BHCryptos Indicator

(ENG) BHCryptos indicator is coded based on the codes of 3 different indicators. In total, it uses about 160 codes for information and based on that gives very precise and proven successful results. You will get all the information on how
to use the indicator and how to know when the BUY / SELL signal is from the author of the BHCryptos indicator. All you need to do is send an e-mail to: "

(BIH) BHCryptos indikator je kodiran na osnovu kodova od 3 razlicita indikatora.Sve ukupno koristi oko 160 kodova za informacije i na osnovu toga daje vrlo precizne i dokazano uspjesne rezultate. Sve informacije kako koristiti indikator i
kako znati kada je BUY/SELL signal dobit cete od autora BHCryptos indicatora . Sve sto trebate urditi jeste poslati e mail na :" .

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