Largest economies in the US and in Europe

Par MrRenev
I think every one should know what the 4 largest American states and 5 largest European ones are. After the Chicago state I really don't know what the other ones are and I do not think they carry the same weight as the biggest ones, I don't think it's that important to look at what's happening there.

In Europe Spain has had huge unemployement and people living with their parents for decades, Italy is sort of on a path of dying like Greece now, the south countries basically are doomed, the ones around central-north Europe (Germany Netherlands Belgium) are still doing very well, France is ok for now, and the central/east Europe ones are on an uptrend still recovering from the USSR and oh boy I was talking to Czechs and Slovaks today and I dared to speak not completely negatively of communism and gosh the reactions it's like going to an Antifa group and praising Hitler. It's not just Hungarian & Polish politicians, the typical population hates communism with a passion and is very skeptical of the European central power.

So to sum up I'd divide it like this:


The economic gap between Europe North and South is the reason why the Euro is under stress and might have to be changed, OR - and this might be part of the plan - why Europe needs to have even MOAR power over the nations to make the Euro work. Italians do not want to end up like Greeks, there is a possibility that the EU collapses like the USSR.

The divide between the US "camp 1" and "camp 2" is the reason why you cannot have shared laws and shared media and so on, or maybe it is a reason for the federal government to tighten its grip? Stubbornness and totally different ideals but also realities means there is a possibility that the US collapses like the USSR.

In any case the government securities bagholders will be the greatest fools the world has ever seen.

France has been vigorously fighting and spreading propaganda against Sputnik, the Russian vaccine.
But oh joy, Germany started to import it.
Now is the time we will see if France is Germany counterweight, Europe second power, or if France is a Chihuahua that will follow its master.
I already know the answer :)

The difference between the EU and the US is the EU has been stagnating for 20 years and will fall from that stagnant point, but they still retained a neutral trade balance and some manufacturing possibilities; whereas the US has been printing magical money and severely net importing to increase their wealth (not just stagnate) WHILE getting lazier and producing relatively less. So they will both fall from much higher and end up much lower.
Some states have it worse than others we all have an idea I think? I can't mention the subject without offending the cry babies.


You can look at the stats for the EU here on the link below, it goes back to 2002 it's the same story for 20 years just has kept balooning with more net importing from China and more net exporting to the USA. "Unsustainable" they said, now been going on 2 decades, nothing to see here.


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