RSI BULL BEAR + ADXCustom values used in many markets that I trade in giving optimal profits across the board. Great for trading in a bearish market with the trend being a sideways pattern.
Recherche dans les scripts pour "adx"
Willams %R with 13 EMA and 13 SMAThis is standard Williams %R originally written by another user that I modified. Credit to him whose name escapes me at the moment. The green line is 13EMA and red line is 13SMA (offset by 2 for timing trades). Great for very quick trades/day trades. Green over red = long. Red over Green = short.
Beware: this is still a choppy indicator. You'll need to use it with the Ichimoku lagging span, chop indiicator, adx, or some other method of avoiding getting chopped to death trying to take every signal.
Hucklekiwi Pip - HLHB Trend-Catcher SystemThe strategy was authored by Hucklekiwi Pip back in 2015 and is still being updated today. She says that the system was designed to simply catch short-term forex trends. At its heart, the system is a simple EMA crossover strategy with a couple of other indicators used for confirming entries.
Strategy Rules
See her original post here:
Be sure to check out the updates and tweaks over the years!
For full information on how to use this strategy and how to correctly set the exit time, see this post:
Tangram Bot 2 - SmartbotPrimeira Versão do Script Tangram Bot 2 da Smartbot para tradingview.
A intenção é agilizar e fazer um teste prévio e rápido do setup.
O resultado indicado aqui jamais corresponderá a um resultado real. É apenas uma ferramenta de estudo.
Ainda falta fazer e melhorar a parte de gestão de risco.
Caso queria fazer alguma sugestão ao cógido para melhorar a gestão de risco ou caso tenha encontrado algum erro, favor comunicar.
O tangram bot 2 combina o uso de até dez Indicadores de Análise Técnica com Gerenciamento de Risco (stop gain, stop loss, stop móvel, realização parcial, bloqueio de reversões, lucro máximo por dia e prejuízo máximo por dia) e Filtros Diversos (sentido das operações, uso do after-market, bloqueio de nova entrada após saída, hora inicial e hora final para negociação). São utilizados os indicadores Médias Móveis, HiLo Activator, MACD, ADX, Estocástico, VWAP, IFR, Bandas de Bollinger, Stop ATR e SAR Parabólico
Momentum and Trend Strength Entry Exit Pivot StudyUpdated version of previous Momentum Strength Entry Exit Pivot Study:
// @TheGeeBee - Credit where used
// Use 1,2,3,5 minute timeframes
// EMA Cross line and offset allows user to alter the sell characteristics where the candle low is above the EMA line and indicates a possible pre-pivot reversal
// Adjust Min and Max pivots based on risk profile
// Single Candle drawdown value represents the maximum size of a single red candle before an Exit Pivot is generated
// ADX Threshold inhibits Pivots when trending signal is below the threshold value
// Percentage Max drawdown since Entry Pivot allows the system to generate an Exit Pivot if the security has dropped X percent from the most recent Entry Pivot point
// Use Bars, Candles (preferred) or Heikin-Ashi
// Multiple Green Bars = BTFD
// Multiple Red bars = If you didn't already get out, do it now!
Allows for Alerts to be set for Entry and Exit Pivots.
EMA NoHesi - cutting noise in EMA and any other data seriesNoise is common issue in variety of indicators. NoHesi is my take on reducing this noise.
Moving Averages are great indicators to show and maintain the trend. But sometimes - especially in pullback areas, smooth reversal zones or flat markets - MAs suggest trend changes, while it would be best for them to stay quiet :)
NoHesi function smoothens this noise, without adding unnecessary delay. NoHesi will make MA stay in the same direction as long as the move is not significant. If significant - MAs will report trend-change instantly.
Check the chart for illustration - NoHesi EMA keeps showing the same direction, despite its numerous attempts to change it (marked blue).
NoHesi can be applied to any data series: MAs, RSI , ADX , etc. EMA seemed like the most obvious example, so I used it for this presentation.
Hope it helps in your research!
P.S. When applying this to EMAs in other markets/timeframes, you will need to adjust "hesitation" parameter.
MultiTime_ADX&DM_V1Wilders Directional Movement Index & ADX
With three different lines that you can change
With two Signals that you can turn on and off
When you change the lines, the signals also change
You can activate alerts depending on the signals
The displayed time frame is changeable
Aroon+Williams+MA2+ADX+Aroon Str.Inspired by the Watchbot strategy which makes about +60% profit in two months.
This is customized to "EOSUSDT, 15 min, Binance" as a default.
I want to add the function for avoiding the recurrence of the trading for 24 ticks(period), but don't know how to yet.
Simple TrenderOriginates from:
I was reading some Impulse Trading literature by A. Elder.. In it, someone named Kerry Lovvorn proposed "An End of Day Trend Following System" for someone lazy.
Originally it is just price closing above an 8 ema (low) for long. Exit when price closes below an 8 ema (low). The opposite for a short position.
Conditions: Buy when price closed below ema (low) for two bars or more, then closes above. Opposite for a short position. I do not follow this condition. Though it may help with whipsaw.
My condition is when price closes above the 26 ema (low) (works the best for me) I place orders above the initial crossing bars high. Opposite for lows.
I look for stocks that are low in price to go long on. I want the run from 2's to 15's
I look for stocks that are mid-teens/20's in price to go short on. I want the run from 20's to 2's
I look for stock with news and earnings that are already running (up or down) to play the pullback.
These conditions can easily be scanned for on thinkorswim
From first glance, the system looks like CMsling shotsystem. Although, I plagiarized some parts of the codes, because I am inept when it comes to that shit, it differs as it is not a moving average crossover system.
It is a price crossing over concept. A moving average VWAP is used for best entries on pullbacks.
--To catch the majority of a trend/wave/run.
--To identify pullback areas to go long or short while in midst of trend. To catch pullbacks off news and earning runners.
--To catch the initial start of trend with clear rules to enter
--Clear rules to exit
--possibilities of getting ninja sliced the fuck up. Can be mitigated by entering stocks with decent average volume. And also only going long above 200 ema and short below it. ADX won't work, at the initial start of the trend it will show not trending. Can look at blow off volume at the bottom followed by increase in buying for long and vice versa for short.
--Can give some huge gains away through gap ups or gap downs from news or earnings during trend. However, can get huge gain on gaps from news or earning. Nature of the game.
--Need some brass balls and a supply of pepto to stomach through some of the pullbacks. Gut wrenching seeing big gains dwindle. But they all even out at the end, you hope. (see NBEV and IGC, and CRON and others. shit don't go in straight lines, homie)
--It's simple and easy. Overall, you profit
--works with any security
--It can be stressful.
--does not work well on lower time frames. Do not recommend going below 15 minutes
--Possibility of working on 5 minutes with a time frame breakout strategy (15,30 min).
Couple it with LazyBear "Weis Wave Volume" indicator. Works well for pullback entries.
Enjoy. Ride some waves.
Average Directional Index-BuschiA simple modification of the built-in "Average Directional Index":
To identify wether there is an uptrend or a downtrend, the function color is conditional:
no trend: black
small uptrend (weak threshold): light green
big uptrend (strong threshold): green
small downtrend (weak threshold): light red
big downtrend (strong threshold): red
vwMACD_VXI+CMFNOTE: Not useful for <15 mins timeframes.
I added a CMF to read market control. It gives a bit mire insight than the casual MACD Histogram, since it's formula is also based on volume and not just in price change.
How yo read CMF:
Possitive value = Bulls are in control of the market
Negative value = Bears are in control the market
Impulsive divergence = Bulls are taking the control, Bears are loosing it (yellow example)
Corrective divergence = Bears are taking the control, Bulls are loosing it (no example, but its the opposite, try to find it out :o)
You can study divergencies and convergencies to read the trend strenght, while you can check the trend development via the MACD crossing over.
MACD to check an opportunity, CMF to check if it's a good or a shitty one ;)
As you can see,
yellow divergencies = CMF
purple divergencies = MACD
Also, check my StotRSI Oscillator + ADX for trend strenght + Buy/Sell point script, it does a great job with vwMACD+CMF! ;)
For any question, just shoot it on the comments.
Renko Parabolic SAR + ADX Indicator (Need help on the alert)//This script is made using scripts by other authors. All credit goes to them. I am only copying snippets and making it work for me//
Problem Statement:
The script seems to work best using a fixed renko brick. The indicators do work but I have problems with the alert.
What often happens is, the signal appears (condition is met) BRIEFLY as the bar forms, it disappears a few seconds later, but the alert is still sent on the close of the bar.
I wish to receive these alerts on the close of a bar only if the condition is still met on the close of the bar
I am hoping someone can guide or fix the alertcondition such that it checks for the firmed signal before triggering the alert.
improved DmiThis is a new indicator that make the normal DMI better
insread of the ADX I put a volume indicator that have been transformed to be on regular scripts
with this it much more easy to spot the true buy and sell points by the DMI
have fun
HLC3/Kaufman Strategy This is an upgrade of the old Heikin/Kaufman Strategy. This script DONT use Heikin value anymore, so I hope no more repaint. Try it and let me know. Use an ADX indicator can help to check the strenght of the trend.
[Delphi] RSI - Dynamic Movement Sys - Volume Oscil - Pista CicCopyright by Delphi v1.0 05/07/2018 - 12/07/2018
RSI - Dynamic Movement System - Volume Oscillator - Pista Ciclica
Follow me for updates and strategies
05/07/2018 Added Pista Ciclica
05/07/2018 Added RSI
09/07/2018 Added ADX - Dynamic Movement System
12/07/2018 Added Volume Oscillator
Ergodic CSI Backtest This is one of the techniques described by William Blau in his book
"Momentum, Direction and Divergence" (1995). If you like to learn more,
we advise you to read this book. His book focuses on three key aspects
of trading: momentum, direction and divergence. Blau, who was an electrical
engineer before becoming a trader, thoroughly examines the relationship between
price and momentum in step-by-step examples. From this grounding, he then looks
at the deficiencies in other oscillators and introduces some innovative techniques,
including a fresh twist on Stochastics. On directional issues, he analyzes the
intricacies of ADX and offers a unique approach to help define trending and
non-trending periods.
This indicator plots Ergotic CSI and smoothed Ergotic CSI to filter out noise.
You can change long to short in the Input Settings
- For purpose educate only
- This script to change bars colors.
Ergodic CSI Strategy This is one of the techniques described by William Blau in his book
"Momentum, Direction and Divergence" (1995). If you like to learn more,
we advise you to read this book. His book focuses on three key aspects
of trading: momentum, direction and divergence. Blau, who was an electrical
engineer before becoming a trader, thoroughly examines the relationship between
price and momentum in step-by-step examples. From this grounding, he then looks
at the deficiencies in other oscillators and introduces some innovative techniques,
including a fresh twist on Stochastics. On directional issues, he analyzes the
intricacies of ADX and offers a unique approach to help define trending and
non-trending periods.
This indicator plots Ergotic CSI and smoothed Ergotic CSI to filter out noise.
- This script to change bars colors.
Geek's DMINot an upgrade as much as a tweek.
DMI+/- are slightly smoother.
ADX was modified to be a field that is negative or positive, the value of which was multiplied to be highly visible.
Hope you like it.
Linda Raschke's Holy GrailAnother script based on Linda Raschke's strategy with the same name from her book about swing trading.
LAT Holy Grail v3The Holy Grail ADX and EMA20 crossovers.
do not trade with this strategy. it is not ready yet.