SMACDGraphs slope of ohlc4 MACD
When it =0, trend change
play with slow&fast lengths as well as the length used to calculate the slope.
-in progress(?)
Vertical lines in the image are as close as I could get them to SMACD=0.
Recherche dans les scripts pour "macd"
Presets Selector - FRIDAY NIGHT CHALLENGEBonjour/Salut ça va?
Ok enough for the french :) You guys should really stop challenging me on things on Pinescript and asking me if it's possible or not because... that's the second time in a row I'm about to reveal a nice trick
Please take this example as a proof of concept/feasability. This follower said "I'm tired of manually filling the fields of my indicator, my fingers are dead.... every time I change something in the code, I lose the configuration by default"
Say no more sir.... challenge accep..... wait for it ....ted (that's his real name actually) !!!!
Mesdames et messieurs (damn... my french accent is back), let's unveil the curtain on... the PRESETS SELECTOR (please try to imagine someone super famous shouting it and everyone standing and clapping their hands...)
What I mean by presets is THIS
I inspired myself from this script MacD-Custom-Indicator-Multiple-Time-Frame-All-Available-Options/ (this guy has more likes in a single indicator than me and my friends and my family in all social media channels combined over the past 15 years or so....#humbled)
Anywoo.... the concept is that you can define presets in your script .... which is not possible by TradingView at the moment. If you always have the same set of parameters for a given indicator, please think about your fingers too and give them some rest by implementing a preset in the code directly
I also added a few features :
- You can choose the resolution of the indicator (from 1 minute to 1 month)
- You can choose also between displaying a MACD or a MACD ZERO LAG
Imagine now you have a super complex backtest with hundreds of fields... and unfortunately ... you'll have to fill some of them for each of your tests. Might change in the future if TradingView will add the feature though :)
I'm writing the Algorithm Builder documentation this weekend and the website should open in 3 weeks maximum. I think it's one of the most beautiful trading websites I've seen ever (I didn't do it, my friend did but who cares... it's mine :p)
I didn't post yesterday the script of the day so I'll post it tomorrow. What is due is due and I won't fail my challenge even ONCE !!!! ("But you just did yesterday bro...")
Have a great weekend
Be sure to hit the thumbs up
- If you want to suggest some indicators that I can develop and share with the community, please use my personal TRELLO board
- I'm an officially approved PineEditor/LUA/MT4 approved mentor on codementor. You can request a coaching with me if you want and I'll teach you how to build kick-ass indicators and strategies
Jump on a 1 to 1 coaching with me
- You can also hire for a custom dev of your indicator/strategy/bot/chrome extension/python
MACDouble + RSI (rec. 15min-2hr intrv) Uses two sets of MACD plus an RSI to either long or short. All three indicators trigger buy/sell as one (ie it's not 'IF MACD1 OR MACD2 OR RSI > 1 = buy", its more like "IF 1 AND 2 AND RSI=buy", all 3 match required for trigger)
The MACD inputs should be tweaked depending on timeframe and what you are trading. If you are doing 1, 3, 5 min or real frequent trading then 21/44/20 and 32/66/29 or other high value MACDs should be considered. If you are doing longer intervals like 2, 3, 4hr then consider 9/19/9 and 21/44/20 for MACDs (experiment! I picked these example #s randomly).
Ideal usage for the MACD sets is to have MACD2 inputs at around 1.5x, 2x, or 3x MACD1's inputs.
Other settings to consider: try having fastlength1=macdlength1 and then (fastlength2 = macdlength2 - 2). Like 10/26/10 and 23/48/20. This seems to increase net profit since it is more likely to trigger before major price moves, but may decrease profitable trade %. Conversely, consider FL1=MCDL1 and FL2 = MCDL2 + (FL2 * 0.5). Example: 10/26/10 and 22/48/30 this can increase profitable trade %, though may cost some net profit.
Feel free to message me with suggestions or questions.
Fibonacci EMA RSI MACD Strategy//@version=5
indicator("Fibonacci EMA RSI MACD Strategy", overlay=true)
// 🟢 Tham số đầu vào
emaShortLength = input(20, title="EMA Ngắn")
emaMediumLength = input(50, title="EMA Trung bình")
emaLongLength = input(100, title="EMA Dài")
emaVeryLongLength = input(200, title="EMA Rất dài")
rsiLength = input(14, title="RSI Length")
macdFastLength = input(12, title="MACD Fast")
macdSlowLength = input(26, title="MACD Slow")
macdSignalLength = input(9, title="MACD Signal")
fiboLookback = input(50, title="Fibonacci Lookback Bars")
// 🔵 Tính toán EMA
emaShort = ta.ema(close, emaShortLength)
emaMedium = ta.ema(close, emaMediumLength)
emaLong = ta.ema(close, emaLongLength)
emaVeryLong = ta.ema(close, emaVeryLongLength)
// 🔴 Tính toán MACD
= ta.macd(close, macdFastLength, macdSlowLength, macdSignalLength)
macdCrossUp = ta.crossover(macdLine, signalLine)
macdCrossDown = ta.crossunder(macdLine, signalLine)
// 🟣 Tính toán RSI
rsi = ta.rsi(close, rsiLength)
rsiOverSold = rsi < 30
rsiOverBought = rsi > 70
// 🟠 Xác định xu hướng EMA
uptrend = emaShort > emaMedium and emaMedium > emaLong and emaLong > emaVeryLong
downtrend = emaShort < emaMedium and emaMedium < emaLong and emaLong < emaVeryLong
// 🟢 Xác định Fibonacci Retracement
fiboHigh = ta.highest(high, fiboLookback)
fiboLow = ta.lowest(low, fiboLookback)
fibo_0_618 = fiboHigh - (fiboHigh - fiboLow) * 0.618
fibo_0_382 = fiboHigh - (fiboHigh - fiboLow) * 0.382
fibo_0_236 = fiboHigh - (fiboHigh - fiboLow) * 0.236
// 🟢 Tín hiệu MUA khi giá ở vùng Fibonacci và có động lượng mạnh
buySignal = uptrend and macdCrossUp and rsiOverSold and close > fibo_0_618
sellSignal = downtrend and macdCrossDown and rsiOverBought and close < fibo_0_382
// 🎯 Hiển thị đường EMA
plot(emaShort,, title="EMA 20")
plot(emaMedium,, title="EMA 50")
plot(emaLong,, title="EMA 100")
plot(emaVeryLong,, title="EMA 200")
// 🎯 Hiển thị Fibonacci Retracement Levels
plot(fibo_0_618, color=color.gray, title="Fibo 61.8%")
plot(fibo_0_382, color=color.gray, title="Fibo 38.2%")
plot(fibo_0_236, color=color.gray, title="Fibo 23.6%")
// 🎯 Hiển thị tín hiệu mua/bán
plotshape(series=buySignal, location=location.belowbar,, style=shape.labelup, title="BUY", text="Mua")
plotshape(series=sellSignal, location=location.abovebar,, style=shape.labeldown, title="SELL", text="Bán")
K's Reversal Indicator IK's reversal indicator I is a special combination between Bollinger bands and the MACD oscillator. It is a contrarian indicator that depends on the following conditions:
• A buy signal is generated whenever the current market price is below the 100-period lower Bollinger band while simultaneously, the MACD value must be above its signal line. At the same time, the previous MACD value must be below its previous signal line.
• A sell (short) signal is generated whenever the current market price is above the 100-period upper Bollinger band while simultaneously, the MACD value must be below its signal line. At the same time, the previous MACD value must be above its previous signal line.
The way to use K's reversal indicator is to combine it with your already long/short bias in a sideways/range market in order to maximize the probability of success.
Limitations of the indicator include the following:
• There are no clear exit rules that work well on average across the markets. Even though K’s reversal indicator gives contrarian signals, it does not show when to exit the positions.
• As with other indicators, it underperforms on some markets and is not to be used everywhere.
• False signals tend to occur during trending markets but there is no proven way to detect a false signal.
McClellan Oscillator [CC]The McClellan Oscillator was created by Sherman and Marian McClellan and it is essentially a MACD of the advancing and declining symbols of the day and is best used as a comparison with the biggest stocks such as my example Apple but that is just my opinion. I pulled the symbol names from a Trading View blog so I'm not 100% sure if they are accurate so please let me know if I'm wrong. Buy when the indicator is over 0 and sell when it falls below 0 but keep in mind that these values are for the market itself and not the individual symbol.
This was a special request so let me know if you would like me to publish more scripts or if you want something custom done!
Note: I'm republishing this because the original script couldn't be found in searches so this will fix that.
Trend Deviation strategy - BTC [IkkeOmar]Intro:
This is an example if anyone needs a push to get started with making strategies in pine script. This is an example on BTC, obviously it isn't a good strategy, and I wouldn't share my own good strategies because of alpha decay.
This strategy integrates several technical indicators to determine market trends and potential trade setups. These indicators include:
Directional Movement Index (DMI)
Bollinger Bands (BB)
Schaff Trend Cycle (STC)
Moving Average Convergence Divergence (MACD)
Momentum Indicator
Aroon Indicator
Supertrend Indicator
Relative Strength Index (RSI)
Exponential Moving Average (EMA)
Volume Weighted Average Price (VWAP)
It's crucial for you guys to understand the strengths and weaknesses of each indicator and identify synergies between them to improve the strategy's effectiveness.
Indicator Settings:
DMI (Directional Movement Index):
Length: This parameter determines the number of bars used in calculating the DMI. A higher length may provide smoother results but might lag behind the actual price action.
Bollinger Bands:
Length: This parameter specifies the number of bars used to calculate the moving average for the Bollinger Bands. A longer length results in a smoother average but might lag behind the price action.
Multiplier: The multiplier determines the width of the Bollinger Bands. It scales the standard deviation of the price data. A higher multiplier leads to wider bands, indicating increased volatility, while a lower multiplier results in narrower bands, suggesting decreased volatility.
Schaff Trend Cycle (STC):
Length: This parameter defines the length of the STC calculation. A longer length may result in smoother but slower-moving signals.
Fast Length: Specifies the length of the fast moving average component in the STC calculation.
Slow Length: Specifies the length of the slow moving average component in the STC calculation.
MACD (Moving Average Convergence Divergence):
Fast Length: Determines the number of bars used to calculate the fast EMA (Exponential Moving Average) in the MACD.
Slow Length: Specifies the number of bars used to calculate the slow EMA in the MACD.
Signal Length: Defines the number of bars used to calculate the signal line, which is typically an EMA of the MACD line.
Momentum Indicator:
Length: This parameter sets the number of bars over which momentum is calculated. A longer length may provide smoother momentum readings but might lag behind significant price changes.
Aroon Indicator:
Length: Specifies the number of bars over which the Aroon indicator calculates its values. A longer length may result in smoother Aroon readings but might lag behind significant market movements.
Supertrend Indicator:
Trendline Length: Determines the length of the period used in the Supertrend calculation. A longer length results in a smoother trendline but might lag behind recent price changes.
Trendline Factor: Specifies the multiplier used in calculating the trendline. It affects the sensitivity of the indicator to price changes.
RSI (Relative Strength Index):
Length: This parameter sets the number of bars over which RSI calculates its values. A longer length may result in smoother RSI readings but might lag behind significant price changes.
EMA (Exponential Moving Average):
Fast EMA: Specifies the number of bars used to calculate the fast EMA. A shorter period results in a more responsive EMA to recent price changes.
Slow EMA: Determines the number of bars used to calculate the slow EMA. A longer period results in a smoother EMA but might lag behind recent price changes.
VWAP (Volume Weighted Average Price):
Default settings are typically used for VWAP calculations, which consider the volume traded at each price level over a specific period. This indicator provides insights into the average price weighted by trading volume.
backtest range and rules:
You can specify the start date for backtesting purposes.
You can can select the desired trade direction: Long, Short, or Both.
Entry and Exit Conditions:
DMI Cross Up: The Directional Movement Index (DMI) indicates a bullish trend when the positive directional movement (+DI) crosses above the negative directional movement (-DI).
Bollinger Bands (BB): The price is below the upper Bollinger Band, indicating a potential reversal from the upper band.
Momentum Indicator: Momentum is positive, suggesting increasing buying pressure.
MACD (Moving Average Convergence Divergence): The MACD line is above the signal line, indicating bullish momentum.
Supertrend Indicator: The Supertrend indicator signals an uptrend.
Schaff Trend Cycle (STC): The STC indicates a bullish trend.
Aroon Indicator: The Aroon indicator signals a bullish trend or crossover.
When all these conditions are met simultaneously, the strategy considers it a favorable opportunity to enter a long trade.
DMI Cross Down: The Directional Movement Index (DMI) indicates a bearish trend when the negative directional movement (-DI) crosses above the positive directional movement (+DI).
Bollinger Bands (BB): The price is above the lower Bollinger Band, suggesting a potential reversal from the lower band.
Momentum Indicator: Momentum is negative, indicating increasing selling pressure.
MACD (Moving Average Convergence Divergence): The MACD line is below the signal line, signaling bearish momentum.
Supertrend Indicator: The Supertrend indicator signals a downtrend.
Schaff Trend Cycle (STC): The STC indicates a bearish trend.
Aroon Indicator: The Aroon indicator signals a bearish trend or crossover.
When all these conditions align, the strategy considers it an opportune moment to enter a short trade.
THIS ISN'T AN OPTIMAL STRATEGY AT ALL! It was just an old project from when I started learning pine script!
The backtest doesn't promise the same results in the future, always do both in-sample and out-of-sample testing when backtesting a strategy. And make sure you forward test it as well before implementing it!
Furthermore this strategy uses both trend and mean-reversion systems, that is usually a no-go if you want to build robust trend systems .
Don't hesitate to comment if you have any questions or if you have some good notes for a beginner.
Custom Indicator with Normalized MACD, 5-in-1 RSI, and SMA//@version=6
indicator("Custom Indicator with Normalized MACD, 5-in-1 RSI, and SMA", overlay=true)
// --- Normalized MACD by Glaz ---
// Settings: Fast MA = 13, rest default (Slow MA = 34, Signal = 5)
fastLength =, title="Fast MA Length", minval=1)
slowLength =, title="Slow MA Length", minval=1)
signalLength =, title="Signal Length", minval=1)
= ta.macd(close, fastLength, slowLength, signalLength)
highestMacd = ta.highest(macdLine, 100)
lowestMacd = ta.lowest(macdLine, 100)
macNorm = 100 * (macdLine - lowestMacd) / (highestMacd - lowestMacd)
triggerLine = ta.ema(macNorm, signalLength)
// Condition 1: Normalized MACD
macdLongCondition = macNorm > triggerLine
macdShortCondition = macNorm < triggerLine
// --- 5-in-1 by Marco Valente (RSI and SMA RSI only) ---
// Settings: RSI Length = 21, SMA RSI Length = 55, rest default
rsiLength =, title="RSI Length", minval=1)
smaRsiLength =, title="SMA RSI Length", minval=1)
rsi = ta.rsi(close, rsiLength)
smaRsi = ta.sma(rsi, smaRsiLength)
// Condition 2: RSI vs SMA RSI
rsiLongCondition = rsi > smaRsi
rsiShortCondition = rsi < smaRsi
// --- Simple Moving Average ---
// Settings: Length = 13
smaLength =, title="SMA Length", minval=1)
sma = ta.sma(close, smaLength)
// Candle color detection (green = close > open, red = close < open)
isGreenCandle = close > open
isRedCandle = close < open
// Long Signal Logic:
// 1. MACD Norm > Trigger
// 2. RSI > SMA RSI
// 3. First green candle closes above SMA
longCondition = macdLongCondition and rsiLongCondition and isGreenCandle and close > sma
var bool hasLongSignal = false // Tracks if a buy signal has been printed
buySignal = longCondition and not hasLongSignal and not hasLongSignal // Only first signal
if buySignal
hasLongSignal := true // Mark that a buy signal has occurred
if not macdLongCondition or not rsiLongCondition // Reset when conditions reverse
hasLongSignal := false
// Short Signal Logic:
// 1. MACD Norm < Trigger
// 2. RSI < SMA RSI
// 3. First red candle closes below SMA
shortCondition = macdShortCondition and rsiShortCondition and isRedCandle and close < sma
var bool hasShortSignal = false // Tracks if a sell signal has been printed
sellSignal = shortCondition and not hasShortSignal and not hasShortSignal // Only first signal
if sellSignal
hasShortSignal := true // Mark that a sell signal has occurred
if not macdShortCondition or not rsiShortCondition // Reset when conditions reverse
hasShortSignal := false
// Plotting
plot(sma, title="SMA",, linewidth=2)
plotshape(buySignal, title="Buy Signal", location=location.belowbar,, style=shape.triangleup, size=size.small, text="BUY")
plotshape(sellSignal, title="Sell Signal", location=location.abovebar,, style=shape.triangledown, size=size.small, text="SELL")
Heatmap MACD Strategy - Pineconnector (Dynamic Alerts)Hello traders
This script is an upgrade of this template script.
Heatmap MACD Strategy
Pineconnector is a trading bot software that forwards TradingView alerts to your Metatrader 4/5 for automating trading.
Many traders don't know how to dynamically create Pineconnector-compatible alerts using the data from their TradingView scripts.
Traders using trading bots want their alerts to reflect the stop-loss/take-profit/trailing-stop/stop-loss to breakeven options from your script and then create the orders accordingly.
This script showcases how to create Pineconnector alerts dynamically.
Pineconnector doesn't support alerts with multiple Take Profits.
As a workaround, for 2 TPs, I had to open two trades.
It's not optimal, as we end up paying more spreads for that extra trade - however, depending on your trading strategy, it may not be a big deal.
TradingView Alerts
1) You'll have to create one alert per asset X timeframe = 1 chart.
Example : 1 alert for EUR/USD on the 5 minutes chart, 1 alert for EUR/USD on the 15-minute chart (assuming you want your bot to trade the EUR/USD on the 5 and 15-minute timeframes)
2) For each alert, the alert message is pre-configured with the text below
Please leave it as it is.
It's a TradingView native variable that will fetch the alert text messages built by the script.
3) Don't forget to set the webhook URL in the Notifications tab of the TradingView alerts UI.
EA configuration
The Pyramiding in the EA on Metatrader must be set to 2 if you want to trade with 2 TPs => as it's opening 2 trades.
If you only want 1 TP, set the EA Pyramiding to 1.
Regarding the other EA settings, please refer to the Pineconnector documentation on their website.
The Pineconnector commands are logged in the TradingView logger.
You'll find more information about it from this TradingView blog post
Important Notes
1) This multiple MACDs strategy doesn't matter much.
I could have selected any other indicator or concept for this script post.
I wanted to share an example of how you can quickly upgrade your strategy, making it compatible with Pineconnector.
2) The backtest results aren't relevant for this educational script publication.
I used realistic backtesting data but didn't look too much into optimizing the results, as this isn't the point of why I'm publishing this script.
3) This template is made to take 1 trade per direction at any given time.
Pyramiding is set to 1 on TradingView.
The strategy default settings are:
Initial Capital: 100000 USD
Position Size: 1 contract
Commission Percent: 0.075%
Slippage: 1 tick
No margin/leverage used
For example, those are realistic settings for trading CFD indices with low timeframes but not the best possible settings for all assets/timeframes.
The Heatmap MACD Strategy allows selecting one MACD in five different timeframes.
You'll get an exit signal whenever one of the 5 MACDs changes direction.
Then, the strategy re-enters whenever all the MACDs are in the same direction again.
It takes:
long trades when all the 5 MACD histograms are bullish
short trades when all the 5 MACD histograms are bearish
You can select the same timeframe multiple times if you don't need five timeframes.
For example, if you only need the 30min, the 1H, and 2H, you can set your timeframes as follow:
Risk Management Features
All the features below are pips-based.
Trailing Stop-Loss
Stop-Loss to Breakeven after a certain amount of pips has been reached
Take Profit 1st level and closing X% of the trade
Take Profit 2nd level and close the remaining of the trade
Custom Exit
I added the option ON/OFF to close the opened trade whenever one of the MACD diverges with the others.
Help me help the community
If you see any issue when adding your strategy logic to that template regarding the orders fills on your Metatrader, please let me know in the comments.
I'll use your feedback to make this template more robust. :)
What's next?
I'll publish a more generic template built as a connector so you can connect any indicator to that Pineconnector template.
Then, I'll publish a template for Capitalise AI, ProfitView, AutoView, and Alertatron.
Thank you
Multi-Divergence Buy/Sell IndicatorThe "Multi-Divergence Buy/Sell Indicator" is a technical analysis tool that combines multiple divergence signals from different indicators to identify potential buy and sell opportunities in the market. Here's a breakdown of how the indicator works and how to use it:
Input Parameters:
RSI Length: Specifies the length of the RSI (Relative Strength Index) calculation.
MACD Short Length: Specifies the short-term length for the MACD (Moving Average Convergence Divergence) calculation.
MACD Long Length: Specifies the long-term length for the MACD calculation.
MACD Signal Smoothing: Specifies the smoothing length for the MACD signal line calculation.
Stochastic Length: Specifies the length of the Stochastic oscillator calculation.
Stochastic Overbought Level: Defines the overbought level for the Stochastic oscillator.
Stochastic Oversold Level: Defines the oversold level for the Stochastic oscillator.
Calculation of Indicators:
RSI: Calculates the RSI based on the specified RSI Length.
MACD: Calculates the MACD line, signal line, and histogram based on the specified MACD parameters.
Stochastic: Calculates the Stochastic oscillator based on the specified Stochastic parameters.
Divergence Detection:
RSI Divergence: Identifies a bullish divergence when the RSI crosses above its 14-period simple moving average (SMA).
MACD Divergence: Identifies a bullish divergence when the MACD line crosses above the signal line.
Stochastic Divergence: Identifies a bullish divergence when the Stochastic crosses above its 14-period SMA.
Buy and Sell Conditions:
Buy Condition: Triggers a buy signal when all three divergences (RSI, MACD, and Stochastic) occur simultaneously.
Sell Condition: Triggers a sell signal when both RSI and MACD divergences occur, but Stochastic divergence does not occur.
Plotting Buy/Sell Signals:
The indicator plots green "Buy" labels below the price bars when the buy condition is met.
It plots red "Sell" labels above the price bars when the sell condition is met.
The indicator can be used on any timeframe and for any trading instrument.
Look for areas where all three divergences (RSI, MACD, and Stochastic) align to generate stronger buy and sell signals.
Consider additional technical analysis and risk management strategies to validate the signals and manage your trades effectively.
Remember, no indicator guarantees profitable trades, so it's essential to use this indicator in conjunction with other tools and perform thorough analysis before making trading decisions.
Feel free to ask any questions
Stoch RSI and RSI Buy/Sell Signals with MACD Trend FilterDescription of the Indicator
This Pine Script is designed to provide traders with buy and sell signals based on the combination of Stochastic RSI, RSI, and MACD indicators, enhanced by the confirmation of candle colors. The primary goal is to facilitate informed trading decisions in various market conditions by utilizing different indicators and their interactions. The script allows customization of various parameters, providing flexibility for traders to adapt it to their specific trading styles.
This indicator is not just a mashup of existing indicators; it integrates the functionality of multiple momentum and trend-detection methods into a cohesive trading tool. The combination of Stochastic RSI, RSI, and MACD offers a well-rounded approach to analyzing market conditions, allowing traders to identify entry and exit points effectively. The inclusion of color-coded signals (strong vs. weak) further enhances its utility by providing visual cues about the strength of the signals.
How to Use This Indicator
Input Settings: Adjust the parameters for the Stochastic RSI, RSI, and MACD to fit your trading style. Set the overbought/oversold levels according to your risk tolerance.
Signal Colors:
Strong Buy Signal: Indicated by a green label and confirmed by a green candle (close > open).
Weak Buy Signal: Indicated by a blue label and confirmed by a green candle (close > open).
Strong Sell Signal: Indicated by a red label and confirmed by a red candle (close < open).
Weak Sell Signal: Indicated by an orange label and confirmed by a red candle (close < open).
Example Trading Strategy Using This Indicator
To effectively use this indicator as part of your trading strategy, follow these detailed steps:
Timeframe : Select a timeframe that aligns with your trading style (e.g., 15-minute for intraday, 1-hour for swing trading, or daily for longer-term positions).
Indicator Settings : Customize the Stochastic RSI, RSI, and MACD parameters to suit your trading approach. Adjust overbought/oversold levels to match your risk tolerance.
1. Strong Buy Entry Criteria :
Wait for a strong buy signal (green label) when the RSI is at or below the oversold level (e.g., ≤ 35), indicating a deeply oversold market. Confirm that the MACD shows a decreasing trend (bearish momentum weakening) to validate a potential reversal. Ensure the current candle is green (close > open) if candle color confirmation is enabled.
Example Use : On a 1-hour chart, if the RSI drops below 35, MACD shows three consecutive bars of decreasing negative momentum, and a green candle forms, enter a buy position. This setup signals a robust entry with strong momentum backing it.
2. Weak Buy Entry Criteria :
Monitor for weak buy signals (blue label) when RSI is above the oversold level but still below the neutral (e.g., between 36 and 50). This indicates a market recovering from an oversold state but not fully reversing yet. These signals can be used for early entries with additional confirmations, such as support levels or higher timeframe trends.
Example Use : On the same 1-hour chart, if RSI is at 45, the MACD shows momentum stabilizing (not necessarily negative), and a green candle appears, consider a partial or cautious entry. Use this as an early warning for a potential bullish move, especially when higher timeframe indicators align.
3. Strong Sell Entry Criteria :
Look for a strong sell signal (red label) when RSI is at or above the overbought level (e.g., ≥ 65), signaling a strong overbought condition. The MACD should show three consecutive bars of increasing positive momentum to indicate that the bullish trend is weakening. Ensure the current candle is red (close < open) if candle color confirmation is enabled.
Example Use : If RSI reaches 70, MACD shows increasing momentum that starts to level off, and a red candle forms on a 1-hour chart, initiate a short position with a stop loss set above recent resistance. This is a high-confidence signal for potential price reversal or pullback.
4. Weak Sell Entry Criteria :
Use weak sell signals (orange label) when RSI is between the neutral and overbought levels (e.g., between 50 and 64). These can indicate potential short opportunities that might not yet be fully mature but are worth monitoring. Look for other confirmations like resistance levels or trendline touches to strengthen the signal.
Example Use : If RSI reads 60 on a 1-hour chart, and the MACD shows slight positive momentum with signs of slowing down, place a cautious sell position or scale out of existing long positions. This setup allows you to prepare for a possible downtrend.
Trade Management:
Stop Loss : For buy trades, place stop losses below recent swing lows. For sell trades, set stops above recent swing highs to manage risk effectively.
Take Profit : Target nearby resistance or support levels, apply risk-to-reward ratios (e.g., 1:2), or use trailing stops to lock in profits as price moves in your favor.
Confirmation : Align these signals with broader trends on higher timeframes. For example, if you receive a weak buy signal on a 15-minute chart, check the 1-hour or daily chart to ensure the overall trend is not bearish.
Real-World Example: Imagine trading on a 15-minute chart :
For a buy:
A strong buy signal (green) appears when the RSI dips to 32, MACD shows declining bearish momentum, and a green candle forms. Enter a buy position with a stop loss below the most recent support level.
Alternatively, a weak buy signal (blue) appears when RSI is at 47. Use this as a signal to start monitoring the market closely or enter a smaller position if other indicators (like support and volume analysis) align.
For a sell:
A strong sell signal (red) with RSI at 72 and a red candle signals to short with conviction. Place your stop loss just above the last peak.
A weak sell signal (orange) with RSI at 62 might prompt caution but can still be acted on if confirmed by declining volume or touching a resistance level.
These strategies show how to blend both strong and weak signals into your trading for more nuanced decision-making.
Technical Analysis of the Code
1. Stochastic RSI Calculation:
The script calculates the Stochastic RSI (stochRsiK) using the RSI as input and smooths it with a moving average (stochRsiD).
Code Explanation : ta.stoch(rsi, rsi, rsi, stochLength) computes the Stochastic RSI, and ta.sma(stochRsiK, stochSmoothing) applies smoothing.
2. RSI Calculation :
The RSI is computed over a user-defined period and checks for overbought or oversold conditions.
Code Explanation : rsi = ta.rsi(close, rsiLength) calculates RSI values.
3. MACD Trend Filter :
MACD is calculated with fast, slow, and signal lengths, identifying trends via three consecutive bars moving in the same direction.
Code Explanation : = ta.macd(close, macdLengthFast, macdLengthSlow, macdSignalLength) sets MACD values. Conditions like macdLine < macdLine confirm trends.
4. Buy and Sell Conditions :
The script checks Stochastic RSI, RSI, and MACD values to set buy/sell flags. Candle color filters further confirm valid entries.
Code Explanation : buyConditionMet and sellConditionMet logically check all conditions and toggles (enableStochCondition, enableRSICondition, etc.).
5. Signal Flags and Confirmation :
Flags track when conditions are met and ensure signals only appear on appropriate candle colors.
Code Explanation : Conditional blocks (if statements) update buyFlag and sellFlag.
6. Labels and Alerts :
The indicator plots "BUY" or "SELL" labels with the RSI value when signals trigger and sets alerts through alertcondition().
Code Explanation : displays the signal, color-coded for strength based on RSI.
NOTE : All strategies can be enabled or disabled in the settings, allowing traders to customize the indicator to their preferences and trading styles.
Bogdan Ciocoiu - Code runnerDescription
The Code Runner is a hybrid indicator that leverages other pre-configured, integrated open-source algorithms to help traders spot regular and continuation divergences.
The Code Runner specialises in integrating some of the most popular oscillators well known for their accuracy when scalping using divergence strategies.
The Code Runner stands out as a one-stop-shop pack of oscillator algorithms that traders can further customise to spot divergences.
The indicator's uniqueness stands from its capability to recast each algorithm to apply to the same scale. This feature is achieved by manually adjusting the outputs of each algorithm to fit on a scale between +100 and -100.
Another benefit of the Code Runner comes from its standardisation of outputs, mainly consisting of lines. Showing lines enables traders to draw potential regular and continuation divergences quickly.
The indicator has been pre-configured to support scalping at 1-5 minutes.
The Code Runner uses the following open-source scripts and algorithms:
These algorithms are available in the public domain either in TradingView space or outside (given their popularity in the financial markets industry).
Trendless MACD Strategy (Trendless Strategy Series -1 )I Try to eliminate the trend of the stock to see a clear version of the indicators. If you have any idea about that topic, you can send a message to me and we can improve this idea together.
Ultimate Momentum IndicatorThis is an indicator I've been playing with for a while, based on my previous MACD w/ RSI Warning indicator. This one takes it a step further, including information from MACD, RSI, ADX, and Parabolic SAR. These four indicators are represented in this indicator as follows:
MACD: The histogram itself is a normal MACD histogram. Nothing strange about it, and you can adjust the settings for it just as you would a normal MACD.
RSI: Any time the RSI is outside of normal ranges (which can be adjusted in the settings), the bar on the histogram will turn amber to warn you. The actual RSI value is also shown in a label to the left side of the indicator.
ADX: Crosses are drawn along the 0 line to indicate ADX. Blue means the ADX is below the trending level (adjustable in the settings), and orange means it is above that level. Darker colors indicate the ADX has gone up since the previous bar, while lighter colors indicate it has gone down. The actual ADX value is also shown in the label to the left side of the indicator.
Parabolic SAR: At the outside point of each bar in the histogram, a colored dot is drawn. If the dot is green, the Parabolic SAR (settings adjustable) is currently below the closing price. If the dot is red, the SAR is above the closing price.
I must stress that this indicator is not a replacement for any one of the indicators it includes, as it's really only pulling small bits of information from each. The point of this indicator is to give a cohesive picture of momentum at a quick glance. I encourage you to continue to use the normal versions of whichever of the basic indicators you already use, especially if those indicators are a key part of your strategy. This indicator is designed purely as a way to get a bird's eye view of the momentum.
Pretty much every normally adjustable value can be adjusted in the settings for each of the base indicators. You can also set:
The RSI warning levels (30 and 70 by default)
The ADX Crossover, i.e. the point at which you consider the ADX value to indicate a strong trend (25 by default)
The offset for the label which shows the actual RSI & ADX values (109 by default, which happens to line up with my chart layout--yours will almost certainly need to be different to look clean)
All of the colors, naturally
As always, I am open to suggestions on how I might make the indicator look cleaner, or even other indicators I might try to include in the data this indicator produces. My choice of indicators to base this one from is entirely based on the ones I use and know, but I'm sure there are other great indicators that may improve this combination indicator even more!
Ultimate Multi-MACD - Early Warnings + Main TrendThis is a set of a bunch of moving averages. Unique, huh? Right. Awesome. Dope.
So, what's cool about this set, is its usability as not just one MACD, but a pair of MACDs specifically tuned to keep you hard. Some of you probably notice already just looking at the available MAs and lengths - there are some common pairs here. But what do you get when you combine all these common pairs that share bases? You get both short and long term plays out of it. The thing MACDs aren't supposed to do. I imagine it would be hard to make a backtestable/bottable script version of this, because the main thing is you have to use your gut a little bit in determing when to take a short term play and when to keep to the long term plays.
In this set, you get 3 TEMAs, 2 VWMAs, 2 SMAs, and 2 ALMAs. Yeah. That's almost TOO phat. I know. Whatever.
The two purple/pink lines are your 25 VWMA and 50 ALMA slow lines. These will be your main slow lines. They're usually close but move around a decent bit and if you want you could make buys and sales using the Alma crossing above the VWMA as a buy and sell crossing under.
Then you have a THIRD potential slow line on your dark green 50 TEMA. You generally use either the 13 or 21 TEMA crossing up as buy and down as sell. The signal TEMAs are bright green 13 and yellow 21.
Next you have all your Fast signal MAs! A peachy 10 VWMA, 13 green TEMA, 21 yellow TEMA, 10 teal/bright blue ALMA and last but not least, two pale SMAs at 5 and 10. The 5 could even be used as a signal against the 10 if you really want. There are countless options for buy and sell signals. Hide and show the ones that work the best on the chart you're trading on. Different ones will work different times. Why not see which ones are working BEST out of all the best ones, though?
Please leave other MA pairs that you would like added in future versions. If I do make a future version with more pairs I will very likely set default to hide some
Multi-Timeframe MACD, Signal & Histogram TableThis Pine Script is designed for the TradingView platform to create a multi-timeframe MACD (Moving Average Convergence Divergence), Signal, and Histogram table that displays values for different timeframes. The script uses the MACD indicator to assess market trends across various timeframes and display the results in a table format on the chart. Here's a breakdown of its components and functionality:
1. User Inputs for Timeframes:
The script allows the user to input five different timeframes for the analysis. These are configured using input.string, which enables the user to select from a list of timeframes (from seconds to months).
tf1 to tf5 represent the different timeframes (for example, 5 minutes, 15 minutes, 60 minutes, 240 minutes, and daily).
2. MACD Settings:
The script provides adjustable settings for the MACD calculation:
macdShortLength (default 12): The length of the short-term moving average for the MACD.
macdLongLength (default 26): The length of the long-term moving average for the MACD.
macdSignalLength (default 9): The length of the signal line, which is an EMA (Exponential Moving Average) of the MACD line.
3. MACD Calculation Function (calc_macd):
This function calculates the MACD, Signal, and Histogram values:
MACD Line: Difference between the fast and slow exponential moving averages.
Signal Line: EMA of the MACD line.
Histogram: Difference between the MACD line and Signal line.
4. Requesting Multi-Timeframe Data:
The script calculates the MACD, Signal, and Histogram for the selected timeframes (tf1 to tf5) using, which retrieves data for those timeframes:
macd_tf1, signal_tf1, hist_tf1 for Timeframe 1 (and similar variables for the other timeframes).
5. Rounding Values:
A helper function roundDecimal is used to round MACD, Signal, and Histogram values to two decimal places for readability.
6. Color Assignment Based on Value:
The colors of the values in the table cells are dynamically set based on whether the value is positive or negative:
MACD, Signal, and Histogram: The script uses conditional color assignments (green for positive values, red for negative values).
For example, if the MACD value is greater than or equal to 0, it is colored green, otherwise red. The same logic applies to the Signal and Histogram values.
7. Populating the Table:
For each timeframe (tf1 to tf5), the script populates the table with the following data:
Timeframe (e.g., "5 min")
Rounded MACD value
Rounded Signal value
Rounded Histogram value
The respective color is applied to each value based on whether it is positive or negative.
8. Table Update:
The table is updated dynamically with new data on each new bar. Each timeframe’s values are populated into the table starting from row 1 through row 5.
Fisher+ [OSC]The Fisher Transform Indicator is classified as an oscillator, meaning that its value swings above and below a central point. This characteristic allows traders to identify overbought and oversold conditions, providing potential clues about market reversals. As mentioned previously, it is an oscillator so the strength of the move is displayed by how long the fisher line stays above/below zero. Indicator can be used to aid in confluence near supply/demand zones.
White Line = Fisher
Red/Blue Line = Moving Average
--Changes color whether fisher line is above/below the MA
Red/Blue Shaded Line = Moving Average
--Changes color based on a smoothing factor
Red/Blue Shaded Fill = Asset in Overbought/Oversold Conditions
Red/Blue Circles = Asset in Extreme Overbought/Oversold Conditions
Red/Blue Triangles = MACD Signals Below/Above "0"
Divergence Labels = Asset Signaling Divergence
The moving average line will turn red/blue as long as the fisher line is below/above the moving average. The shaded MA line will switch colors based on if it is moving in an up/down trend. The MA can also be used as a signal and treated similar to an oscillator. Market trending conditions will either keep the MA below/above the dashed zero line.
MACD code credited to LazyBear's MACD Leader indicator. It is used to filter out/confirm any signals such as divergences. As long as the MACD Leader line is above both the MACD line and signal lines then it'll signal with with a triangle. MACD divergences will be added at a later time.
Multi-indicator Signal Builder [Skyrexio]Overview
Multi-Indicator Signal Builder is a versatile, all-in-one script designed to streamline your trading workflow by combining multiple popular technical indicators under a single roof. It features a single-entry, single-exit logic, intrabar stop-loss/take-profit handling, an optional time filter, a visually accessible condition table, and a built-in statistics label. Traders can choose any combination of 12+ indicators (RSI, Ultimate Oscillator, Bollinger %B, Moving Averages, ADX, Stochastic, MACD, PSAR, MFI, CCI, Heikin Ashi, and a “TV Screener” placeholder) to form entry or exit conditions. This script aims to simplify strategy creation and analysis, making it a powerful toolkit for technical traders.
Indicators Overview
1. RSI (Relative Strength Index)
Measures recent price changes to evaluate overbought or oversold conditions on a 0–100 scale.
2. Ultimate Oscillator (UO)
Uses weighted averages of three different timeframes, aiming to confirm price momentum while avoiding false divergences.
3. Bollinger %B
Expresses price relative to Bollinger Bands, indicating whether price is near the upper band (overbought) or lower band (oversold).
4. Moving Average (MA)
Smooths price data over a specified period. The script supports both SMA and EMA to help identify trend direction and potential crossovers.
5. ADX (Average Directional Index)
Gauges the strength of a trend (0–100). Higher ADX signals stronger momentum, while lower ADX indicates a weaker trend.
6. Stochastic
Compares a closing price to a price range over a given period to identify momentum shifts and potential reversals.
7. MACD (Moving Average Convergence/Divergence)
Tracks the difference between two EMAs plus a signal line, commonly used to spot momentum flips through crossovers.
8. PSAR (Parabolic SAR)
Plots a trailing stop-and-reverse dot that moves with the trend. Often used to signal potential reversals when price crosses PSAR.
9. MFI (Money Flow Index)
Similar to RSI but incorporates volume data. A reading above 80 can suggest overbought conditions, while below 20 may indicate oversold.
10. CCI (Commodity Channel Index)
Identifies cyclical trends or overbought/oversold levels by comparing current price to an average price over a set timeframe.
11. Heikin Ashi
A type of candlestick charting that filters out market noise. The script uses a streak-based approach (multiple consecutive bullish or bearish bars) to gauge mini-trends.
12. TV Screener
A placeholder condition designed to integrate external buy/sell logic (like a TradingView “Buy” or “Sell” rating). Users can override or reference external signals if desired.
Unique Features
1. Multi-Indicator Entry and Exit
You can selectively enable any subset of 12+ classic indicators, each with customizable parameters and conditions. A position opens only if all enabled entry conditions are met, and it closes only when all enabled exit conditions are satisfied, helping reduce false triggers.
2. Single-Entry / Single-Exit with Intrabar SL/TP
The script supports a single position at a time. Once a position is open, it monitors intrabar to see if the price hits your stop-loss or take-profit levels before the bar closes, making results more realistic for fast-moving markets.
3. Time Window Filter
Users may specify a start/end date range during which trades are allowed, making it convenient to focus on specific market cycles for backtesting or live trading.
4. Condition Table and Statistics
A table at the bottom of the chart lists all active entry/exit indicators. Upon each closed trade, an integrated statistics label displays net profit, total trades, win/loss count, average and median PnL, etc.
5. Seamless Alerts and Automation
Configure alerts in TradingView using “Any alert() function call.”
The script sends JSON alert messages you can route to your own webhook.
The indicator can be integrated with Skyrexio alert bots to automate execution on major cryptocurrency exchanges
6. Optional MA/PSAR Plots
For added visual clarity, optionally plot the chosen moving averages or PSAR on the chart to confirm signals without stacking multiple indicators.
1. Multi-Indicator Entry Logic
When multiple entry indicators are enabled (e.g., RSI + Stochastic + MACD), the script requires all signals to align before generating an entry. Each indicator can be set for crossovers, crossunders, thresholds (above/below), etc. This “AND” logic aims to filter out low-confidence triggers.
2. Single-Entry Intrabar SL/TP
One Position At a Time: Once an entry signal triggers, a trade opens at the bar’s close.
Intrabar Checks: Stop-loss and take-profit levels (if enabled) are monitored on every tick. If either is reached, the position closes immediately, without waiting for the bar to end.
3. Exit Logic
All Conditions Must Agree: If the trade is still open (SL/TP not triggered), then all enabled exit indicators must confirm a closure before the script exits on the bar’s close.
4. Time Filter
Optional Trading Window: You can activate a date/time range to constrain entries and exits strictly to that interval.
Justification of Methodology
Indicator Confluence: Combining multiple tools (RSI, MACD, etc.) can reduce noise and false signals.
Intrabar SL/TP: Capturing real-time spikes or dips provides a more precise reflection of typical live trading scenarios.
Single-Entry Model: Straightforward for both manual and automated tracking (especially important in bridging to bots).
Custom Date Range: Helps refine backtesting for specific market conditions or to avoid known irregular data periods.
How to Use
1. Add the Script to Your Chart
In TradingView, open Indicators , search for “Multi-indicator Signal Builder”.
Click to add it to your chart.
2. Configure Inputs
Time Filter: Set a start and end date for trades.
Alerts Messages: Input any JSON or text payload needed by your external service or bot.
Entry Conditions: Enable and configure any indicators (e.g., RSI, MACD) for a confluence-based entry.
Close Conditions: Enable exit indicators, along with optional SL (negative %) and TP (positive %) levels.
3. Set Up Alerts
In TradingView, select “Create Alert” → Condition = “Any alert() function call” → choose this script.
Entry Alert: Triggers on the script’s entry signal.
Close Alert: Triggers on the script’s close signal (or if SL/TP is hit).
Skyrexio Alert Bots: You can route these alerts via webhook to Skyrexio alert bots to automate order execution on major crypto exchanges (or any other supported broker).
4. Visual Reference
A condition table at the bottom summarizes active signals.
Statistics Label updates automatically as trades are closed, showing PnL stats and distribution metrics.
Backtesting Guidelines
Symbol/Timeframe: Works on multiple assets and timeframes; always do thorough testing.
Realistic Costs: Adjust commissions and potential slippage to match typical exchange conditions.
Risk Management: If using the built-in stop-loss/take-profit, set percentages that reflect your personal risk tolerance.
Longer Test Horizons: Verify performance across diverse market cycles to gauge reliability.
Example of statistic calculation
Test Period: 2023-01-01 to 2025-12-31
Initial Capital: $1,000
Commission: 0.1%, Slippage ~5 ticks
Trade Count: 468 (varies by strategy conditions)
Win rate: 76% (varies by strategy conditions)
Net Profit: +96.17% (varies by strategy conditions)
This indicator is provided strictly for informational and educational purposes .
It does not constitute financial or trading advice.
Past performance never guarantees future results.
Always test thoroughly in demo environments before using real capital.
Enjoy exploring the Multi-Indicator Signal Builder! Experiment with different indicator combinations and adjust parameters to align with your trading preferences, whether you trade manually or link your alerts to external automation services. Happy trading and stay safe!
AI InfinityAI Infinity – Multidimensional Market Analysis
The AI Infinity indicator combines multiple analysis tools into a single solution. Alongside dynamic candle coloring based on MACD and Stochastic signals, it features Alligator lines, several RSI lines (including glow effects), and optionally enabled EMAs (20/50, 100, and 200). Every module is individually configurable, allowing traders to tailor the indicator to their personal style and strategy.
Important Note (Disclaimer)
This indicator is provided for educational and informational purposes only.
It does not constitute financial or investment advice and offers no guarantee of profit.
Each trader is responsible for their own trading decisions.
Past performance does not guarantee future results.
Please review the settings thoroughly and adjust them to your personal risk profile; consider supplementary analyses or professional guidance where appropriate.
Functionality & Components
1. Candle Coloring (MACD & Stochastic)
Objective: Provide an immediate visual snapshot of the market’s condition.
MACD Signal: Used to identify bullish and bearish momentum.
Stochastic: Detects overbought and oversold zones.
Color Modes: Offers both a simple (two-color) mode and a gradient mode.
2. Alligator Lines
Objective: Assist with trend analysis and determining the market’s current phase.
Dynamic SMMA Lines (Jaw, Teeth, Lips) that adjust based on volatility and market conditions.
Multiple Lengths: Each element uses a separate smoothing period (13, 8, 5).
Transparency: You can show or hide each line independently.
3. RSI Lines & Glow Effects
Objective: Display the RSI values directly on the price chart so critical levels (e.g., 20, 50, 80) remain visible at a glance.
RSI Scaling: The RSI is plotted in the chart window, eliminating the need to switch panels.
Dynamic Transparency: A pulse effect indicates when the RSI is near critical thresholds.
Glow Mode: Choose between “Direct Glow” or “Dynamic Transparency” (based on ATR distance).
Custom RSI Length: Freely adjustable (default is 14).
4. Optional EMAs (20/50, 100, 200)
Objective: Utilize moving averages for trend assessment and identifying potential support/resistance areas.
20/50 EMA: Select which one to display via a dropdown menu.
100 EMA & 200 EMA: Independently enabled.
Color Logic: Automatically green (price > EMA) or red (price < EMA). Each EMA’s up/down color is customizable.
Configuration Options
Candle Coloring:
Choose between Gradient or Simple mode.
Adjust the color scheme for bullish/bearish candles.
Transparency is dynamically based on candle body size and Stochastic state.
Alligator Lines:
Toggle each line (Jaw/Teeth/Lips) on or off.
Select individual colors for each line.
RSI Section:
RSI Length can be set as desired.
RSI lines (0, 20, 50, 80, 100) with user-defined colors and transparency (pulse effect).
Additional lines (e.g., RSI 40/60) are also available.
Glow Effects:
Switch between “Dynamic Transparency” (ATR-based) and “Direct Glow”.
Independently applied to the RSI 100 and RSI 0 lines.
EMAs (20/50, 100, 200):
Activate each one as needed.
Each EMA’s up/down color can be customized.
Example Use Cases
Trend Identification:
Enable Alligator lines to gauge general trend direction through SMMA signals.
Watch the Candle Colors to spot potential overbought or oversold conditions.
Utilize the RSI lines to closely monitor important thresholds (50 as a trend barometer, 80/20 as possible reversal zones).
Enable a 50 EMA to quickly see if the market is trading above (bullish) or below (bearish) it.
buy/sell signals with Support/Resistance (InvestYourAsset) 📣The present indicator is a MACD based buy/sell signals indicator with support and resistance, that can be used to identify potential buy and sell signals in a security's price.
📣It is based on the MACD (Moving Average Convergence Divergence) indicator, which is a momentum indicator that shows the relationship between two moving averages of a security's price.
📣 The indicator also plots support and resistance levels, which can be used to confirm buy and sell signals. The support and resistance can also be used as a stoploss for existing position.
👉 To use the indicator, simply add it to your trading chart. The indicator will plot three sections:
📈 Price and Signals: This section plots the security's price and the MACD buy and sell signals.
📈 MACD Oscillator: This section plots the MACD oscillator, which is a histogram that shows the difference between the two moving averages.
📈 Moving Averages: This section plots the two moving averages that the MACD oscillator is based on.
📈 Support and Resistance: This section plots support and resistance levels, which are calculated based on the security's recent price action.
👉 To identify buy and sell signals, you can look for the following:
📈 Buy signal: When shorter Moving Average crosses over longer Moving Average.
📈 Sell signal: When shorter moving average crosses under longer moving average.
📈 You can also look for divergences between the MACD oscillator and the security's price. A divergence occurs when the MACD oscillator is moving in one direction, but the security's price is moving in the opposite direction. Divergences can be a sign of a potential trend reversal.
👉 To confirm buy and sell signals, you can look for support and resistance levels take a look at below snapshot. If a buy signal occurs at a support level, it is a stronger signal than if it occurs at a random price level. Similarly, if a sell signal occurs at a resistance level, it is a stronger signal than if it occurs at a random price level.
⚡ Here is a example of how to use the indicator to identify buy signal:
☑ Add the indicator to your trading chart.
☑Look for a buy signal when short MA crosses over Long MA.
☑Look for the buy signal to occur at a support level.
☑Enter a long position at the next candle.
☑Place a stop loss order below the support level.
☑Take profit when the MACD line crosses below the signal line, or when the security reaches a resistance level.
⚡ Here is an example of how to use the indicator to identify a sell signal:
☑Add the indicator to your trading chart.
☑Look for a sell signal, when shorter moving average crosses under longer moving average.
☑Look for the sell signal to occur at a resistance level.
☑Enter a short position at the next candle.
☑Place a stop loss order above the resistance level.
☑Take profit when the MACD line crosses above the signal line, or when the security reaches a support level.
✅Things to consider while using the indicator:
📈Look for buy signals in an uptrend and sell signals in a downtrend. This will increase the likelihood of your trades being successful.
📈Place your stop losses below the previous swing low or support for buy signals and above the previous swing high or resistance for sell signals. This will help to limit your losses if the trade goes against you.
📈Consider taking profits at key resistance and support levels. This will help you to lock in your profits and avoid giving them back to the market.
Follow us for timely updates regarding indicators that we may publish in future and give it a like if you appreciate the indicator.
Linear Quadratic Convergence Divergence OscillatorIntroduction
I inspired myself from the MACD to present a different oscillator aiming to show more reactive/predictive information. The MACD originally show the relationship between two moving averages by subtracting one of fast period and another one of slow period. In my indicator i will use a similar concept, i will subtract a quadratic least squares moving average with a linear least squares moving average of same period, since the quadratic least squares moving average is faster than the linear one and both methods have low-lag this will result in a reactive oscillator.
LQCD In Details
A quadratic least squares moving average try to fit a quadratic function (parabola) to the price by using the method of least squares, the linear least squares moving average try to fit a line. Non-linear fit tend to minimize the sum of squares in non-linear data, this is why a quadratic method is more reactive. The difference of both filters give us an oscillator, then we apply a simple moving average to this oscillator to provide the signal line, subtracting the oscillator and its signal line give us the histogram, those two last steps are the same used in the MACD.
Length control the period of the quadratic/linear moving average. While the MACD use a signal line for plotting the histogram i also added the option to plot the momentum of the quadratic moving average instead, the result is smoother and reduce irregularities, in order to do so just check the differential option in the parameter box.
The period of the signal line and the momentum are both controlled by the signal parameter.
A predictive approach can be made by subtracting the histogram with the signal line, this process make the histogram way more predictive, in order to do so just check the predictive histogram option in the parameter box.
Predictive histogram with simple histogram option. The differential mode can also be used with the predictive parameter, this result in a smoother but less reactive prediction.
Information Interpretation
The amount of information the MACD can give us is high. We can use the histogram as signal generator, or the if the oscillator is over/under 0, combine the oscillator/signal line with histogram, combinations can provide various systems. Some traders use the histogram as signal generator and use the cross between the histogram and the signal line as a stop signal, this method can avoid some whipsaw trades. The study of divergences with the price is also another method.
This oscillator aim to show the same amount of information as the MACD with a similar calculation method but using different kind of filters as well as eliminating the need to use two separates periods for the moving averages calculation, its still possible to use different periods for the quadratic/linear moving average but the results can be less accurate. This indicator can be used like the MACD.
Didi IndexThis indicator was originally developed by brazilian technical analyst Odir "Didi" Aguiar. Also known as "Didi Needles". Consider it as a brazilian MACD.
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