GLOBAL LIQUIDITY (Simple Proxy)I know there are many global liquidity indicators out there similar to this one.
This one just adds a little bit of more options for visualize different central banks and either stack data, see year over year changes, or visualize separate unstacked data.
Multi-Polar WorldA new macro analysis tool for easily analyzing the multi-polar world's economic powerhouses / spheres of influence, making for an easy to use visual when comparing a number of statistics:
GDP, GDP per Capita, External Debt, Government Debt, Exports, Imports, Gold Reserves, Employed Persons, Military Expenditure, Population, Bank Lending Rate, Balance of Trade, Central Bank Balance Sheet, M2 Money Supply, and CPI . Includes option to provide the total for each pole, or view individually for more detailed comparison. Meant to be used when analyzing the macro-economic conditions/trends in conjunction with other "Big Picture" type indicators when adjusting your macro framework.
Relevant World GDP GroupedLooking at a basket of countries total GDP for comparing size of economy. Makes it easy to select your own groupings of countries for comparison. A country's GDP is the total of consumer spending (C) plus business investment (I) and government spending (G), plus net exports, which is total exports minus total imports (X – M). Alliances visualized was the original idea but wasn't quite sure for a lot of other countries where they stand so it is what it is; feel free to improve.