Ultimate 'Multi-Timeframe' Multi-Averages + Bitfinex Margin %Added Bitfinex % longs and shorts to the "Ultimate Multitimeframe Multiaverages" indicator.
It works with all coins using charts from Bitfinex.
Multi SMA - Multi Simple Moving Average IndicatorYet another Multi SMA indicator. I edited Ahoudori's Multi EMA indicator to this one so I could toggle between these values, and other values in another indicator without having to re-enter the values into a single indicator each time.
The default values are 10, 20, 50, and 200. These are based on the common values used in a variety of markets by fund managers and day traders.
Ichimoku Cloud x10 - Time fixedDraws up to ten ichimoku clouds, timeframe independant.
Just select your ichi settings, and which timescales you want to see. Enter 0 to disable, if you want less than 10 clouds.
Multi SMA EMA WMA HMA BB (5+5 MAs + Bollinger Bands) MTF by RRBMulti SMA EMA WMA HMA BB (5+5 Moving Averages of Any Type with Bollinger Bands) MTF by RagingRocketBull 2018
Version 1.0
This indicator shows multiple MAs of any type (SMA EMA WMA HMA etc) with BB and MTF support
There are several versions: Simple, MTF, Pro MTF and Ultimate MTF. This is the MTF version. The Differences are listed below. All versions have BB
- Simple: you have 2 groups of MAs that can be assigned any type (5+5)
- MTF: +assign 1 custom Timeframe to any group combo (5+5 Custom TF)
- Pro MTF: +multiple Timeframes for multiple MA groups (4*3 MTF), horizontal levels and show max bars back options
- Ultimate MTF: +individual settings for each MA, multiple Timeframes
There are 2 groups of MAs, 3rd group is BB. You can:
- show/hide all MAs in a group. Use length 0 to hide a particular MA independently or uncheck in Style.
- apply any MA type to all MAs in a particular MA group. For example, you can assign all EMAs the HMA type. Groups are called EMAs and SMAs just for reference.
- assign Custom Timeframe to a particular MA/BB group combination or all groups. For example, show daily (D) EMAs+SMAs on H1 Timeframe, or only H4 (240) BB on H1.
You can use different types of MAs as dynamic S/R levels to trade of off and MA crosses as signals for possible trend change (golden/death bull/bear crosses).
Current Timeframe MAs can be used together with Custom Timeframe MAs on a single chart. Higher TF MAs are more important than lower TF MAs.
Most common MA types are: SMA, EMA, WMA, HMA.
Most common MA lengths are: 12, 20, 26, 30, 50, 100, 200, 400 etc.
MTF Notes:
- Script UI uses simple timeframe textbox instead of input resolution dropdown to allow for 240 120 and other custom TFs
- Groups that are not assigned a Custom TF will use Current Timeframe (0).
- MTF will work for any MA type assigned to the group. BB group always uses SMA type.
- MTF works both ways: you can display a higher TF MA/BB on a lower TF or a lower TF MA/BB on a higher TF.
- MTF MA values are normally aligned at the boundary of their native timeframe. This produces stair stepping when a higher TF MA is viewed on a lower TF.
Therefore Point Density/Smoothing is applied by default on MA MTF for visual aesthetics. Set to 0 to disable and see exact ma mtf values (lines with stair stepping and original mtf alignment).
- Smoothing is disabled for BB MTF because fill doesn't work with smoothed MAs after duplicate values are replaced with na.
- MTF MA Value fluctuation is possible on the current bar due to default security lookahead
- 2 groups of custom 5+5 MAs of any type including Hull Moving Average (HMA)
- BB
- 1x Custom Timeframe with step line smoothing for 3 groups (MAs + BB)
1. based on 3EmaBB, uses plot, fill, security, change, barstate, stdev and custom hma functions
2. you can't set certain constants from input due to Pinescript limitations - change the code as needed, recompile and use as a private script version
3. you can't have plot* inside ?/if/for/function, and implementing condition forks using 2 sets of plots (na vs non-na) doubles indicator params and styles - confusing
4. swma has a fixed length = 4, alma and linreg have additional offset and smoothing params
Feel free to use. Good Luck!
Multi SMA EMA WMA HMA BB (5+5 MAs + Bollinger Bands) by RRB
Multi SMA EMA WMA HMA BB (5+5 Moving Averages of Any Type with Bollinger Bands) by RagingRocketBull 2018
Version 1.0
This indicator shows multiple MAs of any type (SMA EMA WMA HMA etc) with BB on a chart at the same time with/without MTF support depending on the version.
There are several versions (published later): Simple, MTF, Pro MTF and Ultimate MTF. This is the Simple version. The Differences are listed below. All versions have BB
- Simple: you have 2 groups of MAs that can be assigned any type (5+5)
- MTF: +assign 1 custom Timeframe to any group combo (5+5 Custom TF)
- Pro MTF: +multiple Timeframes for multiple MA groups (4*3 MTF), horizontal levels and show max bars back options
- Ultimate MTF: +individual settings for each MA, multiple Timeframes
You can use different types of MAs as dynamic S/R levels to trade of off and MA crosses as signals for possible trend change (golden/death bull/bear crosses).
Most common MA types are: SMA, EMA, WMA, HMA.
Most common MA lengths are: 12, 20, 26, 30, 50, 100, 200, 400 etc.
- 2 groups of custom 5+5 MAs of any type including Hull Moving Average (HMA)
- BB
1. based on 3EmaBB, uses plot, fill, stdev and custom hma functions
2. swma has a fixed length = 4, alma and linreg have additional offset and smoothing params
Feel free to use. Good Luck!
Ichimoku Cloud Score MTFThis is a simple multi time frame (MTF) conversion of the Ichimoku Cloud Score indicator.
All credit goes to the following users for the initial implementations:
- User @dashed :
- User @sjb933 :
This script calculates the Cloud Score based on the sjb933 version; all I've done is convert the script to Pinescript version 3 (to ensure the security function works as intended) and add MTF capability.
I'm a big fan of MTF analysis when using indicators (particularly oscillators). Using a higher time frame runs into the issue of the indicator repainting until the relevant higher time frame candle closes (this is inevitable and logical - so don't comment saying it repaints!). However, for lagging indicators such as this one, adding a lower time frame provides potential entry and exit signals into the larger trend, and also provides early warning of large trend shifts before the current time frame will. This can give you more control over your trades, and in my experience helps lagging indicators such as Ichimoku stay relevant in high volatility markets that are vastly different from when the indicators were conceived.
Any queries please let me know.
Multi Time Frame 3x EMA 5min 15min and 60minThanks to Jurij for his coding on single MTF EMA I added 2 more, but changed the time frame to 5min, 15min and 60min
IntelliTrader - STOCH - MTF 1m / 5m / 15m / 1h / 4h / 1dlight green = 1m
green = 5m
light blue = 15m
blue = 1h
light purple = 4h
purple = 1d
Ultimate 'Multi-Timeframe' Multi-AveragesPlots different kinds of averages (EMA, SMA, SMMA, WMA, VWMA) referred to a fixed timeframe/period indipendent from the one that you are watching (example: plot daily EMA on the 4h chart).
Highlights the crossing of averages.
Multiple Ema 8/13/21/55 by melihgulerIn one graph, 4 different periods include EMA (8/13/21/55). It is not recommended for short-term investments. You can get efficient results using at least 4 hours chart.
It is not an investment recommendation. Your use is at your own risk.
Strenght and MomentumThe scope of this script is to measure momentum and strenght of EURO and DOLLAR using their indexes.
Forza (line) above 0 means EURO is stonger than DOLLAR
Momento (histogram) above 0 means EURO has a positive momentum against DOLLAR
The added value to see MACD and RSI directly on EURUSD chart is that indexes consider also other pairs so their RSI and MACD has a larger view on forex markets.
Script has also an option for multi timeframes.
I think that could be used as filters for LONG or SHORT positions in lower time frames.
Binque's Multi-Moving Average Binque's Multi-Moving Average - One indicator with four simple moving average and four exponential moving averages, plus as a bonus a Day High moving average and a Day Low Moving Average.
Simple Moving Average or MA(14), MA(50), MA(100) and MA(200) all in one indicator
Exponential Moving Average or EMA(8), EMA(14), EMA(20) and EMA(33) all in one indicator
Day High Moving Average - Tracks the Daily High versus most moving averages track the daily close.
Day Low Moving Average - Tracks the Daily Low versus most moving average track the daily close.
To Disable moving averages, Set the color to the chart background and then set the length to 1 and uncheck.
I Use the Daily High Moving Average to track upward resistance in a stock movement for Swing Trading.
I Use the Daily Low Moving Average to track my trailing stop in a stock movement for Swing Trading.
Fibonacci Exponential Moving Averages ( EMA )Here you can have 4 EMA on one indicator. The inputs are for 8, 13, 21 and 55 previous open&close which are from Fibonacci sequence.
How to : To use the script, click on "Add to Favourite Scripts", then load the script from Indicators on the Chart.
Fibonacci Exponential Moving Averages ( EMA )
Have 8, 13, 21 and 55 EMA on one indicator ! enjoy :)
NeoButane Bitfinex BTC Longs vs. Shorts Tickers Simplified (MtF)With optional overlay for high/low candle values and daily resolution close. Now with MtF to add customization .
Made because I'm too lazy to constantly re-add tickers and to reduce noise.
BTC World Volume (Multi-Exchange)Release: 2018-03-29
Bitcoin is listed on multiple exchanges. Many people have called for a single global index that would quote BTC volume across all exchanges: this script is such a virtual volume aggregate of the 17 largest fiat exchanges on TradingView (listed in the script comments, and in Format > Inputs for you to select). It includes USD, EUR, JPY, KRW and USDT sources.
It will, independently for each tick, quote the volume from all selected exchanges and display a stacked representation, freely inspired from CoinMarketCap charts; also a Moving Average. Each fiat/continent has its own general color, to be able to quickly glance at where volume is coming from, e.g. BitMEX or Asia. (colors are based on Google's Material Design).
By default:
Grey: BitMEX
Green: USD
Yellow: Tether (USDT)
Red: Asia (JPY, KRW)
Blue: Europe (EUR)
No more "on Coinbase this" or "on Bitstamp that", you've now got a global overview! It becomes easy to debunk a few common myths.
See CoinMarketCap for reference.
Note: Bitmex is not taken into account in CoinMarketCap (afaik) since it's trading a derivative asset (XBTUSD contracts), but it usually amounts to ~50% of the overall BTC volume in USD value. The 16 other exchanges quote their volume in BTC, and they represent 30~40% of the overall BTC volume. I believe the whole is good enough to smooth out exchanges variations, and get a fair representation of real-time activity.
Just add it to your chart, it will appear as a separate indicator. By default, it appears as stacked colored "areas". There is also a total volume Histogram, which is transparent by default: you can tweak that in Format > Style.
The darker and lighter backgrounds are respectively indicative of a downward price candle (open > close), or an upward price candle (close > open). They are unrelated to volume and simply help interpreting the indicator.
You can check/uncheck exchanges in the Format > Inputs tab to remove/add some of them from computation. All are enabled by default.
You can check/uncheck exchanges in the Format > Style tab to hide them (usually you would hide all or none).
You can edit colors and transpareny as well for each exchange.
You can edit "Volume histogram" transparency to have it show (it's a simpler representation than areas).
Moving Average: You can select the type (SMA, EMA, DEMA or TEMA) and length.
Please leave feedback below or pm me directly for bugs and suggestions.
TSP Cycles DoubleDouble Cycles
You can setup higher timeframe cycle period's as argument, default is M30
BTC World Price: Multi-Exchange VWAPBTC World Price: Multi-Exchange VWAP
What you see above are not Bitmex candles, but this indicator's.
Bitcoin is listed on multiple exchanges. Many people have called for a single global index that would quote BTC price and volume across all exchanges: this script is such a virtual aggregate (formerly: Multi-Listed , Volume-Weighted Average Price ).
It will, independently for each tick, for any time-frame:
- Quote the price (O, H, L, C) and volume from Bitfinex (USD), Binance (USDT), bitFlyer (Yen), Bithumb (S. Korean Won), Coinbase (USD), Kraken (EUR) and even Bitmex (USD Contracts).
- Weight each price with the corresponding volume of the exchange.
- Quote the FOREX conversion rate in USD for each currency (USDJPY etc.)
- Finally return global average price (candles) in USD.
- Additionally provide (H+L)/2 etc. values.
No more "on Coinbase this" or "on Bitstamp that", you've now got a global overview!
See CoinMarketCap: Markets for reference. I've included alternative exchanges in the comments at the top of the script.
Basically just add it to your chart and use the indicator's candles instead of the chart's main ticker.
By default, BTC World Price will display candles only, but you can also display OHLC & averages (in whichever style you want).
You may indeed want to hide the main symbol (top-left corner, click the 'eye' button next to its name), or switch it to something else than candles/bars (e.g. line).
Make sure "Scale Price Chart Only" is disabled if you want to use the auto-zoom feature. (if other indicators are messing your zoom, you can try to select "Line with Breaks" or "Area with Breaks" to allow these to overflow from the main window)
By clicking the triangle next to the indicator's name, you can select "Visual Order" (e.g "Bring to Front").
You can select regular Candles or Heikin-Ashi in Options.
In the Format > Inputs tab, you can select which exchanges to quote. By default, all of them are enabled.
The script also exposes the following typical values to the backend, which you can use as Price Source for other indicators: (e.g. MA, RSI, in their "Format > Input" tab)
Open Price (grey)
High Price (green)
Low Price (red)
Close Price (white)
(H + L)/2 (light blue)
(H + L + C)/3 (blue)
(O + H + L + C)/4 (purple)
They are all hidden by default (by means of maximum transparency).
In the Format > Style tab, you can change their color, transparency and style (line, area, etc), as well as uncheck Candles and Wicks to hide these.
If you are using "Indicator Last Value" and want to clear the clutter from all these values, simply uncheck them in Style. They will still be available as Price Source for other indicators.
You can also choose to scale it to the left, right (default) or "screen" (no scaling).
Once you're satisfied with your Style, you may click "Default"> "Save as default" in the botton-left. Everytime you load the indicator, it will look the same. ("Reset Settings" will reset to the script's defaults)
Please leave feedback below in comments or pm me directly for bugs and suggestions.
Correlate 3 - Correlation IndicatorThe code in contains a simple correlation indicator that can be used as an alternative to Tradingview’s built-in “Correlation Coefficient” indicator. The indicator allows users to correlate up to 3 separate instruments on the same subplot. This allows you, for example, to easily see the correlation of your instrument with stocks, bonds and FX. Alternatively, a user can also see the correlation with sector, industry peers or any other data available in Tradingview.
Level Guides to easily see the key correlation coefficient levels
Volume Weighted Average Range Bands [DW]This is an experimental study designed to identify the underlying trend bias and volatility of an instrument over any custom interval TradingView supports.
First, reset points are established at points where the opening price of the interval changes.
Next, Volume Weighted Average Price (VWAP) is calculated. It is the cumulative sum of typical price times volume divided by the cumulative volume. The cumulation starts over upon each reset point.
After that, Volume Weighted Average Range (VWAR) is calculated. The formula structure is the same as VWAP, except using range rather than typical price.
Lastly, the bands are calculated by multiplying the VWAR by the specified multiplier (approximate Golden Ratio by default) and by 1 through 5, then adding to and subtracting from the VWAP.
Custom Bar Colors are included.
Multi-Bollinger [DW]This is an experimental study designed to visualize trend activity and volatility using a set of two Bollinger Bands calculated with a basis moving average type of your choice.
The available moving averages in this script are:
-Exponential Moving Average
-Simple Moving Average
-Weighted Moving Average
-Volume Weighted Moving Average
-Hull Moving Average
-Least Squares Moving Average
-Arnaud Legoux Moving Average
-Coefficient of Variation Weighted Moving Average
-Fractal Adaptive Moving Average
-Kaufman's Adaptive Moving Average
In addition, a middle filter is calculated by taking the median of the two basis lines.
Multi-Timeframe functionality is included. You can choose any timeframe that Tradingview supports as the basis resolution for the bands.
Custom bar color scheme is included with four options to choose from.