Kaufman Adaptive Moving Average (KAMA) Strategy [TradeDots]"The Kaufman Adaptive Moving Average (KAMA) Strategy" is a trend-following system that leverages the adaptive qualities of the Kaufman Adaptive Moving Average (KAMA). This strategy is distinguished by its ability to adjust dynamically to market volatility, enhancing trading accuracy by minimizing the effects of false and delayed signals often associated with the Simple Moving Average (SMA).
This strategy is centered around use of the Kaufman Adaptive Moving Average (KAMA) indicator, which refines the principles of the Exponential Moving Average (EMA) with a superior smoothing technique.
KAMA distinguishes itself by its responsiveness to changes in market prices through an "Efficiency Ratio (ER)." This ratio is computed by dividing the recent absolute net price change by the cumulative sum of the absolute price changes over a specified period. The resulting ER value ranges between 0 and 1, where 0 indicates high market noise and 1 reflects stronger market momentum.
Using ER, we could get the smoothing constant (SC) for the moving average derived using the following formula:
fastest = 2/(fastma_length + 1)
slowest = 2/(slowma_length + 1)
SC = math.pow((ER * (fastest-slowest) + slowest), 2)
The KAMA line is then calculated by applying the SC to the difference between the current price and the previous KAMA.
For entering long positions, this strategy initializes when there is a sequence of 10 consecutive rising KAMA lines. Conversely, a sequence of 10 consecutive falling KAMA lines triggers sell orders for long positions. The same logic applies inversely for short positions.
Commission: 0.01%
Initial Capital: $10,000
Equity per Trade: 80%
Users are advised to adjust and personalize this trading strategy to better match their individual trading preferences and style.
Trading entails substantial risk, and most day traders incur losses. All content, tools, scripts, articles, and education provided by TradeDots serve purely informational and educational purposes. Past performances are not definitive predictors of future results.
Moyenne mobile adaptative (AMA)
[CS] AMA Strategy - Channel Break-Out"There are various ways to detect trends with moving averages. The moving average is a rolling filter and uptrends are detected when either the price is above the moving average or when the moving average’s slope is positive.
Given that an SMA can be well approximated by a constant-α AMA, it makes a lot of sense to adopt the AMA as the principal representative of this family of indicators. Not only it is potentially flexible in the definition of its effective lookback but it is also recursive. The ability to compute indicators recursively is a very big positive in latency-sensitive applications like high-frequency trading and market-making. From the definition of the AMA, it is easy to derive that AMA > 0 if P(i) > AMA(i-1). This means that the position of the price relative to an AMA dictates its slope and provides a way to determine whether the market is in an uptrend or a downtrend."
You can find this and other very efficient strategies from the same author here:
In the following repository you can find this system implemented in lisp:
To formalize, define the upside and downside deviations as the same sensitivity moving averages of relative price appreciations and depreciations
from one observation to another:
D+(0) = 0 D+(t) = α(t − 1)max((P(t) − P(t − 1))/P(t − 1)) , 0) + (1 − α(t − 1))D+(t − 1)
D−(0) = 0 D−(t) = −α(t − 1)min((P(t) − P(t − 1))/P(t − 1)) , 0)+ (1 − α(t − 1))D−(t − 1)
The AMA is computed by
AMA(0) = P(0) AMA(t) = α(t − 1)P(t) + (1 − α(t − 1))AMA(t − 1)
And the channels
H(t) = (1 + βH(t − 1))AMA(t) L(t) = (1 − βL(t − 1))AMA(t)
For a scale constant β, the upper and lower channels are defined to be
βH(t) = β D− βL(t) = β D+
The signal-to-noise ratio calculations are state dependent:
SNR(t) = ((P(t) − AMA(t − 1))/AMA(t − 1)) / β D−(t) IfP(t) > H(t)
SNR(t) = −((P(t) − AMA(t − 1))/AMA(t − 1)) / β D−(t) IfP(t) < L(t)
SNR(t) = 0 otherwise.
Finally the overall sensitivity α(t) is determined via the following func-
tion of SNR(t):
α(t) = αmin + (αmax − αmin) ∗ Arctan(γ SNR(t))
Note: I added a moving average to α(t) that could add some lag. You can optimize the indicator by eventually removing it from the computation.