Qube [AstrideUnicorn]Qube is an indicator that shows market regimes. It is able to detect medium and long term trends and ranging markets. If the indicator bars are colored blue and are between the two blue lines, it means that the market is in sideways movement or consolidation. If indicator bars cross the upper boundary and are colored green, it means that the market is in an uptrend. Red bars crossing the lower blue line indicate a downward trend. The red or green columns are further referred as signal bars.
The indicator is based on the normalized momentum oscillator raised to the third power. This is done to increase the sensitivity of the indicator and to emphasize the difference between the market modes.
The indicator can be used in different ways. One of them is determining the trend direction based on the last signal bar. Even if the current indicator bar is blue (showing range or consolidation), the user should consider the longer-term market mode as upward if the last signal bar is green. And vice versa, if the last signal bar is red, the current market bias is downward. One other way to use the indicator is to catch active price impulses, when columns of the same color (red or green) appear consecutively.
SpreadTrade - Auto-Cointegration (ps5)Decsription: Auto-Cointegration-Based Pair Trading Strategy (revised version)
To review, there are three popular styles of Pair trading: distance-based pair trading, correlation-based pair trading and cointegration-based pair trading. Typically, they require preliminary statistical estimation of the viability of the corresponding strategy.
Basically a pair trade strategy boils down to shorting the outperforming instrument and going long on the underperforming instrument whenever the temporary correlation weakens which means one instrument is going up and another is going down. Apart from the typical cointegration strategy which employs two cointegrated instruments, this script uses just one instrument, in base timeframe and in lagged timeframe, actually making it an auto-cointegration, or better still, an auto-correlation strategy.
Notice that each moving average function may require different Threshold settings.The orange cross symbol indicates the exit points. To filter out the signals use higher values for the LongWindow and the Threshold parameters. Also pay attention that in some cases with some moving averages the color of the signals has to be inverted.
Chef MomentumChef momentum is a simple stochastic indicator that uses the hull moving average (hma). The oscillator can be used like most oscillators available.
Default setting:
%K length: 25
%K smoothing: 100
The user can adapt the parameters to study other values.
how to use :
When the length of the stoch K crossover hline 25 , a green circle appears which indicates the potential arrival of momentum.
When the length of the stock K crossover hline 80 , a red circle appears indicating the potential end of the momentum.
deviation from fixed-timeframe-maIt is like an improved version of the deviation rate from the R-type (Radioyazi) moving average line used in stocks.
5RMA deviation rate is red and 25RMA deviation rate is blue. RMA is the average of the opening, high, low and closing prices. You can change it to SMA or close price in the settings.
Pink is (5RMA+25RMA)/2.
Each line is a band, the upper end is the high price, the lower end is the low price, and the middle line is the closing price. If you don't need the high/low price band, you can turn it off in the settings.
The gray line is the difference between the red 5RMA deviation rate and the blue 25RMA deviation rate.
It draws the results on the daily chart even on the intraday chart.
Relatively Good Adviser This indicator uses the RSI as the backbone of an extremely sensitive two-indicator trend following system.
This indicator is unique in that it uses the RSI as an anchor to attempt to solve for color where there is divergence nearby.
Oscillator Workbench — Chart [LucF]█ OVERVIEW
This indicator uses an on-chart visual framework to help traders with the interpretation of any oscillator's behavior. The advantage of using this tool is that you do not need to know all the ins and outs of a particular oscillator such as RSI, CCI, Stochastic, etc. Your choice of oscillator and settings in this indicator will change its visuals, which allows you to evaluate different configurations in the context of how the workbench models oscillator behavior. My hope is that by using the workbench, you may come up with an oscillator selection and settings that produce visual cues you find useful in your trading.
The workbench works on any symbol and timeframe. It uses the same presentation engine as my Delta Volume Channels indicator; those already familiar with it will feel right at home here.
An oscillator is any signal that moves up and down a centerline. The centerline value is often zero or 50. Because the range of oscillator values is different than that of the symbol prices we look at on our charts, it is usually impossible to display an oscillator on the chart, so we typically put oscillators in a separate pane where they live in their own space. Each oscillator has its own profile and properties that dictate its behavior and interpretation. Oscillators can be bounded , meaning their values oscillate between fixed values such as 0 to 100 or +1 to -1, or unbounded when their maximum and minimum values are undefined.
Oscillator weight
How do you display an oscillator's value on a chart showing prices when both values are not on the same scale? The method I use here converts the oscillator's value into a percentage that is used to weigh a reference line. The weight of the oscillator is calculated by maintaining its highest and lowest value above and below its centerline since the beginning of the chart's history. The oscillator's relative position in either of those spaces is then converted to a percentage, yielding a positive or negative value depending on whether the oscillator is above or below its centerline. This method works equally well with bounded and unbounded oscillators.
Oscillator Channel
The oscillator channel is the space between two moving averages: the reference line and a weighted version of that line. The reference line is a moving average of a type, source and length which you select. The weighted line uses the same settings, but it averages the oscillator-weighted price source.
The weight applied to the source of the reference line can also include the relative size of the bar's volume in relation to previous bars. The effect of this is that the oscillator's weight on bars with higher total volume will carry greater weight than those with lesser volume.
The oscillator channel can be in one of four states, each having its corresponding color:
• Bull (teal): The weighted line is above the reference line.
• Strong bull (lime): The bull condition is fulfilled and the bar's close is above the reference line and both the reference and the weighted lines are rising.
• Bear (maroon): The weighted line is below the reference line.
• Strong bear (pink): The bear condition is fulfilled and the bar's close is below the reference line and both the reference and the weighted lines are falling.
In the context of this indicator, a divergence is any bar where the slope of the reference line does not match that of the weighted line. No directional bias is assigned to divergences when they occur. You can also choose to define divergences as differences in polarity between the oscillator's slope and the polarity of close-to-close values. This indicator's divergences are designed to identify transition levels. They have no polarity; their bullish/bearish bias is determined by the behavior of price relative to the divergence channel after the divergence channel is built.
Divergence Channel
The divergence channel is the space between two levels (by default, the bar's low and high ) saved when divergences occur. When price has breached a channel and a new divergence occurs, a new channel is created. Until that new channel is breached, bars where additional divergences occur will expand the channel's levels if the bar's price points are outside the channel.
Price breaches of the divergence channel will change its state. Divergence channels can be in one of five different states:
• Bull (teal): Price has breached the channel to the upside.
• Strong bull (lime): The bull condition is fulfilled and the oscillator channel is in the strong bull state.
• Bear (maroon): Price has breached the channel to the downside.
• Strong bear (pink): The bear condition is fulfilled and the oscillator channel is in the strong bear state.
• Neutral (gray): The channel has not been breached.
Load the indicator on an active chart (see here if you don't know how).
The default configuration displays:
• The Divergence channel's levels.
• Bar colors using the state of the oscillator channel.
The default settings use:
• RSI as the oscillator, using the close source and a length of 20 bars.
• An Arnaud-Legoux moving average on the close and a length of 20 bars as the reference line.
• The weighted version of the reference line uses only the oscillator's weight, i.e., without the relative volume's weight.
The weighted line is capped to three standard deviations of the reference.
• The divergence channel's levels are determined using the high and low of the bars where divergences occur.
Breaches of the channel require a bar's low to move above the top of the channel, and the bar's high to move below the channel's bottom.
No markers appear on the chart; if you want to create alerts from this script, you will need first to define the conditions that will trigger the markers, then create the alert, which will trigger on those same conditions.
To learn more about how to use this indicator, you must understand the concepts it uses and the information it displays, which requires reading this description. There are no videos to explain it.
The script's inputs are divided in five sections: "Oscillator", "Oscillator channel", "Divergence channel", "Bar Coloring" and "Marker/Alert Conditions".
This is where you configure the oscillator you want to study. Thirty oscillators are available to choose from, but you can also use an oscillator from another indicator that is on your chart, if you want. When you select an external indicator's plot as the oscillator, you must also specify the value of its centerline.
Oscillator Channel
Here, you control the visibility and colors of the reference line, its weighted version, and the oscillator channel between them.
You also specify what type of moving average you want to use as a reference line, its source and its length. This acts as the oscillator channel's baseline. The weighted line is also a moving average of the same type and length as the reference line, except that it will be calculated from the weighted version of the source used in the reference line. By default, the weighted line is capped to three standard deviations of the reference line. You can change that value, and also elect to cap using a multiple of ATR instead. The cap provides a mechanism to control how far the weighted line swings from the reference line. This section is also where you can enable the relative volume component of the weight.
Divergence Channel
This is where you control the appearance of the divergence channel and the key price values used in determining the channel's levels and breaching conditions. These choices have an impact on the behavior of the channel. More generous level prices like the default low and high selection will produce more conservative channels, as will the default choice for breach prices.
In this section, you can also enable a mode where an attempt is made to estimate the channel's bias before price breaches the channel. When it is enabled, successive increases/decreases of the channel's top and bottom levels are counted as new divergences occur. When one count is greater than the other, a bull/bear bias is inferred from it. You can also change the detection mode of divergences, and choose to display a mark above or below bars where divergences occur.
Bar Coloring
You specify here:
• The method used to color chart bars, if you choose to do so.
• If you want to hollow out the bodies of bars where volume has not increased since the last bar.
Marker/Alert Conditions
Here, you specify the conditions that will trigger up or down markers. The trigger conditions can include a combination of state transitions of the oscillator and the divergence channels. The triggering conditions can be filtered using a variety of conditions.
Configuring the marker conditions is necessary before creating an alert from this script, as the alert will use the marker conditions to trigger.
Realtime values will repaint, as is usually the case with oscillators, but markers only appear on bar closes, so they will not repaint. Keep in mind, when looking at markers on historical bars, that they are positioned on the bar when it closes — NOT when it opens.
Raw values
The raw values calculated by this script can be inspected using the Data Window, including the oscillator's value and the weights.
Except when mentioned otherwise, this section's charts use the indicator's default settings, with different visual components turned on or off.
The aim of the oscillator channel is to provide a visual representation of an oscillator's general behavior. The simplest characteristic of the channel is its bull/bear state, determined by whether the weighted line is above or below the reference line. One can then distinguish between its bull and strong bull states, as transitions from strong bull to bull states will generally happen when trends are losing steam. While one should not infer a reversal from such transitions, they can be a good place to tighten stops. Only time will tell if a reversal will occur. One or more divergences will often occur before reversals. This shows the oscillator channel, with the reference line and the thicker, weighted line:
The nature of the divergence channel 's design makes it particularly adept at identifying consolidation areas if its settings are kept on the conservative side. The divergence channel will also reveal transition areas. A gray divergence channel should usually be considered a no-trade zone. More adventurous traders can use the oscillator channel to orient their trade entries if they accept the risk of trading in a neutral divergence channel, which by definition will not have been breached by price. This show only the divergence channels:
This chart shows divergence channels and their levels, and colors bars on divergences and on the state of the oscillator channel, which is not visible on the chart:
If your charts are already busy with other stuff you want to hold on to, you could consider using only the chart bar coloring component of this indicator. Here we only color bars using the combined state of the oscillator and divergence channel, and we do not color the bodies of bars where volume has not increased. Note that my chart's settings do not color the candle bodies:
At its simplest, one way to use this indicator would be to look for overlaps of the strong bull/bear colors in both the oscillator channel and a divergence channel, as these identify points where price is breaching the divergence channel when the oscillator's state is consistent with the direction of the breach.
One way to use the Workbench is to combine it with my Delta Volume Channels indicator. If both indicators use the same MA as a reference line, you can display its delta volume channel instead of the oscillator channel.
This chart shows such a setup. The Workbench displays its divergence levels, the weighted reference line using the default RSI oscillator, and colors bars on divergences. The DV Channels indicator only displays its delta volume channel, which uses the same MA as the workbench for its baseline. This way you can ascertain the volume delta situation in contrast with the visuals of the Workbench:
• For some of the oscillators, assumptions are made concerning their different parameters when they are more complex than just a source and length.
See the `oscCalc()` function in this indicator's code for all the details, and ask me in a comment if you can't find the information you need.
• When an oscillator using volume is selected and no volume information is available for the chart's symbol, an error will occur.
• The method I use to convert an oscillator's value into a percentage is fragile in the early history of datasets
because of the nascent expression of the oscillator's range during those early bars.
Working with this workbench
This indicator is called a workbench for a reason; it is designed for traders interested in exploring its behavior with different oscillators and settings, in the hope they can come up with a setup that suits their trading methodology. I cannot tell you which setup is the best because its setup should be compatible with your trading methodology, which may require faster or slower transitions, thus different configurations of the settings affecting the calculations of the divergence channels.
For Pine Script™ Coders
• This script uses the new overload of the fill() function which now makes it possible to do vertical gradients in Pine. I use it for both channels displayed by this script.
• I use the new arguments for plot() 's `display` parameter to control where the script plots some of its values,
namely those I only want to appear in the script's status line and in the Data Window.
• I used my ta library for some of the oscillator calculations and helper functions.
• I also used TradingView's ta library for other oscillator calculations.
• I wrote my script using the revised recommendations in the Style Guide from the Pine v5 User Manual.
[blackcat] L3 Gann SlopeLevel 3
William Gann (Wilian D. Gann) is one of the most famous investors in the twentieth century. His outstanding achievements in the stock and futures markets are unparalleled. The theory he created that perfectly combines time and price has been It is still talked about and highly praised by the investment community.
The slope is the degree of the angle line relative to the time axis (X axis). Volatility is the ratio of unit amplitude to unit time. At the heart of Gann angles is the determination of volatility. Gann angle is the movement of price defined by time unit and price unit. Each angle is determined by the relationship between time and price. In the rising angle, the angle with the larger slope means that the stock price is rising stronger and falling. In a trend line, the larger the slope, the stronger the downtrend.
This technical indicator speaks of the Gann slope expressed as an oscillator. Its value varies from 0 to 100. The positive slope means rising, and the negative slope means falling. For rising and falling, the strength of rising and falling is distinguished by the thickness and color of the oscillating line:
1. The thin white line represents the basic oscillator curve and has no special meaning.
2. Light red indicates that an uptrend is established, and dark red indicates a very strong uptrend.
3. Light green indicates an established downtrend, dark green indicates a very strong downtrend.
Feedbacks are appreciated.
PowerXYZ Strategy (PowerX Modified) This script modifies the PowerX strategy in the following ways:
- there are two types of 'black' bars, yellow and black; the bars that are colored black indicate the flip of the RSI from positive to negative, and vise versa, while the signal is also near to green or red color; the close of these bars are a strong indication of support or resistance, and the previous closes behind these bars create S&D zones.
- compares the typical price to the 4-period smoothed moving average to generate yellow bars sooner at the end of trends.
- uses a signal line of > 49 and <= 49 instead of 50.
Yellow indicates that you should probably move your stop closer to the current price.
Black indicates that you should probably exit and look for a new entry, as it is a strong area of support or resistance.
Trailing Stop SnippetThis is an example snippet that should allow for adding a trailing stop and trailing stop activation to almost any script.
You can use it by setting a trailing stop alone. This will provide you standard trailing stop functionality allowing you to lock in profits and increase your stop-loss as the price moves in your direction.
You can also set the trailing stop activation to trigger the original trailing stop at a certain level. "Once price rises 5%, set a trailing stop at break even". This would be set as 5 and 5 in the settings.
Bearish Market Indicator V2Definition
Have you ever wonder whether if the stock/index/market is "bearish" ? A Bearish Market Indicator (B.M.I) is not a new concept, the definition is simply 20% lower from the recent (term: short-term, recent: usually within a year, a.k.a 1 year) highs (closing price with in the recent period or within in a year or simply a 52-Week High). It is called “bearish” by definition when the closing price is below 20% from the highest price within the year (52-Week high: Green Line). To visualize the “20%” below the recent highs, there is a plot (line: light yellow color in the middle) called a Bearish Market By Definition Value. For example, the SPX 500 has been in a bearish market which is why there is a purple color highlight over the 52-Week High (green line) since September 21, 2022 because the closing price is below the Bearish Market By Definition Value (light yellow color) or “20% below the recent highs”. Finally, there is a red line under in the graph and it is the lowest price within a year. So when you hear, “this ticker is at a 52-Week Low”, you know what it means.
Line Summary:
Green Color Line = 52-Week High
Yellow Color Line = 20% away from the 52-Week High or Bearish Market By Definition Value
Red Color Line = 52-Week Low
Color Summary:
Red Color = Bad
Saturated Red Color = Very Bad
Purple Color = Bearish (It may look pink: red + purple)
White Color = Less Bad (That’s because there is no certainty only probability)
Green Color = Not too Bad (That’s because there is no certainty only probability)
Now to more complicated Metrics
>> If you do not like the technical indicators, go to the indicator settings, uncheck the tables. Otherwise, please continue reading. <<
+ Understand that the indicators are lagging indicators.
+ Using it under “D” or “Day” interval
+ Already Understand: Moving Averages, Stochastic-RSI, RSI, Super Trend and MACD.
+ Please be aware that this might not be compatible with traders!
This B.M.I is fused (comprised, combined) with multiple indicators:
- Moving Averages
I would not rely just on the Moving Averages (MA) since it is a lagging indicator. The values are derived by finding the differences with respect to the MAs (between the closing price and with the respect MA).
- Stochastic-RSI
Stochastic and RSI combo with RSI-Color coating. The first value is the rsi-stochastic-k followed by the rsi-stochastic-d both are compartmentalized with “|”.
Numbers > 80 Not Good
Numbers < 20 Is it time? (You can manually verify the lines (k, d) or the values from them)
- Relative Strength Index (RSI)
The first value is the rsi followed by the rsi-ma both are compartmentalized with “|”. It is also coated with RSI-color.
Numbers > 70 Overbought | Color Red
If the RSI > RSI’s MA = Green
If the RSI < RSI’s MA = Red
Numbers < 30 Oversold | Color Red
- Moving Averages Convergence Divergence (MACD)
The first value is the MACD-line followed by the signal-line both are compartmentalized with “|”.
Macd-line > signal line = green
Macd-line < signal line = red
- Supertrend (please look up from the documentation; i can not embed the link)
Think of this way, you’re riding a wave. If the wave is climbing, expect the price to follow.
Direction < 0 = Green
Direction > 0 = Red
- Other Trend similar to supertrend
This is similar to the Super Trend according the some. Imagine you’re drawing a trend line manually within 6 months.
Within the period, the line gets smoothed over and over til the n=9.
> If the closing is less than the 9th value, it implies the trend is slowing down.
+ Since there are different holidays from different countries, you can change the BMI-Period from the indicator settings “BMI-4khansolo”.
+ You can hide Technical Indicator Tables, it is also under the settings (see above).
> This will show red over the 52-Week high if it tests for positive .
Do you like eating the same food over and over? No! I love different food! I also love a variety of indicators. Especially, I love having MULTIPLE indicators presented in one canvas at the same time (personalized).
After spending a lot of time, I want to share my “FOOD” which is made of different ingredients (indicators) with someone who appreciates food! This Makes me a chef isn't it? Yes! Chef!
If you have questions or spotted errors, please comment them below so that I can improve.
All the materials (i.e., functions like ta.rsi, etc...) used in here are available in the platform.
All the references or sources materials are commented with the code since the I am not allowed to put them here.
Unified Composite Index [UCI] [KuraiBlu] [LazyBear]The purpose of this indicator is to combine the four basic types of indicators (Trend, Volatility, Momentum and Volume) to create a singular, composite index in order to provide a more holistic means of observing potential changes within the market, known as the Unified Composite Index . The indicators used in this index are as follows:
Trend - Trend Composite Index
Volatility - Bollinger Bands %b
Momentum - Relative Strength Index
Volume - Money Flow Index
The average price source can’t be altered as I’ve made it an average between ((open + close) / 2) and ((high + low) / 2).
The best way to use this is by observing several of the indicators at once in conjunction with the average, rather than simply using the average produced to determine the right moment to enter, or exit a trade by itself. I've found when one indicator goes way out of bounds relative to the other three (and subsequently, the average array), then it presents a good buying, or selling opportunity.
Some adjustments were made to several of the indicators in order to standardize them on a scale of 1-100 so that they could better accommodate the average array that was finally produced. Thanks to LazyBear for letting me strip down the WaveTrend Oscillator.
[blackcat] L3 Stock VWAP Slope in DegreesLevel 3
Smooth VWAP based on stock turnover and calculate the slope of the smoothed VWAP
This is a technical indicator for stocks only. Because of the use of TradingView's financial functions, the scope of use is limited to stocks. It will give an error when you use it for other trading pairs. According to if the VWAP is smoothed according to the stock turnover rate, and the angle of the VWAP is calculated to judge the trend. The specific method of use is: the fast line crosses the slow line at a large angle, which can be regarded as a buy intervention point, and the fast line crosses the slow line in a small amount and then steps back on the slow line, which can also be regarded as a buy intervention point. The slow line is the 3-period moving average of the fast line.
Feedbacks are appreciated.
Bayesian BBSMA + nQQE Oscillator + Bank funds (whales detector)Three trend indicators in one. Fork of Gunslinger2005 indicator, with a fix to display the nQQE oscillator correctly and clearly, and converted to pinescript v5 (allowing to set a different timeframe and gaps).
How to use: Essentially, nQQE is a long term trend indicator which is more adequate in daily or weekly timeframe to indicate the current market cycle. Banker Fund seems better suited to indicate current local trend, although it is sensitive to relief rallies. Bayesian BBSMA is an awesome tool to visualize the buildup in bullish/bearish sentiment, and when it is more likely to get released, however it is unreliable, so it needs to be combined with other indicators.
Please show the original indicators some love:
Bayesian BBSMA:
L3 Banker Fund Flow Trend:
Originally mixed together by Gunslinger2005:
Divergence for Many Panel (D4MP+)Divergence for Many Panel (D4MP+)
This Divergence for Many Panel indicator is built upon the realtme divergence drawing code originally authored by LonesomeTheBlue, now in the form of a panel indicator.
The available oscillators, hand picked for their ability to identify high quality divergences currently include:
- Ultimate Oscillator (UO)
- True Strength Index (TSI)
- Money Flow Index (MFI)
- Relative Strength Index (RSI)
- Stochastic RSI
- Time Segmented Volume (TSV)
- Cumulative Delta Volume (CDV)
Note : this list of available oscillators may be added to or altered at a later date.
The indicator includes the following features:
- Ability to select any of the above oscillators
- Optional divergence lines drawn directly onto the oscillator in realtime .
- Configurable alerts to notify you when divergences occur.
- Configurable pivot lookback periods to fine tune the divergences drawn in order to suit different trading styles and timeframes, including the ability to enable automatic adjustment of pivot period per chart timeframe.
- Background colouring option to indicate when the selected oscillator has crossed above or below its centerline.
- Alternate timeframe feature allows you to configure the oscillator to use data from a different timeframe than the chart it is loaded on.
- Oscillator name label, so you can clearly see which oscillator is selected, in the case you have multiple loaded onto a chart.
- Optional adjustable range bands.
- Automatic adjustment of line colours, centerlines and range band levels on a per oscillator basis by default.
- Ability to customise the colours of each of the oscillators.
What is the Ultimate Oscillator ( UO )?
“The Ultimate Oscillator indicator (UO) indicator is a technical analysis tool used to measure momentum across three varying timeframes. The problem with many momentum oscillators is that after a rapid advance or decline in price, they can form false divergence trading signals. For example, after a rapid rise in price, a bearish divergence signal may present itself, however price continues to rise. The ultimate Oscillator attempts to correct this by using multiple timeframes in its calculation as opposed to just one timeframe which is what is used in most other momentum oscillators.”
What is the True Strength Index ( TSI )?
"The true strength index (TSI) is a technical momentum oscillator used to identify trends and reversals. The indicator may be useful for determining overbought and oversold conditions, indicating potential trend direction changes via centerline or signal line crossovers, and warning of trend weakness through divergence."
What is the Money Flow Index ( MFI )?
“The Money Flow Index ( MFI ) is a technical oscillator that uses price and volume data for identifying overbought or oversold signals in an asset. It can also be used to spot divergences which warn of a trend change in price. The oscillator moves between 0 and 100. Unlike conventional oscillators such as the Relative Strength Index ( RSI ), the Money Flow Index incorporates both price and volume data, as opposed to just price. For this reason, some analysts call MFI the volume-weighted RSI .”
What is the Relative Strength Index ( RSI )?
"The relative strength index (RSI) is a momentum indicator used in technical analysis. RSI measures the speed and magnitude of a security's recent price changes to evaluate overvalued or undervalued conditions in the price of that security. The RSI can do more than point to overbought and oversold securities. It can also indicate securities that may be primed for a trend reversal or corrective pullback in price. It can signal when to buy and sell. Traditionally, an RSI reading of 70 or above indicates an overbought situation. A reading of 30 or below indicates an oversold condition. It is also commonly used to identify divergences."
What is the Stochastic RSI (StochRSI)?
"The Stochastic RSI (StochRSI) is an indicator used in technical analysis that ranges between zero and one (or zero and 100 on some charting platforms) and is created by applying the Stochastic oscillator formula to a set of relative strength index (RSI) values rather than to standard price data. Using RSI values within the Stochastic formula gives traders an idea of whether the current RSI value is overbought or oversold. The StochRSI oscillator was developed to take advantage of both momentum indicators in order to create a more sensitive indicator that is attuned to a specific security's historical performance rather than a generalized analysis of price change."
What Is Time Segmented Volume?
"Time segmented volume (TSV) is a technical analysis indicator developed by Worden Brothers Inc. that segments a stock's price and volume according to specific time intervals. The price and volume data is then compared to uncover periods of accumulation (buying) and distribution (selling)."
What is Cumulative Volume Delta ( CDV )?
"The CDV analyses the net buying at market price and net selling at market price. This means, that volume delta is measuring whether it is the buyers or sellers that are more aggressive in taking the current market price. It measures the degree of intent by buyers and sellers, which can be used to indicate who is more dominant. The CDV can be used to help identify possible trends and also divergences"
What are divergences?
Divergence is when the price of an asset is moving in the opposite direction of a technical indicator, such as an oscillator, or is moving contrary to other data. Divergence warns that the current price trend may be weakening, and in some cases may lead to the price changing direction.
There are 4 main types of divergence, which are split into 2 categories;
regular divergences and hidden divergences. Regular divergences indicate possible trend reversals, and hidden divergences indicate possible trend continuation.
Regular bullish divergence: An indication of a potential trend reversal, from the current downtrend, to an uptrend.
Regular bearish divergence: An indication of a potential trend reversal, from the current uptrend, to a downtrend.
Hidden bullish divergence: An indication of a potential uptrend continuation.
Hidden bearish divergence: An indication of a potential downtrend continuation.
Setting alerts.
With this indicator you can set alerts to notify you when any/all of the above types of divergences occur, on any chart timeframe you choose.
Configurable pivot periods.
You can adjust the default pivot periods to suit your prefered trading style and timeframe. If you like to trade a shorter time frame, lowering the default lookback values will make the divergences drawn more sensitive to short term price action.
How do traders use divergences in their trading?
A divergence is considered a leading indicator in technical analysis , meaning it has the ability to indicate a potential price move in the short term future.
Hidden bullish and hidden bearish divergences, which indicate a potential continuation of the current trend are sometimes considered a good place for traders to begin, since trend continuation occurs more frequently than reversals, or trend changes.
When trading regular bullish divergences and regular bearish divergences, which are indications of a trend reversal, the probability of it doing so may increase when these occur at a strong support or resistance level . A common mistake new traders make is to get into a regular divergence trade too early, assuming it will immediately reverse, but these can continue to form for some time before the trend eventually changes, by using forms of support or resistance as an added confluence, such as when price reaches a moving average, the success rate when trading these patterns may increase.
Typically, traders will manually draw lines across the swing highs and swing lows of both the price chart and the oscillator to see whether they appear to present a divergence, this indicator will draw them for you, quickly and clearly, and can notify you when they occur.
Disclaimer : This script includes code from several stock indicators by Tradingview as well as the Divergence for Many Indicators v4 by LonesomeTheBlue. With special thanks.
[blackcat] L1 Slope OscillatorLevel 1
This technical indicator can judge the upside potential of individual stocks based on the slope
This technical indicator determines whether the trend continues or reverses by defining a fast slope and a slow slope. If it shows a golden cross to buy at a low level, a dead cross to sell. It can be combined with other types of fast technical indicators to determine the resonance of buying and selling points. The premise of buying stocks is that this indicator has a golden cross and the individual stocks are trending upwards.
Feedbacks are appreciated.
Double RSI TrendThis is my Double RSI Trend Indicator. It issues Buy and Sell signals based on the Supertrend and a double RSI . The RSIs cross near or at the same time as the Supertrend fires. It has the ability to change if you want signals based on the RSI cross on the same candle, one candle before, and two candles before. I find this one extremely good at catching reversals as long as you filter out some of the signals based on trend.
TIGER ALERT RSI DIVThats our first RSI DIV indicator for free use.
What is an RSI divergence?
What Is the Relative Strength Index (RSI)?
The relative strength index (RSI) is a momentum indicator used in technical analysis.
RSI measures the speed and magnitude of a security's recent price changes to evaluate overvalued or undervalued conditions in the price of that security.
The RSI can do more than point to overbought and oversold securities. It can also indicate securities that may be primed for a trend reversal or corrective pullback in price. It can signal when to buy and sell. T
raditionally, an RSI reading of 70 or above indicates an overbought situation. A reading of 30 or below indicates an oversold condition.
DIY Entry SignalsThis indicator allows you to set up entry signals based on your own conditions.
Note that this indicator DOES NOT give any information about exits. It is not intended to be a signal indicator that someone could blindly follow. It is intended for use in backtesting to help spot entry points more easily.
Also note that this indicator DOES NOT plot anything other than moving averages and entry signals. The other indicators referenced will need to be added on their own to be visible on the chart.
Credit to The_Caretaker for both BBWP and PMARP indicators. For more information on how those work, see their descriptions. Big thanks to him for making them open source, as well.
Instructions for use:
Signal Types:
This section allows you to choose whether you want long, short, or both types of signals.
Moving Averages:
Configure up to 4 moving averages to be plotted on the chart. Options include show/hide, color, length, and type.
Choose the period and source used for the Relative Strength Index indicator, a very commonly used momentum oscillator.
Choose the K, D, smoothing, and source for the Stochastic indicator, a very commonly used momentum oscillator.
Choose settings for the Bollinger Band Width Percentile indicator. This measures volatility based on Bollinger Bands and was created by The_Caretaker. The indicator is free and open source, so definitely check it out.
This section allows the user to choose the price source, basis type ( SMA , EMA , or VWMA ), length, and lookback. It also includes a threshold setting to determine the BBWP requirement used for entry signals.
Choose settings for the Price Moving Average Ratio & Percentile. This calculates the ratio between a source price and moving average over a lookback period. This was also created by The_Caretaker, and it is a free and open source indicator.
This section allows the user to choose price source, lookback, PMAR length, and moving average type.
Choose settings for the Directional Movement Index and the Average Directional Index. This shows which direction the price is moving by comparing prior highs and lows and calculating a positive directional movement and a negative directional movement. The average of the positive and negative movements is used to plot the ADX line.
Long/Short Conditions:
Choose which indicators will be used to determine entry signals, as well as some options for each indicator that is included.
Note: A signal will only be plotted if ALL selected conditions are met.
Options in these sections include:
Faster moving averages above or below slower moving averages (implying a trend direction)
RSI thresholds (separate for long and short)
Stochastic thresholds (separate for long and short)
Whether K should be above or below D (implying trend direction of the Stochastic indicator)
Whether a signal should only be generated on the bar when the Stochastic first crosses the threshold.
BBWP on/off (The threshold for this is determined in the BBWP section of the settings)
PMARP thresholds (separate for long and short)
Distance from Avg + avgsThis indicator plots the difference between the close and a selected moving average.
It then can apply 1-3 moving averages of the indicator itself.
One way you might use it is, say, you have a 50ma on price on your chart.
You set the Distance from Avg to use the 50ma on price to compare to close.
Then, you add a 50ma of the indicator itself. You can now compare how price
relates to its 50ma vs how the indicator relates to its 50ma. If they confirm
each other, good to go. When they dont compare (divergence), then this may
be suggesting a change. As the distance from avg is essentially a momentum
indicator, then you're comparing momentum (and its own avg) to price and
its same avg.
You could add a shorter term avg on the indicator (now 2 avgs), and look for crosses, etc.
In the settings box, the first average is the average that you want to compare the close to.
The next 3 are averages for the indicator itself.
You can experiment with combinations, and perhaps find something of value for you.
[blackcat] L3 Candle Skew 3821 TraderLevel 3
By modeling skew to produce long and short entry points.
The concept of skew comes from physics and statistics, and is used in market technical analysis to reflect the expectation of future stock price distribution. Because the return distribution of stocks in the trend market has skew (Skew), it is reasonable to judge the trend continuity according to the historical and current skew. It is precisely because the stock price rises that there is a skew. The greater the strength of the rise, the greater the angle of inclination and the greater the skew. The degree of this upward or downward slope in the statistical distribution of stock prices is defined as skew. Through the size of skew, we can know the direction, inertia and extent of the stock's rise or fall, and find stocks with a high probability of quick profit. The technical indicator introduced today is a simplified but effective stock price skew model used to generate buying and selling points.
The principle of this technical indicator is based on the success rate test results of different moving averages corresponding to different skews as follows:
10 trading cycles profit 5% success rate (%)
5 period moving average 10 period moving average 20 period moving average 30 period moving average 60 period moving average
skew>=0 51.36 52.26 52.65 52.55 52.08
skew>=0.5 55.44 58.06 60.56 62.37 65.66
skew>=1 59.72 63.06 67.07 69.78 70.62
skew>=1.5 63.01 67.08 71.61 72.9 70.61
skew>=2 65.53 70.22 74.18 73.76 70.12
skew>=2.5 67.89 72.93 75.32 73.66 68.92
skew>=3 70.07 75.32 75.69 72.54 67.45
skew>=3.5 71.85 77.05 75.32 73.63 63.82
skew>=4 73.6 78.06 74.19 68.96 59.91
skew>=4.5 76.04 78.56 72.85 69.55 49.24
skew>=5 77.44 78.88 71.58 67.28 51.69
skew>=5.5 78.97 78.39 70.33 64.31 49.7
skew>=6 79.68 78.07 68.82 61.65 53.57
Table 1
As can be seen from the above table, with the increase of the 5-period and 10-period moving average skew values, the success rate is increasing, but after the 20- and 30-period moving average skew values increase to an upper bound, it shows a downward trend. When the skew of the 20-period and 30-period moving averages is greater than 0.5, the 10-period profit of 5% is above 60%, and when it is greater than 1.5, the success rate can reach above 70%. The larger the 5-period moving average skew, the higher the success rate, but often because the short-term skew is too large, the stock price has risen rapidly to a high level, and chasing up is risky, which is not suitable for the investment habits of most people, so prudent investors may like to do swings. Investors may wish to pay more attention to the skew of the 20-period and 30-period moving averages. Based on the above analysis, as a short-term trading enthusiast, I need to choose the 5-period and 10-period moving average skew, and consider the medium-term trend as a compromise, and I also need to consider the 20-period moving average skew. Finally, according to the principle of personal preference, I chose 3 groups of periods based on Fibonacci magic numbers: 3 periods, 8 periods, 21 periods, and skews that take into account both short-term and mid-line trends. So, I named this indicator number 3821 as a distinction.
002084 1D from TradingView
BTCUSDT 1H from TradingView
Tesla 1D from TradingView
True Range ScoreTrue Range Score:
This study transforms the price similar to how z-score works. Instead of using the standard deviation to divide the difference of the source and the mean to determine the sources deviation from the mean we use the true range. This results in a score that directly relates to what multiplier you would be using with the Keltner Channel. This is useful for many applications.
One is the fact that it shows you the momentum of the price and how strong the price movement is. This is also a great metric of volatility. With this you can make a smart Keltner channel by multiplying the mean by the average true range 75th percentile of this score. I in fact do this in my automatic Keltner channel script. I hope this script is useful for you. Thank you for checking this out.
(Source - Mean)/True Range instead of (Source - Mean)/Standard Deviation
Z Bollinger BandsThis version of Bollinger Bands measures the average volatility. By taking the 75th percentile of the average absolute value of the difference between the Source and the Mean divided by the Standard Deviation and using that as our multiplier for our Bollinger bands we can have a statistically safe trading zone.
You notice that its dynamic, this is because it take into account the real volatility levels of a window and uses that to determine an appropriate multiplier. As always I hope you enjoy this release.
RSI Shadow by TartigradiaHave you ever wondered how much the RSI can vary during an open session? How much wicks can make the RSI overshoots before it retraces for the close?
This indicator plots the RSI shadow, which is the area between the highest and lowest RSI values attained during each open session, from the high/low wick price candle (ie, not the open value).
Technically, we calculate the RSI as usual for all past bars, except for current bar for which we use the high and low values to calculate the RSI Shadow bounds. The invisible PineScript loop then repeats this process for each bar.
In practice, the RSI Shadow provides 2 different informations:
1. This allows to visually represent the variability that historically happened for each bar, which help in better understanding the context at the time and may help predict future similar patterns.
2. The closer the RSI is to one bound, high or low, the more bullish or bearish respectively the price action is. Intuitively, when RSI is close to the high shadow bound, it means that price action is so bullish it often closes in proximity to the highest value attained during the open session, hence very bullish sentiment. And inversely for low and bearish sentiment. To ease visualization of these sentiments, a background highlighting is provided.
The indicator works under all timeframes, but it appears to provide a very reliable information with longer timeframe. The background highlighting showing the bullish/bearish sentiment based on the RSI Shadow appears to indicate crypto market cycles relatively reliably, with 2-3 consecutive bars with the same background color indicating a strong trend.
False positives can be reduced by looking at both the background color and the RSI direction, if both are congruent (ie, both bullish), then the trend indication is good, otherwise the trend indicated by the background color should be disregarded. An option was added to uncolor background if incongruent with RSI's direction.
There is also a "shadow margin" setting that allows to further reduce the number of false positives, at the expense of reduced sensitivity (a margin of 3 seems to eliminate most false positives).
Note: if you need a more complete RSI indicator with overbought/oversold signals, check out RSI+ (alt), which includes all RSI related indicators I make (such as RSI Shadow):