TCTDailyBiasLibraryLibrary "TCTDailyBiasLibrary"
Provides a simple function to return a daily bias based on the break of the morning range
Returns the daily bias based on the break of the morning range
Returns: bias
Casa_VolumeProfileSessionLibrary "Casa_VolumeProfileSession"
Analyzes price and volume during regular trading hours to provide a session volume profile,
including Point of Control (POC), Value Area High (VAH), and Value Area Low (VAL).
Calculates and displays these levels historically and for the developing session.
Offers customizable visualization options for the Value Area, POC, histogram, and labels.
Uses lower timeframe data for increased accuracy and supports futures sessions.
The number of rows used for the volume profile can be fixed or dynamically calculated based on the session's price range and the instrument's minimum tick increment, providing optimal resolution.
calculateEffectiveRows(configuredRows, dayHigh, dayLow)
Determines the optimal number of rows for the volume profile, either using the configured value or calculating dynamically based on price range and tick size
configuredRows (int) : User-specified number of rows (0 means auto-calculate)
dayHigh (float) : Highest price of the session
dayLow (float) : Lowest price of the session
Returns: The number of rows to use for the volume profile
debug(vp, position)
Helper function to write some information about the supplied SVP object to the screen in a table.
vp (Object) : The SVP object to debug
position (string) : The position.* to place the table. Defaults to position.bottom_center
Depending on the timeframe of the chart, determines a lower timeframe to grab volume data from for the analysis
Returns: The timeframe string to fetch volume for
get(volumeProfile, lowerTimeframeHigh, lowerTimeframeLow, lowerTimeframeVolume, lowerTimeframeTime, lowerTimeframeSessionIsMarket)
Populated the provided SessionVolumeProfile object with vp data on the session.
volumeProfile (Object) : The SessionVolumeProfile object to populate
lowerTimeframeHigh (array) : The lower timeframe high values
lowerTimeframeLow (array) : The lower timeframe low values
lowerTimeframeVolume (array) : The lower timeframe volume values
lowerTimeframeTime (array) : The lower timeframe time values
lowerTimeframeSessionIsMarket (array) : The lower timeframe session.ismarket values (that are futures-friendly)
drawPriorValueAreas(todaySessionVolumeProfile, extendYesterdayOverToday, showLabels, labelSize, pocColor, pocStyle, pocWidth, vahlColor, vahlStyle, vahlWidth, vaColor)
Given a SessionVolumeProfile Object, will render the historical value areas for that object.
todaySessionVolumeProfile (Object) : The SessionVolumeProfile Object to draw
extendYesterdayOverToday (bool) : Defaults to true
showLabels (bool) : Defaults to true
labelSize (string) : Defaults to size.small
pocColor (color) : Defaults to #e500a4
pocStyle (string) : Defaults to line.style_solid
pocWidth (int) : Defaults to 1
vahlColor (color) : The color of the value area high/low lines. Defaults to #1592e6
vahlStyle (string) : The style of the value area high/low lines. Defaults to line.style_solid
vahlWidth (int) : The width of the value area high/low lines. Defaults to 1
vaColor (color) : The color of the value area background. Defaults to #00bbf911)
drawHistogram(volumeProfile, bgColor, showVolumeOnHistogram)
Given a SessionVolumeProfile object, will render the histogram for that object.
volumeProfile (Object) : The SessionVolumeProfile object to draw
bgColor (color) : The baseline color to use for the histogram. Defaults to #00bbf9
showVolumeOnHistogram (bool) : Show the volume amount on the histogram bars. Defaults to false.
Object Contains all settings and calculated values for a Volume Profile Session analysis
numberOfRows (series int) : Number of price levels to divide the range into. If set to 0, auto-calculates based on price range and tick size
valueAreaCoverage (series int) : Percentage of total volume to include in the Value Area (default 70%)
trackDevelopingVa (series bool) : Whether to calculate and display the Value Area as it develops during the session
valueAreaHigh (series float) : Upper boundary of the Value Area - price level containing specified % of volume
pointOfControl (series float) : Price level with the highest volume concentration
valueAreaLow (series float) : Lower boundary of the Value Area
startTime (series int) : Session start time in Unix timestamp format
endTime (series int) : Session end time in Unix timestamp format
dayHigh (series float) : Highest price of the session
dayLow (series float) : Lowest price of the session
step (series float) : Size of each price row (calculated as price range divided by number of rows)
pointOfControlLevel (series int) : Index of the row containing the Point of Control
valueAreaHighLevel (series int) : Index of the row containing the Value Area High
valueAreaLowLevel (series int) : Index of the row containing the Value Area Low
lastTime (series int) : Tracks the most recent timestamp processed
volumeRows (map) : Stores volume data for each price level row (key=row number, value=volume)
ltfSessionHighs (array) : Stores high prices from lower timeframe data
ltfSessionLows (array) : Stores low prices from lower timeframe data
ltfSessionVols (array) : Stores volume data from lower timeframe data
Casa_SessionsLibrary "Casa_Sessions"
Advanced trading session management library that enhances TradingView's default functionality:
Key Features:
- Accurate session detection for futures markets
- Custom session hour definitions
- Drop-in replacements for standard TradingView session functions
- Flexible session map customization
- Full control over trading windows and market hours
Perfect for traders who need precise session timing, especially when working
with futures markets or custom trading schedules.
SetSessionTimes(session_type_input, custom_session_times_input, syminfo_type, syminfo_root, syminfo_timezone)
session_type_input (simple string) : Input string for session selection:
- 'Custom': User-defined session times
- 'FX-Tokyo': Tokyo forex session
- 'FX-London': London forex session
- 'FX-New York': NY forex session
- 'Overnight Session (ON)': After-hours trading
- 'Day Session (RTH)': Regular trading hours
custom_session_times_input (simple string) : Session parameter for custom time windows
Only used when session_type_input is 'Custom'
syminfo_type (simple string)
syminfo_root (simple string)
syminfo_timezone (simple string)
session_times: Trading hours for selected session
session_timezone: Market timezone (relevant for forex)
Get futures trading session hours map
Keys are formatted as 'symbol:session', examples:
- 'ES:market' - Regular trading hours (RTH)
- 'ES:overnight' - Extended trading hours (ETH)
- 'NQ:market' - NASDAQ futures RTH
- 'CL:overnight' - Crude Oil futures ETH
Returns: Map
Key: Symbol:session identifier
Value: Session hours in format "HH:MM-HH:MM"
getSessionString(session, symbol, sessionMap)
Returns a session string representing the session hours (and days) for the requested symbol (or the chart's symbol if the symbol value is not provided). If the session string is not found in the collection, it will return a blank string.
session (string) : A string representing the session hour being requested. One of: market (regular trading hours), overnight (extended/electronic trading hours), postmarket (after-hours), premarket
symbol (string) : The symbol to check. Optional. Defaults to chart symbol.
sessionMap (map) : The map of futures session hours. Optional. Uses default if not provided.
inSession(session, sessionMap, barsBack)
Returns true if the current symbol is currently in the session parameters defined by sessionString.
session (string) : A string representing the session hour being requested. One of: market (regular trading hours), overnight (extended/electronic trading hours), postmarket (after-hours), premarket
sessionMap (map) : The map of futures session hours. Optional. Uses default if not provided.
barsBack (int) : Private. Only used by futures to check islastbar. Optional. The default is 0.
Returns true if the current bar is a part of the regular trading hours (i.e. market hours), false otherwise. Works for futures (TradingView's methods do not).
sessionMap (map) : The map of futures session hours. Optional. Uses default if not provided.
Returns: bool
Returns true if the current bar is the first bar of the day's session, false otherwise. If extended session information is used, only returns true on the first bar of the pre-market bars. Works for futures (TradingView's methods do not).
Returns: bool
Returns true if the current bar is the last bar of the day's session, false otherwise. If extended session information is used, only returns true on the last bar of the post-market bars. Works for futures (TradingView's methods do not).
Returns: bool
Returns true if the current bar is a part of the pre-market, false otherwise. On non-intraday charts always returns false. Works for futures (TradingView's methods do not).
sessionMap (map) : The map of futures session hours. Optional. Uses default if not provided.
Returns: bool
Returns true if the current bar is a part of the post-market, false otherwise. On non-intraday charts always returns false. Works for futures (TradingView's methods do not).
sessionMap (map) : The map of futures session hours. Optional. Uses default if not provided.
Returns: bool
Returns true on the first regular session bar of the day, false otherwise. The result is the same whether extended session information is used or not. Works for futures (TradingView's methods do not).
sessionMap (map) : The map of futures session hours. Optional. Uses default if not provided.
Returns: bool
Returns true on the last regular session bar of the day, false otherwise. The result is the same whether extended session information is used or not. Works for futures (TradingView's methods do not).
sessionMap (map) : The map of futures session hours. Optional. Uses default if not provided.
Returns: bool
Returns true if the current bar is a part of the pre-market or post-market, false otherwise. On non-intraday charts always returns false.
sessionMap (map) : The map of futures session hours. Optional. Uses default if not provided.
Returns: bool
getSessionHighAndLow(session, sessionMap)
Returns a tuple containing the high and low print during the specified session.
session (string) : The session for which to get the high & low prints. Defaults to market.
sessionMap (map) : The map of futures session hours. Optional. Uses default if not provided.
Returns: A tuple containing
getSessionHigh(session, sessionMap)
Convenience function to return the session high. Necessary if you want to call this function from within a expression where you can't return a tuple.
session (string) : The session for which to get the high & low prints. Defaults to market.
sessionMap (map) : The map of futures session hours. Optional. Uses default if not provided.
Returns: The high of the session
getSessionLow(session, sessionMap)
Convenience function to return the session low. Necessary if you want to call this function from within a expression where you can't return a tuple.
session (string) : The session for which to get the high & low prints. Defaults to market.
sessionMap (map) : The map of futures session hours. Optional. Uses default if not provided.
Returns: The low of the session
This library is a Pine Script® programming tool for accessing historical values in a time series using UNIX timestamps . Its data structure and functions index values by time, allowing scripts to retrieve past values based on absolute timestamps or relative time offsets instead of relying on bar index offsets.
UNIX timestamps
In Pine Script®, a UNIX timestamp is an integer representing the number of milliseconds elapsed since January 1, 1970, at 00:00:00 UTC (the UNIX Epoch ). The timestamp is a unique, absolute representation of a specific point in time. Unlike a calendar date and time, a UNIX timestamp's meaning does not change relative to any time zone .
This library's functions process series values and corresponding UNIX timestamps in pairs , offering a simplified way to identify values that occur at or near distinct points in time instead of on specific bars.
Storing and retrieving time-value pairs
This library's `Data` type defines the structure for collecting time and value information in pairs. Objects of the `Data` type contain the following two fields:
• `times` – An array of "int" UNIX timestamps for each recorded value.
• `values` – An array of "float" values for each saved timestamp.
Each index in both arrays refers to a specific time-value pair. For instance, the `times` and `values` elements at index 0 represent the first saved timestamp and corresponding value. The library functions that maintain `Data` objects queue up to one time-value pair per bar into the object's arrays, where the saved timestamp represents the bar's opening time .
Because the `times` array contains a distinct UNIX timestamp for each item in the `values` array, it serves as a custom mapping for retrieving saved values. All the library functions that return information from a `Data` object use this simple two-step process to identify a value based on time:
1. Perform a binary search on the `times` array to find the earliest saved timestamp closest to the specified time or offset and get the element's index.
2. Access the element from the `values` array at the retrieved index, returning the stored value corresponding to the found timestamp.
Value search methods
There are several techniques programmers can use to identify historical values from corresponding timestamps. This library's functions include three different search methods to locate and retrieve values based on absolute times or relative time offsets:
Timestamp search
Find the value with the earliest saved timestamp closest to a specified timestamp.
Millisecond offset search
Find the value with the earliest saved timestamp closest to a specified number of milliseconds behind the current bar's opening time. This search method provides a time-based alternative to retrieving historical values at specific bar offsets.
Period offset search
Locate the value with the earliest saved timestamp closest to a defined period offset behind the current bar's opening time. The function calculates the span of the offset based on a period string . The "string" must contain one of the following unit tokens:
• "D" for days
• "W" for weeks
• "M" for months
• "Y" for years
• "YTD" for year-to-date, meaning the time elapsed since the beginning of the bar's opening year in the exchange time zone.
The period string can include a multiplier prefix for all supported units except "YTD" (e.g., "2W" for two weeks).
Note that the precise span covered by the "M", "Y", and "YTD" units varies across time. The "1M" period can cover 28, 29, 30, or 31 days, depending on the bar's opening month and year in the exchange time zone. The "1Y" period covers 365 or 366 days, depending on leap years. The "YTD" period's span changes with each new bar, because it always measures the time from the start of the current bar's opening year.
This library's functions offer a flexible, structured approach to retrieving historical values at or near specific timestamps, millisecond offsets, or period offsets for different analytical needs.
See below for explanations of the exported functions and how to use them.
Retrieving single values
The library includes three functions that retrieve a single stored value using timestamp, millisecond offset, or period offset search methods:
• `valueAtTime()` – Locates the saved value with the earliest timestamp closest to a specified timestamp.
• `valueAtTimeOffset()` – Finds the saved value with the earliest timestamp closest to the specified number of milliseconds behind the current bar's opening time.
• `valueAtPeriodOffset()` – Finds the saved value with the earliest timestamp closest to the period-based offset behind the current bar's opening time.
Each function has two overloads for advanced and simple use cases. The first overload searches for a value in a user-specified `Data` object created by the `collectData()` function (see below). It returns a tuple containing the found value and the corresponding timestamp.
The second overload maintains a `Data` object internally to store and retrieve values for a specified `source` series. This overload returns a tuple containing the historical `source` value, the corresponding timestamp, and the current bar's `source` value, making it helpful for comparing past and present values from requested contexts.
Retrieving multiple values
The library includes the following functions to retrieve values from multiple historical points in time, facilitating calculations and comparisons with values retrieved across several intervals:
• `getDataAtTimes()` – Locates a past `source` value for each item in a `timestamps` array. Each retrieved value's timestamp represents the earliest time closest to one of the specified timestamps.
• `getDataAtTimeOffsets()` – Finds a past `source` value for each item in a `timeOffsets` array. Each retrieved value's timestamp represents the earliest time closest to one of the specified millisecond offsets behind the current bar's opening time.
• `getDataAtPeriodOffsets()` – Finds a past value for each item in a `periods` array. Each retrieved value's timestamp represents the earliest time closest to one of the specified period offsets behind the current bar's opening time.
Each function returns a tuple with arrays containing the found `source` values and their corresponding timestamps. In addition, the tuple includes the current `source` value and the symbol's description, which also makes these functions helpful for multi-interval comparisons using data from requested contexts.
Processing period inputs
When writing scripts that retrieve historical values based on several user-specified period offsets, the most concise approach is to create a single text input that allows users to list each period, then process the "string" list into an array for use in the `getDataAtPeriodOffsets()` function.
This library includes a `getArrayFromString()` function to provide a simple way to process strings containing comma-separated lists of periods. The function splits the specified `str` by its commas and returns an array containing every non-empty item in the list with surrounding whitespaces removed. View the example code to see how we use this function to process the value of a text area input .
Calculating period offset times
Because the exact amount of time covered by a specified period offset can vary, it is often helpful to verify the resulting times when using the `valueAtPeriodOffset()` or `getDataAtPeriodOffsets()` functions to ensure the calculations work as intended for your use case.
The library's `periodToTimestamp()` function calculates an offset timestamp from a given period and reference time. With this function, programmers can verify the time offsets in a period-based data search and use the calculated offset times in additional operations.
For periods with "D" or "W" units, the function calculates the time offset based on the absolute number of milliseconds the period covers (e.g., `86400000` for "1D"). For periods with "M", "Y", or "YTD" units, the function calculates an offset time based on the reference time's calendar date in the exchange time zone.
Collecting data
All the `getDataAt*()` functions, and the second overloads of the `valueAt*()` functions, collect and maintain data internally, meaning scripts do not require a separate `Data` object when using them. However, the first overloads of the `valueAt*()` functions do not collect data, because they retrieve values from a user-specified `Data` object.
For cases where a script requires a separate `Data` object for use with these overloads or other custom routines, this library exports the `collectData()` function. This function queues each bar's `source` value and opening timestamp into a `Data` object and returns the object's ID.
This function is particularly useful when searching for values from a specific series more than once. For instance, instead of using multiple calls to the second overloads of `valueAt*()` functions with the same `source` argument, programmers can call `collectData()` to store each bar's `source` and opening timestamp, then use the returned `Data` object's ID in calls to the first `valueAt*()` overloads to reduce memory usage.
The `collectData()` function and all the functions that collect data internally include two optional parameters for limiting the saved time-value pairs to a sliding window: `timeOffsetLimit` and `timeframeLimit`. When either has a non-na argument, the function restricts the collected data to the maximum number of recent bars covered by the specified millisecond- and timeframe-based intervals.
NOTE : All calls to the functions that collect data for a `source` series can execute up to once per bar or realtime tick, because each stored value requires a unique corresponding timestamp. Therefore, scripts cannot call these functions iteratively within a loop . If a call to these functions executes more than once inside a loop's scope, it causes a runtime error.
The example code at the end of the script demonstrates one possible use case for this library's functions. The code retrieves historical price data at user-specified period offsets, calculates price returns for each period from the retrieved data, and then populates a table with the results.
The example code's process is as follows:
1. Input a list of periods – The user specifies a comma-separated list of period strings in the script's "Period list" input (e.g., "1W, 1M, 3M, 1Y, YTD"). Each item in the input list represents a period offset from the latest bar's opening time.
2. Process the period list – The example calls `getArrayFromString()` on the first bar to split the input list by its commas and construct an array of period strings.
3. Request historical data – The code uses a call to `getDataAtPeriodOffsets()` as the `expression` argument in a call to retrieve the closing prices of "1D" bars for each period included in the processed `periods` array.
4. Display information in a table – On the latest bar, the code uses the retrieved data to calculate price returns over each specified period, then populates a two-row table with the results. The cells for each return percentage are color-coded based on the magnitude and direction of the price change. The cells also include tooltips showing the compared daily bar's opening date in the exchange time zone.
• This library's architecture relies on a user-defined type (UDT) for its data storage format. UDTs are blueprints from which scripts create objects , i.e., composite structures with fields containing independent values or references of any supported type.
• The library functions search through a `Data` object's `times` array using the array.binary_search_leftmost() function, which is more efficient than looping through collected data to identify matching timestamps. Note that this built-in works only for arrays with elements sorted in ascending order .
• Each function that collects data from a `source` series updates the values and times stored in a local `Data` object's arrays. If a single call to these functions were to execute in a loop , it would store multiple values with an identical timestamp, which can cause erroneous search behavior. To prevent looped calls to these functions, the library uses the `checkCall()` helper function in their scopes. This function maintains a counter that increases by one each time it executes on a confirmed bar. If the count exceeds the total number of bars, indicating the call executes more than once in a loop, it raises a runtime error .
• Typically, when requesting higher-timeframe data with while using barmerge.lookahead_on as the `lookahead` argument, the `expression` argument should be offset with the history-referencing operator to prevent lookahead bias on historical bars. However, the call in this script's example code enables lookahead without offsetting the `expression` because the script displays results only on the last historical bar and all realtime bars, where there is no future data to leak into the past. This call ensures the displayed results use the latest data available from the context on realtime bars.
Look first. Then leap.
A structure for storing successive timestamps and corresponding values from a dataset.
times (array) : An "int" array containing a UNIX timestamp for each value in the `values` array.
values (array) : A "float" array containing values corresponding to the timestamps in the `times` array.
Splits a "string" into an array of substrings using the comma (`,`) as the delimiter. The function trims surrounding whitespace characters from each substring, and it excludes empty substrings from the result.
str (series string) : The "string" to split into an array based on its commas.
Returns: (array) An array of trimmed substrings from the specified `str`.
periodToTimestamp(period, referenceTime)
Calculates a UNIX timestamp representing the point offset behind a reference time by the amount of time within the specified `period`.
period (series string) : The period string, which determines the time offset of the returned timestamp. The specified argument must contain a unit and an optional multiplier (e.g., "1Y", "3M", "2W", "YTD"). Supported units are:
- "Y" for years.
- "M" for months.
- "W" for weeks.
- "D" for days.
- "YTD" (Year-to-date) for the span from the start of the `referenceTime` value's year in the exchange time zone. An argument with this unit cannot contain a multiplier.
referenceTime (series int) : The millisecond UNIX timestamp from which to calculate the offset time.
Returns: (int) A millisecond UNIX timestamp representing the offset time point behind the `referenceTime`.
collectData(source, timeOffsetLimit, timeframeLimit)
Collects `source` and `time` data successively across bars. The function stores the information within a `Data` object for use in other exported functions/methods, such as `valueAtTimeOffset()` and `valueAtPeriodOffset()`. Any call to this function cannot execute more than once per bar or realtime tick.
source (series float) : The source series to collect. The function stores each value in the series with an associated timestamp representing its corresponding bar's opening time.
timeOffsetLimit (simple int) : Optional. A time offset (range) in milliseconds. If specified, the function limits the collected data to the maximum number of bars covered by the range, with a minimum of one bar. If the call includes a non-empty `timeframeLimit` value, the function limits the data using the largest number of bars covered by the two ranges. The default is `na`.
timeframeLimit (simple string) : Optional. A valid timeframe string. If specified and not empty, the function limits the collected data to the maximum number of bars covered by the timeframe, with a minimum of one bar. If the call includes a non-na `timeOffsetLimit` value, the function limits the data using the largest number of bars covered by the two ranges. The default is `na`.
Returns: (Data) A `Data` object containing collected `source` values and corresponding timestamps over the allowed time range.
method valueAtTime(data, timestamp)
(Overload 1 of 2) Retrieves value and time data from a `Data` object's fields at the index of the earliest timestamp closest to the specified `timestamp`. Callable as a method or a function.
data (series Data) : The `Data` object containing the collected time and value data.
timestamp (series int) : The millisecond UNIX timestamp to search. The function returns data for the earliest saved timestamp that is closest to the value.
Returns: ( ) A tuple containing the following data from the `Data` object:
- The stored value corresponding to the identified timestamp ("float").
- The earliest saved timestamp that is closest to the specified `timestamp` ("int").
valueAtTime(source, timestamp, timeOffsetLimit, timeframeLimit)
(Overload 2 of 2) Retrieves `source` and time information for the earliest bar whose opening timestamp is closest to the specified `timestamp`. Any call to this function cannot execute more than once per bar or realtime tick.
source (series float) : The source series to analyze. The function stores each value in the series with an associated timestamp representing its corresponding bar's opening time.
timestamp (series int) : The millisecond UNIX timestamp to search. The function returns data for the earliest bar whose timestamp is closest to the value.
timeOffsetLimit (simple int) : Optional. A time offset (range) in milliseconds. If specified, the function limits the collected data to the maximum number of bars covered by the range, with a minimum of one bar. If the call includes a non-empty `timeframeLimit` value, the function limits the data using the largest number of bars covered by the two ranges. The default is `na`.
timeframeLimit (simple string) : (simple string) Optional. A valid timeframe string. If specified and not empty, the function limits the collected data to the maximum number of bars covered by the timeframe, with a minimum of one bar. If the call includes a non-na `timeOffsetLimit` value, the function limits the data using the largest number of bars covered by the two ranges. The default is `na`.
Returns: ( ) A tuple containing the following data:
- The `source` value corresponding to the identified timestamp ("float").
- The earliest bar's timestamp that is closest to the specified `timestamp` ("int").
- The current bar's `source` value ("float").
method valueAtTimeOffset(data, timeOffset)
(Overload 1 of 2) Retrieves value and time data from a `Data` object's fields at the index of the earliest saved timestamp closest to `timeOffset` milliseconds behind the current bar's opening time. Callable as a method or a function.
data (series Data) : The `Data` object containing the collected time and value data.
timeOffset (series int) : The millisecond offset behind the bar's opening time. The function returns data for the earliest saved timestamp that is closest to the calculated offset time.
Returns: ( ) A tuple containing the following data from the `Data` object:
- The stored value corresponding to the identified timestamp ("float").
- The earliest saved timestamp that is closest to `timeOffset` milliseconds before the current bar's opening time ("int").
valueAtTimeOffset(source, timeOffset, timeOffsetLimit, timeframeLimit)
(Overload 2 of 2) Retrieves `source` and time information for the earliest bar whose opening timestamp is closest to `timeOffset` milliseconds behind the current bar's opening time. Any call to this function cannot execute more than once per bar or realtime tick.
source (series float) : The source series to analyze. The function stores each value in the series with an associated timestamp representing its corresponding bar's opening time.
timeOffset (series int) : The millisecond offset behind the bar's opening time. The function returns data for the earliest bar's timestamp that is closest to the calculated offset time.
timeOffsetLimit (simple int) : Optional. A time offset (range) in milliseconds. If specified, the function limits the collected data to the maximum number of bars covered by the range, with a minimum of one bar. If the call includes a non-empty `timeframeLimit` value, the function limits the data using the largest number of bars covered by the two ranges. The default is `na`.
timeframeLimit (simple string) : Optional. A valid timeframe string. If specified and not empty, the function limits the collected data to the maximum number of bars covered by the timeframe, with a minimum of one bar. If the call includes a non-na `timeOffsetLimit` value, the function limits the data using the largest number of bars covered by the two ranges. The default is `na`.
Returns: ( ) A tuple containing the following data:
- The `source` value corresponding to the identified timestamp ("float").
- The earliest bar's timestamp that is closest to `timeOffset` milliseconds before the current bar's opening time ("int").
- The current bar's `source` value ("float").
method valueAtPeriodOffset(data, period)
(Overload 1 of 2) Retrieves value and time data from a `Data` object's fields at the index of the earliest timestamp closest to a calculated offset behind the current bar's opening time. The calculated offset represents the amount of time covered by the specified `period`. Callable as a method or a function.
data (series Data) : The `Data` object containing the collected time and value data.
period (series string) : The period string, which determines the calculated time offset. The specified argument must contain a unit and an optional multiplier (e.g., "1Y", "3M", "2W", "YTD"). Supported units are:
- "Y" for years.
- "M" for months.
- "W" for weeks.
- "D" for days.
- "YTD" (Year-to-date) for the span from the start of the current bar's year in the exchange time zone. An argument with this unit cannot contain a multiplier.
Returns: ( ) A tuple containing the following data from the `Data` object:
- The stored value corresponding to the identified timestamp ("float").
- The earliest saved timestamp that is closest to the calculated offset behind the bar's opening time ("int").
valueAtPeriodOffset(source, period, timeOffsetLimit, timeframeLimit)
(Overload 2 of 2) Retrieves `source` and time information for the earliest bar whose opening timestamp is closest to a calculated offset behind the current bar's opening time. The calculated offset represents the amount of time covered by the specified `period`. Any call to this function cannot execute more than once per bar or realtime tick.
source (series float) : The source series to analyze. The function stores each value in the series with an associated timestamp representing its corresponding bar's opening time.
period (series string) : The period string, which determines the calculated time offset. The specified argument must contain a unit and an optional multiplier (e.g., "1Y", "3M", "2W", "YTD"). Supported units are:
- "Y" for years.
- "M" for months.
- "W" for weeks.
- "D" for days.
- "YTD" (Year-to-date) for the span from the start of the current bar's year in the exchange time zone. An argument with this unit cannot contain a multiplier.
timeOffsetLimit (simple int) : Optional. A time offset (range) in milliseconds. If specified, the function limits the collected data to the maximum number of bars covered by the range, with a minimum of one bar. If the call includes a non-empty `timeframeLimit` value, the function limits the data using the largest number of bars covered by the two ranges. The default is `na`.
timeframeLimit (simple string) : Optional. A valid timeframe string. If specified and not empty, the function limits the collected data to the maximum number of bars covered by the timeframe, with a minimum of one bar. If the call includes a non-na `timeOffsetLimit` value, the function limits the data using the largest number of bars covered by the two ranges. The default is `na`.
Returns: ( ) A tuple containing the following data:
- The `source` value corresponding to the identified timestamp ("float").
- The earliest bar's timestamp that is closest to the calculated offset behind the current bar's opening time ("int").
- The current bar's `source` value ("float").
getDataAtTimes(timestamps, source, timeOffsetLimit, timeframeLimit)
Retrieves `source` and time information for each bar whose opening timestamp is the earliest one closest to one of the UNIX timestamps specified in the `timestamps` array. Any call to this function cannot execute more than once per bar or realtime tick.
timestamps (array) : An array of "int" values representing UNIX timestamps. The function retrieves `source` and time data for each element in this array.
source (series float) : The source series to analyze. The function stores each value in the series with an associated timestamp representing its corresponding bar's opening time.
timeOffsetLimit (simple int) : Optional. A time offset (range) in milliseconds. If specified, the function limits the collected data to the maximum number of bars covered by the range, with a minimum of one bar. If the call includes a non-empty `timeframeLimit` value, the function limits the data using the largest number of bars covered by the two ranges. The default is `na`.
timeframeLimit (simple string) : Optional. A valid timeframe string. If specified and not empty, the function limits the collected data to the maximum number of bars covered by the timeframe, with a minimum of one bar. If the call includes a non-na `timeOffsetLimit` value, the function limits the data using the largest number of bars covered by the two ranges. The default is `na`.
Returns: ( ) A tuple of the following data:
- An array containing a `source` value for each identified timestamp (array).
- An array containing an identified timestamp for each item in the `timestamps` array (array).
- The current bar's `source` value ("float").
- The symbol's description from `syminfo.description` ("string").
getDataAtTimeOffsets(timeOffsets, source, timeOffsetLimit, timeframeLimit)
Retrieves `source` and time information for each bar whose opening timestamp is the earliest one closest to one of the time offsets specified in the `timeOffsets` array. Each offset in the array represents the absolute number of milliseconds behind the current bar's opening time. Any call to this function cannot execute more than once per bar or realtime tick.
timeOffsets (array) : An array of "int" values representing the millisecond time offsets used in the search. The function retrieves `source` and time data for each element in this array. For example, the array ` ` specifies that the function returns data for the timestamps closest to one day and one week behind the current bar's opening time.
source (float) : (series float) The source series to analyze. The function stores each value in the series with an associated timestamp representing its corresponding bar's opening time.
timeOffsetLimit (simple int) : Optional. A time offset (range) in milliseconds. If specified, the function limits the collected data to the maximum number of bars covered by the range, with a minimum of one bar. If the call includes a non-empty `timeframeLimit` value, the function limits the data using the largest number of bars covered by the two ranges. The default is `na`.
timeframeLimit (simple string) : Optional. A valid timeframe string. If specified and not empty, the function limits the collected data to the maximum number of bars covered by the timeframe, with a minimum of one bar. If the call includes a non-na `timeOffsetLimit` value, the function limits the data using the largest number of bars covered by the two ranges. The default is `na`.
Returns: ( ) A tuple of the following data:
- An array containing a `source` value for each identified timestamp (array).
- An array containing an identified timestamp for each offset specified in the `timeOffsets` array (array).
- The current bar's `source` value ("float").
- The symbol's description from `syminfo.description` ("string").
getDataAtPeriodOffsets(periods, source, timeOffsetLimit, timeframeLimit)
Retrieves `source` and time information for each bar whose opening timestamp is the earliest one closest to a calculated offset behind the current bar's opening time. Each calculated offset represents the amount of time covered by a period specified in the `periods` array. Any call to this function cannot execute more than once per bar or realtime tick.
periods (array) : An array of period strings, which determines the time offsets used in the search. The function retrieves `source` and time data for each element in this array. For example, the array ` ` specifies that the function returns data for the timestamps closest to one day, week, and month behind the current bar's opening time. Each "string" in the array must contain a unit and an optional multiplier. Supported units are:
- "Y" for years.
- "M" for months.
- "W" for weeks.
- "D" for days.
- "YTD" (Year-to-date) for the span from the start of the current bar's year in the exchange time zone. An argument with this unit cannot contain a multiplier.
source (float) : (series float) The source series to analyze. The function stores each value in the series with an associated timestamp representing its corresponding bar's opening time.
timeOffsetLimit (simple int) : Optional. A time offset (range) in milliseconds. If specified, the function limits the collected data to the maximum number of bars covered by the range, with a minimum of one bar. If the call includes a non-empty `timeframeLimit` value, the function limits the data using the largest number of bars covered by the two ranges. The default is `na`.
timeframeLimit (simple string) : Optional. A valid timeframe string. If specified and not empty, the function limits the collected data to the maximum number of bars covered by the timeframe, with a minimum of one bar. If the call includes a non-na `timeOffsetLimit` value, the function limits the data using the largest number of bars covered by the two ranges. The default is `na`.
Returns: ( ) A tuple of the following data:
- An array containing a `source` value for each identified timestamp (array).
- An array containing an identified timestamp for each period specified in the `periods` array (array).
- The current bar's `source` value ("float").
- The symbol's description from `syminfo.description` ("string").
UtilityLibraryLibrary "UtilityLibrary"
A collection of custom utility functions used in my scripts.
Gets the number of milliseconds per bar.
Returns: (int) The number of milliseconds per bar.
Checks if the current bar is the actual realtime bar.
Returns: (bool) `true` when the current bar is the actual realtime bar, `false` otherwise.
Checks if the current bar is the last replay bar.
Returns: (bool) `true` when the current bar is the last replay bar, `false` otherwise.
Checks how much of the current bar has elapsed.
Returns: (float) Between 0 and 1.
Checks if a number is even.
number (float) : (float) The number to evaluate.
Returns: (bool) `true` when the number is even, `false` when the number is odd.
Gets the sign of a float.
number (float) : (float) The number to evaluate.
Returns: (int) 1 or -1, unlike math.sign() which returns 0 if the number is 0.
atan2(y, x)
Derives an angle in radians from the XY coordinate.
y (float) : (float) Y coordinate.
x (float) : (float) X coordinate.
Returns: (float) Between -π and π.
clamp(number, min, max)
Ensures a value is between the `min` and `max` thresholds.
number (float) : (float) The number to clamp.
min (float) : (float) The minimum threshold (0 by default).
max (float) : (float) The maximum threshold (1 by default).
Returns: (float) Between `min` and `max`.
Removes gamma from normalized sRGB channel values.
value (float) : (float) The normalized channel value .
Returns: (float) Channel value with gamma removed.
Adds gamma into normalized linear RGB channel values.
value (float) : (float) The normalized channel value .
Returns: (float) Channel value with gamma added.
Extracts XYZ-D65 channels from sRGB colors.
Color (color) : (color) The sRGB color to process.
Returns: (float tuple)
xyz_to_rgb(x, y, z)
Converts XYZ-D65 channels to sRGB channels.
x (float) : (float) The X channel value.
y (float) : (float) The Y channel value.
z (float) : (float) The Z channel value.
Returns: (int tuple)
Extracts OKLAB-D65 channels from sRGB colors.
Color (color) : (color) The sRGB color to process.
Returns: (float tuple)
oklab_to_rgb(l, a, b)
Converts OKLAB-D65 channels to sRGB channels.
l (float) : (float) The L channel value.
a (float) : (float) The A channel value.
b (float) : (float) The B channel value.
Returns: (int tuple)
Extracts OKLCH channels from sRGB colors.
Color (color) : (color) The sRGB color to process.
Returns: (float tuple)
oklch_to_rgb(l, c, h)
Converts OKLCH channels to sRGB channels.
l (float) : (float) The L channel value.
c (float) : (float) The C channel value.
h (float) : (float) The H channel value.
Returns: (float tuple)
hues(l1, h1, l2, h2, dist)
Ensures the hue angles are set correctly for linearly interpolating OKLCH.
l1 (float) : (float) The first L channel value.
h1 (float) : (float) The first H channel value.
l2 (float) : (float) The second L channel value.
h2 (float) : (float) The second H channel value.
dist (string) : (string) The preferred angular distance to use. Options: `min` or `max` (`min` by default).
Returns: (float tuple)
lerp(a, b, t)
Linearly interpolates between two values.
a (float) : (float) The starting point (first value).
b (float) : (float) The ending point (second value).
t (float) : (float) The interpolation factor .
Returns: (float) Between `a` and `b`.
smoothstep(t, precise)
A non-linear (smooth) interpolation between 0 and 1.
t (float) : (float) The interpolation factor .
precise (bool) : (bool) Sets if the calc should be precise or efficient (`true` by default).
Returns: (float) Between 0 and 1.
ease(t, n, v, x1, y1, x2, y2)
A customizable non-linear interpolation between 0 and 1.
t (float) : (float) The interpolation factor .
n (float) : (float) The degree of ease (1 by default).
v (string) : (string) The easing variant type: `in-out`, `in`, or `out` (`in-out` by default).
x1 (float) : (float) Optional X coordinate of starting point (0 by default).
y1 (float) : (float) Optional Y coordinate of starting point (0 by default).
x2 (float) : (float) Optional X coordinate of ending point (1 by default).
y2 (float) : (float) Optional Y coordinate of ending point (1 by default).
Returns: (float) Between 0 and 1.
mix(color1, color2, blend, space, dist)
Linearly interpolates between two colors.
color1 (color) : (color) The first color.
color2 (color) : (color) The second color.
blend (float) : (float) The interpolation factor .
space (string) : (string) The color space to use for interpolating. Options: `rgb`, `oklab`, and `oklch` (`rgb` by default).
dist (string) : (string) The anglular distance to use for the hue change when the color space is set to `oklch`. Options: `min` and `max` (`min` by default).
Returns: (color) Blend of `color1` and `color2`.
utilsLibrary "utils"
Few essentials captured together (subset of arrayutils)
timer(timeStart, timeEnd)
finds difference between two timestamps
timeStart (int) : start timestamp
timeEnd (int)
method check_overflow(pivots, barArray, dir)
finds difference between two timestamps
Namespace types: array
pivots (array) : pivots array
barArray (array) : pivot bar array
dir (int) : direction for which overflow need to be checked
Returns: bool overflow
method get_trend_series(pivots, length, highLow, trend)
finds series of pivots in particular trend
Namespace types: array
pivots (array) : pivots array
length (int) : length for which trend series need to be checked
highLow (int) : filter pivot high or low
trend (int) : Uptrend or Downtrend
Returns: int trendIndexes
method get_trend_series(pivots, firstIndex, lastIndex)
finds series of pivots in particular trend
Namespace types: array
pivots (array) : pivots array
firstIndex (int) : First index of the series
lastIndex (int) : Last index of the series
Returns: int trendIndexes
getConsolidatedLabel(include, labels, separator)
Consolidates labels into single string by concatenating it with given separator
include (array) : array of conditions to include label or not
labels (array) : string array of labels
separator (string) : Separator for concatenating labels
Returns: string labelText
method getColors(theme)
gets array of colors based on theme
Namespace types: series Theme
theme (series Theme) : dark or light theme
Returns: color themeColors
Trading IQ - ICT LibraryLibrary "ICTlibrary"
Used to calculate various ICT related price levels and strategies. An ongoing project.
Hello Coders!
This library is meant for sourcing ICT related concepts. While some functions might generate more output than you require, you can specify "Lite Mode" as "true" in applicable functions to slim down necessary inputs.
Identifies the last bar on the chart before a timeframe change
userTF (simple int) : the timeframe you wish to calculate the last bar for, must be converted to integer using 'timeframe.in_seconds()'
Returns: bool true if bar on chart is last bar of higher TF, dalse if bar on chart is not last bar of higher TF
returns necessaryData UDT for historical data access
atrTF (float) : user-selected timeframe ATR value.
Returns: logZ. log return Z score, used for calculating order blocks.
method gradBoxes(gradientBoxes, idColor, timeStart, bottom, top, rightCoordinate)
creates neon like effect for box drawings
Namespace types: array
gradientBoxes (array) : an to store the gradient boxes
idColor (color)
timeStart (int) : left point of box
bottom (float) : bottom of box price point
top (float) : top of box price point
rightCoordinate (int) : right point of box
Returns: void
checks if recent trade is of specific name
tradeName (string)
Returns: bool true if recent trade id matches target name, false otherwise
checks if recent closed trade is of specific name
tradeName (string)
Returns: bool true if recent closed trade id matches target name, false otherwise
IQZZ(atrMult, finalTF)
custom ZZ to quickly determine market direction.
atrMult (float) : an atr multiplier used to determine the required price move for a ZZ direction change
finalTF (string) : the timeframe used for the atr calcuation
Returns: dir market direction. Up => 1, down => -1
method drawBos(id, startPoint, getKeyPointTime, getKeyPointPrice, col, showBOS, isUp)
calculates and draws Break Of Structure
Namespace types: array
id (array)
startPoint (chart.point)
getKeyPointTime (int) : the actual time of startPoint, simplystartPoint.time
getKeyPointPrice (float) : the actual time of startPoint, simplystartPoint.price
col (color) : color of the BoS line / label
showBOS (bool) : whether to show label/line. This function still calculates internally for other ICT related concepts even if not drawn.
isUp (bool) : whether BoS happened during price increase or price decrease.
Returns: void
method drawMSS(id, startPoint, getKeyPointTime, getKeyPointPrice, col, showMSS, isUp, upRejections, dnRejections, highArr, lowArr, timeArr, closeArr, openArr, atrTFarr, upRejectionsPrices, dnRejectionsPrices)
calculates and draws Market Structure Shift. This data is also used to calculate Rejection Blocks.
Namespace types: array
id (array)
startPoint (chart.point)
getKeyPointTime (int) : the actual time of startPoint, simplystartPoint.time
getKeyPointPrice (float) : the actual time of startPoint, simplystartPoint.price
col (color) : color of the MSS line / label
showMSS (bool) : whether to show label/line. This function still calculates internally for other ICT related concepts even if not drawn.
isUp (bool) : whether MSS happened during price increase or price decrease.
upRejections (array)
dnRejections (array)
highArr (array) : array containing historical highs, should be taken from the UDT "necessaryData" defined above
lowArr (array) : array containing historical lows, should be taken from the UDT "necessaryData" defined above
timeArr (array) : array containing historical times, should be taken from the UDT "necessaryData" defined above
closeArr (array) : array containing historical closes, should be taken from the UDT "necessaryData" defined above
openArr (array) : array containing historical opens, should be taken from the UDT "necessaryData" defined above
atrTFarr (array) : array containing historical atr values (of user-selected TF), should be taken from the UDT "necessaryData" defined above
upRejectionsPrices (array) : array containing up rejections prices. Is sorted and used to determine selective looping for invalidations.
dnRejectionsPrices (array) : array containing down rejections prices. Is sorted and used to determine selective looping for invalidations.
Returns: void
method getTime(id, compare, timeArr)
gets time of inputted price (compare) in an array of data
this is useful when the user-selected timeframe for ICT concepts is greater than the chart's timeframe
Namespace types: array
id (array) : the array of data to search through, to find which index has the same value as "compare"
compare (float) : the target data point to find in the array
timeArr (array) : array of historical times
Returns: the time that the data point in the array was recorded
method OB(id, highArr, signArr, lowArr, timeArr, sign)
store bullish orderblock data
Namespace types: array
id (array)
highArr (array) : array of historical highs
signArr (array) : array of historical price direction "math.sign(close - open)"
lowArr (array) : array of historical lows
timeArr (array) : array of historical times
sign (int) : orderblock direction, -1 => bullish, 1 => bearish
Returns: void
OTEstrat(OTEstart, future, closeArr, highArr, lowArr, timeArr, longOTEPT, longOTESL, longOTElevel, shortOTEPT, shortOTESL, shortOTElevel, structureDirection, oteLongs, atrTF, oteShorts)
executes the OTE strategy
OTEstart (chart.point)
future (int) : future time point for drawings
closeArr (array) : array of historical closes
highArr (array) : array of historical highs
lowArr (array) : array of historical lows
timeArr (array) : array of historical times
longOTEPT (string) : user-selected long OTE profit target, please create an input.string() for this using the example below
longOTESL (int) : user-selected long OTE stop loss, please create an input.string() for this using the example below
longOTElevel (float) : long entry price of selected retracement ratio for OTE
shortOTEPT (string) : user-selected short OTE profit target, please create an input.string() for this using the example below
shortOTESL (int) : user-selected short OTE stop loss, please create an input.string() for this using the example below
shortOTElevel (float) : short entry price of selected retracement ratio for OTE
structureDirection (string) : current market structure direction, this should be "Up" or "Down". This is used to cancel pending orders if market structure changes
oteLongs (bool) : input.bool() for whether OTE longs can be executed
atrTF (float) : atr of the user-seleceted TF
oteShorts (bool) : input.bool() for whether OTE shorts can be executed
oteLongs = input.bool(defval = false, title = "OTE Longs", group = "Optimal Trade Entry")
longOTElevel = input.float(defval = 0.79, title = "Long Entry Retracement Level", options = , group = "Optimal Trade Entry")
longOTEPT = input.string(defval = "-0.5", title = "Long TP", options = , group = "Optimal Trade Entry")
longOTESL = = 0, title = "How Many Ticks Below Swing Low For Stop Loss", group = "Optimal Trade Entry")
oteShorts = input.bool(defval = false, title = "OTE Shorts", group = "Optimal Trade Entry")
shortOTElevel = input.float(defval = 0.79, title = "Short Entry Retracement Level", options = , group = "Optimal Trade Entry")
shortOTEPT = input.string(defval = "-0.5", title = "Short TP", options = , group = "Optimal Trade Entry")
shortOTESL = = 0, title = "How Many Ticks Above Swing Low For Stop Loss", group = "Optimal Trade Entry")
Returns: void (0)
displacement(logZ, atrTFreg, highArr, timeArr, lowArr, upDispShow, dnDispShow, masterCoords, labelLevels, dispUpcol, rightCoordinate, dispDncol, noBorders)
calculates and draws dispacements
logZ (float) : log return of current price, used to determine a "significant price move" for a displacement
atrTFreg (float) : atr of user-seleceted timeframe
highArr (array) : array of historical highs
timeArr (array) : array of historical times
lowArr (array) : array of historical lows
upDispShow (int) : amount of historical upside displacements to show
dnDispShow (int) : amount of historical downside displacements to show
masterCoords (map) : a map to push the most recent displacement prices into, useful for having key levels in one data structure
labelLevels (string) : used to determine label placement for the displacement, can be inside box, outside box, or none, example below
dispUpcol (color) : upside displacement color
rightCoordinate (int) : future time for displacement drawing, best is "last_bar_time"
dispDncol (color) : downside displacement color
noBorders (bool) : input.bool() to remove box borders, example below
labelLevels = input.string(defval = "Inside" , title = "Box Label Placement", options = )
noBorders = input.bool(defval = false, title = "No Borders On Levels")
Returns: void
method getStrongLow(id, startIndex, timeArr, lowArr, strongLowPoints)
unshift strong low data to array id
Namespace types: array
id (array)
startIndex (int) : the starting index for the timeArr array of the UDT "necessaryData".
this point should start from at least 1 pivot prior to find the low before an upside BoS
timeArr (array) : array of historical times
lowArr (array) : array of historical lows
strongLowPoints (array) : array of strong low prices. Used to retrieve highest strong low price and see if need for
removal of invalidated strong lows
Returns: void
method getStrongHigh(id, startIndex, timeArr, highArr, strongHighPoints)
unshift strong high data to array id
Namespace types: array
id (array)
startIndex (int) : the starting index for the timeArr array of the UDT "necessaryData".
this point should start from at least 1 pivot prior to find the high before a downside BoS
timeArr (array) : array of historical times
highArr (array) : array of historical highs
strongHighPoints (array)
Returns: void
equalLevels(highArr, lowArr, timeArr, rightCoordinate, equalHighsCol, equalLowsCol, liteMode)
used to calculate recent equal highs or equal lows
highArr (array) : array of historical highs
lowArr (array) : array of historical lows
timeArr (array) : array of historical times
rightCoordinate (int) : a future time (right for boxes, x2 for lines)
equalHighsCol (color) : user-selected color for equal highs drawings
equalLowsCol (color) : user-selected color for equal lows drawings
liteMode (bool) : optional for a lite mode version of an ICT strategy. For more control over drawings leave as "True", "False" will apply neon effects
Returns: void
used to quickly determine if a user-inputted time range is currently active in NYT time
timeString (string) : a time range
Returns: true if session is active, false if session is inactive
macros(showMacros, noBorders)
used to calculate and draw session macros
showMacros (bool) : an input.bool() or simple bool to determine whether to activate the function
noBorders (bool) : an input.bool() to determine whether the box anchored to the session should have borders
Returns: void
po3(tf, left, right, show)
use to calculate HTF po3 candle
@tip only call this function on "barstate.islast"
tf (simple string)
left (int) : the left point of the candle, calculated as bar_index + left,
right (int) : :the right point of the candle, calculated as bar_index + right,
show (bool) : input.bool() whether to show the po3 candle or not
Returns: void
silverBullet(silverBulletStratLong, silverBulletStratShort, future, userTF, H, L, H2, L2, noBorders, silverBulletLongTP, historicalPoints, historicalData, silverBulletLongSL, silverBulletShortTP, silverBulletShortSL)
used to execute the Silver Bullet Strategy
silverBulletStratLong (simple bool)
silverBulletStratShort (simple bool)
future (int) : a future time, used for drawings, example "last_bar_time"
userTF (simple int)
H (float) : the high price of the user-selected TF
L (float) : the low price of the user-selected TF
H2 (float) : the high price of the user-selected TF
L2 (float) : the low price of the user-selected TF
noBorders (bool) : an input.bool() used to remove the borders from box drawings
silverBulletLongTP (series silverBulletLevels)
historicalPoints (array)
historicalData (necessaryData)
silverBulletLongSL (series silverBulletLevels)
silverBulletShortTP (series silverBulletLevels)
silverBulletShortSL (series silverBulletLevels)
Returns: void
method invalidFVGcheck(FVGarr, upFVGpricesSorted, dnFVGpricesSorted)
check if existing FVGs are still valid
Namespace types: array
FVGarr (array)
upFVGpricesSorted (array) : an array of bullish FVG prices, used to selective search through FVG array to remove invalidated levels
dnFVGpricesSorted (array) : an array of bearish FVG prices, used to selective search through FVG array to remove invalidated levels
Returns: void (0)
method drawFVG(counter, FVGshow, FVGname, FVGcol, data, masterCoords, labelLevels, borderTransp, liteMode, rightCoordinate)
draws FVGs on last bar
Namespace types: map
counter (map) : a counter, as map, keeping count of the number of FVGs drawn, makes sure that there aren't more FVGs drawn
than int FVGshow
FVGshow (int) : the number of FVGs to show. There should be a bullish FVG show and bearish FVG show. This function "drawFVG" is used separately
for bearish FVG and bullish FVG.
FVGname (string) : the name of the FVG, "FVG Up" or "FVG Down"
FVGcol (color) : desired FVG color
data (FVG)
masterCoords (map) : a map containing the names and price points of key levels. Used to define price ranges.
labelLevels (string) : an input.string with options "Inside", "Outside", "Remove". Determines whether FVG labels should be inside box, outside,
or na.
borderTransp (int)
liteMode (bool)
rightCoordinate (int) : the right coordinate of any drawings. Must be a time point.
Returns: void
invalidBlockCheck(bullishOBbox, bearishOBbox, userTF)
check if existing order blocks are still valid
bullishOBbox (array) : an array declared using the UDT orderBlock that contains bullish order block related data
bearishOBbox (array) : an array declared using the UDT orderBlock that contains bearish order block related data
userTF (simple int)
Returns: void (0)
method lastBarRejections(id, rejectionColor, idShow, rejectionString, labelLevels, borderTransp, liteMode, rightCoordinate, masterCoords)
draws rejectionBlocks on last bar
Namespace types: array
id (array) : the array, an array of rejection block data declared using the UDT rejection block
rejectionColor (color) : the desired color of the rejection box
idShow (int)
rejectionString (string) : the desired name of the rejection blocks
labelLevels (string) : an input.string() to determine if labels for the block should be inside the box, outside, or none.
borderTransp (int)
liteMode (bool) : an input.bool(). True = neon effect, false = no neon.
rightCoordinate (int) : atime for the right coordinate of the box
masterCoords (map) : a map that stores the price of key levels and assigns them a name, used to determine price ranges
Returns: void
method OBdraw(id, OBshow, BBshow, OBcol, BBcol, bullishString, bearishString, isBullish, labelLevels, borderTransp, liteMode, rightCoordinate, masterCoords)
draws orderblocks and breaker blocks for data stored in UDT array()
Namespace types: array
id (array) : the array, an array of order block data declared using the UDT orderblock
OBshow (int) : the number of order blocks to show
BBshow (int) : the number of breaker blocks to show
OBcol (color) : color of order blocks
BBcol (color) : color of breaker blocks
bullishString (string) : the title of bullish blocks, which is a regular bullish orderblock or a bearish orderblock that's converted to breakerblock
bearishString (string) : the title of bearish blocks, which is a regular bearish orderblock or a bullish orderblock that's converted to breakerblock
isBullish (bool) : whether the array contains bullish orderblocks or bearish orderblocks. If bullish orderblocks,
the array will naturally contain bearish BB, and if bearish OB, the array will naturally contain bullish BB
labelLevels (string) : an input.string() to determine if labels for the block should be inside the box, outside, or none.
borderTransp (int)
liteMode (bool) : an input.bool(). True = neon effect, false = no neon.
rightCoordinate (int) : atime for the right coordinate of the box
masterCoords (map) : a map that stores the price of key levels and assigns them a name, used to determine price ranges
Returns: void
UDT for FVG calcualtions
H (series float) : high price of user-selected timeframe
L (series float) : low price of user-selected timeframe
direction (series string) : FVG direction => "Up" or "Down"
T (series int) : => time of bar on user-selected timeframe where FVG was created
fvgLabel (series label) : optional label for FVG
fvgLineTop (series line) : optional line for top of FVG
fvgLineBot (series line) : optional line for bottom of FVG
fvgBox (series box) : optional box for FVG
quickly pair a line and label together as UDT
lin (series line) : Line you wish to pair with label
lab (series label) : Label you wish to pair with line
UDT for order block calculations
orderBlockData (array) : array containing order block x and y points
orderBlockBox (series box) : optional order block box
vioCount (series int) : = 0 violation count of the order block. 0 = Order Block, 1 = Breaker Block
traded (series bool)
status (series string) : = "OB" status == "OB" => Level is order block. status == "BB" => Level is breaker block.
orderBlockLab (series label) : options label for the order block / breaker block.
UDT for strong highs and strong lows
price (series float) : price of the strong high or strong low
timeAtprice (series int) : time of the strong high or strong low
strongPointLabel (series label) : optional label for strong point
strongPointLine (series line) : optional line for strong point
overlayLine (series line) : optional lines for strong point to enhance visibility
overlayLine2 (series line) : optional lines for strong point to enhance visibility
UDT for dispacements
highPrice (series float) : high price of displacement
lowPrice (series float) : low price of displacement
timeAtPrice (series int) : time of bar where displacement occurred
displacementBox (series box) : optional box to draw displacement
displacementLab (series label) : optional label for displacement
UDT for po3 calculations
dHigh (series float) : higher timeframe high price
dLow (series float) : higher timeframe low price
dOpen (series float) : higher timeframe open price
dClose (series float) : higher timeframe close price
po3box (series box) : box to draw po3 candle body
po3line (array) : line array to draw po3 wicks
po3Labels (array) : label array to label price points of po3 candle
UDT for session macros
sessions (array) : Array of sessions, you can populate this array using the "quickTime" function located above "export macros".
prices (matrix) : Matrix of session data -> open, high, low, close, time
sessionTimes (array) : Array of session names. Pairs with array sessions.
sessionLines (matrix) : Optional array for sesion drawings.
UDT for data storage and drawings associated with OTE strategy
upTimes (array) : time of highest point before trade is taken
dnTimes (array) : time of lowest point before trade is taken
tpLineLong (series line) : line to mark tp level long
tpLabelLong (series label) : label to mark tp level long
slLineLong (series line) : line to mark sl level long
slLabelLong (series label) : label to mark sl level long
tpLineShort (series line) : line to mark tp level short
tpLabelShort (series label) : label to mark tp level short
slLineShort (series line) : line to mark sl level short
slLabelShort (series label) : label to mark sl level short
UDT for data storage and drawings associated with liquidity sweeps
upSweeps (matrix) : matrix containing liquidity sweep price points and time points for up sweeps
dnSweeps (matrix) : matrix containing liquidity sweep price points and time points for down sweeps
upSweepDrawings (array) : optional up sweep box array. Pair the size of this array with the rows or columns,
dnSweepDrawings (array) : optional up sweep box array. Pair the size of this array with the rows or columns,
UDT for drawings associated with the Liquidity Raid Strategy
tpLine (series line) : tp line for the liquidity raid entry
tpLabel (series label) : tp label for the liquidity raid entry
slLine (series line) : sl line for the liquidity raid entry
slLabel (series label) : sl label for the liquidity raid entry
UDT for data storage and drawings associated with the Model 2022 Strategy
mTime (series int) : time of the FVG where entry limit order is placed
mIndex (series int) : array index of FVG where entry limit order is placed. This requires an array of FVG data, which is defined above.
mEntryDistance (series float) : the distance of the FVG to the 50% range. M2022 looks for the fvg closest to 50% mark of range.
mEntry (series float) : the entry price for the most eligible fvg
fvgHigh (series float) : the high point of the eligible fvg
fvgLow (series float) : the low point of the eligible fvg
longFVGentryBox (series box) : long FVG box, used to draw the eligible FVG
shortFVGentryBox (series box) : short FVG box, used to draw the eligible FVG
line50P (series line) : line used to mark 50% of the range
line100P (series line) : line used to mark 100% (top) of the range
line0P (series line) : line used to mark 0% (bottom) of the range
label50P (series label) : label used to mark 50% of the range
label100P (series label) : label used to mark 100% (top) of the range
label0P (series label) : label used to mark 0% (bottom) of the range
sweepData (array)
UDT for data storage and drawings associated with the Silver Bullet Strategy
session (series bool)
sessionStr (series string) : name of the session for silver bullet
sessionBias (series string)
sessionHigh (series float) : = high high of session // use math.max(silverBullet.sessionHigh, high)
sessionLow (series float) : = low low of session // use math.min(silverBullet.sessionLow, low)
sessionFVG (series float) : if applicable, the FVG created during the session
sessionFVGdraw (series box) : if applicable, draw the FVG created during the session
traded (series bool)
tp (series float) : tp of trade entered at the session FVG
sl (series float) : sl of trade entered at the session FVG
sessionDraw (series box) : optional draw session with box
sessionDrawLabel (series label) : optional label session with label
UDT for trade exit drawings associated with the Silver Bullet Strategy
tpLine (series line) : tp line drawing for strategy
tpLabel (series label) : tp label drawing for strategy
slLine (series line) : sl line drawing for strategy
slLabel (series label) : sl label drawing for strategy
UDT for data storage and drawings associated with the Unicorn Model Strategy
hPoint (chart.point)
hPoint2 (chart.point)
hPoint3 (chart.point)
breakerBlock (series box) : used to draw the breaker block required for the Unicorn Model
FVG (series box) : used to draw the FVG required for the Unicorn model
topBlock (series float) : price of top of breaker block, can be used to detail trade entry
botBlock (series float) : price of bottom of breaker block, can be used to detail trade entry
startBlock (series int) : start time of the breaker block, used to set the "left = " param for the box
includes (array) : used to store the time of the breaker block, or FVG, or the chart point sequence that setup the Unicorn Model.
entry (series float) : // eligible entry price, for longs"math.max(topBlock, FVG.get_top())",
tpLine (series line) : optional line to mark PT
tpLabel (series label) : optional label to mark PT
slLine (series line) : optional line to mark SL
slLabel (series label) : optional label to mark SL
UDT for data storage and drawings associated with rejection blocks
rejectionPoint (chart.point)
bodyPrice (series float) : candle body price closest to the rejection point, for "Up" rejections => math.max(open, close),
rejectionBox (series box) : optional box drawing of the rejection block
rejectionLabel (series label) : optional label for the rejection block
UDT for data storage and drawings associated with equal highs / equal lows
connector (series line) : single line placed at the first high or low, y = avgerage of distinguished equal highs/lows
connectorLab (series label) : optional label to be placed at the highs or lows
levels (array) : array containing the equal highs or lows prices
times (array) : array containing the equal highs or lows individual times
startTime (series int) : the time of the first high or low that forms a sequence of equal highs or lows
radiate (array) : options label to "radiate" the label in connector lab. Can be used for anything
UDT for data storage of historical price points.
highArr (array) : array containing historical high points
lowArr (array) : array containing historical low points
timeArr (array) : array containing historical time points
logArr (array) : array containing historical log returns
signArr (array) : array containing historical price directions
closeArr (array) : array containing historical close points
binaryTimeArr (array) : array containing historical time points, uses "push" instead of "unshift" to allow for binary search
binaryCloseArr (array) : array containing historical close points, uses "push" instead of "unshift" to allow the correct
binaryOpenArr (array) : array containing historical optn points, uses "push" instead of "unshift" to allow the correct
atrTFarr (array) : array containing historical user-selected TF atr points
openArr (array) : array containing historical open points
TimeLibraryLibrary "TimeLibrary"
TODO: add library description here
Line_Type_Control: This function changes between common line types options available are "Solid","Dashed","Dotted"
Type (string) : : The string to choose the line type from
Returns: Line_Type : returns the pine script equivalent of the string input
Text_Size_Switch : This function changes between common text sizes options are "Normal", "Tiny", "Small", "Large", "Huge", "Auto"
Text_Size (string) : : The string to choose the text type from
Returns: Text_Type : returns the pine script equivalent of the string input
TF(TF_Period, TF_Multip)
TF generates a string representation of a time frame based on the provided time frame unit (`TF_Period`) and multiplier (`TF_Multip`).
TF_Period (simple string)
TF_Multip (simple int)
Returns: A string that represents the time frame in Pine Script format, depending on the `TF_Period`:
- For "Minute", it returns the multiplier as a string (e.g., "5" for 5 minutes).
- For "Hour", it returns the equivalent number of minutes (e.g., "120" for 2 hours).
- For "Day", it appends "D" to the multiplier (e.g., "2D" for 2 days).
- For "Week", it appends "W" to the multiplier (e.g., "1W" for 1 week).
- For "Month", it appends "M" to the multiplier (e.g., "3M" for 3 months).
If none of these cases match, it returns the current chart's time frame.
TF_Display(Chart_as_Timeframe, TF_Period, TF_Multip)
TF_Display generates a string representation of a time frame based on user-defined inputs or the current chart's time frame settings.
Chart_as_Timeframe (bool) : (bool): Determines whether to use the current chart's time frame or a custom time frame.
TF_Period` (string): The time frame unit (e.g., "Minute", "Hour", "Day", "Week", "Month").
TF_Multip` (int): The multiplier for the time frame (e.g., 15 for 15 minutes, 2 for 2 days).
TF_Period (string)
TF_Multip (int)
Returns: If `Chart_as_Timeframe` is `false`, the function returns a time frame string based on the provided `TF_Period` and `TF_Multip` values (e.g., "5Min", "2D").
If `Chart_as_Timeframe` is `true`, the function determines the current chart's time frame and returns it as a string:
For minute-based time frames, it returns the number of minutes with "Min" (e.g., "15Min") unless it's an exact hour, in which case it returns the hour (e.g., "1H").
For daily, weekly, and monthly time frames, it returns the multiplier with the appropriate unit (e.g., "1D" for daily, "1W" for weekly, "1M" for monthly).
MTF_MS_Display(Chart_as_Timeframe, TF_Period, TF_Multip, Swing_Length)
MTF_MS_Display This function calculates and returns a modified swing length value based on the selected time frame and current chart's time frame.
Chart_as_Timeframe (bool)
TF_Period (string)
TF_Multip (int)
Swing_Length (int)
HTF_Structure_Control(Chart_as_Timeframe, Show_Only_On_Lower_Timeframes, TF_Period, TF_Multip)
Chart_as_Timeframe (bool)
Show_Only_On_Lower_Timeframes (bool)
TF_Period (string)
TF_Multip (int)
Time Zone CorrectorThe Time Zone Corrector library provides a utility function designed to adjust time based on the user's current time zone. This library supports a wide range of time zones across the Americas, Europe, Asia, and Oceania, making it highly versatile for traders around the world. It simulates a switch-case structure using ternary operators to output the appropriate time offset relative to UTC.
Whether you're dealing with market sessions in New York, Tokyo, London, or other major trading hubs, this library helps ensure your trading algorithms can accurately account for time differences. The library is particularly useful for strategies that rely on precise timing, as it dynamically adjusts the time zone offset depending on the symbol being traded.
SessionLibrary "Session"
Helper functions for trading sessions. TradingView doesn't provide correct data when
calling some of the convenience methods like session.ismarket when you are looking at futures charts. This library corrects those mistakes by providing functions with the same names as the TradingView default properties. that reference a custom defined set of session hours for futures. It also provides a way for consumers to customize the map values by calling getSessionMap() and then overwriting (or adding) custom session definitions.
Returns a map of the futures rth & eth session hours. The map is keyed with symbol:session format (eg. ES:market or ES:overnight).
Returns: A map of futures symbols and their associated session hours.
getSessionString(session, symbol, sessionMap)
Returns a session string representing the session hours (and days) for the requested symbol (or the chart's symbol if the symbol value is not provided). If the session string is not found in the collection, it will return a blank string.
session (string) : A string representing the session hour being requested. One of: market (regular trading hours), overnight (extended/electronic trading hours), postmarket (after-hours), premarket
symbol (string) : The symbol to check. Optional. Defaults to chart symbol.
sessionMap (map) : The map of futures session hours. Optional. Uses default if not provided.
inSession(session, sessionMap, barsBack)
Returns true if the current symbol is currently in the session parameters defined by sessionString.
session (string) : A string representing the session hour being requested. One of: market (regular trading hours), overnight (extended/electronic trading hours), postmarket (after-hours), premarket
sessionMap (map) : The map of futures session hours. Optional. Uses default if not provided.
barsBack (int) : Private. Only used by futures to check islastbar. Optional. The default is 0.
Returns true if the current bar is a part of the regular trading hours (i.e. market hours), false otherwise. Works for futures (TradingView's methods do not).
sessionMap (map) : The map of futures session hours. Optional. Uses default if not provided.
Returns: bool
Returns true if the current bar is the first bar of the day's session, false otherwise. If extended session information is used, only returns true on the first bar of the pre-market bars. Works for futures (TradingView's methods do not).
Returns: bool
Returns true if the current bar is the last bar of the day's session, false otherwise. If extended session information is used, only returns true on the last bar of the post-market bars. Works for futures (TradingView's methods do not).
Returns: bool
Returns true if the current bar is a part of the pre-market, false otherwise. On non-intraday charts always returns false. Works for futures (TradingView's methods do not).
sessionMap (map) : The map of futures session hours. Optional. Uses default if not provided.
Returns: bool
Returns true if the current bar is a part of the post-market, false otherwise. On non-intraday charts always returns false. Works for futures (TradingView's methods do not).
sessionMap (map) : The map of futures session hours. Optional. Uses default if not provided.
Returns: bool
Returns true on the first regular session bar of the day, false otherwise. The result is the same whether extended session information is used or not. Works for futures (TradingView's methods do not).
sessionMap (map) : The map of futures session hours. Optional. Uses default if not provided.
Returns: bool
Returns true on the last regular session bar of the day, false otherwise. The result is the same whether extended session information is used or not. Works for futures (TradingView's methods do not).
sessionMap (map) : The map of futures session hours. Optional. Uses default if not provided.
Returns: bool
Returns true if the current bar is a part of the pre-market or post-market, false otherwise. On non-intraday charts always returns false.
sessionMap (map) : The map of futures session hours. Optional. Uses default if not provided.
Returns: bool
getSessionHighAndLow(session, sessionMap)
Returns a tuple containing the high and low print during the specified session.
session (string) : The session for which to get the high & low prints. Defaults to market.
sessionMap (map) : The map of futures session hours. Optional. Uses default if not provided.
Returns: A tuple containing
offline_detection Library
Boolean and alert functions that check if the latest user-selected symbol 'sym' has started printing. Alerts trigger by bar close.
Mainly for 24/7 crypto exchanges. If an exchange you have alerts on goes offline, the alerts will not trigger. The offline alert is an alert to alert you of that. It's best to create the alerts while on "CRYPTOCAP:TOTAL" because it has the least downtime. The exchange you want alerts on is controlled by the 'sym' parameter. The alerts need to be enabled yourself.
The alerts may be triggered by no volume in a bar, so it's best to set it on timeframes higher than 1 minute. Alerts are not enabled in libraries so the functions must be imported or copied into another script. alert.freq cannot be changed by input because it becomes a series string in a function. dynamic_requests must be true to export functions using `request.*()` calls.
import NeoButane/offline_detection/1
Library "offline_detection"
Creates alerts for the user-selected symbol by checking if its latest bar is current by comparing it against another chart.
Checks if 'sym' is offline by requesting time of 'sym'.
sym (simple string) : (const string) The user-selected symbol in the form of "PREFIX:TICKER".
Returns: True if time of 'sym' is not available.
Checks if 'sym' is offline by requesting time of 'sym' once.
sym (simple string) : (const string) The user-selected symbol in the form of "PREFIX:TICKER".
Returns: True if time of 'sym' is not available and it was available in the previous bar close.
Checks if 'sym' is online after being offline by using isItDown().
sym (simple string) : (const string) The user-selected symbol in the form of "PREFIX:TICKER".
Returns: True if time of 'sym' is available in the current bar but wasn't prior.
Checks if isItDown() is true.
sym (simple string) : (const string) The user-selected symbol in the form of "PREFIX:TICKER".
Returns: An alert when the symbol is not online and the time in UTC. This will continue triggering every bar close until the symbol is online.
Checks if isItDown() is true.
sym (simple string) : (const string) The user-selected symbol in the form of "PREFIX:TICKER".
Returns: An alert when the symbol is not online and the time in UTC.
Checks if isItUp() is true.
sym (simple string) : (const string) The user-selected symbol in the form of "PREFIX:TICKER".
Returns: An alert when the symbol is now online and the time in UTC.
Checks if the current chart is "CRYPTOCAP:TOTAL".
Returns: A reminder on the chart.
lib_session_gapsLibrary "lib_session_gaps"
simple lib to calculate the gaps between sessions
calculates the time gap between this and previous session (in case of irregular end of previous session, considering extended sessions)
Returns: the time gap between this and previous session in ms (time - time_close )
calculates the bars missing between this and previous session (in case of irregular end of previous session, considering extended sessions)
Returns: the bars virtually missing between this and previous session (time gap / bar size in ms)
SessionBoxLibrary "SessionBox"
This library provides functions to manage and visualize session boxes and labels on chart. A session box is a visual representation of a trading session with properties like time, name, color and the ability to track the high and low price within that session.
SessionBox: stores session data and provides methods to manage that data and visualize it on the chart.
session_time (series bool)
session_name (series string)
session_color (series color)
time_libraryLibrary "time_library"
This library provides utilities for working with time intervals in milliseconds, seconds, minutes, hours, days, and weeks. It includes functions to handle conditions based on time rather than bars.
ms - Converts a time period in string format to milliseconds.
TIME (string) : (series ) - The time period ("ms", "s", "m", "h", "d", "w").
Returns: (int) - The corresponding time period in milliseconds.
true_in(timestamp, period, multiplier)
true_in - Checks if the current time has reached a specific time after the given timestamp.
timestamp (int) : (series ) - The starting timestamp.
period (string) : (series |series ) - The period in string format ("ms", "s", "m", "h", "d", "w"), or as an integer in milliseconds.
multiplier (float) : (series ) - Multiplier to extend the period.
Returns: (bool) - True if current time is equal or past the end date calculated from timestamp and period.
true_in(timestamp, period, multiplier)
true_in - Checks if the current time has reached a specific time after the given timestamp.
timestamp (int) : (series ) - The starting timestamp.
period (int) : (series |series ) - The period in string format ("ms", "s", "m", "h", "d", "w"), or as an integer in milliseconds.
multiplier (float) : (series ) - Multiplier to extend the period.
Returns: (bool) - True if current time is equal or past the end date calculated from timestamp and period.
true_after(trigger, period, multiplier)
true_after - Returns true after a specified period multiplied by a multiplier has passed since a trigger was last true.
trigger (bool) : (series ) - The condition that triggers the timer.
period (string) : (series |series ) - The period in string format ("ms", "s", "m", "h", "d", "w"), or as an integer in milliseconds.
multiplier (float) : (series ) - Multiplier to extend the period.
Returns: (bool) - True if the specified time has passed since the last trigger.
true_after(trigger, ms, multiplier)
true_after - Returns true after a specified period multiplied by a multiplier has passed since a trigger was last true.
trigger (bool) : (series ) - The condition that triggers the timer.
ms (int)
multiplier (float) : (series ) - Multiplier to extend the period.
Returns: (bool) - True if the specified time has passed since the last trigger.
MS - Holds common time intervals in milliseconds.
ms (series int) : (int) - Milliseconds.
s (series int) : (int) - Seconds converted to milliseconds.
m (series int) : (int) - Minutes converted to milliseconds.
h (series int) : (int) - Hours converted to milliseconds.
d (series int) : (int) - Days converted to milliseconds.
w (series int) : (int) - Weeks converted to milliseconds.
TimeFilterLibrary "TimeFilter"
provides utilities for dates and times
inSession(session, timezone, period)
session (simple string)
timezone (simple string)
period (simple string)
Returns: bool inSession Whether the current time is within the defined time session
inDateRange(startDate, endDate)
startDate (int)
endDate (int)
Returns: bool inRange Whether the current time is within the defined date range
isWeekDay(weekDay, timezone)
weekDay (int)
timezone (simple string)
Returns: bool isWeekDay Whether the provided day is the current day of the week
inWeek(useMon, useTue, useWed, useThu, useFri, useSat, useSun, timezone)
useMon (bool)
useTue (bool)
useWed (bool)
useThu (bool)
useFri (bool)
useSat (bool)
useSun (bool)
timezone (simple string)
Returns: bool inWeek Whether the current time is one of the defined days
filter(useRange, useSession, useWeek, inRange, inSession, inWeek)
useRange (bool)
useSession (bool)
useWeek (bool)
inRange (bool)
inSession (bool)
inWeek (bool)
Returns: bool filter Whether the filter matches or not
FunctionTimeFrequencyLibrary "FunctionTimeFrequency"
Functions to encode time in a normalized space (-0.5, 0.5) that corresponds to the position of the
current time in the referrence frequency of time.
The purpose of normalizing the time value in this manner is to provide a consistent and easily comparable
representation of normalized time that can be used for various calculations or comparisons without needing
to consider the specific scale of time. This function can be particularly useful when working with high-precision
timing data, as it allows you to compare and manipulate time values more flexibly than using absolute second
counts alone.
Second of minute encoded as value between (-0.5, 0.5).
t (int) : Time value.
Returns: normalized time.
Minute of hour encoded as value between (-0.5, 0.5).
t (int) : Time value.
Returns: normalized time.
Hour of day encoded as value between (-0.5, 0.5).
t (int) : Time value.
Returns: normalized time.
Day of week encoded as value between (-0.5, 0.5).
t (int) : Time value.
Returns: normalized time.
Day of month encoded as value between (-0.5, 0.5).
t (int) : Time value.
Returns: normalized time.
Day of year encoded as value between (-0.5, 0.5).
t (int) : Time value.
Returns: normalized time.
Month of year encoded as value between (-0.5, 0.5).
t (int) : Time value.
Returns: normalized time.
Week of year encoded as value between (-0.5, 0.5).
t (int) : Time value.
Returns: normalized time.
Sessions KillZones Library [TradingFinder]🔵 Introduction
"The Forex Trading Sessions" highlight the active periods across different markets where significant trading volume and influence on the forex market are evident. The primary trading sessions globally include the "Asian Session," "London Session," and "New York Session."
A "Kill Zone" refers to a segment within a session characterized by high trading volume and notably sharper price movements. Consequently, there's a higher probability of encountering price action setups within these zones. Traders capitalize on this phenomenon in pursuit of more successful trading outcomes.
If you aim to integrate sessions or kill zones into your indicators or strategies, utilizing this library can amplify the precision and efficiency of your Python script development.
🔵 How to Use
First, you can add the library to your code as shown in the example below:
import TFlab/SessionAndKillZoneLibrary_TradingFinder/1
🟣 Parameters
SessionDetector(Session_Name, Session_Time, KillZone_Time, Session_Show, KillZone_Show, AreaUpdate, MoreInfo, Session_Color, Info_Color) =>
•Session_Name (string)
•Session_Time (string)
•KillZone_Time (string)
•Session_Show (bool)
•KillZone_Show (bool)
•AreaUpdate (string)
•MoreInfo (bool)
•Session_Color (color)
•Info_Color (color)
Session_Name : You must enter the session name in this parameter.
Session_Time : Enter here the start and end time of the session, which should be based on the UTC time zone.
KillZone_Time : Enter the start and end times of the kill zone, which should be based on the UTC time zone, here.
Session_Show : You can control whether or not to show the session using this entry. You must set true to display and false to not display.
KillZone_Show : Using this input you can control whether the kill zone is displayed or not. You must set true to display and false to not display.
AreaUpdate : If you want the session to be determined based on the time and high and low of the session itself, you must enter "Session" and if you want the area to be determined based on the time and high and low of the kill zone, you must enter "Kill Zone".
MoreInfo : If you want more information, you should set this entry to true, otherwise set to false. This information includes the number of candles in the area, the length of time in the area and the volume of transactions in the area.
Session_Color : Enter your desired color to display the session at this section. It is recommended to use bright and sharp colors.
Info_Color : Enter your desired color to display more information in this section.
🔵 Function Outputs
The outputs of this function are direct and indirect.
🟣 Indirect outputs
These outputs include session display, kill zone display, and time and volume information of session or kill zone.
🟣 Direct outputs
There are 8 direct outputs, which are:
Session Time : If the Session is active, it outputs 1, and if the Session is inactive, it outputs 0.
Kill Zone Time : If the Kill Zone is active, it outputs 1, and if the Kill Zone is inactive, it outputs 0.
Open : Session opening price.
High : The highest price of the session.
Low : The lowest price of the session.
Close : The last price of the session.
Low Touch Alert : If "Area Update" is in "Kill Zone" mode, if the price reaches the lowest price of the kill zone in the same session after the end of the kill zone, this output will be true. You can use this output to create an alert.
High Touch Alert : If "Area Update" is in "Kill Zone" mode, if the price reaches the highest price of the kill zone in the same session after the end of the kill zone, this output will be true. You can use this output to create an alert.
Important : To use "Open", "High", "Low" and "Close", "Area Update" must be in "Session" mode.
chrono_utilsLibrary "chrono_utils"
Collection of objects and common functions that are related to datetime windows session days and time
ranges. The main purpose of this library is to handle time-related functionality and make it easy to reason about a
future bar checking if it will be part of a predefined session and/or inside a datetime window. All existing session
functionality I found in the documentation e.g. "not na(time(timeframe, session, timezone))" are not suitable for
strategy scripts, since the execution of the orders is delayed by one bar, due to the script execution happening at
the bar close. Moreover, a history operator with a negative value that looks forward is not allowed in any pinescript
expression. So, a prediction for the next bar using the bars_back argument of "time()"" and "time_close()" was
necessary. Thus, I created this library to overcome this small but very important limitation. In the meantime, I
added useful functionality to handle session-based behavior. An interesting utility that emerged from this
development is the data anomaly detection where a comparison between the prediction and the actual value is happening.
If those two values are different then a data inconsistency happened between the prediction bar and the actual bar
(probably due to a holiday, half session day, a timezone change etc..)
exTimezone - Convert extended timezone to timezone string
timezone (simple string) : - The timezone or a special string
Returns: string representing the timezone
nameOfDay - Convert the day id into a short nameOfDay
day (int) : - The day id to convert
Returns: - The short name of the day
today - Get the day id of this day
Returns: - The day id
nthDayAfter(day, n)
nthDayAfter - Get the day id of n days after the given day
day (int) : - The day id of the reference day
n (int) : - The number of days to go forward
Returns: - The day id of the day that is n days after the reference day
nextDayAfter - Get the day id of next day after the given day
day (int) : - The day id of the reference day
Returns: - The day id of the next day after the reference day
nthDayBefore(day, n)
nthDayBefore - Get the day id of n days before the given day
day (int) : - The day id of the reference day
n (int) : - The number of days to go forward
Returns: - The day id of the day that is n days before the reference day
prevDayBefore - Get the day id of previous day before the given day
day (int) : - The day id of the reference day
Returns: - The day id of the previous day before the reference day
tomorrow - Get the day id of the next day
Returns: - The next day day id
normalize(num, min, max)
normalizeHour - Check if number is inthe range of
num (int)
min (int)
max (int)
Returns: - The normalized number
normalizeHour - Check if hour is valid and return a noralized hour range from
hourInDay (int)
Returns: - The normalized hour
normalizeMinute - Check if minute is valid and return a noralized minute from
minuteInHour (int)
Returns: - The normalized minute
monthInMilliseconds - Calculate the miliseconds in one bar of the timeframe
mon (int) : - The month of reference to get the miliseconds
Returns: - The number of milliseconds of the month
barInMilliseconds - Calculate the miliseconds in one bar of the timeframe
Returns: - The number of milliseconds in one bar
method to_string(this)
to_string - Formats the time window into a human-readable string
Namespace types: DateTimeWindow
this (DateTimeWindow) : - The time window object with the from and to datetimes
Returns: - The string of the time window
method to_string(this)
to_string - Formats the session days into a human-readable string with short day names
Namespace types: SessionDays
this (SessionDays) : - The session days object with the day selection
Returns: - The string of the session day short names
method to_string(this)
to_string - Formats the session time into a human-readable string
Namespace types: SessionTime
this (SessionTime) : - The session time object with the hour and minute of the time of the day
Returns: - The string of the session time
method to_string(this)
to_string - Formats the session time into a human-readable string
Namespace types: SessionTimeRange
this (SessionTimeRange) : - The session time range object with the start and end time of the daily session
Returns: - The string of the session time
method to_string(this)
to_string - Formats the session into a human-readable string
Namespace types: Session
this (Session) : - The session object with the day and the time range selection
Returns: - The string of the session
method init(this, fromDateTime, toDateTime)
init - Initialize the time window object from boolean values of each session day
Namespace types: DateTimeWindow
this (DateTimeWindow) : - The time window object that will hold the from and to datetimes
fromDateTime (int) : - The starting datetime of the time window
toDateTime (int) : - The ending datetime of the time window
Returns: - The time window object
method init(this, refTimezone, chTimezone, fromDateTime, toDateTime)
init - Initialize the time window object from boolean values of each session day
Namespace types: DateTimeWindow
this (DateTimeWindow) : - The time window object that will hold the from and to datetimes
refTimezone (simple string) : - The timezone of reference of the 'from' and 'to' dates
chTimezone (simple string) : - The target timezone to convert the 'from' and 'to' dates
fromDateTime (int) : - The starting datetime of the time window
toDateTime (int) : - The ending datetime of the time window
Returns: - The time window object
method init(this, sun, mon, tue, wed, thu, fri, sat)
init - Initialize the session days object from boolean values of each session day
Namespace types: SessionDays
this (SessionDays) : - The session days object that will hold the day selection
sun (bool) : - Is Sunday a trading day?
mon (bool) : - Is Monday a trading day?
tue (bool) : - Is Tuesday a trading day?
wed (bool) : - Is Wednesday a trading day?
thu (bool) : - Is Thursday a trading day?
fri (bool) : - Is Friday a trading day?
sat (bool) : - Is Saturday a trading day?
Returns: - The session days object
method init(this, unixTime)
init - Initialize the object from the hour and minute of the session time in exchange timezone (syminfo.timezone)
Namespace types: SessionTime
this (SessionTime) : - The session time object with the hour and minute of the time of the day
unixTime (int) : - The unix time
Returns: - The session time object
method init(this, hourInDay, minuteInHour)
init - Initialize the object from the hour and minute of the session time in exchange timezone (syminfo.timezone)
Namespace types: SessionTime
this (SessionTime) : - The session time object with the hour and minute of the time of the day
hourInDay (int) : - The hour of the time
minuteInHour (int) : - The minute of the time
Returns: - The session time object
method init(this, hourInDay, minuteInHour, refTimezone)
init - Initialize the object from the hour and minute of the session time
Namespace types: SessionTime
this (SessionTime) : - The session time object with the hour and minute of the time of the day
hourInDay (int) : - The hour of the time
minuteInHour (int) : - The minute of the time
refTimezone (string) : - The timezone of reference of the 'hour' and 'minute'
Returns: - The session time object
method init(this, startTime, endTime)
init - Initialize the object from the start and end session time in exchange timezone (syminfo.timezone)
Namespace types: SessionTimeRange
this (SessionTimeRange) : - The session time range object that will hold the start and end time of the daily session
startTime (SessionTime) : - The time the session begins
endTime (SessionTime) : - The time the session ends
Returns: - The session time range object
method init(this, startTimeHour, startTimeMinute, endTimeHour, endTimeMinute, refTimezone)
init - Initialize the object from the start and end session time
Namespace types: SessionTimeRange
this (SessionTimeRange) : - The session time range object that will hold the start and end time of the daily session
startTimeHour (int) : - The time hour the session begins
startTimeMinute (int) : - The time minute the session begins
endTimeHour (int) : - The time hour the session ends
endTimeMinute (int) : - The time minute the session ends
refTimezone (string)
Returns: - The session time range object
method init(this, days, timeRanges)
init - Initialize the session object from session days and time range
Namespace types: Session
this (Session) : - The session object that will hold the day and the time range selection
days (SessionDays) : - The session days object that defines the days the session is happening
timeRanges (array) : - The array of all the session time ranges during a session day
Returns: - The session object
method init(this, days, timeRanges, names, colors)
init - Initialize the session object from session days and time range
Namespace types: SessionView
this (SessionView) : - The session view object that will hold the session, the names and the color selections
days (SessionDays) : - The session days object that defines the days the session is happening
timeRanges (array) : - The array of all the session time ranges during a session day
names (array) : - The array of the names of the sessions
colors (array) : - The array of the colors of the sessions
Returns: - The session object
method get_size_in_secs(this)
get_size_in_secs - Count the seconds from start to end in the given timeframe
Namespace types: DateTimeWindow
this (DateTimeWindow) : - The time window object with the from and to datetimes
Returns: - The number of seconds inside the time widow for the given timeframe
method get_size_in_secs(this)
get_size_in_secs - Calculate the seconds inside the session
Namespace types: SessionTimeRange
this (SessionTimeRange) : - The session time range object with the start and end time of the daily session
Returns: - The number of seconds inside the session
method get_size_in_bars(this)
get_size_in_bars - Count the bars from start to end in the given timeframe
Namespace types: DateTimeWindow
this (DateTimeWindow) : - The time window object with the from and to datetimes
Returns: - The number of bars inside the time widow for the given timeframe
method get_size_in_bars(this)
get_size_in_bars - Calculate the bars inside the session
Namespace types: SessionTimeRange
this (SessionTimeRange) : - The session time range object with the start and end time of the daily session
Returns: - The number of bars inside the session for the given timeframe
method is_bar_included(this, offset_forward)
is_bar_included - Check if the given bar is between the start and end dates of the window
Namespace types: DateTimeWindow
this (DateTimeWindow) : - The time window object with the from and to datetimes
offset_forward (simple int) : - The number of bars forward. Default is 1
Returns: - Whether the current bar is inside the datetime window
method is_bar_included(this, offset_forward)
is_bar_included - Check if the given bar is inside the session as defined by the input params (what "not na(time(timeframe.period, this.to_sess_string()) )" should return if you could write it
Namespace types: Session
this (Session) : - The session with the day and the time range selection
offset_forward (simple int) : - The bar forward to check if it is between the from and to datetimes. Default is 1
Returns: - Whether the current time is inside the session
method to_sess_string(this)
to_sess_string - Formats the session days into a session string with day ids
Namespace types: SessionDays
this (SessionDays) : - The session days object
Returns: - The string of the session day ids
method to_sess_string(this)
to_sess_string - Formats the session time into a session string
Namespace types: SessionTime
this (SessionTime) : - The session time object with the hour and minute of the time of the day
Returns: - The string of the session time
method to_sess_string(this)
to_sess_string - Formats the session time into a session string
Namespace types: SessionTimeRange
this (SessionTimeRange) : - The session time range object with the start and end time of the daily session
Returns: - The string of the session time
method to_sess_string(this)
to_sess_string - Formats the session into a session string
Namespace types: Session
this (Session) : - The session object with the day and the time range selection
Returns: - The string of the session
method from_sess_string(this, sess)
from_sess_string - Initialize the session days object from the session string
Namespace types: SessionDays
this (SessionDays) : - The session days object that will hold the day selection
sess (string) : - The session string part that represents the days
Returns: - The session days object
method from_sess_string(this, sess)
from_sess_string - Initialize the session time object from the session string in exchange timezone (syminfo.timezone)
Namespace types: SessionTime
this (SessionTime) : - The session time object that will hold the hour and minute of the time
sess (string) : - The session string part that represents the time HHmm
Returns: - The session time object
method from_sess_string(this, sess, refTimezone)
from_sess_string - Initialize the session time object from the session string
Namespace types: SessionTime
this (SessionTime) : - The session time object that will hold the hour and minute of the time
sess (string) : - The session string part that represents the time HHmm
refTimezone (simple string) : - The timezone of reference of the 'hour' and 'minute'
Returns: - The session time object
method from_sess_string(this, sess)
from_sess_string - Initialize the session time range object from the session string in exchange timezone (syminfo.timezone)
Namespace types: SessionTimeRange
this (SessionTimeRange) : - The session time range object that will hold the start and end time of the daily session
sess (string) : - The session string part that represents the time range HHmm-HHmm
Returns: - The session time range object
method from_sess_string(this, sess, refTimezone)
from_sess_string - Initialize the session time range object from the session string
Namespace types: SessionTimeRange
this (SessionTimeRange) : - The session time range object that will hold the start and end time of the daily session
sess (string) : - The session string part that represents the time range HHmm-HHmm
refTimezone (simple string) : - The timezone of reference of the time ranges
Returns: - The session time range object
method from_sess_string(this, sess)
from_sess_string - Initialize the session object from the session string in exchange timezone (syminfo.timezone)
Namespace types: Session
this (Session) : - The session object that will hold the day and the time range selection
sess (string) : - The session string that represents the session HHmm-HHmm,HHmm-HHmm:ddddddd
Returns: - The session time range object
method from_sess_string(this, sess, refTimezone)
from_sess_string - Initialize the session object from the session string
Namespace types: Session
this (Session) : - The session object that will hold the day and the time range selection
sess (string) : - The session string that represents the session HHmm-HHmm,HHmm-HHmm:ddddddd
refTimezone (simple string) : - The timezone of reference of the time ranges
Returns: - The session time range object
method nth_day_after(this, day, n)
nth_day_after - The nth day after the given day that is a session day (true) in the object
Namespace types: SessionDays
this (SessionDays) : - The session days object with the day selection
day (int) : - The day id of the reference day
n (int) : - The number of days after
Returns: - The day id of the nth session day of the week after the given day
method nth_day_before(this, day, n)
nth_day_before - The nth day before the given day that is a session day (true) in the object
Namespace types: SessionDays
this (SessionDays) : - The session days object with the day selection
day (int) : - The day id of the reference day
n (int) : - The number of days after
Returns: - The day id of the nth session day of the week before the given day
method next_day(this)
next_day - The next day that is a session day (true) in the object
Namespace types: SessionDays
this (SessionDays) : - The session days object with the day selection
Returns: - The day id of the next session day of the week
method previous_day(this)
previous_day - The previous day that is session day (true) in the object
Namespace types: SessionDays
this (SessionDays) : - The session days object with the day selection
Returns: - The day id of the previous session day of the week
method get_sec_in_day(this)
get_sec_in_day - Count the seconds since the start of the day this session time represents
Namespace types: SessionTime
this (SessionTime) : - The session time object with the hour and minute of the time of the day
Returns: - The number of seconds passed from the start of the day until that session time
method get_ms_in_day(this)
get_ms_in_day - Count the milliseconds since the start of the day this session time represents
Namespace types: SessionTime
this (SessionTime) : - The session time object with the hour and minute of the time of the day
Returns: - The number of milliseconds passed from the start of the day until that session time
method is_day_included(this, day)
is_day_included - Check if the given day is inside the session days
Namespace types: SessionDays
this (SessionDays) : - The session days object with the day selection
day (int) : - The day to check if it is a trading day
Returns: - Whether the current day is included in the session days
DateTimeWindow - Object that represents a datetime window with a beginning and an end
fromDateTime (series int) : - The beginning of the datetime window
toDateTime (series int) : - The end of the datetime window
SessionDays - Object that represent the trading days of the week
days (map) : - The map that contains all days of the week and their session flag
SessionTime - Object that represents the time (hour and minutes)
hourInDay (series int) : - The hour of the day that ranges from 0 to 24
minuteInHour (series int) : - The minute of the hour that ranges from 0 to 59
minuteInDay (series int) : - The minute of the day that ranges from 0 to 1440. They will be calculated based on hourInDay and minuteInHour when method is called
SessionTimeRange - Object that represents a range that extends from the start to the end time
startTime (SessionTime) : - The beginning of the time range
endTime (SessionTime) : - The end of the time range
isOvernight (series bool) : - Whether or not this is an overnight time range
Session - Object that represents a session
days (SessionDays) : - The map of the trading days
timeRanges (array) : - The array with all time ranges of the session during the trading days
SessionView - Object that visualize a session
sess (Session) : - The Session object to be visualized
names (array) : - The names of the session time ranges
colors (array) : - The colors of the session time ranges
time_and_sessionA library that provides utilities for working with trading sessions and time-based conditions. Functions include session checks, date range checks, day-of-week matching, and session high/low calculations for daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly timeframes. This library streamlines time-related calculations and enhances time-based strategies and indicators.
Library "time_and_session"
Provides functions for checking time and session-based conditions and retrieving session-specific high and low values.
is_session(session, timeframe, timezone)
Checks if the current time is within the specified trading session
session (string) : The trading session, defined using input.session()
timeframe (string) : The timeframe to use, defaults to the current chart's timeframe
timezone (string) : The timezone to use, defaults to the symbol's timezone
Returns: A boolean indicating whether the current time is within the specified trading session
is_date_range(start_time, end_time)
Checks if the current time is within a specified date range
start_time (int) : The start time, defined using input.time()
end_time (int) : The end time, defined using input.time()
Returns: A boolean indicating whether the current time is within the specified date range
is_day_of_week(sunday, monday, tuesday, wednesday, thursday, friday, saturday)
Checks if the current day of the week matches any of the specified days
sunday (bool) : A boolean indicating whether to check for Sunday
monday (bool) : A boolean indicating whether to check for Monday
tuesday (bool) : A boolean indicating whether to check for Tuesday
wednesday (bool) : A boolean indicating whether to check for Wednesday
thursday (bool) : A boolean indicating whether to check for Thursday
friday (bool) : A boolean indicating whether to check for Friday
saturday (bool) : A boolean indicating whether to check for Saturday
Returns: A boolean indicating whether the current day of the week matches any of the specified days
Returns the highest value of the specified source during the current daily session
source (float) : The data series to evaluate, defaults to high
Returns: The highest value during the current daily session, or na if the timeframe is not suitable
Returns the lowest value of the specified source during the current daily session
source (float) : The data series to evaluate, defaults to low
Returns: The lowest value during the current daily session, or na if the timeframe is not suitable
regular_session_high(source, persist)
Returns the highest value of the specified source during the current regular trading session
source (float) : The data series to evaluate, defaults to high
persist (bool) : A boolean indicating whether to retain the last value outside of regular market hours, defaults to true
Returns: The highest value during the current regular trading session, or na if the timeframe is not suitable
regular_session_low(source, persist)
Returns the lowest value of the specified source during the current regular trading session
source (float) : The data series to evaluate, defaults to low
persist (bool) : A boolean indicating whether to retain the last value outside of regular market hours, defaults to true
Returns: The lowest value during the current regular trading session, or na if the timeframe is not suitable
premarket_session_high(source, persist)
Returns the highest value of the specified source during the current premarket trading session
source (float) : The data series to evaluate, defaults to high
persist (bool) : A boolean indicating whether to retain the last value outside of premarket hours, defaults to true
Returns: The highest value during the current premarket trading session, or na if the timeframe is not suitable
premarket_session_low(source, persist)
Returns the lowest value of the specified source during the current premarket trading session
source (float) : The data series to evaluate, defaults to low
persist (bool) : A boolean indicating whether to retain the last value outside of premarket hours, defaults to true
Returns: The lowest value during the current premarket trading session, or na if the timeframe is not suitable
postmarket_session_high(source, persist)
Returns the highest value of the specified source during the current postmarket trading session
source (float) : The data series to evaluate, defaults to high
persist (bool) : A boolean indicating whether to retain the last value outside of postmarket hours, defaults to true
Returns: The highest value during the current postmarket trading session, or na if the timeframe is not suitable
postmarket_session_low(source, persist)
Returns the lowest value of the specified source during the current postmarket trading session
source (float) : The data series to evaluate, defaults to low
persist (bool) : A boolean indicating whether to retain the last value outside of postmarket hours, defaults to true
Returns: The lowest value during the current postmarket trading session, or na if the timeframe is not suitable
Returns the highest value of the specified source during the current weekly session. Can fail on lower timeframes.
source (float) : The data series to evaluate, defaults to high
Returns: The highest value during the current weekly session, or na if the timeframe is not suitable
Returns the lowest value of the specified source during the current weekly session. Can fail on lower timeframes.
source (float) : The data series to evaluate, defaults to low
Returns: The lowest value during the current weekly session, or na if the timeframe is not suitable
Returns the highest value of the specified source during the current monthly session. Can fail on lower timeframes.
source (float) : The data series to evaluate, defaults to high
Returns: The highest value during the current monthly session, or na if the timeframe is not suitable
Returns the lowest value of the specified source during the current monthly session. Can fail on lower timeframes.
source (float) : The data series to evaluate, defaults to low
Returns: The lowest value during the current monthly session, or na if the timeframe is not suitable
Returns the highest value of the specified source during the current yearly session. Can fail on lower timeframes.
source (float) : The data series to evaluate, defaults to high
Returns: The highest value during the current yearly session, or na if the timeframe is not suitable
Returns the lowest value of the specified source during the current yearly session. Can fail on lower timeframes.
source (float) : The data series to evaluate, defaults to low
Returns: The lowest value during the current yearly session, or na if the timeframe is not suitable
utilsLibrary "utils"
Provides a set of utility functions for use in strategies or indicators.
opacity (int)
opacity (int)
opacity (int)
opacity (int)
opacity (int)
opacity (int)
opacity (int)
opacity (int)
opacity (int)
opacity (int)
trendChangingUp(emaShort, emaLong)
Signals when the trend is starting to change in a positive direction.
emaShort (float)
emaLong (float)
Returns: bool
trendChangingDown(emaShort, emaLong)
Signals when the trend is starting to change in a negative direction.
emaShort (float)
emaLong (float)
Returns: bool
percentChange(start, end)
Returns the percent change between a start number and end number. A positive change returns a positive value and vice versa.
start (float)
end (float)
Returns: float
percentOf(percent, n)
Returns the number that's the percentage of the provided value.
percent (float) : Use 0.2 for 20 percent, 0.35 for 35 percent, etc.
n (float) : The number to calculate the percentage of.
Returns: float
targetPriceByPercent(percent, n)
percent (float)
n (float)
hasNegativeSlope(start, end)
start (float)
end (float)
timeinrange(resolution, session, timezone)
Returns true when the current time is within a given session window. Note, the time is calculated in the "America/New_York" timezone.
resolution (simple string) : The time interval to use to start/end the background color. Use "1" for the coloring the background up to the minute.
session (simple string) : The session string to use to identify the time window. Example: "0930-1600:23456" means normal market hours on weekdays.
timezone (simple string)
Returns: series bool
Returns the number of bars since the last entry order.
Returns: series int
Returns the number of bars since the last exit order.
Returns: series int
calcSlope(ln, lookback)
Calculates the slope of the provided line based on its x,y coordinates in the previous bar to the current bar.
ln (float)
lookback (int)
Returns: series float
Returns slope of the line given the start and end x,y coordinates.
Returns: series float
Returns true if the number of consecutive red candles matches the provided count.
lookbackInput (int) : The amount of bars to look back to check for consecutive negative bars. Default = 1.
Returns: series bool
stdevPercent(stdev, price)
Returns the standard deviation as a percentage of price.
stdev (float) : The standard deviation value
price (float) : The current price of the target ticker.
Returns: series float
HT: Functions LibLibrary "Functions"
is_date_equal(date1, date2, time_zone)
date1 (int)
date2 (int)
time_zone (string)
is_date_equal(date1, date2_str, time_zone)
date1 (int)
date2_str (string)
time_zone (string)
is_date_between(date_, start_year, start_month, end_year, end_month, time_zone_)
date_ (int)
start_year (int)
start_month (int)
end_year (int)
end_month (int)
time_zone_ (string)
is_time_equal(time1, time2_str, time_zone)
time1 (int)
time2_str (string)
time_zone (string)
is_time_equal(time1, time2, time_zone)
time1 (int)
time2 (int)
time_zone (string)
is_time_between(time_, start_hour, start_minute, end_hour, end_minute, time_zone_)
time_ (int)
start_hour (int)
start_minute (int)
end_hour (int)
end_minute (int)
time_zone_ (string)
is_time_between(time_, start_time, end_time, time_zone_)
time_ (int)
start_time (string)
end_time (string)
time_zone_ (string)
is_close(value, level, ticks)
value (float)
level (float)
ticks (int)
is_inrange(value, lb, hb)
value (float)
lb (float)
hb (float)
is_above(value, level, ticks)
value (float)
level (float)
ticks (int)
is_below(value, level, ticks)
value (float)
level (float)
ticks (int)
HolidayLibrary "Holiday"
- Full Control over Holidays and Daylight Savings Time (DLS)
The Holiday Library is an essential tool for traders and analysts who engage in backtesting and live trading . This comprehensive library enables the incorporation of crucial calendar elements - specifically Daylight Savings Time (DLS) adjustments and public holidays - into trading strategies and backtesting environments.
Key Features:
- DLS Adjustments: The library takes into account the shifts in time due to Daylight Savings. This feature is particularly vital for backtesting strategies, as DLS can impact trading hours, which in turn affects the volatility and liquidity in the market. Accurate DLS adjustments ensure that backtesting scenarios are as close to real-life conditions as possible.
- Comprehensive Holiday Metadata: The library includes a rich set of holiday metadata, allowing for the detailed scheduling of trading activities around public holidays. This feature is crucial for avoiding skewed results in backtesting, where holiday trading sessions might differ significantly in terms of volume and price movement.
- Customizable Holiday Schedules: Users can add or remove specific holidays, tailoring the library to fit various regional market schedules or specific trading requirements.
- Visualization Aids: The library supports on-chart labels, making it visually intuitive to identify holidays and DLS shifts directly on trading charts.
Use Cases:
1. Strategy Development: When developing trading strategies, it’s important to account for non-trading days and altered trading hours due to holidays and DLS. This library enables a realistic and accurate representation of these factors.
2. Risk Management: Trading around holidays can be riskier due to thinner liquidity and greater volatility. By integrating holiday data, traders can better manage their risk exposure.
3. Backtesting Accuracy: For backtesting to be effective, it must simulate the actual market conditions as closely as possible. Incorporating holidays and DLS adjustments contributes to more reliable and realistic backtesting results.
4. Global Trading: For traders active in multiple global markets, this library provides an easy way to handle different holiday schedules and DLS shifts across regions.
The Holiday Library is a versatile tool that enhances the precision and realism of trading simulations and strategy development . Its integration into the trading workflow is straightforward and beneficial for both novice and experienced traders.
Calculates the date of Easter Sunday for a given year using the Anonymous Gregorian algorithm.
`Gauss Algorithm for Easter Sunday` was developed by the mathematician Carl Friedrich Gauss
This algorithm is based on the cycles of the moon and the fact that Easter always falls on the first Sunday after the first ecclesiastical full moon that occurs on or after March 21.
While it's not considered to be 100% accurate due to rare exceptions, it does give the correct date in most cases.
It's important to note that Gauss's formula has been found to be inaccurate for some 21st-century years in the Gregorian calendar. Specifically, the next suggested failure years are 2038, 2051.
This function can be used for Good Friday (Friday before Easter), Easter Sunday, and Easter Monday (following Monday).
_year (int) : `int` - The year for which to calculate the date of Easter Sunday. This should be a four-digit year (YYYY).
Returns: tuple - The month (1-12) and day (1-31) of Easter Sunday for the given year.
Inits the date of Easter Sunday and Good Friday for a given year.
Returns: tuple - The month (1-12) and day (1-31) of Easter Sunday and Good Friday for the given year.
Determine if a year is a leap year.
_year (int) : `int` - 4 digit year to check => YYYY
Returns: `bool` - true if input year is a leap year
method timezoneHelper(utc)
Helper function to convert UTC time.
Namespace types: series int, simple int, input int, const int
utc (int) : `int` - UTC time shift in hours.
Returns: `string`- UTC time string with shift applied.
Function to find the week of the month of a given Unix Time.
Returns: number - The week of the month of the specified UTC time.
dayLightSavingsAdjustedUTC(utc, adjustForDLS)
utc (int) : `int` - The normal UTC timestamp to be used for reference.
adjustForDLS (bool) : `bool` - Flag indicating whether to adjust for daylight savings time (DLS).
Returns: `int` - The adjusted UTC timestamp for the given normal UTC timestamp.
getDayOfYear(monthOfYear, dayOfMonth, weekOfMonth, dayOfWeek, lastOccurrenceInMonth, holiday)
Function gets the day of the year of a given holiday (1-366)
monthOfYear (int)
dayOfMonth (int)
weekOfMonth (int)
dayOfWeek (int)
lastOccurrenceInMonth (bool)
holiday (string)
Returns: `int` - The day of the year of the holiday 1-366.
method buildMap(holidayMap, holiday, monthOfYear, weekOfMonth, dayOfWeek, dayOfMonth, lastOccurrenceInMonth, closingTime)
Function to build the `holidaysMap`.
Namespace types: map
holidayMap (map) : `map` - The map of holidays.
holiday (string) : `string` - The name of the holiday.
monthOfYear (int) : `int` - The month of the year of the holiday.
weekOfMonth (int) : `int` - The week of the month of the holiday.
dayOfWeek (int) : `int` - The day of the week of the holiday.
dayOfMonth (int) : `int` - The day of the month of the holiday.
lastOccurrenceInMonth (bool) : `bool` - Flag indicating whether the holiday is the last occurrence of the day in the month.
closingTime (int) : `int` - The closing time of the holiday.
Returns: `map` - The updated map of holidays
holidayInit(addHolidaysArray, removeHolidaysArray, defaultHolidays)
Initializes a HolidayStorage object with predefined US holidays.
addHolidaysArray (array) : `array` - The array of additional holidays to be added.
removeHolidaysArray (array) : `array` - The array of holidays to be removed.
defaultHolidays (bool) : `bool` - Flag indicating whether to include the default holidays.
Returns: `map` - The map of holidays.
Holidays(utc, addHolidaysArray, removeHolidaysArray, adjustForDLS, displayLabel, defaultHolidays)
Main function to build the holidays object, this is the only function from this library that should be needed. \
all functionality should be available through this function. \
With the exception of initializing a `HolidayMetaData` object to add a holiday or early close. \
**Default Holidays:** \
`DLS begin`, `DLS end`, `New Year's Day`, `MLK Jr. Day`, \
`Washington Day`, `Memorial Day`, `Independence Day`, `Labor Day`, \
`Columbus Day`, `Veterans Day`, `Thanksgiving Day`, `Christmas Day` \
HolidayMetaData valentinesDay ="Valentine's Day", monthOfYear=2, dayOfMonth=14)
HolidayMetaData stPatricksDay ="St. Patrick's Day", monthOfYear=3, dayOfMonth=17)
HolidayMetaData addHolidaysArray = array.from(valentinesDay, stPatricksDay)
string removeHolidaysArray = array.from("DLS begin", "DLS end")
܂Holidays = Holidays(
܂ utc=-6,
܂ addHolidaysArray=addHolidaysArray,
܂ removeHolidaysArray=removeHolidaysArray,
܂ adjustForDLS=true,
܂ displayLabel=true,
܂ defaultHolidays=true,
܂ )
plot(Holidays.newHoliday ? open : na, title="newHoliday",, linewidth=4, style=plot.style_circles)
utc (int) : `int` - The UTC time shift in hours
addHolidaysArray (array) : `array` - The array of additional holidays to be added
removeHolidaysArray (array) : `array` - The array of holidays to be removed
adjustForDLS (bool) : `bool` - Flag indicating whether to adjust for daylight savings time (DLS)
displayLabel (bool) : `bool` - Flag indicating whether to display a label on the chart
defaultHolidays (bool) : `bool` - Flag indicating whether to include the default holidays
Returns: `HolidayObject` - The holidays object | Holidays = (holidaysMap: map, newHoliday: bool, holiday: string, dayString: string)
holiday (series string) : `string` - The name of the holiday.
dayOfYear (series int) : `int` - The day of the year of the holiday.
monthOfYear (series int) : `int` - The month of the year of the holiday.
dayOfMonth (series int) : `int` - The day of the month of the holiday.
weekOfMonth (series int) : `int` - The week of the month of the holiday.
dayOfWeek (series int) : `int` - The day of the week of the holiday.
lastOccurrenceInMonth (series bool)
closingTime (series int) : `int` - The closing time of the holiday.
utc (series int) : `int` - The UTC time shift in hours.
holidaysMap (map) : `map` - The map of holidays.
newHoliday (series bool) : `bool` - Flag indicating whether today is a new holiday.
activeHoliday (series bool) : `bool` - Flag indicating whether today is an active holiday.
holiday (series string) : `string` - The name of the holiday.
dayString (series string) : `string` - The day of the week of the holiday.
ForecastingThis Forecasting library has a couple of Novel and traditional approaches to forecasting stock prices.
Traditionally, it provides a basic ARIMA forecaster using simple autoregression, as well as a linear regression and quadratic regression channel forecaster.
Novel approaches to forecasting include:
1) A Moving Average based Forecaster (modelled after ARIMA), it is capable of forecasting based on a user selected SMA.
2) Z-Score Forecast: Forecasting based on Z-Score (example displayed in chart).
Library "Forecasting"
: Creates a generic autoregressive ARIMA model
src (float)
Returns: : arima_result, arima_ucl, arima_lcl, arima_cor, arima_r2, arima_err, y1, y2, y3, y0
machine_learning_regression(output, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, show_statistics)
: Creates an automatic regression based forecast model (can be used for other regression operations) from a list of possible independent variables.
output (float)
x1 (float)
x2 (float)
x3 (float)
x4 (float)
x5 (float)
show_statistics (bool)
Returns: : result, upper bound levels, lower bound levels, optional statitics table that displays the model parameters and statistics
time_series_linear_forecast(src, forecast_length, standard_deviation_extension_1, standard_deviation_extension_2)
: Creates a simple linear regression time series channel
src (float)
forecast_length (int)
standard_deviation_extension_1 (float)
standard_deviation_extension_2 (float)
Returns: : Linreg Channel
quadratic_time_series_forecast(src, forecast_length)
: Creates a simple quadratic regression time series channel
src (float)
forecast_length (int)
Returns: : Quadratic Regression Channel
moving_average_forecaster(source, train_time, ma_length, forecast_length, forecast_result, upper_bound_result, lower_bound_result)
: Creates an ARIMA style moving average forecaster
source (float)
train_time (int)
ma_length (int)
forecast_length (int)
forecast_result (float )
upper_bound_result (float )
lower_bound_result (float )
Returns: : forecast_result, upper_bound_result, lower_bound_result, moving_average, ucl, lcl
zscore_forecast(z_length, z_source, show_alerts, forecast_length, show_forecast_table)
: Creates a Z-Score Forecast and is capable of plotting the immediate forecast via a Polyline
z_length (int)
z_source (float)
show_alerts (bool)
forecast_length (int)
show_forecast_table (bool)
Returns: : The export is void, it will export the Polyline forecast and the Z-forecast table if you enable it.