
Mis à jour
Utility for working with colors.

Get the luminosity of a color and determine the optimal (black or white) foreground color.
Notes de version

equals(color a, color b) function that deals with na values.
Notes de version

  Converts a color value to a string in the "rgbt(r,g,b,t)" format.
    color: The color to convert.
  Returns: The color value as a string.

  Converts an integer between 0 and 15 to its hex equivalent character.
    n: The integer value to convert.

  Converts an integer from 0 to 255 to a 2-character hex string.
    n: The integer value to convert.

  Converts a color to its hex string (#FFFFFF).
  Returns: The six digit hex string.
Notes de version

getContrastColor(bgColor, keepNa)
  Returns a color that is either black or white depending on the luminosity of the given background color. If the background color is na, returns gray.
    bgColor: The background color to determine the contrast color for.
    keepNa: When true and the value of bgColor is na the return value will be na; otherwise the if bgColor is na the return will be gray.
  Returns: A color that provides high contrast with the given background color.
Notes de version
Notes de version

brighten(c, value)
  Proportionally adjusts the RGB values of a color. A value of positive (+) 100 will result in white. A value of negative (-) 100 will result in black.
    c: The color to adjust.
    value: The amount (-100 to +100) to adjust the color by. Values less than -100 or greater than +100 will be clamped.
  Returns: The resultant color.

darken(c, value)
  Proportionally adjusts the RGB values of a color. A value of positive (+) 100 will result in black. A value of negative (-) 100 will result in white.
    c: The color to adjust.
    value: The amount (-100 to +100) to adjust the color by. Values less than -100 or greater than +100 will be clamped.
  Returns: The resultant color.
Notes de version
v7 Fixes to brighten
Notes de version
v8 Fixes to brighten
Notes de version
v9 Added extension syntax.

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