Profit Estimate

Library "profitestimate"
Simple profit Estimatr. Engages when Position != 0
and holds until posittion is na/0...
if position changes sizes, it will update automatically and adjust.
it has an input for comission to estmate exit fees

update_avgprice(_sizewas, _delta, _pricewas, _newprice)
  Get a new Average position Price
    _sizewas: (float) the position prior
    _delta: (float) the order amount
    _pricewas: (float) the prior price
    _newprice: (float) the price of order
  Returns: New Avg Price

amount(_position, _close, _commission, _leverage, _fullqty)
  Position Net Profit Net Commission, automatic on/off if position != 0
    _position: (float) position size (total or margin size)
    _commission: (float) % where (0.1 = 0.1%)
    _leverage: (float) optional if leveraged, default 1x
    _fullqty: (bool) if position entered is tottal trade size default is margin qty (1/lev)
  Returns: quote value of profit

percent(_position, _close, _commission, _leverage, _fullqty)
  Position Net Profit, automatic on/off if position != 0
    _position: (float) position size (total or margin size)
    _commission: (float) % where (0.1 = 0.1%)
    _leverage: (float) optional if leveraged, default 1x
    _fullqty: (bool) if position entered is tottal trade size, default is margin qty (1/lev)
  Returns: percentage profit (1% = 1)

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