The Curve -watch as Price bounces to set up for a bullish move

The Curve is a visual representation of Wyckoff method although not designed with Wyckoff in mind it was made over a 9 month period of watching the market and making a ruleset that supports everything I saw in the market. There are 5 stages. Each stage bounces from Bollinger band top to bottom. Except stage 4 which is a continuation of 3 at the midpoint of a curve....usually in Re-accumulation. Price action will hug the upper bb a few candles before dropping to hit the bottom Bollinger Band for stage 5, also called The Spring/Launch. This then goes for a New high if retail is cooperating. it is also the lowest volume part of the curve. In this chart you can see institutional buying setting up to make a very bullish run as it fullfills each stage in just about 5 candles. Why else would it do this if not to full fill each stage and be on stage 5 going to stage 1 for the new high. Of course each stage breaks down into something else in wyckoff method. Which is usually:
1. Buyers Climax
2. Major sign of weakness
3/4. Into Up Thrust After Distribution
5. to Spring or final dip into liquidity
Finally back into
1. Which is the free ride up to create a new higher high.

All my ideas have the Curve represented or are part of the the analysis regardless if stated or not. It is the fundamental basis of how I trade.
As I never looked at any other teachings until 2 months ago when I found wyckoff as I was curious as to what the logical explanation of what I saw was.
Thank you.

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by iCantw84it
algokeycodeCandlestick Analysisicantw84itkeycodethecurveTrading PsychologyTrend Analysiswyckoffmethod

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