SPY Master v1.0This is a simple swing trading algorithm that uses a fast RSI-EMA to trigger buy/cover signals and a slow RSI-EMA to trigger sell/short signals for SPY, an xchange-traded fund for the S&P 500.
The idea behind this strategy follows the premise that most profitable momentum trades usually occur during periods when price is trending up or down. Periods of flat price actions are usually where most unprofitable trades occur. Because we cannot predict exactly when trending periods will occur, the algorithm basically bets money on all trade opportunities during all market conditions. Despite an accuracy rate of only 40%, the algorithm's asymmetric risk/reward profile allows the average winner to be 2x the average loser. The end result is a positive (profitable) net payout.
Buy/Cover = EMA3(RSI2) cross> 50
Sell/Short = EMA5(RSI2) cross< 50
- Period = March 2011 - Present
- Initial capital = $10,000
- Dividends excluded
- Trading costs excluded
There are 657 trades, which means 1,314 orders. Assuming each order costs $2 (what I pay for at Interactive Brokers), total trading costs should be $2,628.
-SPY (buy & hold) = 132.73 ---> 193.22 = +45.57% (dividends excluded)
-SPY Master v1.0 = $12,649 - $2,628 = $10,021 = +100.21%
DISCLAIMER: None of my ideas and posts are investment advice. Past performance is not an indication of future results. This strategy was constructed with the benefit of hindsight and its future performance cannot be guaranteed.
Moyenne mobile exponentielle (EMA)
This is a symmetrical algorithm designed only for trading EUR/USD on the 1h time frame. For other currency pairs and time frames, you need to re-calibrate the RSI-EMAs as well as the profit targets and stop losses.
Initial equity = $100,000 (no leverage)
Order size = 100% of equity
Pyramiding = disabled
Long entry = EMA20(RSI10) cross> 50
Profit limit = 50 pips
Stop loss = 50 pips
Short entry = EMA30(RSI30) cross< 50
Profit limit = 50 pips
Stop loss = 50 pips
Long entry = Short exit
Short entry = long exit
DISCLAIMER: None of my ideas and posts are investment advice. Past performance is not an indication of future results. This strategy was constructed with the benefit of hindsight and its future performance cannot be guaranteed.
P2-V2 - BTC StrategyP2-V2 also known as Penner2.0 began with a TEMA and MA cross on Heiken Ashi, a strategy brought to us by a group of crypto traders. Since then we've added a few more indicators and played around with the rules.
This is an early release as I have yet to go through the full automation aspect, however, I know some of you would like to see where it's at.
If you'd like to learn how to automate a full strategy using the Chrome Extension, go to the linked idea for a eurusd setup.
[STRATEGY][RS]MicuRobert EMA cross V2Great thanks Ricardo , watch this man . Start at 2014 December with 1000 euro.