Analyst Table (Zeiierman)█ Overview
The Analyst Table (Zeiierman) provides a comprehensive visual representation of analyst estimates and recommendations for any stock. This indicator displays crucial analyst data, including the highest, average, and lowest price targets, directly on the price chart. Additionally, it features a well-organized table summarizing various types of analyst recommendations, offering traders valuable insights into market sentiment and expectations. This tool is ideal for traders seeking a quick overview of analyst opinions and recommendations on specific stocks.
█ How It Works
The indicator works by retrieving analyst data such as price targets and recommendations from the TradingView data feed. It visually represents these estimates on the chart and creates a structured table for easy reference, consolidating all the information in an organized format.
Key Components:
High Estimate Line: A dotted line representing the highest price target.
Low Estimate Line: A dotted line representing the lowest price target.
Target Estimate Box: A box representing the range between the average and median price targets.
Analyst Table: A table displaying detailed information about various analyst recommendations and price targets.
█ How to Use
Traders can use this indicator to gain insights into the expectations of financial analysts regarding the future performance of an asset. By observing the highest, lowest, and average price targets, traders can assess the range of possible future prices as predicted by analysts. The recommendation table helps in understanding the general sentiment among analysts, whether it's bullish, bearish, or neutral.
Visual Analysis: Use the visual indicators to quickly gauge where the current price stands relative to analyst targets.
Sentiment Assessment: Refer to the table to understand the distribution of buy, hold, and sell recommendations.
█ Settings
The indicator settings allow users to enable or disable different target lines, select colors for the lines and table cells, and choose the position and size of the analyst table on the chart.
The information contained in my Scripts/Indicators/Ideas/Algos/Systems does not constitute financial advice or a solicitation to buy or sell any securities of any type. I will not accept liability for any loss or damage, including without limitation any loss of profit, which may arise directly or indirectly from the use of or reliance on such information.
All investments involve risk, and the past performance of a security, industry, sector, market, financial product, trading strategy, backtest, or individual's trading does not guarantee future results or returns. Investors are fully responsible for any investment decisions they make. Such decisions should be based solely on an evaluation of their financial circumstances, investment objectives, risk tolerance, and liquidity needs.
My Scripts/Indicators/Ideas/Algos/Systems are only for educational purposes!
Analyse fondamentale
Earnings X-RayThe script presents earnings and revenues in a tabular format. Particularly, it calculates percentage changes.
Earnings data can be found in TradingView Financials. However, percentage changes are not provided. Can TradingView implement this in the future?
Displaying earnings table on the chart has its benefits. No additional clicks required to access the data. This significantly streamlines the stock scanning process.
It is important to quickly evaluate a company's earnings when scanning for stocks. The script provides this capability.
Similar scripts have been created previously. This script corrects calculations and improves presentation with the concise code.
Data access:
Earnings = request.earnings(syminfo.tickerid, earnings.actual)
FutureEarnings = earnings.future_eps
FutureRevenue = earnings.future_revenue
Can more than one quarter of future earnings estimates become available in Pine Script in the future?
The script was validated against MarketSurge.
Quarterly or Yearly data
Configurable number of fiscal periods
Configurable location on the chart
Optional Dark mode
Sharpe RatioThe Sharpe Ratio Indicator is a widely-used tool designed to measure the risk-adjusted performance of an asset. The Sharpe Ratio helps investors understand how much excess return they are receiving for the extra volatility endured for holding a riskier asset. By comparing the return of an investment to the risk-free rate and accounting for the volatility of the investment's returns, the Sharpe Ratio provides a clear metric for evaluating the return on investment per unit of risk.
Calculation Period Input: Allows users to specify the period over which the Sharpe Ratio is calculated, making it flexible and adaptable to various trading strategies and time frames.
Risk-Free Rate Input: Users can set a specific risk-free rate, enabling a customized risk-return analysis based on prevailing market conditions or individual investment preferences.
Daily Returns Calculation: The indicator calculates daily returns, which are used to determine the mean return and standard deviation.
Sharpe Ratio Calculation: The indicator calculates the Sharpe Ratio by dividing the excess return (mean return minus risk-free rate) by the standard deviation of returns and annualizing the result (assuming 252 trading days in a year).
Visual Plot: The Sharpe Ratio is plotted on the chart, with a reference zero line to help users quickly assess whether the asset's returns are favorable relative to the risk-free rate.
How to Use:
Add the Indicator to Your Chart: Copy the script into the Pine Script editor on TradingView and add it to your chart.
Specify the Calculation Period: Adjust the Calculation Period input to match your desired time frame for the Sharpe Ratio calculation.
Set the Risk-Free Rate: Input the current risk-free rate (e.g., the yield on 10-year government bonds) to customize the risk-return analysis.
Interpret the Sharpe Ratio: A higher Sharpe Ratio indicates better risk-adjusted performance, while a ratio below zero suggests that the asset has underperformed relative to the risk-free rate.
Omega RatioThe Omega Ratio Indicator is a powerful tool designed to measure the risk-adjusted performance of an asset. Unlike traditional measures like the Sharpe or Sortino Ratios, the Omega Ratio considers both the frequency and magnitude of returns above and below a specified target return, providing a more comprehensive view of an asset's performance. This makes it an ideal choice for traders and investors seeking to evaluate the probability of achieving a desired return relative to the risk taken.
Calculation Period Input: Allows users to specify the period over which the Omega Ratio is calculated, making it flexible and adaptable to various trading strategies and time frames.
Target Return Input: Users can set a specific target return, enabling a customized risk-return analysis based on individual investment goals.
Daily Returns Calculation: The indicator calculates daily returns, which are used to determine the cumulative returns above and below the target return.
Omega Ratio Calculation: By dividing the cumulative returns above the target return by the cumulative returns below it, the indicator provides a clear measure of the likelihood of achieving the target return.
Visual Plot: The Omega Ratio is plotted on the chart, with a reference line at 1, helping users quickly assess whether the asset's returns are favorable relative to the target.
How to Use:
Add the Indicator to Your Chart: Copy the script into the Pine Script editor on TradingView and add it to your chart.
Specify the Calculation Period: Adjust the Calculation Period input to match your desired time frame for the Omega Ratio calculation.
Set the Target Return: Input your desired target return to customize the risk-return analysis.
Interpret the Omega Ratio: An Omega Ratio greater than 1 indicates that the asset's returns are more likely to exceed the target return than to fall short, whereas a ratio less than 1 suggests the opposite.
Sortino RatioThe Sortino Ratio Indicator is a custom script developed to measure the risk-adjusted performance of an asset. Unlike the Sharpe Ratio, which penalizes both upside and downside volatility equally, the Sortino Ratio specifically differentiates between harmful volatility (downside risk) and overall volatility. This makes it a preferred choice for traders and investors who are particularly concerned with downside risk.
Calculation Period Input: Users can specify the period over which the Sortino Ratio is calculated, making it adaptable to different time frames and trading strategies.
Daily Returns Calculation: The indicator calculates daily returns using logarithmic returns, which provides a more accurate reflection of percentage changes in price.
Mean Return and Downside Deviation: The script calculates the mean of daily returns and the downside deviation, focusing only on negative returns that fall below the mean.
Annualized Sortino Ratio: The Sortino Ratio is annualized assuming 252 trading days in a year, providing a standardized measure that can be easily compared across different assets and time periods.
Visual Plot: The indicator plots the Sortino Ratio on the chart, with a reference zero line to help users quickly assess the performance relative to the risk-free rate.
How to Use:
Add the Indicator to Your Chart: Copy the script into the Pine Script editor on TradingView and add it to your chart.
Specify the Calculation Period: Adjust the Calculation Period input to match your desired time frame for the Sortino Ratio calculation.
Interpret the Sortino Ratio: A higher Sortino Ratio indicates better risk-adjusted performance, while a ratio below zero suggests that the asset has underperformed relative to its downside risk.
Intelle_city - World Cycle - Ath & Atl - Logarithmic - Strategy.Overview
Indicators: Strategy !
INTELLECT_city - World Cycle - ATH & ATL - Timeframe 1D and 1W - Logarithmic - Strategy - The Pi Cycle Top and Bottom Oscillator is an adaptation of the original Pi Cycle Top chart. It compares the 111-Day Moving Average circle and the 2 * 350-Day Moving Average circle of Bitcoin’s Price. These two moving averages were selected as 350 / 111 = 3.153; An approximation of the important mathematical number Pi.
When the 111-Day Moving Average circle reaches the 2 * 350-Day Moving Average circle, it indicates that the market is becoming overheated. That is because the mid time frame momentum reference of the 111-Day Moving Average has caught up with the long timeframe momentum reference of the 2 * 350-Day Moving Average.
Historically this has occurred within 3 days of the very top of each market cycle.
When the 111 Day Moving Average circle falls back beneath the 2 * 350 Day Moving Average circle, it indicates that the market momentum of that cycle is significantly cooling down. The oscillator drops down into the lower green band shown where the 111 Day Moving Average is moving at a 75% discount relative to the 2 * 350 Day Moving Average.
Historically, this has highlighted broad areas of bear market lows.
IMPORTANT: You need to set a LOGARITHMIC graph. (The function is located at the bottom right of the screen)
IMPORTANT: The INTELLECT_city indicator is made for a buy-sell strategy; there is also a signal indicator from INTELLECT_city
IMPORTANT: The Chart shows all cycles, both buying and selling.
IMPORTANT: Suitable timeframes are 1 daily (recommended) and 1 weekly
Описание на русском:
Обзор индикатора
INTELLECT_city - World Cycle - ATH & ATL - Timeframe 1D and 1W - Logarithmic - Strategy - Логарифмический - Сигнал - Осциллятор вершины и основания цикла Пи представляет собой адаптацию оригинального графика вершины цикла Пи. Он сравнивает круг 111-дневной скользящей средней и круг 2 * 350-дневной скользящей средней цены Биткойна. Эти две скользящие средние были выбраны как 350/111 = 3,153; Приближение важного математического числа Пи.
Когда круг 111-дневной скользящей средней достигает круга 2 * 350-дневной скользящей средней, это указывает на то, что рынок перегревается. Это происходит потому, что опорный моментум среднего временного интервала 111-дневной скользящей средней догнал опорный момент импульса длинного таймфрейма 2 * 350-дневной скользящей средней.
Исторически это происходило в течение трех дней после вершины каждого рыночного цикла.
Когда круг 111-дневной скользящей средней опускается ниже круга 2 * 350-дневной скользящей средней, это указывает на то, что рыночный импульс этого цикла значительно снижается. Осциллятор опускается в нижнюю зеленую полосу, показанную там, где 111-дневная скользящая средняя движется со скидкой 75% относительно 2 * 350-дневной скользящей средней.
Исторически это высветило широкие области минимумов медвежьего рынка.
ВАЖНО: Выставлять нужно ЛОГАРИФМИЧЕСКИЙ график. (Находиться функция с правой нижней части экрана)
ВАЖНО: Индикатор INTELLECT_city сделан для стратегии покупок продаж, есть также и сигнальный от INTELLECT_сity
ВАЖНО: На Графике видны все циклы, как на покупку так и на продажу.
ВАЖНО: Подходящие таймфреймы 1 дневной (рекомендовано) и 1 недельный
Beschreibung - Deutsch
INTELLECT_city – Weltzyklus – ATH & ATL – Zeitrahmen 1T und 1W – Logarithmisch – Strategy – Der Pi-Zyklus-Top- und Bottom-Oszillator ist eine Anpassung des ursprünglichen Pi-Zyklus-Top-Diagramms. Er vergleicht den 111-Tage-Gleitenden-Durchschnittskreis und den 2 * 350-Tage-Gleitenden-Durchschnittskreis des Bitcoin-Preises. Diese beiden gleitenden Durchschnitte wurden als 350 / 111 = 3,153 ausgewählt; eine Annäherung an die wichtige mathematische Zahl Pi.
Wenn der 111-Tage-Gleitenden-Durchschnittskreis den 2 * 350-Tage-Gleitenden-Durchschnittskreis erreicht, deutet dies darauf hin, dass der Markt überhitzt. Das liegt daran, dass der Momentum-Referenzwert des 111-Tage-Gleitenden-Durchschnitts im mittleren Zeitrahmen den Momentum-Referenzwert des 2 * 350-Tage-Gleitenden-Durchschnitts im langen Zeitrahmen eingeholt hat.
Historisch gesehen geschah dies innerhalb von 3 Tagen nach dem Höhepunkt jedes Marktzyklus.
Wenn der Kreis des 111-Tage-Durchschnitts wieder unter den Kreis des 2 x 350-Tage-Durchschnitts fällt, deutet dies darauf hin, dass die Marktdynamik dieses Zyklus deutlich nachlässt. Der Oszillator fällt in das untere grüne Band, in dem der 111-Tage-Durchschnitt mit einem Abschlag von 75 % gegenüber dem 2 x 350-Tage-Durchschnitt verläuft.
Historisch hat dies breite Bereiche mit Tiefstständen in der Baisse hervorgehoben.
WICHTIG: Sie müssen ein logarithmisches Diagramm festlegen. (Die Funktion befindet sich unten rechts auf dem Bildschirm)
WICHTIG: Der INTELLECT_city-Indikator ist für eine Kauf-Verkaufs-Strategie konzipiert; es gibt auch einen Signalindikator von INTELLECT_city
WICHTIG: Das Diagramm zeigt alle Zyklen, sowohl Kauf- als auch Verkaufszyklen.
WICHTIG: Geeignete Zeitrahmen sind 1 täglich (empfohlen) und 1 wöchentlich
intellect_city - World Cycle - Ath & Atl - Logarithmic - Signal.Indicator Overview
INTELLECT_city - World Cycle - ATH & ATL - Timeframe 1D and 1W - Logarithmic - Signal - The Pi Cycle Top and Bottom Oscillator is an adaptation of the original Pi Cycle Top chart. It compares the 111-Day Moving Average circle and the 2 * 350-Day Moving Average circle of Bitcoin’s Price. These two moving averages were selected as 350 / 111 = 3.153; An approximation of the important mathematical number Pi.
When the 111-Day Moving Average circle reaches the 2 * 350-Day Moving Average circle, it indicates that the market is becoming overheated. That is because the mid time frame momentum reference of the 111-Day Moving Average has caught up with the long timeframe momentum reference of the 2 * 350-Day Moving Average.
Historically this has occurred within 3 days of the very top of each market cycle.
When the 111 Day Moving Average circle falls back beneath the 2 * 350 Day Moving Average circle, it indicates that the market momentum of that cycle is significantly cooling down. The oscillator drops down into the lower green band shown where the 111 Day Moving Average is moving at a 75% discount relative to the 2 * 350 Day Moving Average.
Historically, this has highlighted broad areas of bear market lows.
IMPORTANT: You need to set a LOGARITHMIC graph. (The function is located at the bottom right of the screen)
IMPORTANT: The INTELLECT_city indicator is made for signal purchases of sales, there is also a strategic one from INTELLECT_city
IMPORTANT: The Chart shows all cycles, both buying and selling.
IMPORTANT: Suitable timeframes are 1 daily (recommended) and 1 weekly
Описание на русском:
Обзор индикатора
INTELLECT_city - World Cycle - ATH & ATL - Timeframe 1D and 1W - Logarithmic - Signal - Логарифмический - Сигнал - Осциллятор вершины и основания цикла Пи представляет собой адаптацию оригинального графика вершины цикла Пи. Он сравнивает круг 111-дневной скользящей средней и круг 2 * 350-дневной скользящей средней цены Биткойна. Эти две скользящие средние были выбраны как 350/111 = 3,153; Приближение важного математического числа Пи.
Когда круг 111-дневной скользящей средней достигает круга 2 * 350-дневной скользящей средней, это указывает на то, что рынок перегревается. Это происходит потому, что опорный моментум среднего временного интервала 111-дневной скользящей средней догнал опорный момент импульса длинного таймфрейма 2 * 350-дневной скользящей средней.
Исторически это происходило в течение трех дней после вершины каждого рыночного цикла.
Когда круг 111-дневной скользящей средней опускается ниже круга 2 * 350-дневной скользящей средней, это указывает на то, что рыночный импульс этого цикла значительно снижается. Осциллятор опускается в нижнюю зеленую полосу, показанную там, где 111-дневная скользящая средняя движется со скидкой 75% относительно 2 * 350-дневной скользящей средней.
Исторически это высветило широкие области минимумов медвежьего рынка.
ВАЖНО: Выставлять нужно ЛОГАРИФМИЧЕСКИЙ график. (Находиться функция с правой нижней части экрана)
ВАЖНО: Индикатор INTELLECT_city сделан для сигнальных покупок продаж, есть также и стратегический от INTELLECT_сity
ВАЖНО: На Графике видны все циклы, как на покупку так и на продажу.
ВАЖНО: Подходящие таймфреймы 1 дневной (рекомендовано) и 1 недельный
Beschreibung - Deutsch
INTELLECT_city – Weltzyklus – ATH & ATL – Zeitrahmen 1T und 1W – Logarithmisch – Signal – Der Pi-Zyklus-Top- und Bottom-Oszillator ist eine Anpassung des ursprünglichen Pi-Zyklus-Top-Diagramms. Er vergleicht den 111-Tage-Gleitenden-Durchschnittskreis und den 2 * 350-Tage-Gleitenden-Durchschnittskreis des Bitcoin-Preises. Diese beiden gleitenden Durchschnitte wurden als 350 / 111 = 3,153 ausgewählt; eine Annäherung an die wichtige mathematische Zahl Pi.
Wenn der 111-Tage-Gleitenden-Durchschnittskreis den 2 * 350-Tage-Gleitenden-Durchschnittskreis erreicht, deutet dies darauf hin, dass der Markt überhitzt. Das liegt daran, dass der Momentum-Referenzwert des 111-Tage-Gleitenden-Durchschnitts im mittleren Zeitrahmen den Momentum-Referenzwert des 2 * 350-Tage-Gleitenden-Durchschnitts im langen Zeitrahmen eingeholt hat.
Historisch gesehen geschah dies innerhalb von 3 Tagen nach dem Höhepunkt jedes Marktzyklus.
Wenn der Kreis des 111-Tage-Durchschnitts wieder unter den Kreis des 2 x 350-Tage-Durchschnitts fällt, deutet dies darauf hin, dass die Marktdynamik dieses Zyklus deutlich nachlässt. Der Oszillator fällt in das untere grüne Band, in dem der 111-Tage-Durchschnitt mit einem Abschlag von 75 % gegenüber dem 2 x 350-Tage-Durchschnitt verläuft.
Historisch hat dies breite Bereiche mit Tiefstständen in der Baisse hervorgehoben.
WICHTIG: Sie müssen ein logarithmisches Diagramm festlegen. (Die Funktion befindet sich unten rechts auf dem Bildschirm)
WICHTIG: Der INTELLECT_city-Indikator dient zur Signalisierung von Käufen oder Verkäufen, es gibt auch einen strategischen Indikator von INTELLECT_city
WICHTIG: Das Diagramm zeigt alle Zyklen, sowohl Kauf- als auch Verkaufszyklen.
WICHTIG: Geeignete Zeitrahmen sind 1 täglich (empfohlen) und 1 wöchentlich
Auto Gann KEYLVLS "Auto Gann KEYLVLS" indicator can be a valuable tool for traders, especially those who employ Gann theory in their analysis. Here are some ways to effectively use this indicator:
Identifying Key Price Levels: Gann lines are known for their ability to identify key support and resistance levels. Use the plotted Gann lines to identify significant price levels where the market may react.
Confirmation of Trend Reversals: When price approaches a Gann line, observe how the price reacts. A bounce off a Gann line can confirm the continuation of the trend, while a break of a Gann line may indicate a potential trend reversal.
Entry and Exit Points: Gann lines can serve as entry and exit points for trades. Look for confluence between Gann lines and other technical indicators or patterns to identify high-probability trade setups.
Trading with the Trend: In an uptrend, consider buying opportunities near Gann support levels, while in a downtrend, look for selling opportunities near Gann resistance levels.
Risk Management: Use Gann lines to set stop-loss and take-profit levels. Place stop-loss orders below Gann support levels for long trades and above Gann resistance levels for short trades to manage risk effectively.
Timeframe Analysis: Utilize the flexibility of this indicator to plot Gann lines on different timeframes. Compare Gann lines across multiple timeframes to identify alignment or divergence, which can provide additional confirmation for trading decisions.
Combination with Other Indicators: Combine the information provided by Gann lines with other technical indicators, such as moving averages, RSI, or MACD, to strengthen your trading decisions.
Input Parameters:
The script defines several input parameters that control the behavior of the Gann lines, such as the number of weeks to look back for highs and lows, the number of Gann lines to plot, line extension settings, and options to show or hide specific Gann lines like .25, .37, .50, .63, and .75.
Auto Gann Functionality:
The script calculates the highest high and lowest low for the specified number of weeks, hours, and minutes.
It then calculates quartile levels (0.25, 0.50, 0.75) based on the weekly high and low.
Gann lines are drawn based on these levels, with options to extend them left and/or right.
Labels are added to the Gann lines indicating their values.
Weekly Gann Lines:
The script plots Gann lines and labels based on the weekly high and low levels.
Labels are added to these lines indicating their values.
Sub Gann Lines:
Additional Gann lines are plotted based on the weekly high and low levels, with subdivisions for lower timeframes like H4, H1, M15, and M1.
Label Management:
Labels are managed based on user preferences, including options to show labels once on the left side, redraw labels on the right side, or not show labels at all.
Intellect_city - World Cycle - Ath - Timeframe 1D and 1WIndicator Overview
The Pi Cycle Top Indicator has historically been effective in picking out the timing of market cycle highs within 3 days.
It uses the 111 day moving average (111DMA) and a newly created multiple of the 350 day moving average, the 350DMA x 2.
Note: The multiple is of the price values of the 350DMA, not the number of days.
For the past three market cycles, when the 111DMA moves up and crosses the 350DMA x 2 we see that it coincides with the price of Bitcoin peaking.
It is also interesting to note that 350 / 111 is 3.153, which is very close to Pi = 3.142. In fact, it is the closest we can get to Pi when dividing 350 by another whole number.
It once again demonstrates the cyclical nature of Bitcoin price action over long time frames. However, in this instance, it does so with a high degree of accuracy over Bitcoin's adoption phase of growth.
Bitcoin Price Prediction Using This Tool
The Pi Cycle Top Indicator forecasts the cycle top of Bitcoin’s market cycles. It attempts to predict the point where Bitcoin price will peak before pulling back. It does this on major high time frames and has picked the absolute tops of Bitcoin’s major price moves throughout most of its history.
How It Can Be Used
Pi Cycle Top is useful to indicate when the market is very overheated. So overheated that the shorter-term moving average, which is the 111-day moving average, has reached an x2 multiple of the 350-day moving average. Historically, it has proved advantageous to sell Bitcoin around this time in Bitcoin's price cycles.
It is also worth noting that this indicator has worked during Bitcoin's adoption growth phase, the first 15 years or so of Bitcoin's life. With the launch of Bitcoin ETF's and Bitcoin's increased integration into the global financial system, this indicator may cease to be relevant at some point in this new market structure.
Intellect_city - Halvings Bitcoin CycleWhat is halving?
The halving timer shows when the next Bitcoin halving will occur, as well as the dates of past halvings. This event occurs every 210,000 blocks, which is approximately every 4 years. Halving reduces the emission reward by half. The original Bitcoin reward was 50 BTC per block found.
Why is halving necessary?
Halving allows you to maintain an algorithmically specified emission level. Anyone can verify that no more than 21 million bitcoins can be issued using this algorithm. Moreover, everyone can see how much was issued earlier, at what speed the emission is happening now, and how many bitcoins remain to be mined in the future. Even a sharp increase or decrease in mining capacity will not significantly affect this process. In this case, during the next difficulty recalculation, which occurs every 2014 blocks, the mining difficulty will be recalculated so that blocks are still found approximately once every ten minutes.
How does halving work in Bitcoin blocks?
The miner who collects the block adds a so-called coinbase transaction. This transaction has no entry, only exit with the receipt of emission coins to your address. If the miner's block wins, then the entire network will consider these coins to have been obtained through legitimate means. The maximum reward size is determined by the algorithm; the miner can specify the maximum reward size for the current period or less. If he puts the reward higher than possible, the network will reject such a block and the miner will not receive anything. After each halving, miners have to halve the reward they assign to themselves, otherwise their blocks will be rejected and will not make it to the main branch of the blockchain.
The impact of halving on the price of Bitcoin
It is believed that with constant demand, a halving of supply should double the value of the asset. In practice, the market knows when the halving will occur and prepares for this event in advance. Typically, the Bitcoin rate begins to rise about six months before the halving, and during the halving itself it does not change much. On average for past periods, the upper peak of the rate can be observed more than a year after the halving. It is almost impossible to predict future periods because, in addition to the reduction in emissions, many other factors influence the exchange rate. For example, major hacks or bankruptcies of crypto companies, the situation on the stock market, manipulation of “whales,” or changes in legislative regulation.
Table - Past and future Bitcoin halvings:
Date: Number of blocks: Award:
0 - 03-01-2009 - 0 block - 50 BTC
1 - 28-11-2012 - 210000 block - 25 BTC
2 - 09-07-2016 - 420000 block - 12.5 BTC
3 - 11-05-2020 - 630000 block - 6.25 BTC
4 - 20-04-2024 - 840000 block - 3.125 BTC
5 - 24-03-2028 - 1050000 block - 1.5625 BTC
6 - 26-02-2032 - 1260000 block - 0.78125 BTC
7 - 30-01-2036 - 1470000 block - 0.390625 BTC
8 - 03-01-2040 - 1680000 block - 0.1953125 BTC
9 - 07-12-2043 - 1890000 block - 0.09765625 BTC
10 - 10-11-2047 - 2100000 block - 0.04882813 BTC
11 - 14-10-2051 - 2310000 block - 0.02441406 BTC
12 - 17-09-2055 - 2520000 block - 0.01220703 BTC
13 - 21-08-2059 - 2730000 block - 0.00610352 BTC
14 - 25-07-2063 - 2940000 block - 0.00305176 BTC
15 - 28-06-2067 - 3150000 block - 0.00152588 BTC
16 - 01-06-2071 - 3360000 block - 0.00076294 BTC
17 - 05-05-2075 - 3570000 block - 0.00038147 BTC
18 - 08-04-2079 - 3780000 block - 0.00019073 BTC
19 - 12-03-2083 - 3990000 block - 0.00009537 BTC
20 - 13-02-2087 - 4200000 block - 0.00004768 BTC
21 - 17-01-2091 - 4410000 block - 0.00002384 BTC
22 - 21-12-2094 - 4620000 block - 0.00001192 BTC
23 - 24-11-2098 - 4830000 block - 0.00000596 BTC
24 - 29-10-2102 - 5040000 block - 0.00000298 BTC
25 - 02-10-2106 - 5250000 block - 0.00000149 BTC
26 - 05-09-2110 - 5460000 block - 0.00000075 BTC
27 - 09-08-2114 - 5670000 block - 0.00000037 BTC
28 - 13-07-2118 - 5880000 block - 0.00000019 BTC
29 - 16-06-2122 - 6090000 block - 0.00000009 BTC
30 - 20-05-2126 - 6300000 block - 0.00000005 BTC
31 - 23-04-2130 - 6510000 block - 0.00000002 BTC
32 - 27-03-2134 - 6720000 block - 0.00000001 BTC
Stock Rating [TrendX_]# OVERVIEW
This Stock Rating indicator provides a thorough evaluation of a company (NON-FINANCIAL ONLY) ranging from 0 to 5. The rating is the average of six core financial metrics: efficiency, profitability, liquidity, solvency, valuation, and technical ratings. Each metric encompasses several financial measurements to ensure a robust and holistic evaluation of the stock.
1. Asset-to-Liability Ratio : Measures a company's ability to cover its liabilities with its assets.
2. Equity-to-Liability Ratio : Indicates the proportion of equity used to finance the company relative to liabilities.
3. Net Margin : Shows the percentage of revenue that translates into profit.
4. Operating Expense : Reflects the costs required for normal business operations.
5. Operating Expense Ratio : Compares operating expenses to total revenue.
6. Operating Profit Ratio : Measures operating profit as a percentage of revenue.
7. PE to Industry Relative PE/PB : Compares the company's PE ratio to the industry average.
1. ROA : Indicates how efficiently a company uses its assets to generate profit.
2. ROE : Measures profitability relative to shareholders' equity.
3. EBITDA : Reflects a company's operational profitability.
4. Free Cash Flow Margin : Shows the percentage of revenue that remains as free cash flow.
5. Revenue Growth : Measures the percentage increase in revenue over a period.
6. Gross Margin : Reflects the percentage of revenue exceeding the cost of goods sold.
7. Net Margin : Percentage of revenue that is net profit.
8. Operating Margin : Measures the percentage of revenue that is operating profit.
1. Current Ratio : Indicates the ability to cover short-term obligations with short-term assets.
2. Interest Coverage Ratio : Measures the ability to pay interest on outstanding debt.
3. Debt-to-EBITDA : Compares total debt to EBITDA.
4. Debt-to-Equity Ratio : Indicates the relative proportion of debt and equity financing.
1. Altman Z-score : Predicts bankruptcy risk
2. Beneish M-score : Detects earnings manipulation.
3. Fulmer H-factor : Predicts business failure risk.
1. Industry Relative PE/PB Comparison : Compares the company's PE and PB ratios to industry averages.
2. Momentum of PE, PB, and EV/EBITDA Multiples : Tracks the trends of PE, PB, and EV/EBITDA ratios over time.
1. Relative Strength Index (RSI) : Measures the speed and change of price movements.
2. Supertrend : Trend-following indicator that identifies market trends.
3. Moving Average Golden-Cross : Occurs when a short-term MA crosses above mid-term and long-term MA which are determined by half-PI increment in smoothing period.
4. On-Balance Volume Golden-Cross : Measures cumulative buying and selling pressure.
[InvestorUnknown] Performance MetricsOverview
The Performance Metrics indicator is a tool designed to help traders and investors understand and utilize key performance metrics in their strategies. This indicator is inspired by the Rolling Risk-Adjusted Performance Ratios created by @EliCobra, but it offers enhanced usability and additional features to provide a more user-friendly code for understanding the calculations.
Rolling Lookback:
Dynamic Lookback Calculation: The indicator automatically calculates the number of bars from the start of the asset's price history, up to a maximum of 5000 bars due to TradingView platform restrictions.
Adjustable Lookback Period: Users can manually set a lookback period or choose to use the rolling lookback feature for dynamic calculations.
RollingLookback() =>
x = bar_index + 1
y = x > 4999 ? 5000 : x > 1 ? (x - 1) : x
Trend Analysis
The Trend Analysis section in this indicator helps traders identify the direction of the market trend based on the balance of positive and negative returns over time. This is achieved by calculating the sums of positive and negative returns and optionally smoothing these values to provide a clearer trend signal.
Configuration: Enable smoothing if you want to reduce noise in the trend analysis. Choose between EMA and SMA for smoothing. Set the length for smoothing according to your preference for sensitivity (shorter lengths are more sensitive to changes, longer lengths provide smoother signals).
- A positive trend difference (filled with green) indicates a bullish trend, suggesting more positive returns.
- A negative trend difference (filled with red) indicates a bearish trend, suggesting more negative returns.
- Colored bars provide a quick visual cue on the trend direction, helping to make timely trading decisions.
// The Trend Analysis section calculates and optionally smooths the sums of positive and negative returns.
// This helps identify the trend direction based on the balance of positive and negative returns over time.
Ps = Smooth ? Smooth_type == "EMA" ? ta.ema(pos_sum, Smooth_len) : ta.sma(pos_sum, Smooth_len) : pos_sum
Ns = Smooth ? Smooth_type == "EMA" ? ta.ema(neg_sum, Smooth_len) : ta.sma(neg_sum, Smooth_len) : neg_sum
// Calculate the difference between smoothed positive and negative sums
dif = Ps + Ns
Performance Metrics Table
Visual Table Display: Option to display a table on the chart with calculated performance metrics. This table includes comprehensive metrics like Mean Return, Positive and Negative Mean Return, Standard Deviation, Sharpe Ratio, Sortino Ratio, and Omega Ratio.
Performance Metrics Calculated
Mean Return:
Description: The average return over the lookback period.
Purpose: Helps in understanding the overall performance of the asset by providing a simple average of returns.
Positive Mean Return:
Description: The average of all positive returns over the lookback period.
Purpose: Highlights the average gain during profitable periods, giving insight into the asset's potential upside.
Negative Mean Return:
Description: The average of all negative returns over the lookback period.
Purpose: Focuses on the average loss during unprofitable periods, helping to assess the downside risk.
Standard Deviation (STDEV):
Description: A measure of volatility that calculates the dispersion of returns from the mean.
Purpose: Indicates the risk associated with the asset. Higher standard deviation means higher volatility and risk.
Sharpe Ratio:
Description: A risk-adjusted return metric that divides the mean return by the standard deviation of returns. It can be annualized if selected.
Purpose: Provides a standardized way to compare the performance of different assets by considering both return and risk. A higher Sharpe Ratio indicates better risk-adjusted performance.
sharpe_ratio = mean_all / stddev_all * (Annualize ? math.sqrt(Lookback) : 1)
Sortino Ratio:
Description: Similar to the Sharpe Ratio but focuses only on downside volatility. It divides the mean return by the standard deviation of negative returns. It can be annualized if selected.
Purpose: Offers a better assessment of downside risk by ignoring upside volatility. A higher Sortino Ratio indicates a higher return per unit of downside risk.
sortino_ratio = mean_all / stddev_neg * (Annualize ? math.sqrt(Lookback) : 1)
Omega Ratio:
Description: The ratio of the probability-weighted average of positive returns to the probability-weighted average of negative returns.
Purpose: Measures the overall likelihood of positive returns compared to negative returns. An Omega Ratio greater than 1 indicates more frequent and/or larger positive returns compared to negative returns.
omega_ratio = (prob_pos * mean_pos) / (prob_neg * -mean_neg)
By calculating and displaying these metrics, the indicator provides a comprehensive view of the asset's performance, enabling traders and investors to make informed decisions based on both returns and risk-adjusted metrics.
Use Cases:
Performance Evaluation: Assesses an asset's performance by analyzing both returns and risk factors, giving a clear picture of profitability and volatility.
Risk Comparison: Compares the risk-adjusted returns of different assets or portfolios, aiding in identifying investments with superior risk-reward trade-offs.
Risk Management: Helps manage risk exposure by evaluating downside risks and overall volatility, enabling more informed and strategic investment decisions.
PE BandThe PE Band shows the highest and lowest P/E in the previous period with TTM EPS. If the current P/E is lower than the minimum P/E, it is considered cheap. In other words, higher than the maximum P/E is considered expensive.
PE Band consists of 2 lines.
- Firstly, the historical P/E value in "green" (if TTM EPS is positive) or "red" (if TTM EPS is negative) states will change according to the latest high or low price of TTM EPS, such as: :
After the second quarter of 2023 (end of June), how do prices from 1 July – 30 September reflect net profits? The program will get the highest and lowest prices during that time.
After the 3rd quarter of 2023 (end of September), how do prices from 1 Oct. - 31 Dec. reflect net profits? The program will get the highest and lowest prices during that time.
- Second, the blue line is the closing price divided by TTM EPS, which shows the current P/E.
Wolf DCA CalculatorThe Wolf DCA Calculator is a powerful and flexible indicator tailored for traders employing the Dollar Cost Averaging (DCA) strategy. This tool is invaluable for planning and visualizing multiple entry points for both long and short positions. It also provides a comprehensive analysis of potential profit and loss based on user-defined parameters, including leverage.
Entry Price: Define the initial entry price for your trade.
Total Lot Size: Specify the total number of lots you intend to trade.
Percentage Difference: Set the fixed percentage difference between each DCA point.
Long Position: Toggle to switch between long and short positions.
Stop Loss Price: Set the price level at which you plan to exit the trade to minimize losses.
Take Profit Price: Set the price level at which you plan to exit the trade to secure profits.
Leverage: Apply leverage to your trade, which multiplies the potential profit and loss.
Number of DCA Points: Specify the number of DCA points to strategically plan your entries.
How to Use
1. Add the Indicator to Your Chart:
Search for "Wolf DCA Calculator" in the TradingView public library and add it to your chart.
2. Configure Inputs:
Entry Price: Set your initial trade entry price.
Total Lot Size: Enter the total number of lots you plan to trade.
Percentage Difference: Adjust this to set the interval between each DCA point.
Long Position: Use this toggle to choose between a long or short position.
Stop Loss Price: Input the price level at which you plan to exit the trade to minimize losses.
Take Profit Price: Input the price level at which you plan to exit the trade to secure profits.
Leverage: Set the leverage you are using for the trade.
Number of DCA Points: Specify the number of DCA points to plan your entries.
3. Analyze the Chart:
The indicator plots the DCA points on the chart using a stepline style for clear visualization.
It calculates the average entry point and displays the potential profit and loss based on the specified leverage.
Labels are added for each DCA point, showing the entry price and the lots allocated.
Horizontal lines mark the Stop Loss and Take Profit levels, with corresponding labels showing potential loss and profit.
Visual Planning: Easily visualize multiple entry points and understand how they affect your average entry price.
Risk Management: Clearly see your Stop Loss and Take Profit levels and their impact on your trade.
Customizable: Adapt the indicator to your specific strategy with a wide range of customizable parameters.
Funding Rate [CryptoSea]The Funding Rate Indicator by is a comprehensive tool designed to analyze funding rates across multiple cryptocurrency exchanges. This indicator is essential for traders who want to monitor funding rates and their impact on market trends.
Key Features
Exchange Coverage: Includes data from major exchanges such as Binance, Bitmex, Bybit, HTX, Kraken, OKX, Bitstamp, and Coinbase.
Perpetual Futures and Spot Markets: Fetches and analyzes pricing data from both perpetual futures and spot markets to provide a holistic view.
Smoothing and Customization: Allows users to smooth funding rates using a moving average, with customizable MA lengths for tailored analysis.
Dynamic Candle Coloring: Option to color candles based on trading conditions, enhancing visual analysis.
In the example below, the indicator shows how the funding rate shifts with market conditions, providing clear visual cues for bullish and bearish trends.
How it Works
Data Integration: Uses a secure security fetching function to retrieve pricing data while preventing look-ahead bias, ensuring accurate and reliable information.
TWAP Calculation: Computes Time-Weighted Average Prices (TWAP) for both perpetual futures and spot prices, forming the basis for funding rate calculations.
Funding Rate Calculation: Determines the raw funding rate by comparing TWAPs of perpetual futures and spot prices, then applies smoothing to highlight significant trends.
Color Coding: Highlights the funding rate with distinct colors (bullish and bearish), making it easier to interpret market conditions at a glance.
In the example below, the indicator effectively differentiates between bullish and bearish funding rates, aiding traders in making informed decisions based on current market dynamics.
Market Analysis: Enables traders to analyze the impact of funding rates on market trends, facilitating more strategic decision-making.
Trend Identification: Assists in identifying potential market reversals by monitoring shifts in funding rates.
Customizable Settings: Provides extensive input settings for exchange selection, MA length, and candle coloring, allowing for personalized analysis.
The Funding Rate Indicator by is a powerful addition to any trader's toolkit, offering detailed insights into funding rates across multiple exchanges to navigate the cryptocurrency market effectively.
M2 Global Liquidity Index
The M2 Global Liquidity Index calculates a composite index reflecting the aggregate liquidity provided by the M2 money supply of five major currencies: Chinese Yuan (CNY), US Dollar (USD), Euro (EUR), Japanese Yen (JPY), and British Pound (GBP). The M2 money supply includes cash, checking deposits, and easily convertible near money. By incorporating exchange rates (CNY/USD, EUR/USD, JPY/USD, GBP/USD), the script adjusts each country's M2 supply to a common base (USD) and sums them up to produce a global liquidity metric. This metric, plotted on a daily timeframe, provides an overview of the total liquidity available in these five significant economies.
Understanding the M2 money supply is crucial for assessing liquidity because it represents the amount of money readily available in an economy for spending and investment. Higher M2 levels generally indicate more liquidity, suggesting easier access to capital for businesses and consumers, potentially leading to economic growth. Conversely, lower M2 levels can signify tighter liquidity conditions, possibly resulting in constrained spending and investment.
Market Cap / Revenue RatioA variation of the P/S ratio, this script takes the future estimated revenue of the current stock versus it's Market Cap. It then compares the aforementioned Market Cap:Revenue ratio against a market bellwether's corresponding ratio (MSFT by default) to determine the following:
- Light green when the ratio is extremely low (Stock is very undervalued)
- Green when the ratio is low (Stock's multiple is lower by 20-50%)
- Blue when the ratio is close to the benchmark (Stock is fairly valued to benchmark multiple)
- Red when the ratio is high (Stock's mulitple is higher by 50% or more)
- Dark red when the ratio is extremely high (Stock is very overvalued)
- Full Table: Show the entire calculation table
- Minimalist: Go minimal and show only the ratio and color code
- Show Benchmark Multiple: Show the multiple ratio calculated between the current stock and the benchmark stock (MSFT by default)
- When calculating the Market Cap, TradingView sometimes under-reports the number of shares and thus skews the Market Cap too low. This seems to happen for stocks with multiple share classes like GOOGL so be mindful that the data can be wrong for these kinds of stocks. You can check on this by going into the Indicator's Settings and select Show Full Table which will show the number of shares outstanding reported by TradingView.
- For certain stocks such as foreign ADRs, there won't be a future revenue estimate so the script will automatically use the Total Revenue for the most recent Quarter in these cases
TASC 2024.06 REIT ETF Trading System█ OVERVIEW
This strategy script demonstrates the application of the Real Estate Investment Trust (REIT) ETF trading system presented in the article by Markos Katsanos titled "Is The Price REIT?" from TASC's June 2024 edition of Traders' Tips .
REIT stocks and ETFs offer a simplified, diversified approach to real estate investment. They exhibit sensitivity to interest rates, often moving inversely to interest rate and treasury yield changes. Markos Katsanos explores this relationship and the correlation of prices with the broader market to develop a trading strategy for REIT ETFs.
The script employs Bollinger Bands and Donchian channel indicators to identify oversold conditions and trends in REIT ETFs. It incorporates the 10-year treasury yield index (TNX) as a proxy for interest rates and the S&P 500 ETF (SPY) as a benchmark for the overall market. The system filters trade entries based on their behavior and correlation with the REIT ETF price.
The strategy initiates long entries (buy signals) under two conditions:
1. Oversold condition
The weekly ETF low price dips below the 15-week Bollinger Band bottom, the closing price is above the value by at least 0.2 * ATR ( Average True Range ), and the price exceeds the week's median.
Either of the following:
– The TNX index is down over 15% from its 25-week high, and its correlation with the ETF price is less than 0.3.
– The yield is below 2%.
2. Uptrend
The weekly ETF price crosses above the previous week's 30-week Donchian channel high.
The SPY ETF is above its 20-week moving average.
Either of the following:
– Over ten weeks have passed since the TNX index was at its 30-week high.
– The correlation between the TNX value and the ETF price exceeds 0.3.
– The yield is below 2%.
The strategy also includes three exit (sell) rules:
1. Trailing (Chandelier) stop
The weekly close drops below the highest close over the last five weeks by over 1.5 * ATR.
The TNX value rises over the latest 25 weeks, with a yield exceeding 4%, or its value surges over 15% above the 25-week low.
2. Stop-loss
The ETF's price declines by at least 8% of the previous week's close and falls below the 30-week moving average.
The SPY price is down by at least 8%, or its correlation with the ETF's price is negative.
3. Overbought condition
The ETF's value rises above the 100-week low by over 50%.
The ETF's price falls over 1.5 * ATR below the 3-week high.
The ETF's 10-week Stochastic indicator exceeds 90 within the last three weeks.
This strategy script educates users on the system outlined by the TASC article. However, note that its default properties might not fully represent real-world trading conditions for an individual. By default, it uses 10% of equity as the order size and a slippage amount of 5 ticks. Traders should adjust these settings and the commission amount when using this script. Additionally, since this strategy utilizes compound conditions on weekly data to trigger orders, it will generate significantly fewer trades than other, higher-frequency strategies.
Profitability Power RatioProfitability Power Ratio
The Profitability Power Ratio is a financial metric designed to assess the efficiency of a company's operations by evaluating the relationship between its Enterprise Value (EV) and Return on Equity (ROE). This ratio provides insights into how effectively a company generates profits relative to its equity and overall valuation.
Qualities and Interpretations:
1. Efficiency Benchmark: The Profitability Power Ratio serves as a benchmark for evaluating how efficiently a company utilizes its equity capital to generate profits. A higher ratio indicates that the company is generating significant profits relative to its valuation, reflecting efficient use of invested capital.
2. Financial Health Indicator: This ratio can be used as an indicator of financial health. A consistently high or improving ratio over time suggests strong operational efficiency and sustainable profitability.
3. Investment Considerations: Investors can use this ratio to assess the attractiveness of an investment opportunity. A high ratio may signal potential for good returns, but it's important to consider the underlying reasons for the ratio's level to avoid misinterpretation.
4. Risk Evaluation: An excessively high Profitability Power Ratio could also signal elevated risk. It may indicate aggressive financial leveraging or unsustainable growth expectations, which could pose risks during economic downturns or market fluctuations.
Interpreting the Ratio:
1. Higher Ratio: A higher Profitability Power Ratio typically signifies efficient capital utilization and strong profitability relative to the company's valuation.
2. Lower Ratio: A lower ratio may suggest inefficiencies in capital allocation or lower profitability relative to enterprise value.
3. Benchmarking: Compare the company's ratio with industry peers and historical performance to gain deeper insights into its financial standing and operational efficiency.
Using the Indicator:
The Profitability Power Ratio is plotted on a chart to visualize trends and fluctuations over time. Users can customize the color of the plot to emphasize this metric and integrate it into their financial analysis toolkit for comprehensive decision-making.
Disclaimer: The Profitability Power Ratio is a financial metric designed for informational purposes only and should not be considered as financial or investment advice. Users should conduct thorough research and analysis before making any investment decisions based on this indicator. Past performance is not indicative of future results. All investments involve risks, and users are encouraged to consult with a qualified financial advisor or professional before making investment decisions.
Dividend-to-ROE RatioDividend-to-ROE Ratio Indicator
The Dividend-to-ROE Ratio indicator offers valuable insights into a company's dividend distribution relative to its profitability, specifically comparing the Dividend Payout Ratio (proportion of earnings as dividends) to the Return on Equity (ROE), a measure of profitability from shareholder equity.
1. Higher Ratio: A higher Dividend-to-ROE Ratio suggests a stable dividend policy, where a significant portion of earnings is returned to shareholders. This can indicate consistent dividend payments, often appealing to income-seeking investors.
2. Lower Ratio: Conversely, a lower ratio implies that the company retains more earnings for growth, potentially signaling a focus on reinvestment for future expansion rather than immediate dividend payouts.
3. Excessively High Ratio: An exceptionally high ratio may raise concerns. While it could reflect a generous dividend policy, excessively high ratios might indicate that a company is distributing more earnings than it can sustainably afford. This could potentially hinder the company's ability to reinvest in its operations, research, or navigate economic downturns effectively.
Utility and Applications:
The Dividend-to-ROE Ratio can be particularly useful in the following scenarios:
1. Income-Oriented Investors: For investors seeking consistent dividend income, a higher ratio signifies a company's commitment to distributing profits to shareholders, potentially aligning with income-oriented investment strategies.
2. Financial Health Assessment: Analysts and stakeholders can use this ratio to gauge a company's financial health and dividend sustainability. It provides insights into management's capital allocation decisions and strategic focus.
3. Comparative Analysis: When comparing companies within the same industry, this ratio helps in benchmarking dividend policies and identifying outliers with unusually high or low ratios.
1. Contextual Analysis: Interpretation should be contextualized within industry standards and the company's financial history. Comparing the ratio with peers in the same sector can provide meaningful insights.
2. Financial Health: It's crucial to evaluate this indicator alongside other financial metrics (like cash flow, debt levels, and profit margins) to grasp the company's overall financial health and sustainability of its dividend policy.
Disclaimer: This indicator is for informational purposes only and does not constitute financial advice. Investors should conduct thorough research and consult with financial professionals before making investment decisions based on this ratio.
CAPEX RatioUnderstanding the CAPEX Ratio: An Essential Financial Metric
In the world of finance, understanding how companies allocate their resources and reinvest their earnings is crucial for investors and analysts. One fundamental metric used to assess a company's investment behavior is the CAPEX Ratio. This article delves into what the CAPEX Ratio signifies, its advantages, and how to interpret its implications.
What is the CAPEX Ratio?
The CAPEX Ratio, short for Capital Expenditure Ratio, is a financial indicator that measures the proportion of a company's capital expenditures (CAPEX) relative to various financial metrics such as revenue, free cash flow, net income, or total assets. CAPEX represents investments made by a company to acquire or maintain its physical assets.
Interpreting the Results
Each variant of the CAPEX Ratio provides unique insights into a company's financial strategy:
• CAPEX to Revenue Ratio: This ratio shows what portion of a company's revenue is being reinvested into capital investments. A higher ratio might indicate aggressive expansion plans or a need for infrastructure upgrades.
• CAPEX to Free Cash Flow Ratio: By comparing CAPEX with free cash flow, this ratio reveals how much of a company's available cash is dedicated to capital investments. It helps assess financial health and sustainability.
• CAPEX to Net Income Ratio: This ratio measures how much of a company's net income is being channeled back into capital expenditures. A high ratio relative to net income could signal a company's commitment to growth and development.
• CAPEX to Total Assets Ratio: This metric assesses the proportion of total assets being allocated towards capital expenditures. It provides a perspective on the company's investment intensity relative to its overall asset base.
Advantages of Using CAPEX Ratios
• Insight into Investment Strategy: Helps investors understand where a company is directing its resources.
• Evaluation of Financial Health: Indicates how efficiently a company is reinvesting profits or available cash.
• Comparative Analysis: Enables comparisons across companies or industries to gauge investment priorities.
How to Use the CAPEX Ratio
• Comparative Analysis: Compare the CAPEX Ratios over time or against industry peers to spot trends or outliers.
• Investment Decision-Making: Consider CAPEX Ratios alongside other financial metrics when making investment decisions.
In conclusion, the CAPEX Ratio is a valuable financial metric that offers deep insights into a company's investment behavior and financial health. By analyzing different variants of this ratio, investors and analysts can make informed decisions about a company's growth prospects and financial stability.
Institutional Activity Index [AlgoAlpha]🌟 Introducing the Institutional Activity Index by AlgoAlpha 🌟
Welcome to a powerful new indicator designed to gauge institutional trading activity! This cutting-edge tool combines volume analysis with price movement to derive a unique index that shines a spotlight on potential institutional moves in the market. 🎯📈
Key Features:
🔍 Normalization Period : Adjust the look-back period for normalization to tailor the sensitivity to your trading strategy.
📊 Moving Average Types : Choose from SMA, HMA, EMA, RMA, WMA, or VWMA to smooth the index and pinpoint trends.
🌈 Color-Coded Trends : Instant visual feedback on index trend direction with customizable up and down colors.
🔔 Alerts : Set alerts for when the index shows increasing activity, decreasing activity, or has reached a peak.
Quick Guide to Using the Institutional Activity Index:
1. 📝 Add the Indicator: Add the indicator to favorites. Adjust the normalization period, MA type, and peak detection settings to match your trading style.
2. 📈 Market Analysis: Similar to volume that reflects the amount of collective trading activity, this index reflects an estimate of the amount of trading activity by institutions. A higher value means that institutions are trading the asset more, this can mean selling or buying as the indicator does not indicate direction . Look out for peak signals, which may indicate that institutions have already secured positions in preparation for a move in price.
3. 🔔 Set Alerts: Enable alerts to notify you when there is a significant change in the activity levels or a new peak is detected, allowing for timely decisions without constant monitoring.
How It Works: 🛠
It is common knowledge that institutions trade with high amounts of capital, but employ tactics so as to not move the price significantly when entering on positions. This can be done by entering in times of high liquidity so that when an institution buys, there are enough sellers to cancel out the price movements and prevent a huge pump in price and vice versa. The Institutional Activity Index calculates liquidity by measuring the volume relative to the price range (close-open). This value is smoothed using median and a user defined moving average type and period, enhancing its clarity. If normalization is enabled, the index is adjusted relative to its range over a user-defined period, making the data comparable across different conditions.
Embrace this innovative tool to enhance your trading insights and strategies! 🚀✨
Fair Value Calculator V 1.0Fair Value Calculator V 1.0
This indicator calculates the fair value of a stock based on the revenue growth rate and net profit margin of a company, providing a quick estimate of its intrinsic worth. The calculation takes into account:
Current Revenue: The company's current revenue
5-Year Growth Rate: Expected revenue annual growth rate (CAGR) over the next 5 years
Average PE Ratio: The average Price-to-Earnings ratio for the next 5 years
Average Profit Margin: The average profit margin for the next 5 years
Share Outstanding: The total number of shares outstanding
Yearly Share Buyback Rate: The percentage of shares bought back by the company each year
Discount Rate: The rate used to calculate the present value of the fair value
Using these inputs, the indicator estimates the fair value of the stock, providing a valuable tool for investors and traders to make informed decisions.
Note: all values can be adjusted by the user by entering the desired value and selecting the item in the setup menu.
How it works
The indicator calculates the future revenue based on the current revenue and the expected revenue annual growth rate (CAGR).
It then estimates the future earnings using the average profit margin.
The future price is calculated using the exit value of the PE ratio.
The present value of the fair value is calculated using the discount rate.
The indicator adjusts the fair value based on the yearly share buyback rate.
Provides a quick but valuable estimate of a stock's fair value based on the revenue growth and the expected profit.
Helps investors and traders identify undervalued or overvalued stocks.
Allows users to adjust inputs to suit their own assumptions and scenarios.
This indicator is for informational purposes only and should not be considered as investment advice. Always do your own research and consider multiple perspectives before making investment decisions.