[The_lurker] RSI-MFI-WPR Indicatoris an advanced trading indicator developed for the TradingView platform, which synergistically refers to the insights of three popular technical analysis tools: the Relative Strength Index (RSI), the Money Flow Index (MFI) and the Williams Indicator. Percentage range (WPR). This indicator is precisely designed to help traders identify potential buy and sell opportunities by accurately interpreting market momentum, volume, and price position relative to recent highs and lows.
The primary goal of the RSI-MFI-WPR Indicator is to provide a comprehensive tool that leverages the combined power of RSI, MFI and WPR to detect overbought and oversold conditions, indicating potential market reversal points. This multi-faceted approach aims to provide traders with a more robust framework for making informed decisions, and enhance their trading strategy through multi-indicator analysis.
Explanation of the indicator conditions
The essence of this indicator lies in its strategic conditions that indicate possible entry and exit points:
Oversold Condition (Condition): This is determined when the RSI and MFI are below 30, and the WPR drops below -91, indicating a strong oversold condition in the market. Such a scenario usually indicates a buying opportunity, assuming that the market may rebound from this oversold state.
Divergence Condition (Condition 1): Checks if the MFI exceeds 2.1 times the RSI. This unique case aims to highlight instances where there is a significant inflow of funds into an asset, which is not proportionately reflected in its RSI, which may indicate an upcoming price increase or highlight an unusual market situation for further From the analysis.
Overbought Warning (conditionExit): An exit signal is triggered when both the MFI and RSI exceed 85, and the WPR is above -15. This combination indicates an overbought condition in the market, indicating that the asset may be overvalued and that a price correction or reversal may be imminent, thus indicating a potential selling opportunity or a warning of initiating new positions.
Application and visualization
The RSI-MFI-WPR Indicator not only provides numerical insights but also displays these conditions on a TradingView chart. Through the use of color coding and plotting, it provides traders with an intuitive way to distinguish market conditions, enabling quick and effective decision-making. Incorporating alert conditions ensures that traders are immediately notified of important market events, in line with their strategic trading objectives.
Planning and alerts in “RSI-MFI-WPR Indicator”
Collected alert status
CombinedAlertCondition is a logical statement that combines all individual conditions (Condition, Condition1, Condition Exit, and The_lurkerMFI_oversold) into a single alert trigger. This condition becomes true and triggers an alert if any of the conditions specified for potential trading opportunities or warnings are met. It is designed to provide a comprehensive alert system that informs the trader of any important signal identified by the indicator, including entry and exit signals as well as oversold conditions.
Visual indicators
Background color for oversold condition: The script sets the background color to a specific shade of blue ( with 90% transparency) when the custom MFI indicates an oversold condition (The_lurkerMFI_oversold). This visual signal helps traders quickly recognize periods when the market may be undervalued and potentially poised for a rebound.
Drawing warning and exit signs:
Entry Signals: For Condition and Condition 1, which identify potential entry points, the indicator draws upward pointing triangles below the price bars. These triangles are colored in specific shades to differentiate signals from a fundamental oversold condition and a divergence condition, making it intuitive for traders to recognize the type of signal.
Exit Signals: For an exit condition, which indicates overbought conditions that may indicate an impending price correction, red downward-pointing triangles are drawn above the price bars. This serves as a clear visual warning to consider exiting positions or proceed with caution.
Configure the alarm
The script uses the conditional alert function to create an alert based on the AlertCondition combination. When this condition is met, any of the predefined signals are indicated
In short, the “RSI-MFI-WPR Indicator” stands out as a versatile and dynamic indicator that enriches a trader's toolkit by combining the analytical strengths of RSI, MFI and WPR. By setting clear conditions for entry and exit points from the market, it facilitates a proactive approach to trading, based on a detailed examination of market dynamics. This indicator demonstrates how mixing multiple technical tools can lead to more informed and accurate market analysis, with the aim of elevating the trading experience on Tradingview.
هو مؤشر تداول متقدم تم تطويره لمنصة TradingView،
والذي يشير بشكل تآزري إلى رؤى ثلاث أدوات تحليل فني شائعة:
1- مؤشر القوة النسبية (RSI)،
2- مؤشر تدفق الأموال (MFI)،
3- مؤشر ويليامز. نطاق النسبة المئوية (WPR).
تم تصميم هذا المؤشر بدقة لمساعدة المتداولين على تحديد فرص الشراء والبيع المحتملة من خلال التفسير الدقيق لزخم السوق وحجمه وموقع السعر بالنسبة إلى الارتفاعات والانخفاضات الأخيرة.
الهدف الأساسي لمؤشر RSI-MFI-WPR هو توفير أداة شاملة تستفيد من القوة المشتركة لمؤشر RSI وMFI وWPR للكشف عن ظروف ذروة الشراء والمبالغة في البيع، مما يشير إلى نقاط انعكاس السوق المحتملة. ويهدف هذا النهج متعدد الأوجه إلى تزويد المتداولين بإطار أكثر قوة لاتخاذ قرارات مستنيرة، وتعزيز استراتيجية التداول الخاصة بهم من خلال تحليل متعدد المؤشرات.
شرح شروط المؤشر
يكمن جوهر هذا المؤشر في ظروفه الإستراتيجية التي تشير إلى نقاط الدخول والخروج المحتملة:
حالة ذروة البيع (الحالة): يتم تحديد ذلك عندما يكون مؤشر القوة النسبية RSI وMFI أقل من 30، وينخفض WPR إلى أقل من -92، مما يشير إلى حالة ذروة بيع قوية في السوق. يشير مثل هذا السيناريو عادةً إلى فرصة شراء، على افتراض أن السوق قد ينتعش من حالة ذروة البيع هذه.
شرط الاختلاف (الشرط 1): يتحقق مما إذا كانت السيولة تتجاوز 2.1 مرة مؤشر القوة النسبية. تهدف هذه الحالة الفريدة إلى تسليط الضوء على الحالات التي يوجد فيها تدفق كبير للأموال إلى أحد الأصول، وهو ما لا ينعكس بشكل متناسب في مؤشر القوة النسبية الخاص به، مما قد يشير إلى زيادة قادمة في الأسعار أو يسلط الضوء على وضع غير عادي في السوق لمزيد من التحليل.
تحذير ذروة الشراء (conditionExit): يتم إطلاق إشارة خروج عندما يتجاوز مؤشر MFI ومؤشر القوة النسبية 85، ويكون WPR أعلى من -15. يشير هذا المزيج إلى حالة ذروة الشراء في السوق، مما يشير إلى أن الأصل قد يكون مبالغًا في قيمته وأن تصحيح السعر أو انعكاسه قد يكون وشيكًا، مما يشير إلى فرصة بيع محتملة أو تحذير ببدء مراكز جديدة.
التطبيق والتصور
لا يوفر مؤشر RSI-MFI-WPR رؤى رقمية فحسب، بل يعرض أيضًا هذه الشروط على مخطط TradingView. من خلال استخدام الترميز اللوني والتخطيط، فإنه يوفر للمتداولين طريقة بديهية للتمييز بين ظروف السوق، مما يتيح اتخاذ قرارات سريعة وفعالة. يضمن دمج شروط التنبيه إخطار المتداولين على الفور بأحداث السوق المهمة، بما يتماشى مع أهدافهم التجارية الإستراتيجية.
التخطيط والتنبيهات في مؤشر RSI-MFI-WPR
حالة التنبيه التي تم جمعها ( CombinedAlertCondition ) عبارة منطقية تجمع كل الشروط الفردية
Condition، Condition1، Condition Exit، وThe_lurkerMFI_oversold في مشغل تنبيه واحد.
ليصبح هذا الشرط صحيحًا ويطلق تنبيهًا في حالة استيفاء أي من الشروط المحددة لفرص التداول المحتملة أو التحذيرات. وهو مصمم لتوفير نظام تنبيه شامل يُعلم المتداول بأي إشارة مهمة يحددها المؤشر، بما في ذلك إشارات الدخول والخروج بالإضافة إلى ظروف ذروة البيع.
المؤشرات البصرية
لون الخلفية لحالة ذروة البيع: يقوم البرنامج النصي بتعيين لون الخلفية إلى ظل معين من اللون الأزرق (بشفافية 90٪) عندما تشير مؤسسة التمويل الأصغر المخصصة إلى حالة ذروة البيع (The_lurkerMFI_oversold). تساعد هذه الإشارة المرئية المتداولين على التعرف بسرعة على الفترات التي قد تكون فيها السوق مقومة بأقل من قيمتها الحقيقية ومن المحتمل أن تكون مستعدة للانتعاش.
رسم علامات التحذير والخروج:
إشارات الدخول: بالنسبة للحالة والحالة 1، التي تحدد نقاط الدخول المحتملة، يرسم المؤشر مثلثات تشير إلى الأعلى أسفل أشرطة السعر. يتم تلوين هذه المثلثات بظلال محددة لتمييز الإشارات عن حالة ذروة البيع الأساسية وحالة التباعد، مما يجعل من السهل على المتداولين التعرف على نوع الإشارة.
إشارات الخروج: بالنسبة لحالة الخروج، التي تشير إلى ظروف ذروة الشراء التي قد تشير إلى تصحيح وشيك للسعر، يتم رسم مثلثات حمراء تشير إلى الأسفل فوق أشرطة السعر. يعد هذا بمثابة تحذير مرئي واضح للنظر في الخروج من المواقف أو المضي قدمًا بحذر.
تكوين المنبه
يستخدم البرنامج النصي وظيفة التنبيه الشرطي لإنشاء تنبيه بناءً على مجموعة AlertCondition. عند استيفاء هذا الشرط، تتم الإشارة إلى أي من الإشارات المحددة مسبقًا
باختصار، يبرز "مؤشر RSI-MFI-WPR" كمؤشر متعدد الاستخدامات وديناميكي يثري مجموعة أدوات المتداول من خلال الجمع بين نقاط القوة التحليلية لـ RSI وMFI وWPR. ومن خلال وضع شروط واضحة لنقاط الدخول والخروج من السوق، فإنه يسهل اتباع نهج استباقي للتداول، بناءً على فحص تفصيلي لديناميكيات السوق. يوضح هذا المؤشر كيف أن الجمع بين أدوات فنية متعددة يمكن أن يؤدي إلى تحليل سوق أكثر استنارة ودقة، بهدف رفع مستوى تجربة التداول على Tradingview.
باختصار :
1- ظهور المثلث الاصفر يعني تواجد سيولة كبيره ( مفيد جدا لعملات البومب ) .
2- ظهور المثلث الأبيض يعني وصول الى مستويات تشبع البيع وهي فرصة ممتازه للشراء ( منطقة دخول ).
3- ظهور خط افقي يعني قرب عكس الاتجاه الى أعلى ( منطقة دخول ) .
4- ظهور مثلث أحمر يعني قرب عكس الاتجاه الى أسفل ( منطقة خروج ) .
5- التنبيه يعمل على جميع ما ذكر أعلاه في تنبيه واحد حتى تسهل المراقبة .
6- أفضل فواصل الاستخدام ( 4 ساعات ، 12 ساعه ، يوم ) .
Mean and Standard Deviation Lines Description:
Calculates the mean and standard deviation of close-to-close price differences over a specified period, providing insights into price volatility and potential breakouts.
Manually calculates mean and standard deviation for a deeper understanding of statistical concepts.
Plots the mean line, upper bound (mean + standard deviation), and lower bound (mean - standard deviation) to visualize price behavior relative to these levels.
Highlights bars that cross the upper or lower bounds with green (above) or red (below) triangles for easy identification of potential breakouts or breakdowns.
Customizable period input allows for analysis of short-term or long-term volatility patterns.
Probability Interpretations based on Standard Deviation:
50% probability: mean or expected value
68% probability: Values within 1 standard deviation of the mean (mean ± stdev) represent roughly 68% of the data in a normal distribution. This implies that around 68% of closing prices in the past period fell within this range.
95% probability: Expanding to 2 standard deviations (mean ± 2*stdev) captures approximately 95% of the data. So, in theory, there's a 95% chance that future closing prices will fall within this wider range.
99.7% probability: Going further to 3 standard deviations (mean ± 3*stdev) encompasses nearly 99.7% of the data. However, these extreme values become less likely as you move further away from the mean.
Key Features:
Uses manual calculations for mean and standard deviation, providing a hands-on approach.
Excludes the current bar's close price from calculations for more accurate analysis of past data.
Ensures valid index usage for robust calculation logic.
Employs unbiased standard deviation calculation for better statistical validity.
Offers clear visual representation of mean and volatility bands.
Manual calculations might have a slight performance impact compared to built-in functions.
Not a perfect normal distribution: Financial markets often deviate from a perfect normal distribution. This means probability interpretations based on standard deviation shouldn't be taken as absolute truths.
Non-stationarity: Market conditions and price behavior can change over time, impacting the validity of past data as a future predictor.
Other factors: Many other factors influence price movements beyond just the mean and standard deviation.
Always consider other technical and fundamental factors when making trading decisions.
Potential Use Cases:
Identifying periods of high or low volatility.
Discovering potential breakout or breakdown opportunities.
Comparing volatility across different timeframes.
Complementing other technical indicators for confirmation.
Understanding statistical concepts for financial analysis.
UP DOWN Indicator 1Title: UP DOWN Indicator based on ADX Strategy - Accurate Signal Provider with Enhanced Success Potential
The Martingale ADX Indicator is a groundbreaking tool meticulously crafted to offer traders unparalleled precision in signal generation and risk management. Leveraging the power of the Average Directional Index (ADX), this indicator provides 100% non-repaint signals on the current candle, guiding traders to opportune and prepare for trade entry with remarkable accuracy.
With a focus on empowering traders across various financial markets, including Forex and Binary Options, this ADX Strategy-1 Indicator introduces a unique approach to trading dynamics. By seamlessly integrating the renowned Martingale Step-1 risk management strategy, this indicator not only minimizes losses but also enhances the potential for success, even in volatile market conditions.
Key Features:
Non-Repaint Signals: The Martingale ADX Indicator stands as a testament to reliability, offering 100% non-repaint signals. Traders can trust in the consistency and not removing losing Signals which is very important to trust the previous generated signals also, eliminating uncertainties and facilitating confident decision-making.
ADX-Based Precision: Built upon the robust framework of the Average Directional Index (ADX), this indicator delivers precise signals tailored to prevailing market trends and volatility levels. Whether trading in longer timeframes or engaging in Binary Options, traders can rely on the Martingale Step-1 ADX Indicator for superior insights.
Next Candle Trading: Seamlessly integrated into trading strategies, signals from the Martingale ADX Indicator prompt action on the subsequent candle. This real-time approach ensures traders stay ahead of market movements, seizing opportunities as they emerge. Giving Signals Once Candle ahead makes traders to prepare early and decide whether they want to enter the trade on presented Signal or not as per their own experience too. If the trading candle is loss then the very next candle shall be used for taking Martingale Sep-1 to enhance the Accuracy.
Enhanced Success Potential: With Martingale Step-1 risk management, this ADX Indicator offers more than just signal accuracy – it presents the potential for heightened success rates. Through strategic position sizing and leveraging experience and Price Action insights, traders can elevate overall accuracy to levels ranging from 80% to 90%.
The UP DOWN Strategy-1 Indicator represents a paradigm shift in trading technology, combining precision signal generation with advanced risk management strategies. Whether you're a seasoned trader or just starting your journey, this indicator empowers you to navigate financial markets with confidence and achieve consistent results.
Experience the difference with the Martingale ADX Indicator – where reliability meets profitability, and success becomes attainable with every trade.
Trade wisely, and may your ventures be marked by prosperity and fulfillment.
Pardon for any descriptive language grammatical error and comment about this indicator and to get my other strategy as well. Happy trading !!
Risk Disclaimer:
Trading in financial markets carries inherent risks and should be approached with caution. It is imperative to exercise sound judgment and trade only with funds that you can afford to lose. We strongly advise against using borrowed funds for trading purposes. First practice on demo for own learning then make decision wisely.
BBO_Roxana_Signals MACD + volDescription of BBO_Roxana_Signals MACD + vol Script
This script is designed to provide trading signals based on a combination of the MACD (Moving Average Convergence Divergence) indicator and volume analysis. Here's a systematic breakdown of how the script functions:
Volume Accumulation Check:
The script first accumulates volume data over time. It ensures that there's volume data available for analysis. If no volume data is provided, it generates a runtime error.
MACD Calculation:
The script calculates the MACD indicator using the provided parameters, including fast and slow lengths for exponential moving averages (EMA), as well as signal smoothing.
It computes the fast and slow EMAs, calculates the MACD line by subtracting the slow EMA from the fast EMA, and then computes the signal line.
Volume Oscillator Calculation:
It calculates a volume oscillator by computing the difference between short and long EMAs of volume and then normalizing the result to a percentage.
Signal Generation:
Long signals are generated when there's a crossover of the MACD line above the zero line and the volume oscillator is above the zero line. These are marked on the chart with upward green triangles.
Short signals are generated when there's a crossunder of the MACD line below the zero line and the volume oscillator is above the zero line. These are marked on the chart with downward red triangles.
The script also provides alerts for long signals, short signals, and combined signals. These alerts can be used for automated trading or as notifications for manual trading decisions.
This script should be used in conjunction with other technical analysis tools and trend analysis for comprehensive trading decisions.
It's advisable to backtest the strategy on historical data before deploying it in live trading to evaluate its effectiveness and suitability for your trading goals.
By integrating MACD analysis with volume analysis, the script aims to provide signals based on both momentum and volume trends, offering a more comprehensive approach to trading decision-making.
LV Stock Valuation by Benjamin Graham's FormulaBenjamin Graham's stock valuation formula for growth companies is based on the principle that a stock is a part of a business, and that by analyzing the fundamentals of any company in the stock market, you should be able to derive its intrinsic value independent from its current stock price. Graham suggests that over the long-term, the stock price of a company and its intrinsic/fair value will converge towards each other until the stock price reflects the true value of the company. Finally, Graham recommends that after estimating the intrinsic value of a stock, investors should always purchase the stock with a "margin of safety," to protect oneself from assumptions and potential errors made in the valuation process.
Graham's stock valuation formula to calculate intrinsic value was originally shown in the 1962 edition of Security Analysis as follows:
V = EPS * (8.5 + 2g)
V = intrinsic value per share (over the next 7-10 years)
EPS = earnings per share (over the trailing twelve months (TTM))
8.5 = price-to-earnings (P/E) base for a no-growth company
g = reasonably expected annual growth rate (over the next 7-10 years)
In 1974, Graham revised this formula, as published in The Intelligent Investor, to include a discount rate (aka required rate of return). This was after he concluded that the greatest contributing to stock values and prices over the past decade had been due to interest rates.
Graham's current stock valuation formula is shown below:
V = (EPS * (8.5 + 2g) * Z) / Y
V = intrinsic value per share (over the next 7-10 years)
EPS = diluted earnings per share (over the trailing twelve months (TTM))
8.5 = price-to-earnings (P/E) base for a no-growth company (you can change it manually)
g = reasonably expected annual growth rate (calculated by 5-Yr EPS CAGR%) (you can change year period)
Z = average yield of XXX Bonds (4.4 is default on Graham's formula)
Y = current yield of XXX Bonds
Current bond yield values (Z and Y) are selected as an example from Turkey. You need to change it according to the country of stocks.
Buy price (BP) = Intrinsic value per share * (1 - Margin of safety %)
Margin of safety = selected 20% (you need to change it to 0, if you don’t want to use margin of safety and to see intrinsic value)
Buy price > Current market price: Consider buying the stock, as the current market price appears to be undervalued.
Buy price < Current market price: Consider selling or not buying the stock, as the current market price appears to be overvalued.
Keep in mind that this buy/sell recommendation is purely based on Graham's stock valuation formula and the current market price, and ignores all other fundamental, news, and market factors investors should examine as well before making an investment decision.
Buy price is calculated for 5 different P/E values in the script.
1. with fixed P/E
2. with current P/E
3. with forward P/E
4. with sector P/E (optional)
5. with index P/E (optional)
You can also do calculations by using different growth rate by selecting that option.
Different type of moving averages is also included in the script as an option.
Session breakThis indicator will show future lines before each session start. It will only show London session and US session start.
You can change the color of the lines and time as per day light savings.
RSI MFI WPR Combo [The_lurker]The "RSI MFI WPR Combo" is a sophisticated trading indicator developed for the TradingView platform, which synergistically combines the insights of three renowned technical analysis tools: the Relative Strength Index (RSI), the Money Flow Index (MFI), and the Williams Percent Range (WPR). This indicator is meticulously designed to assist traders in identifying potential buying and selling opportunities through the nuanced interpretation of market momentum, volume, and price position relative to recent highs and lows.
The primary objective of the "RSI MFI WPR Combo" indicator is to offer a comprehensive tool that leverages the combined power of RSI, MFI, and WPR to detect overbought and oversold conditions, signaling potential reversal points in the market. This multifaceted approach aims to provide traders with a more robust framework for making informed decisions, enhancing their trading strategy with a multi-indicator analysis.
Indicator Conditions Explained
The core of this indicator lies in its strategic conditions that signal potential entry and exit points:
Oversold Condition (condition): This is identified when the MFI and RSI are both below 30, and the WPR falls below -91, suggesting a strong oversold market state. Such a scenario typically indicates a buying opportunity, assuming the market might rebound from this excessively sold condition.
Divergence Condition (condition1): It checks if the MFI exceeds 1.93 times the RSI. This unique condition aims to spotlight instances where there's a significant influx of money into an asset, which is not proportionately reflected in its RSI, potentially signaling an upcoming price increase or highlighting an unusual market situation for further analysis.
Overbought Warning (conditionExit): The exit signal is triggered when both the MFI and RSI exceed 85, and the WPR is above -15. This combination is indicative of an overbought market condition, suggesting the asset might be overvalued and a price correction or reversal could be imminent, hence signaling a potential selling opportunity or a caution against initiating new positions.
Application and Visualization
The "RSI MFI WPR Combo" not only provides numerical insights but also visualizes these conditions on the TradingView chart. By employing color-coding and plotting shapes, it offers traders an intuitive way to discern market states, enabling quick and effective decision-making. The integration of alert conditions ensures that traders are promptly notified of significant market events, aligning with their strategic trading objectives.
Plotting and Alerts in "RSI MFI WPR Combo"
Combined Alert Condition
The combinedAlertCondition is a logical statement that consolidates all individual conditions (condition, condition1, conditionExit, and The_lurkerMFI_oversold) into a single alert trigger. This condition becomes true and triggers an alert if any of the specified conditions for potential trading opportunities or warnings are met. It's designed to provide a comprehensive alert system that notifies the trader of any significant signal identified by the indicator, encompassing both entry and exit signals as well as oversold conditions.
Visual Indicators
Background Color for Oversold Condition: The script sets the background color to a specific shade of blue (#13c2e9 with 90% transparency) when the custom MFI indicates an oversold condition (The_lurkerMFI_oversold). This visual cue helps traders quickly identify periods when the market might be undervalued and potentially poised for a rebound.
Plotting Warning and Exit Signals:
Entry Signals: For the condition and condition1, which identify potential entry points, the indicator plots upward-pointing triangles below the price bars. These triangles are colored in specific shades to differentiate between the signals from the basic oversold condition and the divergence condition, making it visually intuitive for traders to recognize the signal type.
Exit Signals: For the conditionExit, signaling overbought conditions that might suggest an imminent price correction, downward-pointing red triangles are plotted above the price bars. This acts as a clear visual warning to consider exiting positions or to proceed with caution.
Alert Configuration
The script utilizes the alertcondition function to create an alert based on the combinedAlertCondition. When this condition is met, indicating any of the predefined signa
In summary, the "RSI MFI WPR Combo" stands out as a versatile and dynamic indicator that enriches a trader's toolkit by combining the analytical strengths of RSI, MFI, and WPR. By delineating clear conditions for market entry and exit points, it facilitates a proactive approach to trading, grounded in a detailed examination of market dynamics. This indicator exemplifies how blending multiple technical tools can lead to a more informed and nuanced market analysis, aiming to elevate the trading experience on the TradingView platform
Asset Rotation ApertureAsset Rotation Aperture visualizes volume accumulation momentum, of multiple assets, side by side.
It's a surgical, multi-purpose leading indicator of price, market narratives and capital rotation.
Each colored line represents the rolling cumulative volume (or open interest) of an asset, index, narrative, or symbol equation. Normalized to each other, relative to each other.
This enables Asset Rotation Aperture to visualize assets and narratives with dramatically different market caps (and therefore different volume accumulation profiles), side by side.
Asset Rotation Aperture is a fork of Money Flow Index, like a centered On Balance Volume.
Modified to more effectively lead price, smoothed to more clearly visualize with clarity, and recursively printed.
I highly recommend selecting symbols from exchanges that dominate volume for the asset(s) you're visualizing.
For crypto, this typically means Binance pairs.
Keep the exchange consistent across symbols whenever possible.
To construct an index / narrative, use the following formula format:
The Y axis represents the asset's percentage of volume accumulated, relative to its norm AND relative to other assets.
It's a made up figure, and I recommend ignoring it.
A visual scan of the data viz is more effective than studying any Y-axis output.
Time Range zoneThis TradingView script displays two time zones on the chart. The first zone starts at 8:00 AM and ends at 1:00 PM, while the second zone starts at 5:00 PM and ends at 10:00 PM. If the current time is within either of these two zones, a green or red background is drawn on the chart, respectively. This script is set by default for my personal XRP strategy.
Moon Zone by AshThis script is designed to highlight monthly zones on a TradingView chart. Each month is assigned a different color for easy identification. The chosen colors have high contrast, making them suitable for a white background. The transparency of the monthly zones is set to 90 to provide a softer effect on the chart. You can save and add this script to your TradingView chart to visualize the highlighted monthly zones with distinct colors. If there are preferences to adjust the colors, you can edit the color values in the script according to your liking.
Volume-Based Reversal and Breakout [The_lurker]Indicator Overview:
The "Volume-Based Reversal and Breakout Indicator" is designed for use on the TradingView platform. Its primary function is to identify potential reversal candles using volume and price criteria and to mark significant breakout points. This tool is particularly valuable for traders who incorporate reversal patterns and volume analysis in their trading strategies.
Detailed Functionality:
Customizable Label Color:
Traders can choose the color of the labels that mark breakout points, allowing for personalization and better visibility on different chart backgrounds.
Volume Multiplier Input:
Users can set a 'Volume Multiplier' to define what constitutes significant trading volume. This multiplier is used to compare the current candle's volume with that of the previous candle. A higher volume on the current candle, as defined by this multiplier, is indicative of a significant trading activity.
Reversal Candle Criteria:
The script identifies a candle as a reversal candle if it meets the following conditions:
The closing price of the candle is lower than its opening price, indicating a bearish sentiment.
The trading volume of the candle is greater than the product of the previous candle's volume and the user-set volume multiplier. This implies increased trading activity during the formation of this candle.
The length of the candle's lower tail is greater than its body, suggesting a rejection of lower prices and potential bullish sentiment building up.
Breakout Identification and Marking:
Upon detecting a reversal candle, the indicator draws lines at the high and low of this candle.
These lines represent potential breakout levels. A breakout is confirmed if the price crosses above the high (indicating a bullish breakout) or below the low (indicating a bearish breakout) of the reversal candle.
When a breakout occurs, the indicator places an arrow marker at the breakout point. The direction of the arrow (upwards or downwards) and its color (customizable by the user) indicate the nature of the breakout.
Breakout Alerts:
The indicator includes an alert condition that notifies traders when a breakout occurs. This feature helps traders to quickly react to potential trading opportunities.
Practical Application:
The indicator is best used in markets with distinct volume patterns, as volume is a key component of its analysis.
It can be combined with other technical analysis tools, such as trend lines or moving averages, for additional confirmation of trading signals.
Traders should consider adjusting the volume multiplier based on the typical volume characteristics of the specific asset they are analyzing.
This "Volume-Based Reversal and Breakout Indicator" is a robust tool that aids traders in identifying potential reversals and breakouts with an emphasis on volume analysis. It's customizable and alert-enabled features make it a versatile addition to a trader's toolkit, suitable for various trading styles and market conditions.
This indicator is provided "as is" without any warranties, either express or implied. The information and data contained within this indicator do not constitute investment advice or a recommendation to buy or sell any security. Users assume full responsibility for any trading decisions made based on the use of this indicator.
Past performance of indicators does not guarantee future results. Investing in financial markets involves risks, including the potential loss of capital. It is strongly advised to consult with a qualified financial advisor before making any investment decisions.
The development of this indicator does not constitute an endorsement or recommendation by TradingView or any other entity. All trademarks and trade names mentioned herein are the property of their respective owners.
ATH Gain PotentialThe indicator quantifies the relative position of a symbol's current closing price in relation to its historical all-time high (ATH).
By evaluating the ratio between the ATH and the present closing price, it provides an analytical framework to estimate the potential gains that could accrue if the symbol were to revert to its ATH from a specified reference point. The ratio serves as a quantitative measure for assessing the distance between the current market value and the symbol's historical peak, enabling investors to gauge the prospective profitability of a return to the ATH.
Gains CorrelationsScript Description: This script is to tie the major futures indexes together at a macro level with the normal relationships (i.e. 10YR Yield, DXY, VIX inversely related to Equities) and determine how strong the correlation is between them using a 20 period average. For example, a move up in the 10YR yield while having a strong inverse covariance with equities should signal a downward move for equities. In addition, if ES and NQ are going down, and the Dow and RTY have a strong covariance, the probability of them going down as well is strong. Overall, it's a macro indicator on broad market movements.
Originality & Usefulness: The script functions by tying 7 major indexes together using correlation strength relative to the currently selected ticker. The user can change the tickers and also invert if needed. This is different from the single correlation script by adding in several as they track in tandem. The chart used is to illustrate periods where correlations are tight with equities and the lines are clustered towards the top range of strong covariance. It also highlights when Equities are far out of line with others like gold (GC). A loose covariance would mean the relationship is weak and this indicator would show a divergence in price action between them. The overall intent is to show that most indexes rise and fall together but sometimes they move faster together.
MoonFlag BTC Daily Swing PredictorThis script mainly works on BTC on the daily timeframe. Other coins also show similar usefulness with this script however, BTC on the daily timeframe is the main design for this script.
(Please note this is not trading advice this is just comments about how this indicator works.)
This script is predictive. It colors the background yellow when the script calculates a large BTC swing is potentially about to happen. It does not predict in which direction the swing will occur but it leads the price action so can be useful for leveraged trades. When the background gets colored with vertical yellow lines - this shows that a largish price swing is probably going to occur.
The scripts also shades bands around the price action that are used to estimate an acceptable volatility at any given time. If the bands are wide that means price action is volatile and large swings are not easily predicted. Over time, with reducing volatility, these price action bands narrow and then at a set point or percentage (%) which can be set in the script settings, the background gets colored yellow. This indicates present price action is not volatile and a large price swing is potentially going to happen in the near future. When price action breaks through the narrowing bands, the background is no longer presented because this is seen as an increase in volatility and a considerable portion of the time, a large sudden drop in price action or momentous gain in price is realized.
This indicator leads price action. It predicts that a swing is possibly going to happen in the near future. As the indicator works on the BTC daily, this means on a day-to-day basis if the bands continually narrow - a breakout is more likely to happen. In order to see how well this indicator works, have a look at the results on the screenshot provided. Note the regions where vertical yellow lines are present on the price action - and then look after these to see if a sizeable swing in price has occurred.
To use this indicator - wait until yellow vertical lines are presented on the BTC daily. Then use your experience to determine which way the price action might swing and consider entering a trade or leveraged trade in this direction. Alternatively wait a while to see in which direction the break-out occurs and considering and attempt to trade with this. Sometimes swings can be unexpected and breakout in one direction before then swinging much larger in the other. Its important to remember/consider that this indicator works on the BTC daily timeframe, so any consideration of entering a trade should be expected to cover a duration over many days or weeks, or possibly months. A large swing is only estimated every several plus months.
Most indicators are based on moving averages. A moving average is not predictive in the sense in that it lags price actions. This indicator creates bands that are based on the momentum of the price action. A change in momentum of price action therefore causes the bands to widen. When the bands narrow this means that the momentum of the price action is steady and price action volatility has converged/reduced over time. With BTC this generally means that a large swing in price action is going to occur as momentum in price action then pick-up again in one direction or another. Trying to view this using moving averages is not easy as a moving average lags price action which means that it is difficult to predict any sudden movements in price action ahead of when they might occur. Although, moving averages will converge over time in a similar manner as the bands calculated by this script. This script however, uses the price action momentum in a predictive manner to estimate where the price action might go based on present price momentum. This script therefore reacts to reduced volatility in price action much faster than a set of moving averages over various timescales can achieve.
RSI Missmatch(Divergence) OSC. by Neo_ with Missmatch Alert█ Definition
A divergence or missmatch occurs when an asset’s price is moving opposite to a specific technical indicator or is moving in a different direction from other relevant data. The divergence indicator warns traders and technical analysts of changes in a price trend, oftentimes that it is weakening or changing direction.
Divergence or missmatch can be either positive, signifying the possibility of a move that is higher in the asset’s price, or it can be negative, signifying the possibility of a move that is lower in the asset’s price.
█ Takeaways
Divergence or missmatch often works with other indicators and data. It is usually used by technical analysts and traders when the asset’s price is moving counter to the direction of another indicator.
As mentioned above, positive divergence or missmatch indicates that the price could start rising and usually occurs when the price is moving lower, but while another indicator counters this direction by moving higher. In other words, showing bullish signals.
Negative divergence or missmatch indicates that the price could start declining and usually occurs when the price is moving higher, while another indicator moves lower as well. In other words, showing bearish signals.
█ What to look for
Divergence or missmatch is most often used to track and analyze the momentum in an asset’s price and the odds of a price reversal within the current trend. While using divergence, traders and analysts can decide on whether or not they would like to exit the position or set a stop loss in the case the divergence is negative and prices begin to fall.
█ Limitations
It is best to use divergence or missmatch with the aid of other indicators and analysis tools in order to help identify and confirm trend reversals and major market patterns. Divergence should not be relied on by itself to tell you the pertinent information you need to know as an investor. Risk control is key in your analysis and the fact that divergence is not always present in price reversals should definitely be what pushes you to combine it with other tools and indicators.
Additionally, divergence or missmatch can reflect long-term or short-term changes. When making snap decisions, acting on divergence alone could prove detrimental to your trading. Make sure you have other risk factors applied to your charting and general market analysis.
█ What exactly is RSI Missmatches discrepancies using a lookback period in trading?
In trading, lookback period is the number of periods of historical data used for observation and calculation. It is how far into the past the system looks when trying to calculate the variable under consideration. The concept was based on the fact that history can provide information about the future, and my aim was to predict the periods when trend changes would begin within these periods with the RSI oscillator. But this is only true if you're locked back far enough, not locked any further or less!
We already use the idea of looking back in different aspects of our lives, and even in the world of financial trading it can be used in various ways. Of course you will want to learn more about the concept, so in this article we will cover the following topics:
█ What kind of hindsight is this?
The aim here is to check whether trends will change in certain cycles, so we chose the High + Low / 2 formula as the source. Because no matter how much the prices swing up or down, sometimes the rebound can go further. The aim here is to notice the points where the price leaves a needle at the levels where it oscillates and the slowdown in momentum.
█ What does look-back period mean in trade?
To understand what a lookback period means in trading, you need to ask yourself: What is a lookback period in trading? In financial trading, period refers to the duration of a particular trading session. For example, a one-week period means one full week of trading sessions or five trading days. In 5 trading days, the average time is 120 hours in FX markets and 40 hours in stock markets. Regardless of what happens in these cycles, I prefer to choose a time period of 55 periods. Because I noticed that in all the charts I examined, the cycles generally changed during this time period.
█ Let's talk about the meaning of catching Missmatches
As you know, technical indicators are all a mathematical calculation using historical market data (price, volume, or a combination of both). It shows the behavior of the price better and helps in the analysis of price movement. But the indicator can only serve your intended purpose if you get the lookback time right. What we mean here is the setting parameter that determines how much historical data it will use in its calculation. In other words, it is the retrospective review period.
For example, on the RSI indicator you can set this period to 13 periods (default setting) or even 2 periods. The period you choose can determine what the indicator tells you, which in turn determines the strategy you can create with the indicator. The 13- period RSI gives you information about price momentum, so you can effectively use it to create a momentum strategy. On the other hand, the 2-periods RSI can be used to create a mean reversion strategy. To catch any incompatibilities, I set this period to 55 periods. Nothing more, nothing less!
█ Summary
The missmatch indicator helps traders assess changes in the price trend and indicates when price will move with or against the direction of another indicator. It can be either positive or negative, but it is important to note its limitations and that it should be used with other indicators that can also monitor price trends.
We wish you to identify these incompatibilities in the market in the best way possible... Good luck.
█ Tanım
Bir varlığın fiyatı belirli bir teknik göstergenin tersi yönünde hareket ettiğinde veya diğer ilgili verilerden farklı bir yönde hareket ettiğinde bir sapma veya uyumsuzluk meydana gelir. Farklılık göstergesi, tüccarları ve teknik analistleri fiyat eğilimindeki değişiklikler konusunda uyarır; çoğu zaman zayıflıyor veya yön değiştiriyor.
Farklılık veya uyumsuzluk, varlığın fiyatında daha yüksek bir hareket olasılığını işaret ederek pozitif olabilir veya varlığın fiyatında daha düşük bir hareket olasılığını işaret ederek negatif olabilir.
█ Çıkarımlar
Farklılık veya uyumsuzluk çoğu zaman diğer göstergeler ve verilerle de çalışır. Genellikle teknik analistler ve yatırımcılar tarafından varlığın fiyatı başka bir göstergenin yönünün tersine hareket ettiğinde kullanılır.
Yukarıda bahsedildiği gibi pozitif sapma veya uyumsuzluk, fiyatın yükselmeye başlayabileceğini gösterir ve genellikle fiyat düşerken meydana gelir, ancak başka bir gösterge bu yöne yükselerek karşı koyar. Başka bir deyişle yükseliş sinyalleri veriyor.
Negatif sapma veya uyumsuzluk, fiyatın düşmeye başlayabileceğini gösterir ve genellikle fiyat yükselirken başka bir gösterge de düşerken meydana gelir. Başka bir deyişle düşüş sinyalleri veriyor.
█ Nelere bakılmalı
Farklılık veya uyumsuzluk çoğunlukla bir varlığın fiyatındaki momentumu ve mevcut trend içinde fiyatın tersine dönme olasılığını izlemek ve analiz etmek için kullanılır. Farklılaşmayı kullanırken tüccarlar ve analistler, sapmanın negatif olması ve fiyatların düşmeye başlaması durumunda pozisyondan çıkmak isteyip istemeyeceklerine veya zararı durdurma kararı verip veremeyeceklerine karar verebilirler.
█ Sınırlamalar
Trend dönüşlerini ve ana piyasa modellerini tanımlamaya ve doğrulamaya yardımcı olmak için diğer göstergeler ve analiz araçlarının yardımıyla sapmayı veya uyumsuzluğu kullanmak en iyisidir. Bir yatırımcı olarak bilmeniz gereken ilgili bilgileri size söylemesi için farklılığa tek başına güvenilmemelidir. Risk kontrolü analizinizin anahtarıdır ve fiyat dönüşlerinde farklılığın her zaman mevcut olmaması gerçeği kesinlikle sizi onu diğer araç ve göstergelerle birleştirmeye iten şey olmalıdır.
Ek olarak, farklılık veya uyumsuzluk uzun vadeli veya kısa vadeli değişiklikleri yansıtabilir. Ani kararlar verirken yalnızca farklılıklara göre hareket etmek ticaretinize zarar verebilir. Grafiğinize ve genel piyasa analizinize başka risk faktörlerinin uygulandığından emin olun.
█ Ticarette yeniden inceleme dönemi kullanan RSI Missmatches tutarsızlıkları tam olarak nedir?
Ticarette yeniden inceleme süresi, gözlem ve hesaplama için kullanılan geçmiş verilerin dönemlerinin sayısıdır. Söz konusu değişkeni hesaplamaya çalışırken sistemin ne kadar geçmişe baktığıdır. Konsept tarihin geleceğe dair bilgi verebileceği gerçeği üzerine kuruluydu ve amacım RSI osilatörü ile bu dönemler içerisinde trend değişimlerinin başlayacağı dönemleri tahmin etmekti. Ancak bu yalnızca yeterince geriye kilitlenmişseniz geçerlidir, daha fazla veya daha az kilitlenmemişseniz!
Geriye bakma fikrini hayatımızın farklı yönlerinde zaten kullanıyoruz ve hatta finansal ticaret dünyasında bile bu fikir çeşitli şekillerde kullanılabilir. Elbette konsept hakkında daha fazla bilgi edinmek isteyeceksiniz, bu nedenle bu yazıda aşağıdaki konuları ele alacağız:
█ Bu nasıl bir sonradan görmedir?
Burada amaç belli döngülerde trendlerin değişip değişmeyeceğini kontrol etmek olduğundan kaynak olarak Yüksek + Düşük / 2 formülünü seçtik. Çünkü fiyatlar ne kadar yukarı veya aşağı hareket ederse etsin bazen toparlanma daha da ileri gidebiliyor. Burada amaç fiyatın salınım yaptığı seviyelerde iğne bıraktığı noktaları ve momentumdaki yavaşlamayı fark etmektir.
█ Ticarette geriye bakma süresi ne anlama geliyor?
Ticarette yeniden inceleme süresinin ne anlama geldiğini anlamak için kendinize şu soruyu sormanız gerekir: Ticarette yeniden inceleme süresi nedir? Finansal ticarette dönem, belirli bir ticaret seansının süresini ifade eder. Örneğin, bir haftalık dönem, bir tam haftalık işlem seansı veya beş işlem günü anlamına gelir. 5 işlem gününde ortalama süre döviz piyasalarında 120 saat, borsalarda ise 40 saattir. Bu döngülerde ne olursa olsun 55 periyotluk bir zaman dilimini seçmeyi tercih ediyorum. Çünkü incelediğim tüm grafiklerde bu zaman diliminde döngülerin genel olarak değiştiğini fark ettim.
█ Kaçak Eşleşmeleri yakalamanın anlamı hakkında konuşalım
Bildiğiniz gibi teknik göstergeler, geçmiş piyasa verileri (fiyat, hacim veya her ikisinin birleşimi) kullanılarak yapılan matematiksel hesaplamalardır. Fiyatın davranışını daha iyi gösterir ve fiyat hareketinin analizine yardımcı olur. Ancak gösterge yalnızca yeniden inceleme süresini doğru yaparsanız amacınıza hizmet edebilir. Burada kast ettiğimiz, hesaplamasında ne kadar geçmiş veri kullanacağını belirleyen ayar parametresidir. Bir başka deyişle geriye dönük inceleme dönemidir.
Örneğin RSI göstergesinde bu süreyi 13 döneme (varsayılan ayar) ve hatta 2 döneme ayarlayabilirsiniz. Seçeceğiniz dönem, göstergenin size ne söyleyeceğini belirleyebilir ve bu da gösterge ile oluşturabileceğiniz stratejiyi belirler. 13 dönemlik RSI size fiyat momentumu hakkında bilgi verir, böylece onu bir momentum stratejisi oluşturmak için etkili bir şekilde kullanabilirsiniz. Öte yandan, ortalamaya dönüş stratejisi oluşturmak için 2 dönemlik RSI kullanılabilir. Herhangi bir uyumsuzluğu yakalamak için bu periyodu 55 periyoda ayarladım. Ne fazla ne eksik!
█ Özet
Uyumsuzluk göstergesi, yatırımcıların fiyat eğilimindeki değişiklikleri değerlendirmesine yardımcı olur ve fiyatın ne zaman başka bir göstergenin yönüne göre veya ona karşı hareket edeceğini gösterir. Olumlu ya da olumsuz olabilir, ancak sınırlamalarına dikkat etmek ve fiyat eğilimlerini de izleyebilecek diğer göstergelerle birlikte kullanılması gerektiğini unutmamak önemlidir.
Piyasadaki bu uyumsuzlukları en iyi şekilde tespit etmenizi dileriz... Bol Kazançlar.
RSI Levels On Chart [MisterMoTA]The values of the RSI Levels On Chart are calculated using Reverse Engineering RSI calculations by Giorgos Siligardos, Ph.D.
Instead of using only the 50 line of the RSI on chart I added options for users to define the Extreme Overbought and Oversold values, also simple Oversold and Overbought values, start of Bullish and Bearish zones and the 50 rsi value.
With the RSI Levels On Chart users are able to see on chart the price that a candles need to close for a certain value of the RSI. E.g. what price is needed for the RSI to be at oversold 30 or what would be the price when rsi will cross the 50 line.
The script has the 50 line color coded that will turn red when the line falling and will change to the user input color when it will be rising, helping users to see fast the clear trend of any asset on any timeframe from 1 second to 12 months.
I added few alerts for rsi overbought, oversold, extreme overbought and extreme oversold, crossing 50 level, crossing bullish or bearish zones values and also alerts for the 50 line falling or rising.
You can use RSI Levels On Chart as a simple indicator or you can add your favorite oscilator(s) to have a clear view of the trends of the markets, in this demo I added RSI + Divergences + Alerts with a moving average set to 50 RMA.
SMIIO + VolumeThis indicator generates long and short signals.
The operation of the indicator is as follows;
First, true strength index is calculated with closing prices. We call this the "ergodic" curve.
Then the average of the ergodic (ema) is calculated to obtain the "signal" curve.
To calculate the "oscillator", the signal is subtracted from ergodic (oscillator = ergodic - signal).
The last variable to be used in the calculation is the average volume, calculated with sma.
Calculation for long signal;
- If the ergodic curve cross up the zero line (ergodic > 0 AND ergodic < 0) and,
- If the current oscillator is greater than the previous oscillator (oscillator > oscillator ) and,
- If the current ergonic is greater than the previous signal (ergonic > signal) and,
- If the current volume is greater than the average volume (volume > averageVolume) and,
- If the current candle closing price is greater than the opening price (close > open)
If all the above conditions are fullfilled, the long input signal is issued with "Buy" label.
Calculation for short signal;
- If the ergodic curve cross down the zero line (ergodic < 0 AND ergodic > 0) and,
- If the current oscillator is smaller than the previous oscillator (oscillator < oscillator ) and,
- If the current ergonic is smaller than the previous signal (ergonic < signal) and,
- If the current volume is greater than the average volume (volume > averageVolume) and,
- If the current candle closing price is smaller than the opening price (close < open)
If all the above conditions are fullfilled, the short input signal is issued with "Sell" label.
Live Economic Calendar by toodegrees⚠️ PLEASE READ ⚠️
Although this indicator is accurate in showcasing live and upcoming News Events, checking the original sources is always suggested. This indicator aims to save Time, but due to limitations it may not be 100% correct 100% of the Time.
The Live Economic Calendar indicator seamlessly integrates with external news sources to provide real-Time, upcoming, and past financial news directly on your Tradingview chart.
By having a clear understanding of when news are planned to be released, as well as their respective impact, analysts can prepare their weeks and days in advance. These injections of volatility can be harnessed by analysts to support their thesis, or may want to be avoided to ensure higher probability market conditions. Fundamentals and news releases transcend the boundaries of technical analysis, as their effects are difficult to predict or estimate.
Designed for both novice and experienced traders, the Live Economic Calendar indicator enhances your analysis by keeping you informed of the latest and upcoming market-moving news.
This is achieved with three different visual components:
News Table: A dedicated News Table shows the Day of the Week, Date, Time of the Day, Currency, Expected Impact, and News Name for each event (in chronological order). Once a news event has occurred, or the day is over, it will be greyed out – helping to focus on the next upcoming news events.
News Lines: Vertical lines plotted in the future help analysts monitor upcoming news events; vertical lines in the past help analysts spot and backtest previous news events that already occurred.
News Labels: Color-coded news labels will plot once the news events have occurred. This not only gives analysts a minimalistic visual cue, but also retains the information of which news were released at that Time in their tooltips.
Forex Factory Calendar News Feed:
The Forex Factory Data Feed includes news events from January 2007 to the present. The data is updated daily. Please see the Technical Description below for more information.
Forex Factory provides news for all major currencies and markets:
Australia (AUD)
Canada (CAD)
Switzerland (CHF)
China (CNY)
European Union (EUR)
United Kingdom (GBP)
Japan (JPY)
New Zealand (NZD)
United States of America (USD)
Further, there are four types of news impact, defined by respective color-coding which is retained to avoid confusion:
⚪ Holiday
🟡 Low Impact
🟠 Medium Impact
🔴 High Impact
News' Time of the day data is in 24H format, and 'All Day' news are marked at Daily candle open.
⚠️ Original Release Notes ⚠️
The original release of this indicator supports the Forex Factory News Calendar in EST (New York Time). Future updates will include multiple news sources, as well as supporting different Timezones.
Given Data limitations, the Daily chart can omit some data due to the market being close on some days. This will be fixed in the future once an efficient solution is implemented.
Key Features:
Impact-Based News Filtering: Filter news items based on their expected impact (holiday, low, medium, high) to focus on the most market-critical information.
Symbol-Specific News: Automatically filter news to display only what's relevant to the currency pair or trading symbol you are analyzing.
Custom Currency News: Want to see more than the news relevant to the current symbol? Toggle which markets' news you are most interested in.
Chart History: Keep your charts clean by displaying only the drawings of Today's news, or This Week's news.
Custom Lookback: Look further back in Time by choosing a custom number of Lookback Days, allowing you to backtest and keep in mind salient news events from the past.
Line and Label Customization: Both the News Lines and Labels are highly customizable (except the colors), allowing you to make the indicator yours.
Table History: Choose whether to focus on Today's news only, or the news for This Week.
Table Customization: The table colors and position are highly customizable, allowing you to make it fit your visual preference and your layouts' aesthetic.
"Wondering how it's done? 👇"
Technical Description:
This script utilizes Pine Seeds , a service integrated with TradingView for importing custom data. This stunning feature enables users to upload and access custom End Of Day (EOD) data, which can be updated as frequently as five times daily.
This data can be imported in one of two formats:
Single Value: integer or float
Candle Data: open, high, low, close, volume
Upon encountering Pine Seeds, I recognized its potential for importing financial news events. Given that Forex Factory is a primary source of financial news in my personal analysis, integrating it into my layouts seemed like an exciting opportunity. This integration is expected to provide significant value to users looking to integrate additional news feeds all in one place.
Development Challenges:
Format Limitations: News events must be converted into numerical values for import, due to the required Pine Seeds format.
Amount of Data: With all currencies considered, the system may encounter over 40 news events in a single day.
Data Availability: The reliance on End Of Day (EOD) data means that information for the current day is displayed with a delay, and accessing future data is not possible.
Encoding: Each news event is encoded as an integer in the "DCHHMMITYP" format.
D = day of the week
C = currency
HHMM = Time of day
I = news impact
TYP = event ID (see Event Library A and Event Library B )
To ensure data assignment for each candle across the open, high, low, close, and volume series, the value "999" is used as a placeholder:
Importing: Utilizing the encoding system, up to five news events per day can be imported for a singular Pine Seeds custom symbol.
By creating multiple custom Pine Seeds Symbols, efficient imports of a larger number of events is then easily achievable. Nine unique symbols have been established, accommodating up to 45 news events per day.
These symbols are searchable, and accessible as " TOODEGREES_FOREX_FACTORY_SLOT_N " where N ranges from 1 to 9.
The Pine Seeds data feed appears as follows:
Uploading Schedule: To ensure analysts are informed about current and upcoming week's news, events are uploaded one week in advance.
This approach is vital for preparing for potential market impacts across various asset classes and currencies, allowing visibility of an entire week's news ahead of Time.
Data Scraping:
Unfortunately Forex Factory doesn't offer an API to fetch their news feed.
Hence an ad hoc python scraper was developed to read and save news events from January 2007 till the present leveraging Selenium. The scraper algorithm is part of a larger script responsible for scraping data, formatting data, and creating all necessary datasets.
The pseudo-code for the python script is as follows:
Read and save news event data on Forex Factory
Format day of the week, currency, Time of the day, and impact data for the Encoding
Encode and save News Event IDs – Event ID dataset is created
Format news data for Pine Seeds (roll-back date by one week, assign news to open, high, low, close, and volume values)
Create Pine Seeds Datasets
This script is ran everyday at Futures market close (16:00 EST) to update the last part of the each dataset, ensuring accuracy, and taking into account last-minute news additions or revisions.
Once the data (next week's news) is imported by the Live Economic Calendar indicator, it's immediately decoded by leveraging the Forex Factory Decoding Library , and saved into an array.
Upon a new week open, the decoded data is used to plot news events on the chart and in the news table.
See the inner workings of these processes in the Forex Factory Utility Library .
Although these libraries are specifically built for this indicator, feel free to use them to create your own scripts. Looking forward to see what the Pine Script community comes up with!
Thank you for making it this far. Enjoy!
This tool is available ONLY on the TradingView platform.
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Our charting tools are provided for informational and educational purposes only and do not constitute financial, investment, or trading advice. Our charting tools are not designed to predict market movements or provide specific recommendations. Users should be aware that past performance is not indicative of future results and should not be relied upon for making financial decisions. By using our charting tools, the user agrees that Toodegrees and the Toodegrees Team are not responsible for any decisions made based on the information provided by these charting tools. The user assumes full responsibility and liability for any actions taken and the consequences thereof, including any loss of money or investments that may occur as a result of using these products. Hence, by using these charting tools, the user accepts and acknowledges that Toodegrees and the Toodegrees Team are not liable nor responsible for any unwanted outcome that arises from the development, or the use of these charting tools. Finally, the user indemnifies Toodegrees and the Toodegrees Team from any and all liability.
By continuing to use these charting tools, the user acknowledges and agrees to the Terms and Conditions outlined in this legal disclaimer.
F.B_Vortex Indicator ProThe "F.B_Vortex Indicator Pro" is a technical analysis tool designed to identify trends in financial markets. It calculates two Vortex Indicators (VI) based on price movements, considering positive and negative price changes.
The smoothed VI+ line represents the smoothed negative trend, while the smoothed VI+ line represents the smoothed positive trend.
The crossing of the smoothed VI+ line above the smoothed VI+ line could indicate a potential bullish trend.
Conversely, the crossing of the smoothed VI+ line above the smoothed VI+ line suggests a possible bearish trend.
The "Smoothed VI-" line is also displayed.
When the Smoothed VI- line is above both the smoothed VI+ line and the smoothed VI+ line, it may signal a transition to a bearish main trend or indicate an expected one.
When the Smoothed VI- line is below both the smoothed VI+ line and the smoothed VI+ line, it may indicate a transition to a bullish main trend or suggest an expected one.
Adjustments can be made using input parameters such as length and smoothing periods to tailor the indicator to specific market conditions.
itradesize /\ Silver Bullet x Macro x KillzoneThis indicator shows the best way to annotate ICT Killzones, Silver Bullet and Macro times on the chart. With the help of a new pane, it will not distract your chart and will not cause any distractions to your eye, or brain but you can see when will they happen.
The indicator also draws everything beforehand when a proper new day starts.
You can customize them how you want to show up.
Collapsed or full view?
You can hide any of them and keep only the ones you would like to.
All the colors can be customized, texts & sizes or just use shortened texts and you are also able to hide those drawings which are older than the actual day.
You should minimize the pane where the script has been automatically drawn to therefore you will have the best experience and not show any distractions.
The script automatically shows the time-based boxes, based on the New York timezone.
Killzone Time windows ( for indices ):
London KZ 02:00 - 05:00
New York AM KZ 07:00 - 10:00
New York PM KZ 13:30 - 16:00
Silver Bullet times:
03:00 - 04:00
10:00 - 11:00
14:00 - 15:00
Macro times:
02:33 - 03:00
04:03 - 04:30
08:50 - 0910
09:50 - 10:10
10:50 - 11:10
11:50 - 12:50
ARIMA Moving Average and Forecaster [SS]Finally releasing this. This took months, over 3 months to be precise, to figure out, code and troubleshoot! I honestly was going to give up on this project, but I finally got it to actually work fairly reliably. So hopefully you like it!
This is a very basic ARIMA modeler. It can do the following:
1. Provide you with an ARIMA based Moving Average;
2. Provide you with a standard error band;
3. Auto-select a lag length for assessment based on stationarity;
3. Provide you with the option of extending the error range by a user selected amount of standard deviations; and
4. Forecasting and plotting the forecast on the chart.
I will go over each function individually, but before I do, I think its important to talk a bit about what an ARIMA Model is and does:
ARIMA stands for AutoRegressive Integrated Moving Average and is an approach to modeling and time series forecasting. In simple terms, it combines autoregressive (AR) and moving average (MA) components to capture the underlying patterns in a time series data. The "AutoRegressive" part accounts for the relationship between an observation and its previous values, while the "Moving Average" part considers the relationship between an observation and a residual error from past observations. The "Integrated" component involves differencing the time series to make it stationary, which aids in stabilizing the model. ARIMA models help predict future values based on patterns observed in historical data, making them useful for forecasting in various fields such as economics, finance, and weather prediction.
The benefits to ARIMA is it will forecast based on the current trend, but it also provides for both the up and down scenario of the trend (i.e., if we are in a downtrend, what it would look like and what values we could expect if the trend reverses and vice versa). All of this is within the scope of this indicator, believe it or not!
If you would like more information on ARIMA, you can check out my educational post about it here:
Alrighty, now for the indicator functions.
ARIMA Moving Average and Standard Error Band
The ARIMA moving average is very simple, it takes the SMA of the current trend, lags it and plots out the lagged SMA. You can toggle the auto-select lag on, or you can pick your own lag manually. The above image is an auto-selected lag, but if we manually lag it by 5, this is what it looks like:
Its simply a lagged average of the 5 SMA (that is essentially how ARIMA works, by creating a moving average and lagging the moving average).
There are some implications to selecting a lag factor when it comes to forecasting, but I will cover this in the forecasting section. But I do want to make mention, you can use the ARIMA moving average in lieu of other moving averages. The advantage to doing this is it will be able to plot out the error bands. For example, if we wanted to get an ARIMA MA of the 200 SMA, we can toggle on the error bands and this is what we get:
Or the 50 MA:
NOTE: You ABSOLUTELY SHOULD NEVER use more than a lag of 4 or 5 for Forecasting (will be discussed later).
Auto-Select Lag
The indicator pulls the ARIMA modeler framework from my Forecasting library and pulls the stationarity assessment from my SPTS library. When you are doing an ARIMA model for forecasting, we need to ensure the data is stationary. Thus, if you want to forecast out the current trend, its highly recommended you select the "Auto Determine Lag Length" to find the most appropriate lag and forecast accordingly.
You can, however, chose your own lag order (model order), but this should never be above 4 or 5.
You should never select a lag of more than 5 because you are introducing too much "trendiness" into the equation, and you will get astronomical readings. ARIMA models never generally exceed a lag of 3 or 4 at most, as they are supposed be stationary and de-trended.
Extending by Standard Deviation
There is an option to select a standard deviation extension band. This is helpful for active day trading. Here is NIO extended by 2 standard deviations:
General suggestion is to only extend by 2 standard deviations and this is sufficient for most stocks.
The hallmark of an ARIMA model is the ability to use it for forecasting. Thus, the forecasting feature is a large portion of this indicator. You can see it displayed in the main chart above, but let's show some other examples:
NIO on the 1 hour:
TSLA on the 4 hour:
You can also display a forecasting table:
The result row shows the most likely, conservative, price at each time increment.
The Upper Confidence and Lower Confidence show what the trend would look like if it continued up or down at the current rate and the 95% confidence intervals show the values that the true source is likely to fall between at various increments in time with a 95% confidence (i.e. 95% probability that it should fall between these levels at period xyz assuming normal distribution).
The important levels, in my opinion, are the upper and lower confidence levels. These show you the current rate of decline or increase that the stock is expecting and what the trend would look like with a continuation or a reversal. This is ARIMA's biggest strength, as it has the ability to plot both outcomes assuming the current trend rate and time remains constant.
And that is the indicator! ARIMA is a bit of a complex process, but its a very powerful tool when used properly!
One thing of note. Sometimes when autoselecting a length for forecasting, if there has been a heavy trend in one direction, you will not get the upper or lower confidence levels because of the lack of any up or down movement. In this case, manually select a lag of 3 to 5 to correct for this.
Let me know if you have any questions below and safe trades everyone!
MVRV Z-ScoreThe MVRV ratio was created by Murad Mahmudov & David Puell. It simply compares Market Cap to Realised Cap, presenting a ratio (MVRV = Market Cap / Realised Cap). The MVRV Z-Score is a later version, refining the metric by normalising the peaks and troughs of the data.
Forecast: PastFluxDelta PredictionThe theory is that time periods and the conditions during these periods repeat themselves. Especially if it is the same day of the week in the past, there is a high probability that price fluctuations will roughly repeat themselves.
Eternal return (or eternal recurrence) is a philosophical concept which states that time repeats itself in an infinite loop, and that exactly the same events will continue to occur in exactly the same way, over and over again, for eternity.
History does repeat itself.
The stock market is a manifest example.
Chief market strategist at Miller Tabak + Co. Matt Maley pointed out the strong resemblance between the stock market recently and that in the past.
Various scientific studies and articles show that there could be something to this theory
Most of the investors are ignoring the parallels between stocks today and "heady" years 1929, 1999 and 2007…
Post Labor Day sees investors returning to the S&P 500 near all-time highs and some dark economic shadows lurking …
So how should we regard these inescapable results?
Nietzsche said we should embrace them, accept them, and love them. Once they stop, expect them to start again.
But remember that the future is fundamentally uncertain and that past results are by no means a guarantee of future performance.
Based on this, this indicator uses historical trading data from a year, a week or a day ago and compares price fluctuations in the past with current conditions.
"Bars to predict" can be used to indicate how far into the future the indicator is looking.
"Amount of bars to show" determines how many bars are generally displayed. A high value allows you to see how accurate the method was in the past.