpret the strength of any buy or sell signal.
Notes de version
Removed the average, difference plots, removed the circle indicator from the plot. This version is much easier to interpret, when the filled area between both green and red lines is the same color that is a signal for the corresponding trade. for example; when the red line is above the orange line, and the green line is below the blue line, both will be colored red, indicating a sell signal. In addition the linear buy and sell signal remains with the circles.
Notes de version
Added a smoothed version of the data with a second EMA, which will lead to a larger number of correct signals when a market has quickly changed trends.
Notes de version
Simplified the script, to only show the necessary ema's, and buy/sell indicators.
Notes de version
Added alerts for buying and selling;
Green up triangle indicates start buying, teal down indicates stop buying.
Red up triangle indicates start selling, and orange down triangle indicates stop selling.
Notes de version
Moving AveragesVolatility

Script open-source

Dans le plus pur esprit TradingView, l'auteur de ce script l'a publié en open-source, afin que les traders puissent le comprendre et le vérifier. Bravo à l'auteur! Vous pouvez l'utiliser gratuitement, mais la réutilisation de ce code dans une publication est régie par nos Règles. Vous pouvez le mettre en favori pour l'utiliser sur un graphique.

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