Candle Range ExtensionThis script defines an indicator called "Candle Range Extension" that calculates the range of each candle (high minus low) and then multiplies that range by 3 to get the extension distance. It then plots two lines on the chart: one line that extends 3 times the candle range above the candle's high (in green) and another line that extends 3 times the candle range below the candle's low (in red).
Indicateurs Bill Williams
[The_lurker] RSI-MFI-WPR Indicatoris an advanced trading indicator developed for the TradingView platform, which synergistically refers to the insights of three popular technical analysis tools: the Relative Strength Index (RSI), the Money Flow Index (MFI) and the Williams Indicator. Percentage range (WPR). This indicator is precisely designed to help traders identify potential buy and sell opportunities by accurately interpreting market momentum, volume, and price position relative to recent highs and lows.
The primary goal of the RSI-MFI-WPR Indicator is to provide a comprehensive tool that leverages the combined power of RSI, MFI and WPR to detect overbought and oversold conditions, indicating potential market reversal points. This multi-faceted approach aims to provide traders with a more robust framework for making informed decisions, and enhance their trading strategy through multi-indicator analysis.
Explanation of the indicator conditions
The essence of this indicator lies in its strategic conditions that indicate possible entry and exit points:
Oversold Condition (Condition): This is determined when the RSI and MFI are below 30, and the WPR drops below -91, indicating a strong oversold condition in the market. Such a scenario usually indicates a buying opportunity, assuming that the market may rebound from this oversold state.
Divergence Condition (Condition 1): Checks if the MFI exceeds 2.1 times the RSI. This unique case aims to highlight instances where there is a significant inflow of funds into an asset, which is not proportionately reflected in its RSI, which may indicate an upcoming price increase or highlight an unusual market situation for further From the analysis.
Overbought Warning (conditionExit): An exit signal is triggered when both the MFI and RSI exceed 85, and the WPR is above -15. This combination indicates an overbought condition in the market, indicating that the asset may be overvalued and that a price correction or reversal may be imminent, thus indicating a potential selling opportunity or a warning of initiating new positions.
Application and visualization
The RSI-MFI-WPR Indicator not only provides numerical insights but also displays these conditions on a TradingView chart. Through the use of color coding and plotting, it provides traders with an intuitive way to distinguish market conditions, enabling quick and effective decision-making. Incorporating alert conditions ensures that traders are immediately notified of important market events, in line with their strategic trading objectives.
Planning and alerts in “RSI-MFI-WPR Indicator”
Collected alert status
CombinedAlertCondition is a logical statement that combines all individual conditions (Condition, Condition1, Condition Exit, and The_lurkerMFI_oversold) into a single alert trigger. This condition becomes true and triggers an alert if any of the conditions specified for potential trading opportunities or warnings are met. It is designed to provide a comprehensive alert system that informs the trader of any important signal identified by the indicator, including entry and exit signals as well as oversold conditions.
Visual indicators
Background color for oversold condition: The script sets the background color to a specific shade of blue ( with 90% transparency) when the custom MFI indicates an oversold condition (The_lurkerMFI_oversold). This visual signal helps traders quickly recognize periods when the market may be undervalued and potentially poised for a rebound.
Drawing warning and exit signs:
Entry Signals: For Condition and Condition 1, which identify potential entry points, the indicator draws upward pointing triangles below the price bars. These triangles are colored in specific shades to differentiate signals from a fundamental oversold condition and a divergence condition, making it intuitive for traders to recognize the type of signal.
Exit Signals: For an exit condition, which indicates overbought conditions that may indicate an impending price correction, red downward-pointing triangles are drawn above the price bars. This serves as a clear visual warning to consider exiting positions or proceed with caution.
Configure the alarm
The script uses the conditional alert function to create an alert based on the AlertCondition combination. When this condition is met, any of the predefined signals are indicated
In short, the “RSI-MFI-WPR Indicator” stands out as a versatile and dynamic indicator that enriches a trader's toolkit by combining the analytical strengths of RSI, MFI and WPR. By setting clear conditions for entry and exit points from the market, it facilitates a proactive approach to trading, based on a detailed examination of market dynamics. This indicator demonstrates how mixing multiple technical tools can lead to more informed and accurate market analysis, with the aim of elevating the trading experience on Tradingview.
هو مؤشر تداول متقدم تم تطويره لمنصة TradingView،
والذي يشير بشكل تآزري إلى رؤى ثلاث أدوات تحليل فني شائعة:
1- مؤشر القوة النسبية (RSI)،
2- مؤشر تدفق الأموال (MFI)،
3- مؤشر ويليامز. نطاق النسبة المئوية (WPR).
تم تصميم هذا المؤشر بدقة لمساعدة المتداولين على تحديد فرص الشراء والبيع المحتملة من خلال التفسير الدقيق لزخم السوق وحجمه وموقع السعر بالنسبة إلى الارتفاعات والانخفاضات الأخيرة.
الهدف الأساسي لمؤشر RSI-MFI-WPR هو توفير أداة شاملة تستفيد من القوة المشتركة لمؤشر RSI وMFI وWPR للكشف عن ظروف ذروة الشراء والمبالغة في البيع، مما يشير إلى نقاط انعكاس السوق المحتملة. ويهدف هذا النهج متعدد الأوجه إلى تزويد المتداولين بإطار أكثر قوة لاتخاذ قرارات مستنيرة، وتعزيز استراتيجية التداول الخاصة بهم من خلال تحليل متعدد المؤشرات.
شرح شروط المؤشر
يكمن جوهر هذا المؤشر في ظروفه الإستراتيجية التي تشير إلى نقاط الدخول والخروج المحتملة:
حالة ذروة البيع (الحالة): يتم تحديد ذلك عندما يكون مؤشر القوة النسبية RSI وMFI أقل من 30، وينخفض WPR إلى أقل من -92، مما يشير إلى حالة ذروة بيع قوية في السوق. يشير مثل هذا السيناريو عادةً إلى فرصة شراء، على افتراض أن السوق قد ينتعش من حالة ذروة البيع هذه.
شرط الاختلاف (الشرط 1): يتحقق مما إذا كانت السيولة تتجاوز 2.1 مرة مؤشر القوة النسبية. تهدف هذه الحالة الفريدة إلى تسليط الضوء على الحالات التي يوجد فيها تدفق كبير للأموال إلى أحد الأصول، وهو ما لا ينعكس بشكل متناسب في مؤشر القوة النسبية الخاص به، مما قد يشير إلى زيادة قادمة في الأسعار أو يسلط الضوء على وضع غير عادي في السوق لمزيد من التحليل.
تحذير ذروة الشراء (conditionExit): يتم إطلاق إشارة خروج عندما يتجاوز مؤشر MFI ومؤشر القوة النسبية 85، ويكون WPR أعلى من -15. يشير هذا المزيج إلى حالة ذروة الشراء في السوق، مما يشير إلى أن الأصل قد يكون مبالغًا في قيمته وأن تصحيح السعر أو انعكاسه قد يكون وشيكًا، مما يشير إلى فرصة بيع محتملة أو تحذير ببدء مراكز جديدة.
التطبيق والتصور
لا يوفر مؤشر RSI-MFI-WPR رؤى رقمية فحسب، بل يعرض أيضًا هذه الشروط على مخطط TradingView. من خلال استخدام الترميز اللوني والتخطيط، فإنه يوفر للمتداولين طريقة بديهية للتمييز بين ظروف السوق، مما يتيح اتخاذ قرارات سريعة وفعالة. يضمن دمج شروط التنبيه إخطار المتداولين على الفور بأحداث السوق المهمة، بما يتماشى مع أهدافهم التجارية الإستراتيجية.
التخطيط والتنبيهات في مؤشر RSI-MFI-WPR
حالة التنبيه التي تم جمعها ( CombinedAlertCondition ) عبارة منطقية تجمع كل الشروط الفردية
Condition، Condition1، Condition Exit، وThe_lurkerMFI_oversold في مشغل تنبيه واحد.
ليصبح هذا الشرط صحيحًا ويطلق تنبيهًا في حالة استيفاء أي من الشروط المحددة لفرص التداول المحتملة أو التحذيرات. وهو مصمم لتوفير نظام تنبيه شامل يُعلم المتداول بأي إشارة مهمة يحددها المؤشر، بما في ذلك إشارات الدخول والخروج بالإضافة إلى ظروف ذروة البيع.
المؤشرات البصرية
لون الخلفية لحالة ذروة البيع: يقوم البرنامج النصي بتعيين لون الخلفية إلى ظل معين من اللون الأزرق (بشفافية 90٪) عندما تشير مؤسسة التمويل الأصغر المخصصة إلى حالة ذروة البيع (The_lurkerMFI_oversold). تساعد هذه الإشارة المرئية المتداولين على التعرف بسرعة على الفترات التي قد تكون فيها السوق مقومة بأقل من قيمتها الحقيقية ومن المحتمل أن تكون مستعدة للانتعاش.
رسم علامات التحذير والخروج:
إشارات الدخول: بالنسبة للحالة والحالة 1، التي تحدد نقاط الدخول المحتملة، يرسم المؤشر مثلثات تشير إلى الأعلى أسفل أشرطة السعر. يتم تلوين هذه المثلثات بظلال محددة لتمييز الإشارات عن حالة ذروة البيع الأساسية وحالة التباعد، مما يجعل من السهل على المتداولين التعرف على نوع الإشارة.
إشارات الخروج: بالنسبة لحالة الخروج، التي تشير إلى ظروف ذروة الشراء التي قد تشير إلى تصحيح وشيك للسعر، يتم رسم مثلثات حمراء تشير إلى الأسفل فوق أشرطة السعر. يعد هذا بمثابة تحذير مرئي واضح للنظر في الخروج من المواقف أو المضي قدمًا بحذر.
تكوين المنبه
يستخدم البرنامج النصي وظيفة التنبيه الشرطي لإنشاء تنبيه بناءً على مجموعة AlertCondition. عند استيفاء هذا الشرط، تتم الإشارة إلى أي من الإشارات المحددة مسبقًا
باختصار، يبرز "مؤشر RSI-MFI-WPR" كمؤشر متعدد الاستخدامات وديناميكي يثري مجموعة أدوات المتداول من خلال الجمع بين نقاط القوة التحليلية لـ RSI وMFI وWPR. ومن خلال وضع شروط واضحة لنقاط الدخول والخروج من السوق، فإنه يسهل اتباع نهج استباقي للتداول، بناءً على فحص تفصيلي لديناميكيات السوق. يوضح هذا المؤشر كيف أن الجمع بين أدوات فنية متعددة يمكن أن يؤدي إلى تحليل سوق أكثر استنارة ودقة، بهدف رفع مستوى تجربة التداول على Tradingview.
باختصار :
1- ظهور المثلث الاصفر يعني تواجد سيولة كبيره ( مفيد جدا لعملات البومب ) .
2- ظهور المثلث الأبيض يعني وصول الى مستويات تشبع البيع وهي فرصة ممتازه للشراء ( منطقة دخول ).
3- ظهور خط افقي يعني قرب عكس الاتجاه الى أعلى ( منطقة دخول ) .
4- ظهور مثلث أحمر يعني قرب عكس الاتجاه الى أسفل ( منطقة خروج ) .
5- التنبيه يعمل على جميع ما ذكر أعلاه في تنبيه واحد حتى تسهل المراقبة .
6- أفضل فواصل الاستخدام ( 4 ساعات ، 12 ساعه ، يوم ) .
Table SessionIt's a part of a script taken from the lux_Algo indicator and optimized with the BTCUSDT symbol to display the real status of sessions since the crypto market is always open.
Key Features:
Customizable Sessions: Choose from major global financial centers, including New York, London, Tokyo, and Sydney. Customize the parameters for each session according to your preferences.
Intuitive Dashboard: The interactive dashboard displays real-time active and inactive sessions, providing you with an instant overview of the market status.
Automatic Timezone Support: Avoid timezone confusion with automatic exchange timezone support.
Customizable Aesthetics: Tailor the appearance of the table to your style with customization options, whether it's vibrant colors or text sizes.
Easy to Use: No technical expertise required. Simply enable the sessions you want to display and let the script handle the rest.
Why Choose "Table Session":
Time-Saving: Eliminate the time-consuming manual search for trading sessions. Our script does it for you, freeing up your attention for more critical decisions.
Unmatched Decision-Making: Instantly identify prime trading opportunities by understanding which sessions are active and when.
Total Flexibility: Customize the script to your trading style and preferred markets for a tailored trading experience.
Optimized Alligator RateA less conventional way of utilizing the "Williams Alligator," the Optimized Rate uses the rate of change of the averages within the Alligator in order to potentially forecast with greater accuracy. The true optimization comes from the calculation of the "McGinley Dynamic" to create zero lag smoothed moving averages. It's important to note the standard Alligator has always used the SMMA. Lastly, divergence between the rates has been calculated in plotting for clarification.
TPG.Buy sell RSI Scapl XAUThis is a tool that is widely used
Especially for Overbought and Oversold systems, but I have made some changes in this indicator,
How to use it...
I have set it as the default setting
- RSI Length: 6 (<10 for scalping - 5m-15m)
- Overbought: 70
- Oversold: 30
What is unique about this tool?
we can see 3 conditions:
1) RSI Overbought / Oversold with Bullish Engulfing / Bearish Engulfing
2) RSI Overbought / Oversold with Hammer and Shooting Star
3) RSI Overbought / Oversold with 2 Bullish Bars / 2 Bearish Bars
4) RSI Overbought / Oversold with All Patterns at the same time
When the RSI reaches its Oversold line, the code will wait for Bullish Engulfing pattren, when oversold and Bullish engulfing matched, This indicator will generate a buy signal when the condition is met,
and same as for Bear market, When the RSI reaches its Overbought line, the code will wait for Bearish Engulfing pattren, This indicator will generate a sell/exit signal when the condition is met,
2nd condition is that a Hammer candle will be waited for when RSI touches the Overbought line, for Bullish Move
and Shooting Star candle will be waited for when RSI touches the Overbought line, for Bullish Move, for Bearish Move
3rd Condition is also the same as Condition 1 and Condition 2,
When the RSI reaches its Oversold line, the code will wait for 2 Bullish Bars, when oversold and 2 Bullish Bars matched then this indicator will generate a buy signal, and same as for Bear market,
When the RSI reaches its Overbought line, the code will wait for 2 Bearish Bars, when overbought and 2 Bearish Bars matched then this indicator will generate a Sell signal,
4th Condition is that we can use All Conditions at the same time,
- Bullish Engulfing / Bearish Engulfing
- Hammer and Shooting Star
- 2 Bullish Bars / 2 Bearish Bars
Williams %R SKGThis is William% R indicator alongwith EMA and RSI overbought and oversold background
Combined Indicator by rocky vermaThe combined indicator you've provided consists of three different indicator logics. Here's how to use it:
1. **Indicator 1: Trend Trader AVR Strategy**
- This indicator is based on the Trend Trader AVR Strategy.
- It uses three input parameters: `Length1`, `LengthMA1`, and `Multiplier1`.
- The indicator plots a moving average (`nResMA1`) and changes the bar color based on certain conditions.
- The conditions for changing the bar color are defined in the `pos1` variable.
2. **Indicator 2: HYE Trend Hunter**
- This indicator is based on the HYE Trend Hunter strategy.
- It uses various input parameters such as `slowtenkansenPeriod`, `slowkijunsenPeriod`, `fasttenkansenPeriod`, and `fastkijunsenPeriod`.
- The logic of this indicator is not fully provided in your code snippet, but it seems to calculate various values related to the HYE Trend Hunter strategy.
3. **Indicator 3: Phenom**
- This indicator provides EMA (Exponential Moving Average) lines with different lengths.
- It allows you to configure whether to display EMA lines and their colors.
- Additionally, it provides options to display stop loss levels based on ATR (Average True Range).
To use this combined indicator:
- Apply it to a chart in TradingView by copying the entire code snippet and pasting it into the Pine Script editor.
- Configure the input parameters for each of the three indicator logics as desired. You can adjust the input values in the indicator's settings panel on the chart.
- You can also modify the indicator's appearance by changing the plot colors or turning on/off specific components.
- Once you have configured the input parameters and appearance settings to your liking, you can then interpret the signals and information provided by the three indicator logics on the chart.
Keep in mind that this is a basic combination of the three indicators you provided, and it may require further customization to meet your specific trading strategy and preferences. Additionally, ensure you thoroughly understand the strategies and conditions used by each of the indicators to make informed trading decisions.
Williams %R with EMA'sThe provided Pine Script code presents a comprehensive technical trading strategy on the TradingView platform, incorporating the Williams %R indicator, exponential moving averages (EMAs), and upper bands for enhanced decision-making. This strategy aims to help traders identify potential buy and sell signals based on various technical indicators, thereby facilitating more informed trading decisions.
The key components of this strategy are as follows:
**Williams %R Indicator:** The Williams %R, also known as the "Willy," is a momentum oscillator that measures overbought and oversold conditions. In this code, the Williams %R is calculated with a user-defined period (default 21) and smoothed using an exponential moving average (EMA).
**Exponential Moving Averages (EMAs):** Two EMAs are computed on the Williams %R values. The "Fast" EMA (default 8) responds quickly to price changes, while the "Slow" EMA (default 21) provides a smoother trend-following signal. Crossovers and divergences between these EMAs can indicate potential buy or sell opportunities.
**Candle Color Detection:** The code also tracks the color of candlesticks, distinguishing between green (bullish) and red (bearish) candles. This information is used in conjunction with other indicators to identify specific trading conditions.
**Additional Upper Bands:** The script introduces upper bands at various levels (-5, -10, -20, -25) to create zones for potential buy and sell signals. These bands are visually represented on the chart and can help traders gauge the strength of a trend.
**Alert Conditions:** The code includes several alert conditions that trigger notifications when specific events occur, such as %R crossing certain levels, candle color changes within predefined upper bands, and EMA crossovers.
**Background Highlighting:** The upper bands and the zero line are visually highlighted with different colors, making it easier for traders to identify critical price levels.
This code is valuable for traders seeking a versatile technical strategy that combines multiple indicators to improve trading decisions. By incorporating the Williams %R, EMAs, candlestick analysis, and upper bands, it offers a holistic approach to technical analysis. Traders can customize the parameters to align with their trading preferences and risk tolerance. The use of alerts ensures that traders are promptly notified of potential trade setups, allowing for timely execution and risk management. Overall, this code serves as a valuable tool for traders looking to make more informed decisions in the dynamic world of financial markets.
Pivotal MomentsPivotal Moments draws lines for each of up to 500 pivot high and pivot low levels that have never been revisited at the present moment in time. After the Pivotal Moments indicator has been loaded onto chart and any of the subsequent realtime bars that are formed touch or cross a pivot level it is deleted. The duration for how long any touched or crossed pivot levels remain on chart before deletion may be extended by N bars or N units of time.
There are user selectable options for the following:
• Pivot Bars Left : the number of lower highs or higher lows that must be formed before a possible pivot bar can occur.
• Right : the number of lower highs or higher lows that must be formed after potential pivot to validate a pivot bar.
• Lines Show As : the choice of line style to use for the drawn pivot levels includes Dashed, Dotted, or Solid.
• Wide : the number of lines wide for how thick the drawn pivot levels are desired to be on the chart.
• Delay Removal : the number of units that touched or crossed pivot levels will persist on chart.
• Units : the choice of which delay unit type includes nBars, nSecs, nMins, nHrs, or nDays.
• Extend Right : the number of bars right of current bar to extend drawn pivot levels.
• Show : the number of maximum recent drawn pivot levels to keep on chart.
• Colors Used : the colors used for pivots high, low, and dual pivot bars.
• Show Price Labels : the choice whether to show prices for levels.
• On Right : the choice to move prices to right of pivot levels.
• Show Pivot Bars : the choice to colorize pivot bars.
If desired, alerts can be received for whenever new touches or crosses occur for both pivot highs and pivot lows by creating a single Alert. Note that these alerts are triggered by realtime bars which by their very nature are repainting prices, thus the alert creation window will warn of this with an orange exclamation symbol. For an illustration of how to create alerts for this indicator click the chart below:
Credit: this indicator was originally built for @Luckshury, who has graciously given me permission to publish it publicly.
NOTICE: This is an example script and not meant to be used as an actual strategy. By using this script or any portion thereof, you acknowledge that you have read and understood that this is for research purposes only and I am not responsible for any financial losses you may incur by using this script!
DrNon_NASDAQ10Title: NASDAQ 10 Index with TOP 10 Securities
TradingView offers traders and investors a powerful platform for technical analysis and trading. One of its notable features is the ability to create custom indices based on the values of multiple individual securities. In this blog post, we will explore how to build a custom index with 10 securities in TradingView using Pine Script, the platform's proprietary programming language.
Custom indices allow market participants to track the performance of a specific group of securities, providing valuable insights into the collective performance of the chosen assets. By leveraging Pine Script, traders can easily develop and deploy custom indicators and strategies to build their own indices.
The script provided focuses on creating a custom index with 10 securities. The selected securities include popular stocks such as AAPL (Apple Inc.), MSFT (Microsoft Corporation), GOOG (Alphabet Inc.), AMZN ( Inc.), NVDA (NVIDIA Corporation), TSLA (Tesla Inc.), META (Facebook, Inc.), AVGO (Broadcom Inc.), PEP (PepsiCo, Inc.), and COST (Costco Wholesale Corporation).
Using the security() function in Pine Script, we retrieve the closing prices of each individual security to ensure accurate data for the index calculation.
The index value is then calculated by summing the closing prices of the 10 securities. This simple arithmetic operation captures the overall performance of the custom index.
To visualize the index, we use the plot() function to display the index value on the chart. Traders can observe the custom index alongside other technical indicators or price action, aiding in decision-making and market analysis.
By building a custom index with 10 securities in TradingView, traders gain a consolidated view of the performance of these chosen assets. This allows for easier tracking of sector trends, evaluation of specific strategies, and the ability to compare the performance of individual portfolios against the broader market.
TradingView's Pine Script provides traders and investors with a flexible solution to build custom indices. By defining the 10 individual securities, calculating the index value, and plotting it on the chart, traders can monitor the collective performance of these chosen assets. Custom indices offer insights into sector performance, enable the evaluation of specific strategies, and provide a benchmark for comparing portfolio performance. By harnessing the power of custom indices in TradingView, traders can enhance their decision-making process and gain a competitive edge in the market.
Higher Fibonacci EMAOverall image:
If the closing price is higher than the three Fibonacci EMAs (uptrend):
Thanks to @ZenAndTheArtOfTrading and his indicator "Higher Timeframe EMA", URL =
This is a trend-discriminating indicator that uses 3 EMAs.
The Williams Alligator is the underlying philosophy, and we have applied it to capture the larger trend.
It is set up for the current time frame + 2 higher time frames.
One of the upper time legs has a daily EMA length of 13 Fibonacci numbers.
The top-level time leg has a weekly EMA with a length of 5 Fibonacci.
If the current closing price of the ticker leg is higher than these three EMAs, the bar color will be green. If it is lower, it will be red. If it is neither, it will be gray.
If the bar color is green, it suggests that the trend is upward. If it is red, you can consider entering short. If it is gray, it is best not to enter anything.
Williams %R Cross Strategy with 200 MA Filter
1. The script is a trading strategy based on the Williams %R indicator and a 200-period moving average (MA) filter.
2. The user can input the length of the Williams %R indicator (`wrLength`), the threshold for %R crossing (`crossPips`), the take profit level in pips (`takeProfitPips`), and the stop loss level in pips (`stopLossPips`).
3. The script calculates the Williams %R using the `ta.highest` and `ta.lowest` functions to find the highest high and lowest low over the specified length (`wrLength`).
4. It also calculates a 200-period simple moving average (`ma200`) using the `ta.sma` function.
5. The entry conditions are defined as follows:
- For a long entry, it checks if the Williams %R crosses above the -50 line by a threshold of `crossPips` and if the close price is above the 200-period MA.
- For a short entry, it checks if the Williams %R crosses below the -50 line by a threshold of `crossPips` and if the close price is below the 200-period MA.
6. The exit conditions are defined as follows:
- For a long position, it checks if the close price reaches the take profit level (defined as the average entry price plus `takeProfitPips` in pips) or the stop loss level (defined as the average entry price minus `stopLossPips` in pips).
- For a short position, it checks if the close price reaches the take profit level (defined as the average entry price minus `takeProfitPips` in pips) or the stop loss level (defined as the average entry price plus `stopLossPips` in pips).
7. The script uses the `strategy.entry` function to place long and short orders when the respective entry conditions are met.
8. It uses the `strategy.close` function to close the long and short positions when the respective exit conditions are met.
The script allows you to customize the parameters such as the length of Williams %R, the crossing threshold, take profit and stop loss levels, and the moving average period to suit your trading preferences.
Alpha Fractal BandsWilliams fractals are remarkable support and resistance levels used by many traders. However, it can sometimes be challenging to use them frequently and get confirmation from other oscillators and indicators. With the new "Alpha Fractal Bands", a unique blend of Williams Fractals and Bollinger Bands emerges, offering a fresh perspective. Extremes can be utilized as price reversals or for taking profits. I look forward to hearing your thoughts. Best regards... Happy trading!
An easy solution for long positions is to:
Identify a bullish trend or a potential entry point for a long position.
Set a stop-loss order to limit potential losses if the trade goes against you.
Determine a target price or take-profit level to lock in profits.
Consider using technical indicators or analysis tools to confirm the strength of the bullish trend.
Regularly monitor the trade and make necessary adjustments based on market conditions.
An easy solution for short positions could be to follow these steps:
Identify a bearish trend or a potential entry point for a short position.
Set a stop-loss order to limit potential losses if the trade goes against you.
Determine a target price or take-profit level to lock in profits.
Consider using technical indicators or analysis tools to confirm the strength of the bearish trend.
Regularly monitor the trade and make necessary adjustments based on market conditions.
Remember, it's important to conduct thorough research and analysis before entering any trade and to manage your risk effectively.
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Support & Resistance ZonesTitle: A Comprehensive Guide to the Support & Resistance Zones Indicator
In the world of technical analysis, the Support & Resistance Zones indicator plays a crucial role in identifying potential trading opportunities. These zones are essential for traders looking to capitalize on bounces or break and retests. In this article, we will delve into the specifics of the Support & Resistance Zones indicator, outlining how it works, how it finds and marks zones, and the various options available for traders.
What the indicator is about
The Support & Resistance Zones indicator, developed by @HarryCTC, is a powerful tool for detecting areas of potential price reversal or consolidation in a financial market. These zones are significant as they can act as a guide for traders to make informed decisions on entering or exiting positions. Specifically, the indicator helps identify:
1. Support Zones: Areas where the price has a tendency to bounce back up after falling, indicating a potential buying opportunity.
2. Resistance Zones: Areas where the price has a tendency to reverse after rising, indicating a potential selling opportunity.
How the indicator finds its zones
The Support & Resistance Zones indicator utilizes pivot points to identify potential support and resistance levels. By analyzing the fractal structure of the price chart, the indicator identifies key turning points, known as bull and bear fractals. The bull fractal is a high pivot point, while the bear fractal is a low pivot point.
The fractal structure is determined by the 'Switch Zone Period' input, which can be adjusted to suit the trader's preferences. A higher value will result in fewer zones being identified, while a lower value will result in more zones.
How it marks zones and why it marks zones
The indicator marks the support and resistance zones by creating rectangular boxes around the identified fractal points. The zones are extended horizontally from the fractal point, allowing traders to visualize the potential areas of price reversal.
The zones are marked for the following reasons:
1. To provide a clear visual representation of potential support and resistance levels.
2. To help traders identify potential entry and exit points based on the price's reaction to these zones.
3. To serve as a reference for stop-loss and take-profit levels when planning trades.
The indicator's for traders trading bounces or break and retests
Traders who focus on trading bounces or break and retests can benefit immensely from the Support & Resistance Zones indicator. By providing a visual representation of key support and resistance levels, the indicator enables traders to:
1. Identify potential buying opportunities at support zones where the price is likely to bounce back up.
2. Identify potential selling opportunities at resistance zones where the price is likely to reverse after rising.
3. Make informed decisions on stop-loss and take-profit levels based on the price's proximity to support and resistance zones.
4. Monitor the market for potential breakouts or breakdowns when the price breaches these zones.
Indicator options
The Support & Resistance Zones indicator offers several customizable options to suit the trader's preferences. These options include:
1. Switch Zone Period: Adjusts the number of periods used to calculate the fractal structure, influencing the number of identified zones.
2. No. of Displayed Zones: Determines the maximum number of zones displayed on the chart, ranging from 1 to 8.
3. Zone Extension: Adjusts the horizontal extension of the support and resistance zones.
4. Resistance Zone Color: Customizes the color of the resistance zone boxes.
5. Support Zone Color: Customizes the color of the support zone boxes.
6. Zone Border Color: Customizes the color of the zone box borders.
The Support & Resistance Zones indicator is a valuable tool for traders looking to identify potential trading opportunities based on the price's interaction with support and resistance levels. By providing a clear visual representation of these zones, the
indicator allows traders to make informed decisions on entry and exit points, stop-loss, and take-profit levels. With customizable options, the indicator can be tailored to suit individual trading preferences and strategies.
Awesome Cumulative Volume OscillatorThe indicator is called the "Awesome Cumulative Volume Oscillator" (ACVO), which analyzes the cumulative trading volume of the underlying asset.
The indicator also plots the deviation of the cumulative trading volume from the first SMA value, which is referred to as the "Cumulative Volume Deviation". The zero-line is plotted as a reference point.
If the "Cumulative Volume Deviation" is greater than 0, it indicates an uptrend, as the cumulative trading volume is above the first SMA value. If the "Cumulative Volume Deviation" is less than 0, it indicates a downtrend, as the cumulative trading volume is below the first SMA value.
However, it is important to note that using a single indicator is not sufficient to conduct a comprehensive market analysis. It is necessary to combine multiple indicators and analysis methods to make informed trading decisions.
WillyCycle Oscillator&DoubleMa/ErkOzi/version 2This oscillator can be customized by adjusting the length of the Willy period, the length of Willy's EMA, and the upper and lower bands. The upper and lower bands help traders identify overbought and oversold conditions.
The WillyCycle Oscillator is a technical analysis tool used to measure the momentum of an asset and identify overbought and oversold conditions based on the price range of a specific period and calculating the percentage of the closing price in that range. The WillyCycle Oscillator consists of two main components: Willy and Willy's EMA. The Willy component is the percentage calculation of the asset's price range, and Willy's EMA is the exponential moving average of the Willy component. Willy's EMA is used to smooth out the Willy component and make it easier to identify trends.
*** When the oscillator is above the 80 level, it indicates that the asset is overbought, and when it is below the 20 level, it indicates that the asset is oversold. Traders can use these levels as a guide for buying and selling signals.
***Traders can also use the WillyCycle Oscillator to identify trend reversals. When the oscillator rises above the 50 level, it signals a potential uptrend, and when it falls below the 50 level, it signals a potential downtrend.
***I have added a smoothed line option to the WillyCycle Oscillator, which allows traders to see a more smoothed version of the oscillator. This option can be enabled by setting the 'smoothed' input to true. The default value for the smoothed line is 15.
***We have also changed the value range of the WillyCycle Oscillator from -100 to 100 to 0 to 100. This change was made to make the oscillator more user-friendly and easier to read.
In conclusion, the WillyCycle Oscillator is a versatile tool that can help traders identify potential trading opportunities and trend reversals. Traders can customize the oscillator to fit their trading style and preferences. Adding a smoothed line and changing the value range can enhance the user experience and make the oscillator easier to use.
Volume change [ Unlimited ]This indicator displays volume and volume change information on a chart. It is designed to help traders analyze changes in trading volume over time and identify potential trading opportunities.
The indicator takes an input from the user to set the length of the exponential moving average (EMA) applied to the volume data. This EMA is used to smooth out short-term fluctuations in volume and highlight the overall trend in volume.
The indicator calculates whether the current bar is up or down and calculates the change in volume. It then sets the color of the volume and volume change columns based on whether the bar is up or down and whether the volume change is positive or negative.
By displaying this information on a chart, the indicator can help traders identify patterns or trends in volume and volume change that may indicate potential trading opportunities. For example, increasing volume along with rising prices could indicate strong buying pressure and a potential bullish trend, while decreasing volume along with falling prices could indicate weak selling pressure and a potential bearish trend.
Fractals PivotsWhich trader does not know pivots? There are a lot of varieties of pivots indicators of which some are a default on most trading platforms. So what better way to challenge yourself then to create your own kind of pivots. Let's welcome the idea of Fractal Pivots.
Williams Fractal or fractals is a technical analysis indicator introduced by the famous trader Bill Williams in his book ‘Trading Chaos’. He developed it on the basis of the Chaos Theory and trading psychology. The indicator is centred around the idea that there is repetition in price behaviour and fractals can provide an insight into those repetitive patterns.
How does the indicator turn these into pivot lines?
The user will set a time period in which the script will look for fractals. It will then remember all the fractals that happen during that time period.
Let's say you are trading the hourly chart with a weekly pivot setting like in the chart this script is published on. The script will highling the 1h fractals that are happening. Then the next week it will use these exact fractals from previous week to draw the pivot lines.
Another example here is an 8h chart. Look how it uses the previous week fractals this week.
Let me know if you find a very great fractal length+timeframe setting where the levels really get respected. I would really appreciate that.
[JL] Fractals ATR BlockI decided to combine Fractal ROC , ATR Break, and Order Blocks to an Indicator
The Fractal ROC , ATR Break, and Order Blocks indicator combines three concepts to help traders identify potential trade opportunities and manage risk. By using a combination of Fractal ROC , ATR Break, and Order Blocks, traders can gain a deeper understanding of market dynamics and make more informed trading decisions.
Fractal ROC is a momentum-based indicator that calculates the rate of change of the price between fractals, which are turning points in the market. It is calculated by taking the difference between the closing price and the lowest price in the previous n+1 periods, and dividing it by the difference between the open price 2n periods ago and the lowest price in the previous n+1 periods. This calculation is done for both up and down fractals. When the Fractal ROC value is greater than the ROC Break Level (as determined by the input variable roclevel), it indicates a potential momentum shift in the market. This can be used to identify potential trade entries or exits, depending on your trading strategy.
ATR Break is an indicator that helps traders identify significant price movements in the market. It measures the distance between the price and the Average True Range (ATR), which is a measure of the volatility of the market. ATR Break is calculated by taking the difference between the close and high/low, and dividing it by the previous ATR value. This calculation is done for both up and down movements. When the ATR Break value is greater than the ATR Break Level (as determined by the input variable atrlevel), it indicates a significant move in the market. This can be used to identify potential breakouts or breakdowns, and can be used to set stop-loss and take-profit levels.
An Order Block is a price level where significant buying or selling activity has taken place. The order blocks made by ATR Break and Fractal ROC are drawn using boxes on the chart. When the ATR or Fractal ROC level is breached, a box is drawn with the high and low of the candle that breached the level as the top and bottom of the box, respectively. The box is then extended to the right until the end of the chart or until another ATR or Fractal ROC level is breached, at which point a new box is drawn. This allows traders to easily identify significant price movements and potential support and resistance levels on the chart. When an Order Block is identified, it can be used as a potential support or resistance level . If price approaches an Order Block from below, it is likely to bounce off this level and continue in an upward direction. Similarly, if price approaches an Order Block from above, it is likely to bounce off this level and continue in a downward direction. Traders can use these levels to identify potential trade entries or exits, as well as to set stop-loss and take-profit levels.
Overall, the Fractal ROC , ATR Break, and Order Blocks indicator is a powerful tool for traders who want to identify potential trade opportunities and manage risk. By combining these three concepts, traders can gain a deeper understanding of market dynamics and make more informed trading decisions. As with any indicator, it is important to use it in conjunction with other analysis tools and to have a clear trading plan in place.
Momentum Trend Fusion (MTF)The Momentum Trend Fusion (MTF) is a composite indicator that combines the Awesome Oscillator and the Relative Strength Index to provide a unique perspective on market momentum and trend strength. The MTF is calculated by first running the Relative Strength Index (RSI) on the Awesome Oscillator (AO) and then applying an Exponential Moving Average (EMA) on the RSI value. The MTF is designed to help traders detect market phases and confirm trend direction by analyzing the cross of the EMA and RSI, as well as divergences between the AO and price. The MTF can be customized by the user by providing the lengths of the RSI and EMA calculations, making it an ideal tool for traders with different time frames and risk tolerances.
3 indicators in another time frame "3 indicators in another time frame"
1- In the indicator settings section, you can save and change another time period
2-For time frame changes, it should be calculated in minutes
3-Includes three performance indicators ( ichimoku , bollinger bans, pivot ) that are set to a 15-minute timeframe by default.