
The crook of the century: 25 reasons why he is so disgusting

Par MrRenev
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1/ His Boring company made ridiculous fantastic promises and then strongly under delivered.

2/ His risible "the future utopia" Boring company scrapped its D.C.-Baltimore tunnel project from its website.

3/ He takes billions in taxpayer money while doing much worse than the competition which gets no help and no hype.

4/ He constantly manipulates markets with social media, his pyramid scheme company, but also Bitcoin and Dogecoin.

5/ During some interview he starts getting friendly and personal and asks the journalist what games he's been playing.

6/ He steals 100 year old ideas like the "Hyperloop" and doesn't even bother to change the wording or pictures.

7/ He became the richest man in the world without ever turning a profit or benefiting humanity in any way.

8/ Yes, at now over 50 years old and a whole lot of promises he has YET to succeed at ANYTHING.

9/ The fraud of the century called a transit expert "an idiot" and said public transport "sucks".

10/ He is so evil he will ignore workers complaints & use his popular support to put people that trusted him out of a job.

11/ He dated Amber Heard and he immediately recognized she was a manipulator. He knows a lot about the subject.

12/ This vile individual takes down articles that criticize him, and sues workers that he fired.

13/ He threatened to send Neil Strauss (Rolling Stone) to jail if he said anything on "what you're about to see".

14/ Each time someone will point out his disgusting behavior he'll use the discounting tactic: "t'was a joke".

15/ This sick creature is so bad he checks every single box in the "manipulator" checklist, and even adds a few new ones!

16/ He obviously manipulates the people around him, no matter who, as long as it benefits him individually.

17/ He used Justine (an ex-wife) lack of financial knowledge to make her financially dependent on him.

18/ He admitted he was evil, and said he would cause massive loss for "the greater good" (so did Hitler).

19/ Nothing he does is green or sustainable, even if he was to get the electricity from hydro plants only.

20/ He sent a piece of metal he called a "spaceship" in the sky, it exploded, and he had the gall of calling it a success.

21/ He comes from a rich family, never had an honest job, never built a real business, and calls himself "self-made".

22/ He uses vague technological jargon and "kinda sounds like it makes sense" sci-fi to seduce ignorant science-lovers.

23/ In an era where many have quit their old religions and look for answers, he uses that for his own profit.

24/ He is simply surfing on the "tech will save us" wave, without any inhibition, and in the most disgusting way.

25/ Seeing him shamelessly trick the gullible fools that placed all their hopes in him makes me sick to my stomach.

I have to stop here I feel I will vomit if I continue, no point in upsetting myself.
What a sick perverted animal. And a dangerous criminal. The worst of the worst.
Hey so Elon Skum the scummy scam artists bought Bitcoins 5 months ago in the 30k-40k range, then bought more until late March (price went up to 60k), quickly sold some "taking profit" (rushing to snatch his profit), and yesterday tweeted a broken heart after that other tech scam scammed the scammer when it collapsed back to 30k.

So to sum up he used investor & company's money to buy at the top, snatched profit quickly, then held the bag, and finally broke even at what is probably the bottom.


Evidence ==>

1/ Tesla buys 1.5B in BTC, early Feb:

2/ Tesla snatches its profit very quickly,

According to the SEC filing, at the Bitcoin price on March 31 of $58,900, the company's position was actually worth $2.48 billion. After selling 13%.
They had still $1.331 billion from the initial purchase.

1.331/2.48 = 0.5367
So, 58,900 * 0.5367 = 31,611.

Back then he used his social media to manipulate the price which skyrocketed from 32k to 38k in hours, you can still see the long shadow on the chart.

He says he sold 10% of his BTC and made 101 million, he sold 13% but some of it were losses.

According to the SEC filing, at the Bitcoin price on March 31 of $58,900, the company's position was actually worth $2.48 billion. After selling 13%.
They had still $1.331 billion from the initial purchase.

27 million losses and 128 gains
If selling 150 million (10%) is a 128 million gain he was up 85%.
So he sold in the distribution.

3/ As CNN says we'll have to wait for the next filing to know if he regretted selling and bought back in. Trying to catch the dip maybe.

4/ BUT he stopped accepting Bitcoin as payment on the 12 May. And tweeted a breakup picture and broken heart on June 4.
The con artist started accepting Bitcoin on March 24 (or at least announced it on March 24)

So another chart:


He's bad, and has to manipulate the price to breakeven. I hope he lost or will lose money.

So he either sold at around breakeven, or is stressing out and crying (as suggested by his communiqués) now that the price is hoovering around his entry and "this pullback is taking longer than expected".

AND he of course took an enormous position that Tesla cannot afford to lose, let it retrace entirely, no risk management whatsoever.

In any case he is a big fat noob.
At the very least there are 2 huge flaws: risk management, breakeven risk aversion.

I'd say even billionaires are, or can be noobs, but he's not a typical billionaire, he got there by scamming.

He is not smart, emotionally strong, competitive, stress tolerant, a survivor, or any of that. He's just good at scamming gullible fools.

It makes perfect sense he has risk aversion and focusses on breakeven!
If he was not afraid of taking real risks he would not create pyramid schemes and manipulate people to get risk free money.

Can't wait for the next 10-K in less than a month so I can confirm his lack of skill with a satisfied smile.
This con artist stole so much money and made so many lies he needed a part 2.

I forgot to say his main contender (until now) for the top spot was Bernie Madoff.
EM scams are much bigger than anything BM did.

What will all these tech vaporware "change da world", "improve mankind" scams be called in hindsight decades from now? Elon schemes? Tech schemes? Musk schemes? Tesla schemes?

What will Bitcoin and other "change da world by getting rich quick" tech schemes be called? Bitcoin schemes? Musk schemes?

If only I had a time machine to quickly go and see.
Technically I have a time machine, my armchair, but it goes at a speed of 1:1, I meant something that goes faster and can come back.

Elon Musk the crook of the century part 2
boringcompanyelonmuskFundamental AnalysisspacexteslaTrend Analysisvaporware

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