SignalProcessingClusteringKMeansLibrary "SignalProcessingClusteringKMeans"
K-Means Clustering Method.
nearest(point_x, point_y, centers_x, centers_y) finds the nearest center to a point and returns its distance and center index.
point_x : float, x coordinate of point.
point_y : float, y coordinate of point.
centers_x : float array, x coordinates of cluster centers.
centers_y : float array, y coordinates of cluster centers.
@ returns tuple of int, float.
bisection_search(samples, value) Bissection Search
samples : float array, weights to compare.
value : float array, weights to compare.
Returns: int.
label_points(points_x, points_y, centers_x, centers_y) labels each point index with cluster index and distance.
points_x : float array, x coordinates of points.
points_y : float array, y coordinates of points.
centers_x : float array, x coordinates of points.
centers_y : float array, y coordinates of points.
Returns: tuple with int array, float array.
kpp(points_x, points_y, n_clusters) K-Means++ Clustering adapted from Andy Allinger.
points_x : float array, x coordinates of the points.
points_y : float array, y coordinates of the points.
n_clusters : int, number of clusters.
Returns: tuple with 2 arrays, float array, int array.
AnalysisInterpolationLoessLibrary "AnalysisInterpolationLoess"
LOESS, local weighted Smoothing function.
loess(sample_x, sample_y, point_span) LOESS, local weighted Smoothing function.
sample_x : int array, x values.
sample_y : float array, y values.
point_span : int, local point interval span.
aloess(sample_x, sample_y, point_span) aLOESS, adaptive local weighted Smoothing function.
sample_x : int array, x values.
sample_y : float array, y values.
point_span : int, local point interval span.
ArrayExtensionLibrary "ArrayExtension"
Functions to extend Arrays.
index_2d_to_1d(dimension_x, dimension_y, index_x, index_y) returns the flatened one dimension index of a two dimension array.
dimension_x : int, dimension of X.
dimension_y : int, dimension of Y.
index_x : int, index of X.
index_y : int, index of Y.
Returns: int, index in 1 dimension
index_3d_to_1d(dimension_x, dimension_y, dimension_z, index_x, index_y, index_z) returns the flatened one dimension index of a three dimension array.
dimension_x : int, dimension of X.
dimension_y : int, dimension of Y.
dimension_z : int, dimension of Z.
index_x : int, index of X.
index_y : int, index of Y.
index_z : int, index of Z.
Returns: int, index in 1 dimension
down_sample(sample, new_size) Down samples a array to a specified size.
sample : float array, array with source data.
new_size : new size of down sampled array.
Returns: float array with down sampled data.
sort_indices_float(sample, order) Sorts array and returns a extra array with sorting indices.
sample : float array with values to be sorted.
order : string, default='forward', options='forward', 'backward'.
Returns: _indices int array with indices.
_ordered float array with ordered values.
sort_indices_int(sample, order) Sorts array and returns a extra array with sorting indices.
sample : int array with values to be sorted.
order : string, default='forward', options='forward', 'backward'.
Returns: _indices int array with indices.
_ordered float array with ordered values.
sort_bool_from_indices(indices, sample) Sorts sample array using a array with indices.
indices : int array with positional indices.
sample : bool array with data sample to be sorted.
Returns: bool array
sort_box_from_indices(indices, sample) Sorts sample array using a array with indices.
indices : int array with positional indices.
sample : box array with data sample to be sorted.
Returns: box array
sort_color_from_indices(indices, sample) Sorts sample array using a array with indices.
indices : int array with positional indices.
sample : color array with data sample to be sorted.
Returns: color array
sort_float_from_indices(indices, sample) Sorts sample array using a array with indices.
indices : int array with positional indices.
sample : float array with data sample to be sorted.
Returns: float array
sort_int_from_indices(indices, sample) Sorts sample array using a array with indices.
indices : int array with positional indices.
sample : int array with data sample to be sorted.
Returns: int array
sort_label_from_indices(indices, sample) Sorts sample array using a array with indices.
indices : int array with positional indices.
sample : label array with data sample to be sorted.
Returns: label array
sort_line_from_indices(indices, sample) Sorts sample array using a array with indices.
indices : int array with positional indices.
sample : line array with data sample to be sorted.
Returns: line array
sort_string_from_indices(indices, sample) Sorts sample array using a array with indices.
indices : int array with positional indices.
sample : string array with data sample to be sorted.
Returns: string array
sort_table_from_indices(indices, sample) Sorts sample array using a array with indices.
indices : int array with positional indices.
sample : table array with data sample to be sorted.
Returns: table array
sort_bool_inplace_from_indices(indices, sample) Sorts sample array inplace using a array with indices.
indices : int array with positional indices.
sample : bool array with data sample to be sorted.
Returns: void updates sample array.
sort_box_inplace_from_indices(indices, sample) Sorts sample array inplace using a array with indices.
indices : int array with positional indices.
sample : box array with data sample to be sorted.
Returns: void updates sample
sort_color_inplace_from_indices(indices, sample) Sorts sample array inplace using a array with indices.
indices : int array with positional indices.
sample : color array with data sample to be sorted.
Returns: void updates sample
sort_float_inplace_from_indices(indices, sample) Sorts sample array inplace using a array with indices.
indices : int array with positional indices.
sample : float array with data sample to be sorted.
Returns: void updates sample
sort_int_inplace_from_indices(indices, sample) Sorts sample array inplace using a array with indices.
indices : int array with positional indices.
sample : int array with data sample to be sorted.
Returns: void updates sample
sort_label_inplace_from_indices(indices, sample) Sorts sample array inplace using a array with indices.
indices : int array with positional indices.
sample : label array with data sample to be sorted.
Returns: void updates sample
sort_line_inplace_from_indices(indices, sample) Sorts sample array inplace using a array with indices.
indices : int array with positional indices.
sample : line array with data sample to be sorted.
Returns: void updates sample
sort_string_inplace_from_indices(indices, sample) Sorts sample inplace array using a array with indices.
indices : int array with positional indices.
sample : string array with data sample to be sorted.
Returns: void updates sample
sort_table_inplace_from_indices(indices, sample) Sorts sample array inplace using a array with indices.
indices : int array with positional indices.
sample : table array with data sample to be sorted.
Returns: void updates sample
to_float(sample) Transform a integer array into a float array
sample : int array, sample data to transform.
Returns: float array
to_int(sample, method) Transform a float array into a int array
sample : float array, sample data to transform.
method : string, default="round", options= , aproximation method.
Returns: int array
ArrayGenerateLibrary "ArrayGenerate"
Functions to generate arrays.
sequence_int(start, end, step) returns a sequence of int numbers.
start : int, begining of sequence range.
end : int, end of sequence range.
step : int, step, default=1 .
Returns: int , array.
sequence_float(start, end, step) returns a sequence of float numbers.
start : float, begining of sequence range.
end : float, end of sequence range.
step : float, step, default=1.0 .
Returns: float , array.
sequence_from_series(src, length, shift, direction_forward) Creates a array from a series sample range.
src : series, any kind.
length : int, window period in bars to sample series.
shift : int, window period in bars to shift backwards the data sample, default=0.
direction_forward : bool, sample from start to end or end to start order, default=true.
Returns: float array
normal_distribution(size, mean, dev) Generate normal distribution random sample.
size : int, size of array
mean : float, mean of the sample, (default=0.0).
dev : float, deviation of the sample from the mean, (default=1.0).
Returns: float array.
log_spaced(length, start_exp, stop_exp) Generate a base 10 logarithmically spaced sample sequence.
length : int, length of the sequence.
start_exp : float, start exponent.
stop_exp : float, stop exponent.
Returns: float array.
linear_range(stop, start) Generate a linearly spaced sample vector within the inclusive interval (start, stop) and step 1.
stop : float, stop value.
start : float, start value, (default=0.0).
Returns: float array.
periodic_wave(length, sampling_rate, frequency, amplitude, phase, delay) Create a periodic wave.
length : int, the number of samples to generate.
sampling_rate : float, samples per time unit (Hz). Must be larger than twice the frequency to satisfy the Nyquist criterion.
frequency : float, frequency in periods per time unit (Hz).
amplitude : float, the length of the period when sampled at one sample per time unit. This is the interval of the periodic domain, a typical value is 1.0, or 2*Pi for angular functions.
phase : float, optional phase offset.
delay : int, optional delay, relative to the phase.
Returns: float array.
sinusoidal(length, sampling_rate, frequency, amplitude, mean, phase, delay) Create a Sine wave.
length : int, The number of samples to generate.
sampling_rate : float, Samples per time unit (Hz). Must be larger than twice the frequency to satisfy the Nyquist criterion.
frequency : float, Frequency in periods per time unit (Hz).
amplitude : float, The maximal reached peak.
mean : float, The mean, or DC part, of the signal.
phase : float, Optional phase offset.
delay : int, Optional delay, relative to the phase.
Returns: float array.
periodic_impulse(length, period, amplitude, delay) Create a periodic Kronecker Delta impulse sample array.
length : int, The number of samples to generate.
period : int, impulse sequence period.
amplitude : float, The maximal reached peak.
delay : int, Offset to the time axis. Zero or positive.
Returns: float array.
Matrix_Functions_Lib_JDLibrary "Matrix_Functions_Lib_JD"
This is a library to add matrix / 2D array functionality to Pinescript.
once you import the library at the beginning of your script, you can add all the functions described below just by calling them like you do any other built'in function.
Gr, JD.
PS. if you find functionality or calculation errors in the functions, please let me know, so I can fix them.
There are quite a lot of functions, so little mishaps may have slipped in! ;-)
get_nr_of_rows() Returns the number of rows from a 2D matrix
get_nr_of_columns() Returns the number of columns from a 2D matrix
get_size() Returns a tuple with the total number of rows and columns from a 2D matrix
init() 2D matrix init function, builds a 2D matrix with dimensional metadata in first two values and fills it with a default value, the body of the actual matrix data starts at index 2.
from_list() 2D matrix init function, builds a 2D matrix from an existing array by adding dimensional metadata in first two values, the body of the actual matrix data consists of the data of the source array and starts at index 2.
set() Sets values in 2D matrix with (row index, column index) (index for rows and columns both starts at 0 !!)
fill_val() Fills all elements in a 2D matrix with a value
randomize() Fills a 2D matrix with random values//
get() Gets values from 2D matrix with (row index, column index) (index for rows and columns both starts at 0 !!)
copy_slice_body() Cuts off the metadata header and returns the array body, WITHOUT THE DIMENSIONAL METADATA!!
do_slice This variable should be set as: - 'false' to only make a copy, changes to the new array copy will NOT ALTER the ORIGINAL - 'true' to make a slice, changes to the new array slice WILL(!) ALTER the ORIGINAL
get_record() Gets /retrieve the values from a ROW/RECORD from a certain row/lookback period, the values are returned as an array
get_row_index() Gets the row nr. in a 2D matrix from 1D index (index for rows and columns both starts at 0 !!)
get_column_index() Gets the column nr. in a 2D matrix from 1D index (index for rows and columns both starts at 0 !!)
get_row_column_index() Gets a tuple with the (row, column) coordinates in 2D matrix from 1D index (index starts at 0 and does not include the header!!)
get_array_index() Gets the 1D index from (row, column) coordinates in 2D matrix (index for row and column both starts at 0 !! Index starts at 0 and does not include the header!!)
remove_rows() Removes one or more rows/records from a 2D matrix (if from_row = to_row, only this row is removed)
remove_columns() Remove one or more columns from a 2D matrix (if from_column = to_column, only this column is removed)
insert_array_of_rows() Insert an array of rows/records at a certain row number in a 2D matrix
add_row() ADDS a ROW/RECORD on the TOP of a sheet, shift the whole list one down and gives the option to REMOVE the OLDEST row/record. (2D version of "unshift" + "pop" but with a whole row at once)
insert_array_of_columns() Insert an array of columns at a certain column number in a 2D matrix
append_array_of_rows() Appends/adds an array of rows/records to the bottom of a 2D matrix
append_array_of_columns() Appends/adds an array of columns to the right side of a 2D matrix
pop_row() Removes / pops and returns the last row/record from a 2D matrix.
pop_column() Removes / pops and returns the last (most right) column from a 2D matrix.
add_value() Returns a new matrix with the same value added to all the elements of the source matrix.
addition() Returns a new matrix with the of the elements of one 2D matrix added to every corresponding element of a source 2D matrix.
subtract_value() Returns a new matrix with the same value subtracted from every element of a 2D matrix
subtraction() Returns a new matrix with the values of the elements of one 2D matrix subtracted from every corresponding element of a source 2D matrix.
scalar_multipy() Returns a new matrix with all the elements of the source matrix scaled/multiplied by a scalar value.
transpose() Returns a new matrix with the elements of the source matrix transposed.
multiply_elem() Performs ELEMENT WISE MULTIPLICATION of 2D matrices, returns a new matrix c.
multiply() Performs DOT PROCUCT MULTIPLICATION of 2D matrices, returns a new matrix c.
determinant_2x2() Calculates the determinant of 2x2 matrices.
determinant_3x3() Calculates the determinant of 3x3 matrices.
determinant_4x4() Calculates the determinant of 4x4 matrices.
print() displays a 2D matrix in a table layout.