Super Volume+(Süper Hacim+)English
The "Super Volume+" plug-in was designed to be used in conjunction with the "Super Volume" plug-in, but can also be used alone. It facilitates the use of "Volume Bar Patterns(Volume Action)" by marking voluminous and non-voluminous bars on the chart. It also helps to distinguish between useful support and resistance by highlighting strong trading zones. You can receive "high volume" notifications with the alarm feature.
How to use?
Volume buys and sells are marked with dark dots.
Volumeless buys and sells are marked with light colored dots.
Having more dark dots on the support or resistance lines you draw indicates that those regions are strong regions.
Warning: I discovered these formations, they are still in the testing phase. You should be careful while using it.
Shifting Volume Patterns
*The volumeless red candles on the hills indicate that the decline will begin, and the decline accelerates with the normal and volume sales that follow.
*Green candles with no volume at the bottom indicate that the rise will begin, and the rise will accelerate with the normal and voluminous purchases that follow.
Fake Volume Patterns
*Volumeless red candles formed in an upward movement are false decreases and the rise continues.
*The volumeless green candles formed in a bearish movement are false rises and the decline continues.
Working logic:
For Shifting Volume Formations; the total volume of buying and selling is less than half of the 90 bar average. Incoming transactions are greatly reduced. This shows us that either the buyer or the seller is about to run out. Transactions of the prevailing party increase. We can understand which side is winning by looking at the color of the candle when the candle is closed. If it is red, the decline continues, if it is green, the rise continues.
For Fake Volume Formations; the total volume of buying and selling is less than half of the 90 bar average. Let's consider a minor trend, a candle without volume (buying or selling without volume) will not be enough to disrupt the trend. A small amount that comes in cannot change the direction of the buying or selling transaction. The price continues in the same direction even if there are candles of different colors in the trend.
"Süper Hacim+" eklentisi "Süper Hacim" eklentisi ile birlikte kullanılmak için tasarlandı ancak tek başına da kullanılabilir. Grafik üzerinde hacimli ve hacimsiz barları işaretleyerek "Hacim Çubuk Formasyonlarının" kullanımını kolaylaştırır. Ayrıca güçlü alım satım bölgelerini belirginleştirmesi sayesinde işe yarayacak destek ve dirençlerin kolayca ayırt edilmesine yardımcı olur. Alarm özelliği ile "yüksek hacim" bildirimleri alabilirsiniz.
Nasıl Kullanılır?
Hacimli alış ve satışlar koyu renkli noktalar ile işaretlenir.
Hacimsiz alış ve satışlar açık renkli noktalar ile işaretlenir.
Çizdiğiniz destek veya direnç çizgileri üzerinde koyu renkli noktaların fazla olması o bölgelerin güçlü bölgeler olduğunu gösterir.
Uyarı: Bu formasyonları ben keşfettim hala test aşamasındadır. Kullanırken dikkatli olmalısınız.
Yön Değiştiren Hacim Formasyonları
*Tepelerde oluşan hacimsiz kırmızı mumlar düşüşün başlayacağına işaret eder sonrasında gelen normal ve hacimli satışlarla düşüş hızlanır.
*Diplerde oluşan hacimsiz yeşil mumlar yükselişin başlayacağına işaret eder sonrasında gelen normal ve hacimli alışlarla yükseliş hızlanır.
Fake Hacim Formasyonları
*Bir yükseliş hareketi içerisinde oluşan hacimsiz kırmızı mumlar sahte düşüşlerdir yükseliş devam eder.
*Bir düşüş hareketi içerisinde oluşan hacimsiz yeşil mumlar sahte yükselişlerdir düşüş devam eder.
Çalışma mantığı:
Yön Değiştiren Hacim Formasyonları için; alış ve satış toplam hacim miktarı 90 barlık ortalamanın yarısından azdır. Gelen işlemler çok azalmıştır. Bu da bize alıcıların yada satıcıların ikisinden birinin bitmek üzere olduğunu gösterir. Üstünlük kazanan tarafın işlemleri artar. Hangi tarafın kazandığını mum kapandığında rengine bakarak anlayabiliriz kırmızı ise düşüş devam eder yeşil ise yükseliş devam eder.
Fake Hacim Formasyonları için; alış ve satış toplam hacim miktarı 90 barlık ortalamanın yarısından azdır. Minör bir trend düşünelim yükselen yada düşen trendin tersine oluşacak hacimsiz mum (hacimsiz alış veya satış) trendi bozmaya yetmeyecektir. Gelen küçük bir miktar alış yada satış işlemin yönünü değiştiremez. Trend içinde farklı renkte mum olsa da fiyat aynı yönde devam eder.
Örnek / Example:
Realtime Volume Bars w Market Buy/Sell/Neutral split & Mkt Delta
What is it?
A tool that shows Real-time Volume bars split into 3 components: (1) Market Buy Volume - i.e., the volume that got transacted on upticks; (2) Market Sell Volume - i.e., the volume that got transacted on downticks;
and, (3) Neutral Volume - i.e., the volume that got transacted without a change in price. (This feature can be turned off if you want normal volume bars).
Market delta (i.e., Market Buy Volume - Market Sell Volume) is also displayed above each volume bar. (On by default; can be switched off from Settings)
The split and Market Delta data are ONLY AVAILABLE FOR REAL-TIME BARS. Historical bars are shown just like regular ones. The dotted line marks the start of real-time data (i.e., the bar from which the indicator started collecting and displaying data). You will see accurate data for bars to the right of this line. The longer you keep a chart open with the study enabled, the more data it collects and displays, and the better your analysis can potentially be.
Note that the data gets reset every time any of the options is changed, the market is switched, the browser is refreshed, or the script is reloaded
DATA ISN'T STORED. I.e., every time a new symbol is loaded, the previous symbol's data is lost. So if you intend to monitor a symbol, you would need to keep it loaded all the time.
Who is it for?
For traders who are used to analyzing buy/sell activity using market buy/sell volume and market delta information
Although you can use this independently as well, use it in conjunction with "Market Delta Volume for Realtime Bars" indicator to get a better visual representation of the numbers.
TIL Candle Volume HeatmapTrading Indicator Lab’s Candle Volume Heatmap for TradingView merges volume with price by applying gradient colors in the bars. It can also detect bars that have the most volume and the least volume.
Gradient Coloring
When applied to a chart, the Candle Volume Heatmap indicator applies colors to each bar which may vary according to its number of volume. The chart becomes a heatmap where you can easily spot which parts of the chart that are “hottest” or the bars that had the greatest number of volume and the “coldest” or ones that had the least volume. The indicator uses colors that transitions from BLUE to RED where shades closer to blue are “cold” (low volume) and those that are more in the shade of red are considered “hot” (high volume).
- Blue candlesticks – has low volume
- Red candlesticks – has high volume
High and Low Volume Bars
In addition to bar color changes, the Candle Volume Heatmap indicator also marks bars that have the lowest and highest volume within a certain length. Low and high-volume bars are marked as follows.
- – Low volume bars are marked with a small cross above them signifying a very low volume. Please note that this symbol always appears in new bars which are only starting to accumulate volume.
- – High volume bars are marked with a large plus sign above them signifying a very high volume. These bars along with other red-colored bars are the ones that should be monitored most.
Identifying low and high-volume bars can be useful in determining whether there is weight or “force” behind the price action that occurs in each bar. High volume bars can be used to validate candlestick reversal patterns and confirm breakouts in support and resistance levels.
Available Alert Conditions
- High Volume – triggers when a high-volume bar (marked with a plus sign) is detected
- Low Volume – triggers when a low-volume bar (marked with a cross sign) is detected
- Length – sets the number of bars the indicator analyzes at each execution.
- Color Gradient – sets the color set for applying the heatmap on the chart candlesticks. Choices available are Blue-Red (good for light mode) and Yellow-Red (good for dark mode). Red color always signifies the highest concentration of volume.
- Apply Heatmap Colors – applies the color gradient on the chart candlesticks to indicate the amount of volume in each one
- Display Markers Below – moves the position of the high volume (plus) and low volume (cross) markers below the candlestick
Relative Volume Pro - Realtime Volume FlowRelative volume compares the volume at a specific time in the trading day versus the prior volume at the same time of day over a specified range. This is an ideal way to gauge if there is significant volume driving a price move, either up or down.
What's Unique About this Relative Volume Indicator?
Many relative volume indicators simply divide the current volume by the average volume. Unfortunately, this calculation is not an accurate gauge of volume at a specific point in time and it will not account for typical spikes in volume that occur early and late in the day.
This indicator calculates relative volume on an intraday chart, looking at the volume for each bar in the current timeframe, over a range of days that is configured in Settings. For example, if the preferred lookback is set to 50 and you are on a 5-minute chart at 1:00pm, the indicator will determine the average of cumulative volume traded up to 1:00pm on each 5-minute bar, over the past 50 days. The result is an accurate representation of the "true" volume for a specific time in the day.
Relative Volume as Percentage or Ratio
Relative volume can be shown as a percentage change, a ratio or both. The calculations are the same, it's more about your preference.
For example, if a stock has traded 1M shares at 10:00am, yet the average over the past 50 days at 10:00am is 500k shares, the percentage increase is 100% and the ratio would be 2.0.
Intraday Charts
To accurately determine volume at a specific point during the trading day, as compared to the average at that same time of day, calculations need to be done on an intraday chart. This is your go-to chart to gauge realtime volume flow.
Daily, Weekly and Monthly Charts
Relative volume data is also shown on daily, weekly and monthly charts, however, it's important to note these values are based on the close of the respective timeframe.
Many thanks to @LucF and @e2e4mfck for their excellent open source indicator, Relative Volume at Time, for TradingView. If you are interested to learn more about the details of relative volume, this is the definitive resource.
Market Delta Volume for Realtime BarsWhat is it?
Market Delta Volume Tool for real-time bars
A market delta tool that shows, (1) the volume that got transacted on upticks - or the market buy volume; (2) the volume that got transacted on downticks - or the market sell volume (3) the market delta volume (i.e., market buy volume - market sell volume); (4) the total volume (market buy volume + market sell volume + neutral volume); and (4) the volume that got transacted without a change in price - or the neutral volume (total volume = market buy volume + market sell volume + neutral volume)
NOTE: THIS WORKS ONLY ON REAL-TIME BARS, NOT ON HISTORICAL BARS! The dotted line marks the start of real-time data (i.e., the bar from which the indicator started collecting and displaying data). You will see accurate data only for bars to the right of this line.
The longer you keep a chart open with the study enabled, the more data it collects and displays and the better your analysis can potentially be.
Note that the data gets reset every time any of the options is changed, the market is switched, the browser is refreshed, or the script is reloaded.
DATA ISN'T STORED. I.e., every time a new symbol is loaded/or the same symbol is reloaded, data gets refreshed.
Who is it for?
For traders who are used to analyzing buy/sell activity using market delta information. Especially, short-term trader/scalpers who are used to keeping the same chart open through the trading session.
Also for traders to see and study how anomalies in volume can give clues to buyer/seller absorption, initiative buying/selling etc.
Can be used to better understand VSA as well, although not necessary.
Essentially, this gives real-time delta volume information; use it however you see fit.
Volume PlusVolume plus provides volume insights to identify increase or decrease in relative volume or sudden volume expansion that exceeds the average. Based on the period selected the script displays the color code.
1. Two different sensitivity levels can be selected for volumes and coloring.
2. Whenever the volume is higher than the selected SMA, volume bars will change color.
3. Can Plot 20 SMA (can be changed)
Time Segmented Volume BandsTime Segmented Volume Bands
This time I took as a basis TSV - Time Segmented Volume, a rather rare one, almost never mentioned on TradingView.
TSV is a leading indicator because its movement is based on both the movement of the stock price and its volume. Ideal entry and exit points are usually found when a stock moves through a baseline. This indicator is similar to the more well-known balance volume (OBV) because it measures the amount of money flowing in or out of a particular stock.
What is their main difference between TSV and OBV?
Time Segmented Volume is used to eliminate distortions of the standard volume graph. OBV is based on cumulative total volume, while TSV compares the current time period with the previous one, without a subtotal.
What I added on my own script
Bands, similar to Bollinger. The main idea is to have an idea of the average inflow and outflow of volumes from / to shares for a particular period. We have an opportunity to estimate how much the current volumes differ from the average for 60 days (all values can be flexibly adjusted).
Excess markers by the current average volume (sensitivity can be adjusted separately).
A table that calculates the total sentiment (force) of volume on average for N periods in comparison with the current one.
Sell/buy markers
How to read a TSV graph
The main graph is a histogram. Green bars mean an inflow of volume, red bars mean an outflow. When the red volume crosses the baseline zero, it is considered a buy signal (in the classic TSV version). A similar sell signal - just the opposite. I highlight them with a colored background fill.
It is especially important to find divergences on the chart. For example, when the volume peaks getting lower but the price rises (short).
The yellow line is the average TSV for 7 periods. Just a smoother lagging line.
Blue stripes. Above - the average inflow of volumes over N periods (44 days). Below - the average outflow.
Markers are additional buy / sell signals generated when the current TSV value exceeds the average for N periods. In the script settings, you can choose how many percent deviations from the average should occur in order to count it as a strong signal (by default, an excess of 180% for selling, 100% for buying). The main idea of the marker is to catch a better price than with the standard TSV logic (take at the intersection of the zero line). The marker can serve as both an assistant and drive into a trap. If you are not very confident, then it is better to adhere to standard practice, and set the excess of markers to completely abnormal situations, so that it triggers less often.
Colored background - a classic buy or sell zone (when crossing the TSV baseline).
Table - you can configure its presence and size in the settings. On it you can estimate the sentiment of the movement of money for the last N periods. Pay particular attention to the % value in parentheses. It shows the strength of the trend in volumes over N periods.
The basic rule, as with any trend indicator: do not trade against the trend. A sell signal in a constantly rising channel is not a short signal. This is a signal for a possible fixation of a part of the position. No more.
How do I use this indicator?
For starters, I never make decisions purely based on an indicator. TSV plays the role of a clearer visualization of volumes for me. If I see that the volumes are fading away (thin market), then I try not to enter the trade. For the last two weeks, while picking charts, I completely abandoned standard volume bars in favor of TSV due to it's greater informative.
Banknifty Weighted volume by AkramulBanknifty Weighted volume as per share ratio.
HDFC Bank – 27.56%
ICICI Bank – 22.91%
State Bank of India (SBI) – 12.42%
Kotak Mahindra Bank – 11.77%
Axis Bank – 11.49%
IndusInd Bank – 5.20%
AU Small Finance Bank Ltd. – 2.35%
Bandhan Bank – 1.73%
Federal Bank – 1.53%
IDFC First Bank Ltd. – 1.22%
Punjab National Bank (PNB)- 1.03%
RBL Bank – 0.79%
and moving average plotted on volume
Volume Average / Current Volume / ATR On ChartSimple Study to display volume data and atr value on the chart. It will display the relative volume in percentage, an average volume and the current volume and ATR value for the time resolution.
Thank you to @PriceCatch for the ATR code
Delta Volatility ProfileThis script attempts to visualize the footprints of bullish volatility and bearish volatility. By design, it has a close resemblance to volume profile, but the engine behind has been customized for improved accuracy with a novel volatility model.
For usage, it can be used to have an overview of the supply and demand over past periods, to time your entry/ exit & maximize your RR ratio.
May you be on the right side of the trade.
Aggregated Volume Colored (Bitcoin, ETH, Altcoins, everything)BITSTAMP:BTCUSD
This indicator aggregates trading volume data of up to 10 symbols and can display the individual data by color.
It is useful for assets which are traded on multiple exchanges, like cryptocurrencies, commodities, forex and derivatives showing you what is happening across the market and on the individual exchanges to give you beter insights.
You can change the symbols from which the indicator gathers data in the settings under inputs, just like the colors, and you can add a moving average.
By default trading volume is aggregated from the following symbols:
Binance, BTC /USDT
Binance, BTC /BUSD
Bingbon, BTC /USD
Huobi, BTC /USDT
Coinbase, BTC /USD
Bitfinex, BTC /USD
Gemini, BTC /USD
Kraken, XBT/USD
Bitstamp, BTC /USD
Timeweighted Colored VWAP with SlopeHey, traders!
This script calculates the VWAP's change rate against ATR in a number of k-lines. It controls the VWAP line's color based on the average change rate, and it changes its color in a time-weighted way.
1. Calculating vwapValue's rate of change
2. Controlling Line's color based on the average change rate against ATR
3. Calculating average change rate in the past k-lines
Good luck with your trading!
SVA - Simple Volume Analyzer, by BlueJayBird [bjb] ENGLISH & SPANISH
------------------------------------- ENSLIGH
The idea was initially inspired in the concepts shared by @LazyBear on his indicator "Better Volume Indicator" (). But I found it somewhat complicated and dull. So I came up with this.
It changes the color of volume bars based on surrounding volume changes.
Volume changes are plotted as volume MAs lines in the volume pane.
Whenever the volume is higher than these MAs, the bar changes color.
For this reason, the bar color change is RELATIVE TO the surroundings, because the color change depends on how far the MA has been extended due to sudden (or not) changes in the volume.
Weak Green and Red: Low volume. The calm before or after the storm.
Normal Green and Red: Mid volume. Still low volume, you may get bored.
Yellow: High volume. Players are playing hard and harder.
White: Ultra-High Volume. The elephants stepped in.
SVA works better at lower timeframes. Though as far as I can tell, it works pretty well as far as 1D timeframe.
------------------------------------- SPANISH
La idea estuvo inicialmente inspirada en los conceptos expuestos por @LazyBear en su indicador "Better Volume Indicator" (). Pero lo encontré un poco complicado y falto de claridad. Así que me inventé este.
Cambia el color de las barras basándose en los últimos cambios de volumen.
Los cambios de volumen son ploteados como lineas de medias móviles (MAs, es decir "Moving Averages") en la sección del volumen (chart pane).
En cualquier momento que el volumen es mayor que estos MAs, el color de las barras cambia.
Por esta razon, el cambio de color de las barras es RELATIVO a lo que está sucediendo alrededor, ya que el cambio de color depende de qué tan lejos el MA se haya extendido por causa de los últimos cambios (o no) de volumen.
Verde y rojo apagados: Volumen bajo (Low Volume). La calma antes de la tormenta.
Verde y rojo normales: Volumen medio (Mid volume). Volumen todavía bajo. Es posible que te aburras.
Amarillo: Volumen alto (High Volume). Los jugadores están jugando duro.
Blanco: Volumen ultra-alto (Ultra-High Volume). Los elefantes entran a la cancha.
SVA funciona mejor en temporalidades menores. Pero por lo que he visto, funciona bien hasta la temporalidad de 1D.
Kifier's ALT-COIN Failed Volume PressureGeneral Idea:
The basic idea is really simple - to detect during a bull-run, good mid-run entries or even predicting the start of a run, and the overcoming of the sell pressure, and I got this idea very naturally while looking back at my entries with ADA 6 months back. The indicator simply detects for you and alerts where volume reaches high reds but the actual price of the asset does not close lower than the previous open. This essentially shows a rejection of the selling pressure, and usually if either in a stagnant or bullish trend will just result in a bullish trend. It’s also great to detect entries into a bull-run mid way, which can happen quite often with cryptos. Due to the reliance of volume in this one, it’s probably best to stick with mid to low cap alt-coins, as BTC and even ETH at this point have a more complicated price action trends.
It’s built ideally for long-term timeframes, so 1D is the minimum in my opinion, and it should be used in combination with other indicators to confirm entries and market conditions, plus fundamental analysis is VERY important when it comes to trading with volume as a leading indicator in lower cap alt-coins.
The blue line is an average of the volume over a period while the yellow is the current volume, this makes it easy when a volume anomaly occurs and essentially a massive sell-off.
The green/red lines at the bottom unimaginatively is just a simple trend indicator based of two EMAs.
I also want to attempt to make a version for smaller time-frames as well, which needs to also account for market noise and a better trend detection but that’s for a future time.
It’d be great to hear feedback and even ideas on beneficial changes!
KINSKI Volume Regression TrendRegression trends are typically used to determine when a price is unusually far from its baseline. The script calculates the linear regression of volume and price to determine the trend direction and strength. This can be used to determine the volume support for upward/downward trends.
As a special feature, this indicator allows you to choose from three (as of 07/20/2021) templates with special presets.
The following templates are available:
"Precise" (Period: 4, Smoothing Factor Type: "DISABLED", Smoothing Factor Length = 1).
"Smooth" (Period: 4, Smoothing Factor Type: "RMA", Smoothing Factor Length = 2)
"Long Term (Period: 20, Smoothing Factor Type: "DISABLED", Smoothing Factor Length = 1)
In the selection for templates, the option "DISABLED" can also be selected. Then the user-defined settings selectable under it take effect. There are the following setting options.
"Length": Adjustable period
"Smoothing Factor: Type": Type of moving average
"Smoothing Factor: Length": Adjustable period
Other setting options are:
Color codes: The color codes are explained in the settings
Display types: "Columns", "Histogram", "Area", "Line", "Stepline"
VolumatrixVolumatrix is an enhanced volume weighted price indicator with advanced features
Created by CryptoJew & CryptoTiger on 04-06-2021
👋 Definition
Volumatrix turns current and historical price data into enhanced volume weighted price plots that allow you to visually grasp the momentum of any given market.
It’s easy to use and provides an accurate reading about an ongoing trend. This indicator is optimized to catch trend movements as soon as possible and to maximize certainty.
🙌 Overview
The Volumatrix indicator is based on an enhanced VWAP calculation, which serves as a present and upcoming price movement indication.
The further away the VWAP Wave is from the Zero Line, the more powerful the momentum is in that direction.
Conversely, the closer the VWAP Wave is to the Zero Line, the less momentum it has.
⭐️ Features
Volumatrix consists of the following features:
VWAP Waves: Visualizes the market's momentum in an easy-to-understand way by drawing colored waves.
VWAP Average: Acts as a calibration line for current wave movements.
Bearish & Bullish Dots: Indicates and confirms immediate trend changes by printing dual-colored dots.
E MA Backgrounds: Shows the general direction of the market, based on the exponential moving average (EMA).
In-depth alerts: Help traders discover potential trades with less time.
☝️ Basics
The Volume Weighted Average Price plays an essential role, as the Volumatrix indicator uses an enhanced VWAP calculation.
The volume weighted average price (VWAP) is a great technical trading indicator used by traders as it accounts for both price and volume.
VWAP signals the ratio of the cumulative share price to the cumulative volume traded over a given time.
It is essential because it provides traders with advanced insight into the trend and value of an asset.
Unlike moving averages, VWAP assigns more weight to price points with high volume.
This allows one to understand price points of interest, gauge relative strength, and identify prime entries/exits.
VWAP works with any interval: seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, years, etc...
However, keep in mind that VWAP can also experience some lag, much like a moving average.
Lag is inherent in the indicator because it's a calculation of an average using past data.
🧮 Calculation
Volume Weighted Average Price (VWAP) is constructed with two parameters, namely, price and volume, in 5 steps:
1. Calculate the Typical Price for the period.
((High + Low + Close)/3)
2. Multiply the Typical Price by the period Volume
(Typical Price x Volume)
3. Create a Cumulative Total of Typical Price
Cumulative(Typical Price x Volume)
4. Create a Cumulative Total of Volume
5. Divide the Cumulative Totals
VWAP = Cumulative(Typical Price x Volume) / Cumulative(Volume)
🔍 Trend Identification - What to look for
VWAP is an excellent way to identify the trend of a market.
When using Volumatrix, you are looking for multiple confirmations that take place simultaneously.
The more confirmations that occur at the same time; the more certain the indicator will be.
You can identify the direction of a market by looking out for a few critical confirming signals.
📈 Bullish Trend Confirmations:
VWAP Wave overcrossing Zero Line :
When the VWAP Wave is crossing over the Zero Line, it indicates an immediate bullish trend.
This is one of the most certain moves that one can detect in Volumatrix.
This means that the price is about to change direction.
This is the case for any timeframe: seconds, minutes, hours, days, week, month, year, etc.
VWAP Wave color turning bullish:
When a bullish trend is about to happen, the VWAP Wave will change its color to yellow and finally to green.
That way, one can preemptively detect an upcoming bullish move.
In general, the VWAP Wave can change to 3 different colors.
Green means bullish.
Bullish Dots:
From time to time, bullish green dots will appear.
When combined with other indications, the Bullish Dots can be handy in confirming an upcoming or present uptrend.
That said, one should never solely rely on dots when deciding whether the trend is bullish or not.
Instead, if a trader sees a green dot, it should be taken as a hint to look for further bullish indications.
EMA Background:
One can identify the general trend of a market by looking at the background color of the indicator.
When the background is green, one can assume that a bullish trend is present.
The background color changes based on the exponential moving average (EMA).
By default, the 200 EMA is set. Change this value based on your timeframe preferences.
VWAP Average:
When the white VWAP Average line crosses above the Zero Line, it acts as an additional trend confirmation when combined with the VWAP waves.
As the VWAP average does not weigh in the short-term movements too heavily, it is less affected by immediate volatility.
Therefore, traders usually use the VWAP Average as a calibration tool to interpret the VWAP Waves more precisely.
📉 Bearish Trend Confirmations:
VWAP Wave under crossing Zero Line:
When the VWAP Wave is crossing under the Zero Line, it indicates an immediate bearish trend.
This is one of the most certain moves that one can detect in Volumatrix. This means that the price is about to change direction.
This is the case for any timeframe: seconds, minutes, hours, days, week, month, year, etc.
VWAP Wave turning bearish:
When a bearish trend is about to happen, the VWAP Wave will change its color to yellow and then finally to red.
That way, one can preemptively detect an upcoming bearish move. In general, the VWAP Wave can change to 3 different colors.
Red means bearish.
Bearish Dots:
From time to time, bearish red dots will appear.
When combined with other indications, the bearish dots can be handy in confirming an upcoming or present downtrend.
That said, one should never solely rely on dots when deciding whether the trend is bearish or not.
Instead, if a trader sees a red dot, it should be taken as a hint to look for further bearish indications.
EMA Background:
One can identify the general trend of a market by looking at the background color of the indicator.
When the background is red, one can assume that a bearish trend is present.
The background color changes based on the exponential moving average (EMA).
By default, the 200 EMA is set. Change this value based on your timeframe preferences.
VWAP Average:
When the white VWAP Average line crosses below the Zero Line, it acts as an additional trend confirmation if combined with the VWAP waves.
As the VWAP average does not weigh in the short-term movements too heavily, it is less affected by immediate volatility.
Therefore, traders usually use the VWAP Average as a calibration tool to interpret the VWAP Waves more precisely.
💤 Sideways Trend Confirmations:
VWAP Average:
When the VWAP Average is parallel and hovering around the Zero Line, either above or below it, that will indicate a sideways trend.
🚦 Usage - How and where to use it
The Volumatrix indicator is a universal indicator that works with any market capable of calculating a VWAP.
It’s currently being used in the following markets: cryptocurrency market, stock market, gold market and oil (just to name a few).
❗️ Requirements:
This indicator does not require any additional indicators as traders usually do in price action trading.
Basically, one just needs to follow the crossings, dots, and colors to get maximum certainty.
As a bonus, we recommend traders take advantage of TradingView’s multi-chart to catch more simultaneous confirmations.
🗣 Example Strategy: The 4 Timeframe Strategy
One can use the Volumatrix indicator along with the 4 timeframe strategy.
For example, open the 4 hour, 1 hour, 30 minute, and 5minute intervals simultaneously from left to right in a multi-chart layout.
Then lookout for the following conditions to meet:
OPEN LONG TRADE IF: On the 1-hour interval + 30-minute interval, Bullish Dots appear simultaneously
AND: On the 4-hour interval, the VWAP Wave is above the Zero Line
AND: On the 5-minute interval VWAP Wave is about to cross over the Zero Line or has already minimally crossed up.
OPEN SHORT TRADE IF: On the 1-hour interval + 30-minute interval, Bearish Dots appear simultaneously
AND: On the 4-hour interval VWAP Wave is below the Zero Line
AND: On the 5-minute interval VWAP Wave is about to cross under the Zero Line or has already minimally crossed down.
💡 Tips
Use TradingView’s 4-multi-chart layout to catch potential trades faster.
Use the indicator on a computer for optimal performance.
Set your computer screen to higher resolutions to get a better overview.
🔔 Alerts
With Volumatrix, you can use in-depth alerts like:
Bullish Dot
When a green dot at the bottom of the indicator appears
Bearish Dot
When a red dot at the bottom of the indicator appears
VWAP Wave Crossing Over Zero Line
When the VWAP Wave crosses over the Zero Line
VWAP Wave Crossing Under Zero Line
When the VWAP Wave crosses under the Zero Line
VWAP Wave Crossing Over Zero Line + Bullish Dot
When the VWAP Wave crosses over the Zero Line and a Bullish Dot appears
VWAP Wave Crossing Under Zero Line + Bearish Dot
When the VWAP Wave crosses over the Zero Line and a Bearish Dot appears
VWAP Average Crossing Over Zero Line
When the VWAP Average crosses over the Zero Line
VWAP Average Crossing Under Zero Line
When the VWAP Average crosses under the Zero Line
🔧 Settings
🔢 Inputs
These settings will change the behavior and outcome of the indicator.
Determines the number of previous candles that should be taken into calculation for the EMA background.
The value of the EMA can be changed to one's preferred value in accordance with the chosen interval.
The default value is 200.
🎨 Style
These settings will change the appearance of the indicator
VWAP Waves
Determines the color, opacity, thickness, and shape for the VWAP Waves.
The default shape is area.
The default colors are red, yellow & green.
VWAP Average
Determines the color, opacity, thickness, and shape for the VWAP Average.
The default shape is line.
The default color is white.
Zero Line
Determines the color, opacity, thickness, and shape for the Zero Line.
The default shape is a line.
The default color is white.
EMA Background
Determines the color & opacity for the Dynamic Background.
The default colors are black, red & green.
Bullish Dot
Determines the color, shape, opacity & location for the bullish dot.
The default shape is a circle.
The default color is green.
Bearish Dot
Determines the color, shape, opacity & location for the bearish dot.
The default shape is a circle.
The default color is red.
✅ Summary
Volumatrix is a unique indicator because, unlike many other VWAP tools, it's suited for simple as well as advanced analysis.
It’s a solid tool for immediately identifying the underlying trend of an asset.
Of course, this is true for any indicator based on the VWAP, which calculates an average using past data.
Still, Volumatrix is superior in this realm as it enhances the VWAP in its calculation and its visualization, while it comes with many advanced features.
❓ Questions
If you have any questions, just ask them here or in the Volumatrix community.
📚 Terminology
Bearish Dots: Red dots appearing at the bottom of the Volumatrix indicator.
Bullish Dots: Green dots appearing at the bottom of the Volumatrix indicator.
EMA: Exponential Moving Average - Tracks the price of an asset over time while giving more importance to recent price data.
Volume: A measure of how much of a given asset has traded in a period.
VWAP: Volume Weighted Average Price - The ratio of the value traded to total volume traded over time.
VWAP Average: Represents the average of the VWAP waves in the Volumatrix indicator.
VWAP Wave: The colorful waves representing the enhanced VWAP in the Volumatrix indicator.
Zero Line: It’s the indicator’s baseline and determines the beginning and end of a certain trend.
🙏 Acknowledgments
First, we would like to thank TradingView & PineCoders for this fantastic platform and technology.
We are also very grateful to our loyal trading community for constantly supporting our efforts.
We are looking forward to continuously improving this indicator for you.
DAYOFWEEK performance1 -Objective
"What is the ''best'' day to trade .. Monday, Tuesday...."
This script aims to determine if there are different results depending on the day of the week.
The way it works is by dividing data by day of the week (Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday ... ) and perform calculations for each day of the week.
1 - Objective
2 - Features
3 - How to use (Examples)
4 - Inputs
5 - Limitations
6 - Notes
7 - Final Tooughs
2 - Features
Calculate de Percentage change from day open to close
Green % (O-C)
Percentage of days green (open to close)
Average Change
Absolute day change (O-C)
AVG PrevD. Close-Close
Percentage change from the previous day close to the day of the week close
(Example: Monday (C-C) = Friday Close to Monday close
Tuesday (C-C) = Monday C. to Tuesday C.
Green % (C1-C)
Percentage of days green (open to close)
AVG Volume
Day of the week Average Volume
*Mon(Nº) - Nº = Number days is currently calculated
Example: Monday (12) calculation based on the last 12 Mondays. Note: Discrepancies in numbers example Monday (12) - Friday (11) depend on the initial/end date or the market was closed (Holidays).
3 - How to use (Examples)
For the following example, NASDAQ:AAPL from 1 Jan 21 to 1 Jul 21 the results are following.
The highest probability of a Close being higher than the Open is Monday with 52.17 % and the Lowest Tuesday with 38.46 %. Meaning that there's a higher chance (for NASDAQ:AAPL ) of closing at a higher value on Monday while the highest chance of closing is lower is Tuesday. With an average gain on Tuesday of 0.21%
Long - The best day to buy (long) at open (on average) is Monday with a 52.2% probability of closing higher
Short - The best day to sell (short) at open (on average) is Tuesday with a 38.5% probability of closing higher (better chance of closing lower)
Since the values change from ticker to ticker, there is a substantial change in the percentages and days of the week. For example let's compare the previous example ( NASDAQ:AAPL ) to NYSE:GM (same settings)
For the same period, there is a substantial difference where there is a 62.5% probability Friday to close higher than the open, while Tuesday there is only a 28% probability.
With an average gain of 0.59% on Friday and an average loss of -0.34%
Also, the size of the table (number of days ) depends if the ticker is traded or not on that day as an example COINBASE:BTCUSD
4 - Inputs
Initial Date - Date from which the script will start the calculation.
End Date - Date to which the script will calculate.
Text Color - Color of the displayed text
Cell Color - Background color of table cells
Header Color - Color of the column and row names
Table Location - Change the position where the table is located.
Table Size - Changes text size and by consequence the size of the table
The code determines average values based on the stored data, therefore, the range (Initial data) is limited to the first bar time.
As a consequence the lower the timeframe the shorter the initial date can be and fewer weeks can be calculated. To warn about this limitation there's a warning text that appears in case the initial date exceeds the bar limit.
Example with initial date 1 Jan 2021 and end date 18 Jul 2021 in 5m and 10 m timeframe:
6 - Notes and Disclosers
The script can be moved around to a new pane if need. -> Object Tree > Right Click Script > Move To > New pane
The code has not been tested in higher subscriptions tiers that allow for more bars and as a consequence more data, but as far I can tell, it should work without problems and should be in fact better at lower timeframes since it allows more weeks.
The values displayed represent previous data and at no point is guaranteed future values
7 - Final Tooughs
This script was quite fun to work on since it analysis behavioral patterns (since from an abstract point a Tuesday is no different than a Thursday), but after analyzing multiple tickers there are some days that tend to close higher than the open.
PS: If you find any mistake ex: code/misspelling please comment.
Volume highlighter panel provides volume insights to identify gradual increase or drop in volume or sudden volume urge that exceeds daily threshold.
It helps to determine the price behavior of the underlying Index/stock to make informed decisions while trading.
a) Displays Live SMA (20) Volume with color code. SMA Cells turns green if consecutive bar volume increases.
b) Live Volume Cell in table turns green if the volume is above average and turns red vice versa.
c) Threshold volume label appears when volume crosses the daily threshold limit.
Differences with the built-in version
This variation displays volume panel with additional volume insights for quick entry/exits.
• Highlight Panel a) Configure Daily Volume Threshold b) configure Market session time c) Toggle highlighter on/Off d) Toggle Time on/Off (off) displays for whole period
• Volume Panel a) Configure SMA b) configure volume bar criteria c) configure Panel Display Location d) Toggle Volume Panel on/Off
Price always moves from trending to trading phase. Volume in Trending phase is generally high compared to volume in sideways phase. You need to identify the right volume threshold in each of the trading phases and change the settings accordingly.
BANKNIFTY - 3 MIN -50K volume
NIFTY - 3 MIN 125 K volume
Thanks to OSPL Siva for Nifty/Bank Nifty volumes. These volumes differ from trending phase & consolidation phase so adjust the threshold settings accordingly.
Thanks a lot to Pine Team for this new great feature table & ‘ format. Volume ’ ! Thanks to @author=LucF, for the 'volume' logic.
Indicator is built for educational purposes. Please test it thoroughly before you start using it.
You are free to use the code, please share the credit for reuse.
Hope - All these features help you get quick insights of the price movement to take the informed trades.
Happy Trading !!
Z-Score TWAP Basis shows the basis between spot and perpetual contracts, with the integration of the Z-Score algorithm.
In addition to the usual TWAP basis, the indicator uses the Z-Score.
Net VolumeNet Volume, or NV in short, is a cumulative volume indicator similar to OBV and A/D. Though it might look similar to these two indicators (especially A/D), rest assured it's better and more accurate than both. What it basically does, is dividing the volume session into buyers and sellers volumes; then subtracts former from the latter and adds the result to previous session's net volume (In the script, these two intermediate volumes are not calculated and only the subtraction is formulated in an integrated form).
Another important difference between NV and A/D indicator, is that it brings price gaps into account. That's why it requires next session's open price to calculate current session's NV. What it actually mean is that the price gap, in either direction, is the result of the traders' efforts in respective direction in previous session, as if the current session closes where next session opens.
Simple and Sinister Scalp BotThis is a dollar cost averaging bot with additional buy algo to ensure you are buying support levels on the time period of your chart.
Signals Generated Based On
Cost Basis
Simple Moving Averages
It buys when there is a signal to buy and requires that the price is below your cost basis.
The bot is smart enough to track number of open signals and cost basis.
It features a safety shut off feature based on simple moving averages. This prevents you from opening new trades during market declines. The options are
No Filter
This does not generate a signal to sell based on an algorithm. This generates a sell signal based on your cost basis and open entries. It will not generate a sell signal unless it hit your target profit. The script will continue to DCA down until you are out of the hole. You can configure the Take Profit from the options menu.
The script generates labels in realtime and calculates current position profit and what your profit would have been if you used the bot from the start of the year with the settings set as they are in the options menu.
Authors Notes:
This was designed to work for both stocks and crypto.
Best time period to use it on varies depending on the ticker. Because it displays how much profit would be made in realtime, please adjust the settings/chart period and see what settings work best for that stock/crpto symbol. Please note that past performance does not dictate future results.
BankNifty - VWAP + StdDev Bands- By Default the script draws Daily VWAP for Bank Nifty based on Futures Volume or underlying Index Stocks based on user input
- Optionally one may Anchor it to Week/Month etc or anchor it from a particular Time.
- It also draws 3 Standard Deviation Bands from the VWAP based on User Input.
- Optionally draws Previous VWAP Close for and Bullish or Bearish Move.
- It works with NIFTY 50 as well but only using Futures Volume(Pine limitation to number of security calls) . Please change the Symbol and Futures Volume symbol to "NSE:NIFTY" and "NSE:NIFTY1!" NSE:BANKNIFTY NSE:NIFTY
Cumulative Volume DeltaA Cumulative Volume Delt a approach based on the Bull and Bear Balance Indicator by Vadim Gimelfarb published in the October 2003 issue of the S&C Magazine.
Adjust the length of the moving average according to your needs (Symbol, Timeframe, etc.)