ICT Daily Bias Finder [DTCC]What is This?
The ICT Daily Bias Finder uses a method called "DTCC" to identify the London and New York session's bias, bullish or bearish. This indicator should only be relied on for 5 minute, and not other timeframes.
How do I use it?
Look at the previous days two boxes (labeled DTCC Bear/DTCC Bull), if both are bullish or both are bearish it is NOT recommended to rely on DTCC for that day. If the first one is bullish and second one is bearish, the DTCC for the next day says that London session will turn ABOVE midnight opening price, while New York will turn UNDER midnight opening price (longs in London, shorts in New York). If the second one is bearish and the first is bullish, the DTCC for the next day says that London session will turn UNDER midnight opening price, while New York will turn ABOVE midnight opening price (shorts in London, longs in New York)
Emoji guide to DTCC indicator:
🟢🟢: Don't trust DTCC for that day
🔴🔴: Don't trust DTCC for that day
🟢🔴: Longs in London above Midnight Opening Price, Shorts in New York under Midnight Opening Price
🔴🟢: Shorts in London under Midnight Opening Price, Longs in New York under Midnight Opening Price
Reminder: NEVER rely solely on DTCC, DTCC can be wrong and is not right 100% of times.