Daily Ranges Dividers 1-5-15Min

Mis à jour
This Range Indicator divides days based on New York Time. It works properly on the 1-5-15Min Chart. You can also use it on the 1h Chart, but you have to tick the apposite option in the Indicator Settings to do so. Enabling it on the 1h Chart, won't show it properly on the other timeframes, but you can always switch it back to the default and use it on the 1-5-15Min chart without any problems
Notes de version
Update 18/11/2020
New Default settings allow you to have the dividers working well on 1,5,15,30Min & 1Hour Chart.
There is no need to tick the "Show day separator and days of week on 1hour Chart" button on the settings anymore.
You can swap from one timeframe to the other seamlessly.
Notes de version
New Default settings allow you to have the dividers working well on 1,5,15,30Min & 1Hour Chart.
There is no need to tick the "Show day separator and days of week on 1hour Chart" button on the settings anymore.
You can swap from one timeframe to the other seamlessly.

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