The Allstate Corp.The Allstate Corp.The Allstate Corp.

The Allstate Corp.

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Obligations de ALS

Voici la liste des obligations d'entreprise de The Allstate Corp. . Les investisseurs optent souvent pour les obligations d'une société en raison de leur stabilité accrue en période de volatilité du marché. Étudiez les prix, les rendements et d'autres statistiques et trouvez un investissement fiable.
Prix %
Coupon %
Date d'échéance
Montant en suspens
Valeur nominale
Montant min de la dénomination
ALL4037296Allstate Corporation 8.30116% 15-AUG-2053
8,26%64 K100,58%8,30%2053-08-15800 M USD1 000,00 USD1 000,00 USDThe Allstate Corp.
6,26%0103,95%6,50%2057-05-15500 M USD1 000,00 USD1 000,00 USDThe Allstate Corp.
5,58%081,19%4,20%2046-12-15700 M USD1 000,00 USD2 000,00 USDThe Allstate Corp.
ALL.AAAllstate Corporation 5.2% 15-JAN-2042
5,54%300 K96,09%5,20%2042-01-1562,229 M USD1 000,00 USD2 000,00 USDThe Allstate Corp.
ALL.GDAllstate Corporation 6.9% 15-MAY-2038
5,53%210 K113,42%6,90%2038-05-15164,666 M USD1 000,00 USD1 000,00 USDThe Allstate Corp.
ALL4015209Allstate Corporation 4.5% 15-JUN-2043
5,52%234 K87,49%4,50%2043-06-15500 M USD1 000,00 USD2 000,00 USDThe Allstate Corp.
ALL4843255Allstate Corporation 3.85% 10-AUG-2049
5,40%150 K76,98%3,85%2049-08-10500 M USD1 000,00 USD2 000,00 USDThe Allstate Corp.
ALL.HXAllstate Corporation 5.55% 09-MAY-2035
5,28%200 K102,22%5,55%2035-05-09545,67 M USD1 000,00 USD2 000,00 USDThe Allstate Corp.
ALL5564982Allstate Corporation 5.25% 30-MAR-2033
5,21%770 K100,26%5,25%2033-03-30750 M USD1 000,00 USD2 000,00 USDThe Allstate Corp.
ALL.GSAllstate Corporation 5.35% 01-JUN-2033
5,19%360 K101,12%5,35%2033-06-01323,28 M USD1 000,00 USD1 000,00 USDThe Allstate Corp.
ALL.IFAllstate Corporation 5.95% 01-APR-2036
5,08%125 K107,64%5,95%2036-04-01385,793 M USD1 000,00 USD2 000,00 USDThe Allstate Corp.
ALL.GRAllstate Corporation 6.125% 15-DEC-2032
5,03%60 K107,33%6,13%2032-12-15159,31 M USD1 000,00 USD1 000,00 USDThe Allstate Corp.
ALL5083324Allstate Corporation 1.45% 15-DEC-2030
4,99%112 K81,30%1,45%2030-12-15600 M USD1 000,00 USD2 000,00 USDThe Allstate Corp.
US20002BD2ALLSTATE 16/26
4,94%096,72%3,28%2026-12-15550 M USD1 000,00 USD2 000,00 USDThe Allstate Corp.
ALL5835130Allstate Corporation 5.05% 24-JUN-2029
4,86%336 K100,78%5,05%2029-06-24500 M USD1 000,00 USD2 000,00 USDThe Allstate Corp.
ALL5083323Allstate Corporation 0.75% 15-DEC-2025
4,51%448 K96,03%0,75%2025-12-15600 M USD1 000,00 USD2 000,00 USDThe Allstate Corp.