Swing très intéressant sur Amazon ! 📈Bonjour à tous et j'espère que vous allez bien, à la cassure de ma zone de prix je prendrais une position à l'achat sur l'action Amazon Avec un ratio de 5 ✅Longpar BenjaminDeleuzeTrading33
the probability of buying or selling AMAZON the probability of buying is 45% or the probability of selling is 55% (AMAZON com )par Tarik-Machlaf0
Outils de prédiction sur TradingviewPetit vidéo rapide pour expliquer l'une des fonctionnalités de tradingviewÉducation01:22par OptionsK4417
This is your day , to see the profit you can follow the instructions , and if you want advice contact me ... All possibilities are in the interst of the bought GOOD LUCK par Achrafkamali2
AMAZON COM INCAMAZON COM INC It is not a recommendation to sell or buy, but there must be real confirmation To enter into a very strong deal which is a green candle or Red to know the true direction of the stockLongpar ELHASSANE-TRA2
Strong increase on AMZN during the week Following this zone of consolidation AMZN may well continue its rise and reach 3500par konei54450
strong increase on AMZN during the weekfollowing this zone of consolidation AMZN may well continue its rise and reach 3500par konei54450
Analyse hebdomadaire sur l'action AMZNpour mes chers followers : l'action AMZN est tres interessantes , en m'appuyant sur le nuage Ichimoku en weekly: -lagging span(chikou)--au dessus de des prix et du kumo(bon signe), au dessus du support majeur 2903 -moyenne mobile 9 semaines(tenkan)--au dessus de la kitjun et du kumo(bon signe) -moyenn mobile 26 periodes (kitjun)--au dessus du kumo(bon signe ) - la bougie a connue un avalement haussier , cassure de la tenkan et la vague a bien fait sa correction (tres bon signe)/ en conclusion : je recommande un achat fort (ça reste mon avis personel)et je dirais un profit atteignable à 3600 pour le moyen terme/ je suis sur le broker etoro et vous pouvez me suivre et me copier sur mon compte etoro : etoro.com/people/roulapetkana Longpar marouaneletech0
AMAZON COM INC Hello Friends - welcome to another analysis -------------------- as you can see the action of amazon is trending upwards , follow by a large green volume at the bottom . mean that the market will go down without breaking the line at the top, so it's quite naturally a sell signal . so you can sell and get out in the next red volume. And as I always say " you should not trade at any time you have to trade at the right time possible " Thank you Shortpar ATSELECTION1
AMZN LOUNGUE POSITIONaccording to the Belkhayat's system the AMZN action will rise to the highest price in this month buy it from this moment Longpar arifykarim0
always the amazon action to buy stronglyI think the amazon stock will be heading like an arrow towards the 3144.72 level then towards 3180.06 in the coming hours. Good luck to all of you.Longpar JAD_MOHAMMED2