Dax DE30EUR, Weakness Appearing - Short Term - 30min chart

Overall the trading range we currently see on the Dax is still a bullish formation, we are still in an uptrend environment. However, weakness is creeping into the chart with volume /supply entering at the top to the trading range, a longer amount of time is being spent at the top of the current trading range (on the 1 hour , 4 hour time frame, when price reaches the top) than in previous range, this indicates slow, controlled professional selling (institutions moving out of a position).

Although on the higher time frames I believe we have room to go higher, from an intra day perspective, if we breakout of the bottom of this 15 minute chart trading range, and put in a subsequent lower high at the neckline, then the opportunity is there for an aggressive, quick short to the bottom of the current trading range. My thoughts overall is we are seeing early signs of weakness, and eventually this current trading range on the 1 hour, 4 hour charts will prove to be a distribution
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