Ichimoku Cloud MasterIchimoku Cloud Master aims to provide the ichimoku trader with easy alert functionality to not miss out on valuable trade setups. The key purpose of this script is to better visualise crucial moments in Ichimoku trading. These alerts should not be used for botting in my opinion as they always need a human to confirm the ichimoku market structure. For example, is the Kijun-Sen flat and too far away from price? A good ichimoku trader will not enter at such a point in time.
Explanation of script:
Chikou(lagging span): pink line, this is price plotted 26 bars ago. People ignore the power of this it is crucial to see how chikou behaves towards past price action as seen in the chart below where we got an entry at red arrow because chikou bounced from past fractal bottom.
Kijun-Sen(base line): Black line or color coded line. This is the equilibrium of last 26 candles. To me this is the most important line in the system as it attracts price.
Kijun = (Highest high of 26 periods + Lowest low of 26 periods) ÷ 2
Tenkan-Sen(conversion line): Blue line. This is the equilibrium of last 9 candles. In a strong uptrend price stays above this line.
Tenkan = (Highest high of 9 periods + Lowest low of 9 periods) ÷ 2
Senkou A (Leading span A)= Pink cloud line, this is the average of the 2 components projected 26 bars in the future.
Senkou A = (Tenkan + Kijun) ÷ 2
Senkou B (Leading span B) = Green cloud line, this is the 52 day equilibrium projected 26 bars in the future.
Senkou B = (Highest high of prior 52 periods + Lowest low of prior 52 periods) ÷ 2
Notice how the distance between Chikou and the cloud is also 52 bars. This is all part of Hosoda's numbers which I am not going to explain here.
Fractals: These are the black triangles you find at key turning point. If you want to know how they work reseach williams fractals. I've used fractals with a period of 9 as it is an ichimoku number. These fractals are useful when working with ichimoku wave theory. Again I will not explain that here but in further education
Fractal Support: Ability to extend lines from the fractals which can be used as an entry/exit mechanism in your trading. For example wait for tenkan to cross kijun and then enter on fractal breakout.
Crossing of Chikou (lagging span) with past Kijun-Sen: this will color code the Bars / Kijun-Sen (you can turn this off in options)
The script also has a signal for this, this will be the green and purple diamonds. Where green is bullish and purple is bearish.
wy is this important?
When current price plotted 26 candles back (chikou) crosses over the past equilibrium (kijun-sen) this usualy means price has moved past resistance levels where sellers come in. This indicates a switch in market structure and price is bullish from this point, this is the same in the other direction.
Kumo Twist: when the kumo cloud (future) has a crossover from for example green to red (bull to bear). The script plots these using the colored cross symbols as seen in the picture above. A chikou cross + a Kumo twist at same bar of next to eachother below the cloud can be a great entry sign: this would be an entry after cross in the chart above.
Kijun Bounce: when in an uptrend the price retraces back to Kijun-Sen and starts to go back up. These are marked by the yellow circles as seen in chart below:
low below Kijun-Sen and close above it
Strong Trend: when Tenkan is above Kijun, price above cloud, future cloud green, chikou above close, chikou above Kijun we establish a strong bullish trend. For bearish the exact opposite. The script has a function to send an alert at the start of such trends and to plot them with small colored circles above the bars.
I've added options to disable specific aspects of the indicator for those traders who do not want to use all aspects of the indicator. In the customisation tab I've given each part a clear title so you can use your own colors/shapes.
The perfect entry?
Further info:
Look into my education pane, I will be adding education in the future. The chance of me making a more advanced version of the script including line forecasting etc is rather high so watch out for that.
For those who want to master this system I recommend reading the book:
How to make money with the ichimoku system by Balkrishna M. Sadekar
Or the originals books by Hosoda the inventor of Ichimoku if you can get your hands on them and can read Japanese.
Almost all info about the ichimoku system you find on the internet will lose you money because they reduce the system to simple signals that do not generate money.
I will be providing educational material on tradingview using this indicator.
Makuchaku's trading tools - Liquidity visualizerThis indicator plots those pivots/fractals which have not been taken out by price, whereby showing where are the clusters of highs/lows where stop orders (or liquidity) could be hiding.
This is a fantastic tool for taking reversal trades.
Entanglement Penscript name: Entanglement Pen
For left traders, how to accurately find the bottom and top is very important, and there are various methods. I have shared the bottom type script composed of three bars before, but this type of bottom type is effective in a small range. So, this script is sharing " Entanglement Pen ", which can help us determine bottoms and tops on a global scale.
However, this script uses an approximate reduction method rather than the orthodox solution of entanglement.
After roughly finding the bottom and top, how to determine that these are the bottom and top that meet the definition of entanglement theory?
The main 2 methods of "approximate reduction" are:
(1) The price difference between the top and the bottom is large enough, that is: the lowest price at the top > the highest price at the bottom.
(2) The stock price before the top has continued to rise, that is: both the highest point and the lowest point are rising. In the same way, the stock price before the bottom has a continuous decline, that is: both the high and the low point are falling.
A big disadvantage of this script is that it needs to use future data. This is because:
When multiple bars meet the top definition in a short period of time, only the last bar is used, which is defined as a big top. So, when you see a top appear, you don't know it's not a real top, because it might be followed by a bar that also matches the definition of the top.
When displayed on the graph, bars that meet the top definition have a gray label, which is the small top. Each small top is a big top (with a blue label) at the beginning, and when another small top appears after it, it becomes a gray small top.
Regarding the limit on the number of bars by TradingView:
The logic of calculating the small top and the small bottom is relatively simple, it does not need to use future data, and the amount of calculation is small, so it is the default TradingView limit. (The limit is 2000 in the script, but in practice TradingView won't let us use such many bars)
The calculation logic of the big top and the big bottom is more complicated, and it needs to use future data. The calculation amount is very large, and only the most recent 150 bars can be calculated. The user can try to enter a larger value, but TradingView may report an error. If an error occurs, please enter a lower value. When loading for the first time, it takes a long time, which is indeed not common in general TradingView scripts, but please be patient.
The next version may add the alert function, that is: when the top and bottom appear, the alert function is called. But this only applies to small tops and bottoms, because when the alert is sent,, none of us know what data will be in the future.
Introduction in Chinese:
Renko Candles OverlayHello All,
For long time I got many request for Renko Candles and now here it's, Renko Candles Overlay . I tried to make almost everything optional, so you can play with the options as you want.
Let see the options:
Method: the option for brick scaling method: ATR, ATR/2, ATR/4, Percent, Traditional
- ATR Period: period for Average True Range and it's valid if the method is ATR
- ATR/2 Period: period for Average True Range and it's valid if the method is ATR/2
- ATR/4 Period: period for Average True Range and it's valid if the method is ATR/4
- Traditional: User-defined brick size, it's valid if the method is Traditional
- Percent: Percent of Close price, it's valid if the method is Percent
if the method is not Traditional (fixed brick size) then Brick size is calculated/updated when new bricks added. so The box sizes may be different because of the calculation is dynamic.
Levels & Lines for new Bricks: if you enable this option then the script shows the levels for new brick
Change Bar Color: optionally the script changes the bar color by using direction of the bricks
and some other options for coloring.
The script shows the bricks for visible area, which is approximately 280 candles. so if you change the width and number of the bricks then number of bricks that is shown is adjusted automatically to fit the screen. you can see the examples below:
The script shows the levels to new brick as a line and label:
Because of real-time bar is not confirmed until the candle close, the script shows the bricks as Unconfirmed , and unconfirmed bricks shown in different color:
You can change the width of the bricks (width is 10 in following example):
Optionally candle colors are changde by the direction of the bricks:
If you have any recommendation then please drop a comment under the script ;)
Broken Fractal : Someone's broken dream is your profit!Idea
The idea is simple : when market turns around, it traps a bunch of traders off guard. We trade with them, in the same direction of their exit!
We let the market first create a fractal
We then let the market create an opposite fractal
We then let the market break the first fractal it created, thereby trapping lots of trades in the process
We then patiently wait till the market gives these trapped traders a chance to exit - and we trade in the same direction
How to use?
Green boxes are for long entry, red boxes are for short.
Whenever a box appears, that's the risk criteria - setup limit orders and trade along!
Works on all timeframes
If you like this script, please leave a note on how you are using it.
I personally use it with Higher Timeframe bias.
PS1 : some traders call this Break of market structure, some call it Breaker, I just call it "Broken Fractal"
PS2 : Break of a broken fractal is also very potent. Watch out for those!
RSX FracticalityA little project I was working on to avoid studying for finals. Using LazyBear's RSX code for a smoother RSI, then taking the RSX of fib number lengths. Take the average of that, then the JMA of that from the same fib numbers. The average of that is then treated as the trend, take the average of the trend values from the main time frames, the script calls pretty far back so adding a W or M TF I think would throw the calculations off. Then I smoothed that value using the jma's to create the overall trend. I got the idea from Ehler's Empirical Mode Decomposition about identifying peaks and valleys and creating an average of that to create a range. The idea is that if the trend is above the Average Peak then it is a bull trend, less than the average valley it's a bear trend, in between it's ranging. It looks like it turned out alright, I'll be working on this idea of fractals a lot this summer to see if I can improve it or build something better off of the idea.
[RS]Fractal Auto Gann LinesEXPERIMENTAL:
GANN lines projection based on zigzag tops/bottoms, use at your own risk.
Fractal Quad Components8 Fractal Resonance Component indicators on a chart eats up LOTS of vertical space, so we're providing this Fractal Quad Components script to group 4 components a bit more compactly (eliminating the margin whitespace between indicator rows).
To view 8 components you'll need to add a second instance of this script to your chart and set its Base Timescale Multiplier to 16. Then grab the dividers to stretch both instances to a good viewing height.
One disadvantage of this grouping method is that to read off the x2, x4, and x8 lead and lag line values, you'll need to mentally add 200, 400 or 600 respectively.
We also replaced the "Extreme" > +-100% black crosses (+) with more subtle purple circle outlines. These extreme crosses are often (but not always) too early to be a major reversal so it's best not to overemphasize them.
Significant crosses (> +-75%) are still highlighted with black circle outlines, and are the most likely to be major reversals for buy/sell.
Note how the 30-minute oscillator (2nd row) showed the cleanest (black-outlined) reversals on the S&P for the last week of 2016, with just a bit more profit-eating lag than the 15-minute oscillator above.
Fractal Resonance BarLazyBear's WaveTrend port has been praised for highlighting trend reversals with precision and punctuality (minimal lag). But strong "3rd Wave" trends can "embed" or saturate any oscillator flashing several premature crosses while stuck overbought/oversold. This happens when the trend stretches over a longer timescale than the oscillator's averaging window or filter time constant. Our solution: monitor many timescales. With Fractal Resonance Bar's rich color codings, strong wavefronts form across timescales and jump out like an approaching line of thunderclouds!
Fractal Resonance Bar color-codes the status of eight underlying stochastic oscillators, with each row averaging over twice the time of the row above.
Fractal Resonance Bar shifts its timescales along with your choice of main chart timescale:
1 minute chart: 1 minute through 128 minute (~2 hour) oscillators.
15 minute chart: 15 minute through 1920 minute (~32 hour) oscillators.
1 hour chart: 1 hour through 128 hour (~2 week) oscillators.
Daily chart: 1 day through 128 day (~4 month) oscillators.
The color map is configured as follows:
Hot Pink: Extreme Overbought (> 100%) rolled over to sell, but oscillators probably embedded with more upside (revert to Dark Green) possible after a pause.
Deep Red: Overbought (> 75%) crossover ripe for selling (validated when red spreads to timescales below).
Brown: Minor (< 75%) crossover sell from which could bounce back green or start a plunge toward gray/black.
Gray/Black: Mature (< -75%) sells turning full black in a plunge before the dawn.
Lime Green: Extreme Oversold (< -100%) and bouncing, though may yet bottom even lower.
Green: Oversold (< -75%) crossover ripe for buy. Green spreading to all timescales below will validate bottom is in.
Dark Green/Teal: Mature buy in overbought (> 75%) range, waiting for sell crossover to Hot Pink for a pause or correction.
White Stripes are Impulsive Trend Warning
Fractal Resonance Bar warns of oscillator embedding by showing white stripes when it detects strong, early surges in the timescale rows below.The white stripes usually accompany Hot Pink warning it's too early to go short, or Lime Green warning it's too early to go long.
Heeding these warnings will probably miss the exact top or bottom, but you're less likely to get overrun in a momentum move.
Usually the market gives us a second opportunity to short very close to the top or buy very close to the bottom after the warning white stripes have subsided.
NOTE: Recently rolled over Futures contracts may not have enough history for all oscillator calculations, in which case no bar colors will appear.
Tweakable Attributes
The default Channel Length, Stochastic Ratio Length and Lag Length work reasonably well on all timescales in our experience. Minor tweaks don't hurt but this may just overfit to a particular chart history.
We don't recommend changing the 75% Overbought and 100% Extreme Overbought default levels as these are ideal numbers relative to the underlying oscillator statistic calculations. But these settings can shift the color transition levels.
Embedded attribute controls the sensitivity/conservativeness of the white strip embedding detectors. Closer to 75 increases the warning sensitivity while closer to 100 decreases the aggressiveness of blocking white stripes.
Embed Separation also affects the white stripe sensitivity.
Row width increases each row's thickness to fill the available screen height you've afforded the bar.
Fractal Resonance ComponentLazyBear's WaveTrend port has been praised for highlighting trend reversals with precision and punctuality (minimal lag). But strong "3rd Wave" trends can "embed" or saturate any oscillator flashing several premature crosses while stuck overbought/oversold. This happens when the trend stretches over a longer timescale than the oscillator's averaging window or filter time constant. Our solution: simultaneously monitor many oscillator timescales. Watch for fresh crossovers in "dominant" timescales alternating most smoothly between the overbought (red shade) and oversold (green shade) range.
Fractal Resonance Component facilitates simultaneous viewing of eight timescales that are power of 2 multiples of the chart timescale. Each timescale shows lead line, lag line, lead-lag difference, and crossover marks. Add 4 to 8 copies to your chart for a good multi-fractal read. Format * the "Timescale Multiplier" attribute of each row to be twice that of the row above for a sequence like 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128...
Fractal Resonance Component shifts its timescales along with your choice of main chart timescale:
1 minute chart: 1 minute through 128 minute (~2 hour) oscillators.
1 hour chart: 1 hour through 128 hour (~2 week) oscillators.
Daily chart: 1 day through 128 day (~4 month) oscillators.
Crossovers in different oscillator ranges tend to have different meanings:
Minor (< 75%) crossovers: small green/red dot
usually noise
Overbought/Sold crossovers (shaded 75 to 100%): black outlined dot (o)
reliable reversal indicators (when they appear alone)
Extreme Overbought (> 100%) crossovers: black outlined plus (+).
Can be a major reversal in fast markets, but usually portend the end of Elliot 3rd waves with just a small corrective (4th wave) retrace before the larger impulsive (5-wave) sequence resumes in original direction.
The final 5th-wave terminus should appear later as a lone non-extreme (black outlined circle) crossover on a slower timescale coincident with weaker (non-extreme) dot crosses on this timescale.
Careful examination of historical charts leads to many useful observations such as:
Dominant crossovers punctuating true reversals are usually in the green/red shaded ranges with black outlined dots (o) rather than minor or Extreme (+) ranges.
Due to market's fractal nature, two well-separated timescales like 1 minute and 1 hour can show dominant crosses simultaneously in opposite directions, e.g. the 1 minute showing a very short term high and the 1 hour a medium term low nearby.
Staying Nimble
Watch out for embedding on your supposedly dominant timescale -- a second cross while stuck in the overbought/oversold region suggests a stronger, longer trend than expected. Drop your eyes to a slower timescale below for the real dominant whose crossover will validate main trend reversal.
Embedding can often be predicted even at the first cross mark by checking whether the green lead line of the next slower timescale (one row below) has already hit the Overbought or especially the Extreme Overbought range but isn't close to rolling over. Fractal Resonance Bar (to be published) uses this principle to mark embedded timescales with white stripes, warning of a powerful trend wave on longer timescales you shouldn't fight until the white stripes subside.
Overnight gaps surge all timescales in ways that obscure the dominant timescale, so for shorter than daily charts, these methods work best on Futures contracts that only suffer weekend gaps.
Chaos 2.0This is pure chaos!
I just wanted 1 thing I can put on a chart to try to get a clearer picture of what is going on (and not take up all the indicator spaces a free user is allowed haha)
Many things going on from so many different users
honestly I'm sorry I cant shout out everyone whose code I have ever read and used in another project just for the sake of learning more about pinescript!
As a way of shouting everyone out! (and giving out my most useful and configurable system)
I give you... CHAOS
I originally got an Alligator, AO, and Fractal script from a user ChaosTrader, then realized I love using averages!
I added the MESA (lazybear?) and the McGinley Dynamic Range (sry idk) and a simple 233 SMA.
I also found about something called the www.prorealcode.com another user had created for Pinescript.
I really liked that script so I adapted it to do the same kind of signal printing for circles and squares (crosses and series)
Check it out tell me what you think and how I can make it better for everyone!
thanks all!
Candlestick Trend Indicator v0.5 by JustUncleLRequested Update to this Indicator alert project. In this update I have added the option to be able select which Price Action candles you want included in the display and the generated alarm Alert. Other changes also included in this update:
Also added a Price Action candle for "Last Fractal S/R Break", this also a good continuation indication.
Added option to select a different moving average types for directional MA line.
Modified some default settings, using HullMA instead of Zero Lag EMA and standard MACD settings(12,26,9).
This is a trend following indicator and alert for Binary Options based on Candlestick patterns and trend line -
NOTE: original system was a forex trading system.
This code combines a number of indicators to create an overall trading strategy.
The indicator recognises and displays some useful candle named defined patterns that are used to support trend continuation:
Bearish + Bullish PinBars
Dark Cloud Cover
Piecing Line
Bullish + Bearish Harami
Bullish + Bearish Engulfing Candle
Bullish + Bearish Last Fractal S/R break
Also recognises main Price Action candles from ChrisMoody (CM), the four(4) price action patterns are colored coded bars:
Yellow = Inside Bar - breakout/continuance
Orange = Outside Bar - breakout/continuance
Aqua/Fuschia = Up/Down Shaved Bars - Buying/Selling pressure
Red/Green = Possible reversal PinBars - Reverse Down / reverse Up
The highlighted candles (maroon and darker green) represent the defined PA patterns that have been confirmed following the current trend direction that is indicated by the Hull MA(20) line (can select a different type of MA, or even disable) and confirmed by MACD direction (can be disabled). The confirmed Alerts are indication by green (buy) and red (sell) dots at the bottom of the chart. An alert is generated from this selection for the alert condition of the alarming system.
The fractal upper/lower break lines are also draw, if the (optional) last fractal break line is broken by a highlighted bar then this indicates a stronger trend conformation.
The MACD indicator MACD DEUTER 2 colour(12,26,9) you can visually see the MACD histogram colours with MACD direction - needs "MACD DEUTER 2 colour" indicator.
This multi-indicator set up is suitable for 1hr, 4hr and daily charts with 1-4 candle expiry.
References and Inspiration from:
Fractal Levels by RicardoSantos
Almost Zero Lag EMA
Candlestick Patterns With EMA by rmwaddelljr
CM_Price-Action-Bars by ChrisMoody
"Scalp Jockey - MTF MA Cross Visual Strategizer by JayRogers"
Fractal Dimension Adaptive Moving Average (D-AMA)etfhq.com
Overall the D-AMA produced results that were near identical to that of the FRAMA but the D-AMA is a slightly faster average.
It is very difficult to pick between the FRAMA and the D-AMA but becuase the FRAMA offers a slightly longer trade duration it the best Moving Average we have tested so far.
Fractal Adaptive Moving Average (real one)Ignore the other one (it contains some errors).
On this FRAMA you can play with length, SC and FC.
Just read on below links to understand more about this super useful moving average:
Fractal Adaptive Moving AverageSettings:
FRAMA: blue line, SC = 252, FC = 40, length = 252
EMA: orange line, length = 50
FRAMA seems to be the evolution of the current and much-used EMA. The basic strategy is simple: long if the price crosses up the line, short or exit if vice versa.
The main difference between EMA and FRAMA is that the first one seems to lag much more than the first one, as we can see from the chart below (crude oil daily chart)
ChaosThis script adds a Bill Williams Alligator to your charts and the three wisemen:
1. Wiseman 1 - Bullish or bearish divergent bars shown with a circle (be sure to check angulation manually).
2. Wiseman 2 - Super AO - with a square.
3 Wiseman 3 - Fractal with a triangle.
Be sure to wait until the current bar is closed before using these signals.
Reference: TradingChaos Version 2
Fractal Breakout Strategy (by ChartArt)This long only strategy determines the price of the last fractal top and enters a trade when the price breaks above the last fractal top. The strategy also calculates the average price of the last fractal tops to get the trend direction. The strategy exits the long trade, when the average of the fractal tops is falling (when the trend is lower highs as measured by fractals). And the user can manually set a time delay of this exit condition. The default setting is a long strategy exit always 3 bars after the long entry condition appeared.
In addition as gimmicks the fractals tops can be highlighted (the default is blue) and a line can be drawn based on the fractal tops.This fractal top line is colored by the fractal top average trend in combination with the fractal breakout condition.
This strategy works better on higher time-frames (weekly and monthly), but it also works on the daily and some other time-frames. This strategy does not repaint, no repainting.
P.S. I thank Tradingview user barracuda who helped me with the time based exit condition code. And user RicardoSantos for coding the definition of the fractal top, which he uses in his " Fractals" scripts.
All trading involves high risk; past performance is not necessarily indicative of future results. Hypothetical or simulated performance results have certain inherent limitations. Unlike an actual performance record, simulated results do not represent actual trading. Also, since the trades have not actually been executed, the results may have under- or over-compensated for the impact, if any, of certain market factors, such as lack of liquidity. Simulated trading programs in general are also subject to the fact that they are designed with the benefit of hindsight. No representation is being made that any account will or is likely to achieve profits or losses similar to those shown.
Version: 3.0 @ 4.11.2015
By Ricardo M Arjona @XeL_Arjona
The following indicator IS NOT INTENDED TO BE A FORMAL INVESTMENT ADVICE OR TRADING RECOMMENDATION BY THE AUTHOR, nor should be construed as such. Users will be fully responsible by their use regarding any kind of trading vehicles or assets.
The following script and ideas within this work are FREELY AND PUBLICLY availables on the Web for NON LUCRATIVE ACTIVITIES and must remain as is.
What is this?
This work is a derivation of my previous Accumulation/Distribution scripts publicly available in TradingView in an effort to clean, speedup and make the indicator cleaner as possible.
The current indicator is based on already tested and Mathematically proof concepts as described below:
The MAIN Rolling back median line or "Vortex" is constructed by a simple and equal weighting of distributed volume along the candle range (This approach is just an "estimator" of Buyers Vs. Sellers given the lack of tick resolution in TradingView, a real "DELTA" can only be 100% reliable with Market Depth (Ask/Bid ticks)), Given this, with each "volume weights", the price is post-processed against a true statistical Average calculation formerly: ELASTIC VOLUME WEIGHTED MOVING AVERAGE.
The FRACTAL BANDS are just Standard Deviation's with GOLDEN RATIO as multiplier (1.618) derived one from each other within it's origin on the former "Vortex Median".
The Standard Error Bands comply as the original indicator described by Jon Andersen but given the true statistical nature of EVWMA, the original LinReg line has been substituted by the former.
ALL NEW IDEAS OR MODIFICATIONS to this indicator are welcome in favor to deploy a better technical tool. Any important addition to this work MUST REMAIN PUBLIC by means of CreativeCommons CC & TradingView user rules. (C) 2015 @XeL_Arjona
[RS]Market Fractility Flow Oscillator V0EXPERIMENTAL:
same as MTF-BIAS. but slightly more practical, reads market fractality flow into a oscillator.
Ver. 2.5 @ 16.09.2015
By Ricardo M Arjona @XeL_Arjona
The Following indicator/code IS NOT intended to be a formal investment advice or recommendation by the
author, nor should be construed as such. Users will be fully responsible by their use regarding their own trading vehicles/assets.
The embedded code and ideas within this work are FREELY AND PUBLICLY available on the Web for NON LUCRATIVE ACTIVITIES and must remain as is.
Pine Script code MOD's and adaptations by @XeL_Arjona with special mention in regard of:
Buy (Bull) and Sell (Bear) "Power Balance Algorithm" by:
Stocks & Commodities V. 21:10 (68-72): "Bull And Bear Balance Indicator by Vadim Gimelfarb"
Fractal Deviation Bands by @XeL_Arjona.
Color Cloud Fill by @ChrisMoody
Following a "Fractal Approach" now the lookback window is hardcode correlated with a given timeframe. (Default @ 126 days as Half a Year / 252 bars)
Clean and speed up of Adaptive Moving Average Algo.
Fractal Deviation Band Cloud coloring smoothed.
ALL NEW IDEAS OR MODIFICATIONS to these indicator(s) are Welcome in favor to deploy a better and more accurate readings. I will be very glad to be notified at Twitter or TradingVew accounts at: @XeL_Arjona
Any important addition to this work MUST REMAIN PUBLIC by means of CreativeCommons CC & TradingView. Copyright 2015
Acc/Dist. Cloud with Fractal Deviation Bands by @XeL_ArjonaACCUMULATION / DISTRIBUTION CLOUD with MORPHIC DEVIATION BANDS
Ver. 2.0.beta.23:08:2015
by Ricardo M. Arjona @XeL_Arjona
The Following indicator/code IS NOT intended to be a formal investment advice or recommendation by the author, nor should be construed as such. Users will be fully responsible by their use regarding their own trading vehicles/assets.
The embedded code and ideas within this work are FREELY AND PUBLICLY available on the Web for NON LUCRATIVE ACTIVITIES and must remain as is.
Pine Script code MOD's and adaptations by @XeL_Arjona with special mention in regard of:
Buy (Bull) and Sell (Bear) "Power Balance Algorithm by Vadim Gimelfarb published at Stocks & Commodities V. 21:10 (68-72).
Custom Weighting Coefficient for Exponential Moving Average (nEMA) adaptation work by @XeL_Arjona with contribution help from @RicardoSantos at TradingView @pinescript chat room.
Morphic Numbers (PHI & Plastic) Pine Script adaptation from it's algebraic generation formulas by @XeL_Arjona
Fractal Deviation Bands idea by @XeL_Arjona
ACCUMULATION / DISTRIBUTION CLOUD: I decided to change it's name from the Buy to Sell Pressure. The code is essentially the same as older versions and they are the center core (VORTEX?) of all derived New stuff which are:
MORPHIC NUMBERS: The "Golden Ratio" expressed by the result of the constant "PHI" and the newer and same in characteristics "Plastic Number" expressed as "PN". For more information about this regard take a look at: HERE!
CUSTOM(K) EXPONENTIAL MOVING AVERAGE: Some code has cleaned from last version to include as custom function the nEMA , which use an additional input (K) to customise the way the "exponentially" is weighted from the custom array. For the purpose of this indicator, I implement a volatility algorithm using the Average True Range of last 9 periods multiplied by the morphic number used in the fractal study. (Golden Ratio as default) The result is very similar in response to classic EMA but tend to accelerate or decelerate much more responsive with wider bars presented in trending average.
FRACTAL DEVIATION BANDS: The main idea is based on the so useful Standard Deviation process to create Bands in favor of a multiplier (As John Bollinger used in it's own bands) from a custom array, in which for this case is the "Volume Pressure Moving Average" as the main Vortex for the "Fractallitly", so then apply as many "Child bands" using the older one as the new calculation array using the same morphic constant as multiplier (Like Fibonacci but with other approach rather than %ratios). Results are AWSOME! Market tend to accelerate or decelerate their Trend in favor of a Fractal approach. This bands try to catch them, so please experiment and feedback me your own observations.
EXTERNAL TICKER FOR VOLUME DATA: I Added a way to input volume data for this kind of study from external tickers. This is just a quicky-hack given that currently TradingView is not adding Volume to their Indexes so; maybe this is temporary by now. It seems that this part of the code is conflicting with intraday timeframes, so You are advised.
This CODE is versioned as BETA FOR TESTING PROPOSES. By now TradingView Admins are changing lot's of things internally, so maybe this could conflict with correct rendering of this study with special tickers or timeframes. I will try to code by itself just the core parts of this study in order to use them at discretion in other areas. ALL NEW IDEAS OR MODIFICATIONS to these indicator(s) are Welcome in favor to deploy a better and more accurate readings. I will be very glad to be notified at Twitter or TradingView accounts at: @XeL_Arjona