Smooth HA / Hull MA / MTF===========
Smooth HA / Hull MA / MTF
A combination of a Smoothed Heikin Ashi Chart Line and a Hull MA Line, paints a "Long" or "Short" alert when the Hull MA changes color - editable settings for the smoothing of HA data and Hull MA Length; you can also change the time frame used (must be the same or longer as the chart).
This indicator does a real good job at finding highs and lows (otherwise known as entry and exit points!) picking up on just about every large, decent swing and making the most from those big moves! The disadvantage of all Smoothed HA strategies are when times are choppy or ranging - given the natural lag of the indicator you can be sure in choppy times you'd be buying at the top and selling at the bottom almost every time ~ No indicator is perfect!
This Smooth HA/Hull MA indicator also has a built in MTF function (Multi-Time-Frame). This means you can be using a 1hr chart and set the indicator to a 4hr chart - generally any movements on a greater time frame will overcome any movements of the smaller time frame, so this is where you should be gathering data about which direction the market is moving - as always, follow the trend.
Hope (like always) this is of at least some use to some people.
Good Luck and Happy Trading!
Heikin Ashi With Moving Averages This script is using 4 moving averages, 2 for short term movements, and 2 for long term movements.
Used on Heikin Ashi will help identify short term that is true short term, and Short Term that will most likely turn into a long term trend.
color coded candlesticks will identify if the price action is low in RSI or STOCH. colors can be changed in settings
If you need help understanding the settings let me know ill help you just post the question
You will need to add Heikin Ashi on your chart to get the full effect of this script. Nevertheless, you can use it on traditional candlesticks
Supertrend MTF Heikin AshiThis is non-repaiting Supertrend Multi Time Frame script, uses Heikin Ashi Candles as source on normal chart
There is an option for Higher Time Frame. if you choose "Auto" then Higher Time Frame calculation is made by the script. If you choose "User Defined" option and then you can select Time Frame.
You better use this script with other indicators such as RSI, Momentum etc.
[TVExtBot]HeikinAshi Trend Indicator v1.0Heikin-ashi Trend Indicator v1.0
This indicator analyzes trends with Heikin-ashi Ass and EMA to buy and sell, and closes positions by analyzing patterns of Bollinger bands and candles.
The numbers at the top and bottom of the indicator are the RSI values.
Only overbought 30 or less and oversold 70 or more are displayed.
이 지표는 하이킨아시와 EMA로 트랜드를 분석하여 매수와 매도 진입을 하고 볼린저밴드와 캔들의 패턴을 분석하여 포지션종료를 합니다.
지표의 상단과 하단에 표시된 숫자는 RSI값입니다.
과매수 30이하와 과매도 70이상만 표시합니다.
BERLIN CandlesA problem with Heikin Ashi is that while it gives you a great overview of overall direction, it is rarely possible to use it as a replacement for normal japanese
candlesticks. The reason for this is that actual price data is lost, since the candles are more akin to a moving average than a different way to see price action. Also, with Heikin Ashi, most of the actual price action is lost, because the candles can be bigger than the high and low of the underlying japanese candlestick.
With BERLIN Candles I have tried to fix that problem. By using a smoothed out version of the previous Heikin Ashi candle close as the current BERLIN Candle open, the high and low of the actual japanese candlestick for the high and low of the BERLIN Candle, and the current Heikin Ashi close as the BERLIN Candle close, while setting hard limits for BERLIN Candle open and close values so that they can never exceed the high and low of the underlying japanese candlestick.
One problem still persists though. The actual current price data is lost. However, the BERLIN Candles have solved this by adding a fifth part to the candles. The close of the underlying japanese candlesticks are indicated with a plus-sign. This way, actual price data is never lost, while keeping all of the other benefits of this type of candles.
A few added bonuses:
The addition of the 14 period ATR at the latest candle
The baseline from Ichimoku is included as an option
The 14 period ATR value of each candle can be seen in the indicator data as
the orange value
Trendy Bar Trend ColorTrendy Bar Trend Color
Inspired by trend candlestick charts on other trading platforms. Changes bar colors to stay in trend much like Heikin Ashi candles without the ATR price distortion. This is done by comparing the HL2 and/or Open-Close values of current candlestick to the prior candlestick.
SBER HA Smooth ContainerSBER's modified Heikin Ashi Smoothed Container
Uses EMA 16 and Heikin Ashi Candles.. For NIFTY and its stocks only.
Heiken Ashi Triangles at the Top and Bottom of ScreenHeiken Ashi Triangles at the Top and Bottom of Screen
The image below shows the comparison to actual Heiken Ashi candles
(Though changing from candles to Heiken Ashi tends to smooth the triangles a little)
Backtesting on Non-Standard Charts: Caution! - PineCoders FAQMuch confusion exists in the TradingView community about backtesting on non-standard charts. This script tries to shed some light on the subject in the hope that traders make better use of those chart types.
Non-standard charts are:
Heikin Ashi (HA)
Point & Figure
These chart types are called non-standard because they all transform market prices into synthetic views of price action. Some focus on price movement and disregard time. Others like HA use the same division of bars into fixed time intervals but calculate artificial open, high, low and close (OHLC) values.
Non-standard chart types can provide traders with alternative ways of interpreting price action, but they are not designed to test strategies or run automated traded systems where results depend on the ability to enter and exit trades at precise price levels at specific times, whether orders are issued manually or algorithmically. Ironically, the same characteristics that make non-standard chart types interesting from an analytical point of view also make them ill-suited to trade execution. Why? Because of the dislocation that a synthetic view of price action creates between its non-standard chart prices and real market prices at any given point in time. Switching from a non-standard chart price point into the market always entails a translation of time/price dimensions that results in uncertainty—and uncertainty concerning the level or the time at which orders are executed is detrimental to all strategies.
The delta between the chart’s price when an order is issued (which is assumed to be the expected price) and the price at which that order is filled is called slippage . When working from normal chart types, slippage can be caused by one or more of the following conditions:
• Time delay between order submission and execution. During this delay the market may move normally or be subject to large orders from other traders that will cause large moves of the bid/ask levels.
• Lack of bids for a market sell or lack of asks for a market buy at the current price level.
• Spread taken by middlemen in the order execution process.
• Any other event that changes the expected fill price.
When a market order is submitted, matching engines attempt to fill at the best possible price at the exchange. TradingView strategies usually fill market orders at the opening price of the next candle. A non-standard chart type can produce misleading results because the open of the next candle may or may not correspond to the real market price at that time. This creates artificial and often beneficial slippage that would not exist on standard charts.
Consider an HA chart. The open for each candle is the average of the previous HA bar’s open and close prices. The open of the HA candle is a synthetic value, but the real market open at the time the new HA candle begins on the chart is the unrelated, regular open at the chart interval. The HA open will often be lower on long entries and higher on short entries, resulting in unrealistically advantageous fills.
Another example is a Renko chart. A Renko chart is a type of chart that only measures price movement. The purpose of a Renko chart is to cluster price action into regular intervals, which consequently removes the time element. Because Trading View does not provide tick data as a price source, it relies on chart interval close values to construct Renko bricks. As a consequence, a new brick is constructed only when the interval close penetrates one or more brick thresholds. When a new brick starts on the chart, it is because the previous interval’s close was above or below the next brick threshold. The open price of the next brick will likely not represent the current price at the time this new brick begins, so correctly simulating an order is impossible.
Some traders have argued with us that backtesting and trading off HA charts and other non-standard charts is useful, and so we have written this script to show traders what happens when order fills from backtesting on non-standard charts are compared to real-world fills at market prices.
Let’s review how TV backtesting works. TV backtesting uses a broker emulator to execute orders. When an order is executed by the broker emulator on historical bars, the price used for the fill is either the close of the order’s submission bar or, more often, the open of the next. The broker emulator only has access to the chart’s prices, and so it uses those prices to fill orders. When backtesting is run on a non-standard chart type, orders are filled at non-standard prices, and so backtesting results are non-standard—i.e., as unrealistic as the prices appearing on non-standard charts. This is not a bug; where else is the broker emulator going to fetch prices than from the chart?
This script is a strategy that you can run on either standard or non-standard chart types. It is meant to help traders understand the differences between backtests run on both types of charts. For every backtest, a label at the end of the chart shows two global net profit results for the strategy:
• The net profits (in currency) calculated by TV backtesting with orders filled at the chart’s prices.
• The net profits (in currency) calculated from the same orders, but filled at market prices (fetched through security() calls from the underlying real market prices) instead of the chart’s prices.
If you run the script on a non-standard chart, the top result in the label will be the result you would normally get from the TV backtesting results window. The bottom result will show you a more realistic result because it is calculated from real market fills.
If you run the script on a normal chart type (bars, candles, hollow candles, line, area or baseline) you will see the same result for both net profit numbers since both are run on the same real market prices. You will sometimes see slight discrepancies due to occasional differences between chart prices and the corresponding information fetched through security() calls.
• Results shown in the Data Window (third icon from the top right of your chart) are:
— Cumulative results
— For each order execution bar on the chart, the chart and market previous and current fills, and the trade results calculated from both chart and market fills.
• You can choose between 2 different strategies, both elementary.
• You can use HA prices for the calculations determining entry/exit conditions. You can use this to see how a strategy calculated from HA values can run on a normal chart. You will notice that such strategies will not produce the same results as the real market results generated from HA charts. This is due to the different environment backtesting is running on where for example, position sizes for entries on the same bar will be calculated differently because HA and standard chart close prices differ.
• You can choose repainting/non-repainting signals.
• You can show MAs, entry/exit markers and market fill levels.
• You can show candles built from the underlying market prices.
• You can color the background for occurrences where an order is filled at a different real market price than the chart’s price.
• On some non-standard chart types you will not obtain any results. This is sometimes due to how certain types of non-standard types work, and sometimes because the script will not emit orders if no underlying market information is detected.
• The script illustrates how those who want to use HA values to calculate conditions can do so from a standard chart. They will then be getting orders emitted on HA conditions but filled at more realistic prices because their strategy can run on a standard chart.
• On some non-standard chart types you will see market results surpass chart results. While this may seem interesting, our way of looking at it is that it points to how unreliable non-standard chart backtesting is, and why it should be avoided.
• In order not to extend an already long description, we do not discuss the particulars of executing orders on the realtime bar when using non-standard charts. Unless you understand the minute details of what’s going on in the realtime bar on a particular non-standard chart type, we recommend staying away from this.
• Some traders ask us: Why does TradingView allow backtesting on non-standard chart types if it produces unrealistic results? That’s somewhat like asking a hammer manufacturer why it makes hammers if hammers can hurt you. We believe it’s a trader’s responsibility to understand the tools he is using.
• Non-standard charts are not bad per se, but they can be badly used.
• TV backtesting on non-standard charts is not broken and doesn’t require fixing. Traders asking for a fix are in dire need of learning more about trading. We recommend they stop trading until they understand why.
• Stay away from—even better, report—any vendor presenting you with strategies running on non-standard charts and implying they are showing reliable results.
• If you don’t understand everything we discussed, don’t use non-standard charts at all.
• Study carefully how non-standard charts are built and the inevitable compromises used in calculating them so you can understand their limitations.
Thanks to @allanster and @mortdiggiddy for their help in editing this description.
Look first. Then leap.
HeikinAshi_Atr_StrategyThis strategy combines HeikinAshi and ATR, have better performance on 5min XBTUSD pair after parameter optimization.
Different from the original HeikinAshi chart provided by Tradingview (which is Repainting ), this script does not use the HeikinAshi SECURITY function so there is no Repainting!
Try it by yourself !!
Real Candles Heikin Ashi (HA) Candle functionsThis script plots both real and HA candles regardless or which are used on the chart in TV settings.
(and has the functions for you to use.)
Lots of people seem to misunderstand backtesting (or scam people) based on HA candles.
Backtesting with HA candles leads to impossible trades. ALWAYS backtest with real candles.
That doesn't mean you might not want to look at HA candle values to make trading decisions.
Add the code below to calculate HA candles from real and use that in your HA trading algo,
but test it on real charts.
QuantNomad - Heikin Ashi Colors Higher TimeframeSimple script displaying color of Heiken Ashi candles from higher timeframes as a background.
Heiken AshiHeikin Ashi charts are similar to candle charts, but the main difference is that a Heikin Ashi chart uses daily price averages to show the movement of the average price of an asset.
The idea is to use the heikin Ashi technique as an indicator and not as the main chart, to avoid enter or exist the market too late.
Key concepts:
- The averaged open and close help filter some of the market noise, creating a chart that tends to highlight the trend direction better than typical candlestick charts.
- The downside is that some price data is lost with averaging. The most recent price (close) may not reflect the actual price of the asset, which could affect risk.
- Long down candles with little upper shadow represent strong selling pressure. Long up candles with small or no lower shadows signal strong buying pressure.
Extra functions in this indicator:
- Trend Bar indicator, uptrend(green), downtred(red), warning or indecision (yellow).
- Long and Short Labels base on trend and Heikin Ashi entries.
- Change the color of the main chart Candlesticks as the Heikin Ashi indicators.
- Alerts for long and short entries.
- Size of Labels.
Heiken-Ashi CandlesSimple script to view Heiken-Ashi candles below a normal candles chart.
Could also be useful for using HA calcs in strategy scripts on normal candles chart for proper backtesting.
I adapted this to v4 from original v2 script by @samtsui. If you like please remember to give him a Thumbs Up for his original version! ->
Cyatophilum H.A. Swing [BACKTEST]Hi guys, to celebrate the beginning of a new altcoins cycle, I created a Swing trade Indicator. (It's a joke, there will not be any altcoins cycle)
Cyatophilum Heikin Ashi Swing
This indicator will allow us to create one strategy for each pair and never miss those big swings ever again!
This kind of strategy is a safe long term investment , usually played in high timeframes such as 4H, 1D etc.
It is perfect for beginners in trading as the process is very simple: buy and sell when you receive the alert. The high timeframes allows to trade manually by receiving alerts on your phone or email, but you also can automate it if you prefer.
The primary goal of these strategies is to increase your capital faster than someone simply holding the asset .
The trades are made with no leverage and 100% equity . It is for those who want to grow their portfolio fast without risking to lose everything. You can use several strategies at once, in this case split your equity accordingly.
The Heikin Ashi candles are very usefull. This strategy is built upon H.A. candles but is used on normal candles, because H.A. candles price are an average of real candles and we want to know the real price. I did the trick by recalculating the H.A. open, high, low and close with the original formula based on the real candles's ohlc. This allows me to use the strategy tester and backtest with real results.
Creating a signal is as simple as adding the indicator called to your chart and click "Set alert". Select "Once per bar close" for your alert options.
There are 3 alerts:
- BUY OR SELL (for free TV users)
Sample Backtest results
Basic Attention Token/Bitcoin
> > Start using the indicator now < <
Note: This version is the BACKTEST. You can find the Alert version in my profile scripts.
Cyatophilum H.A. Swing [ALERT SETUP]Hi guys, to celebrate the beginning of a new altcoins cycle, I created a Swing trade Indicator. (It's a joke, there will not be any altcoins cycle)
Cyatophilum Heikin Ashi Swing
This indicator will allow us to create one strategy for each pair and never miss those big swings ever again!
This kind of strategy is a safe long term investment , usually played in high timeframes such as 4H, 1D etc.
It is perfect for beginners in trading as the process is very simple: buy and sell when you receive the alert. The high timeframes allows to trade manually by receiving alerts on your phone or email, but you also can automate it if you prefer.
The primary goal of these strategies is to increase your capital faster than someone simply holding the asset .
The trades are made with no leverage and 100% equity . It is for those who want to grow their portfolio fast without risking to lose everything. You can use several strategies at once, in this case split your equity accordingly.
The Heikin Ashi candles are very usefull. This strategy is built upon H.A. candles but is used on normal candles, because H.A. candles price are an average of real candles and we want to know the real price. I did the trick by recalculating the H.A. open, high, low and close with the original formula based on the real candles's ohlc. This allows me to use the strategy tester and backtest with real results.
Creating a signal is as simple as adding the indicator called to your chart and click "Set alert". Select "Once per bar close" for your alert options.
There are 3 alerts:
- BUY OR SELL (for free TV users)
Sample Backtest results
Basic Attention Token/Bitcoin
> > Start using the indicator now < <
Note: This version is the ALERT SETUP. You can find the Backtest version on my profile scripts.
Heiken Ashi BF Heiken Ashi candles help us to identify a trend.
This strategy simply enters a long when the Heiken Ashi candles turn green and a short when they turn red.
Because of the way BTC price moves in medium term trends, this simple strategy seems effective.
There is a rate of change function applied to avoid some of the choppy sideways action (thanks again to kiasaki for the code)
There is a 2% fixed stop loss applied and an optional take-profit setting. You can change both in the settings.
As you can see from the code, this strategy does not enter trades based on the Heiken Ashi closes, rather the actual price close. This is an important distinction since the HA closes are based on an average of the OHLC values so attempting to enter at that price may not always be possible. There are some "strategies" that use this information to try and con people by appearing to have awesome entries that are actually not attainable in all cases.
Green = Long
Red = Short
White = No trade
4K+ Candlestacks/ColumnCandles Plus PerksFor all candle analysis enthusiasts out there, this is my cutting edge "4K+ Candlestacks/ColumnCandles Plus Perks" that I spontaneously invented long ago. Just when you may have thought it was the end of the evolutionary line for candle technology, it's not! There are candlesticks and now "candlestacks". Your eyes are presently gazing upon a NEW candle type intended for destiny well into the 21st century and onward to support much higher graphics resolutions including 4K, 8K, 16K+ yielding enhanced chart analytics. With extremely high resolution display technologies arriving within the affordable range, having thin 1 pixel wide traditional candle wicks are going to become more and more visually apprehensible. Particularly for folks with a visual acuity that is not par at 20/20 or have some degree of color blindness, the candlestacks have a "large" amount of different color schemes to select from.
"Candlestick charts" are suspected to have been invented by Munehisa Homma well over 200 years ago. We have been using technology that is older than the age of distributed electricity and the modern car combined with billions at stake, hour to hour of each day. While candlesticks are effective, by having an abundance of computing power, the old candlestick wick width is becoming indistinguishably lost in the fog of a plenitude of plots. After a short time of contemplating about it linguistically in Pine Script, I arrived at a eureka moment having an actual working candle that was entirely novel. However, I didn't want to stop there. It required color finesse for diagnosed visual impairments combined with methods such as Heikin Ashi variants. My intention while inventing this was to provide the ultimate experience in candle technology that could potentially exist.
"Candlestacks" are just like the original OHLC candlesticks, however the "wick" portion is more like a column displaying visually increased situational awareness. Immediately at first sight, I originally conceived of the name "ColumnCandles" upon initial inspection of the plot, being it was remarkably similar to overlapping column charts I have been seeing for years with data metrics. In my attempt to formulate a worthier name, I noticed their appearance looks like stacks of blocks. Stacks, sticks, it sounded rhythmically sweet. I decided candlestacks would be a more appropriate name for this candle type distinguishable from candlesticks, but all to similarly sounding. I am hopeful I chose candlestacks as a fitting name that the rest of the world may come to appreciate one day when the planet is powered by nuclear "compact fusion" reactors and everyone has personal aerial transportation availability. "Candlestacks" vs "ColumnCandles", leave your opinion below in the comments if you are compelled to do so, providing a consensus. I respect your opinion either way...
Heikin Ashi, with it's advantages of identifying current short term trends, seemed worthy of inclusion, so I decided to expand on candlestacks with three different formulations to select from, including a fourth OHLC basic type. There are two distinct methods of Hieken Ashi employing pre-smoothing and post-smoothing techniques, each of which having capabilities of using different smoothing filters that are selectable.
Other features include a brightening option for the first descending candle which is best suited while using Heikin Ashi. The candlestacks wick transparency is independently controllable. Descending candlestacks have a darker wick than the ascending kind. With the Heikin Ashi smoothing techniques, I included a selection to see traditional candlestick wicks in a supplementary fashion. Also, there is an option to control the amount of candlestacks that are displayable. This is also a multicator including my "SWIFT Moving Average Crossover", which is complimentary to the candlestacks, especially in one of the Heikin Ashi modes. This moving average crossover(MAC), having multiple color schemes, limits the divergences between the leading and lagging lines. Of notable mention, the crossover dots on the SWIFT MAC you see, are actually one bar late. Lastly, with this flagship indicator, I included a multi-color "neon source" line to view close, hl2, etc... in combination with the candlestacks yielding the best of both worlds selectively. Any one of the individual indicators may actually be enabled/disabled independently. Being this is an overlay chart, I "may" include other overlay indicators in the future where they provide an added benefit to what is already included.
I provided multiple color schemes for those of you who may have color blindness vision impairments. You may contact me in private, if these color schemes are not suitable for your diagnosed visual impairment, and you wish to contribute to seeing the color schemes improved along with other future indicators I shall release.
I.P.O.C.S.: "Initial Public Offering Clean Start" proprietary technology. Firstly, many of my other indicators already possess this capability. It allows suitable plotting from day one, minute one of IPO, remedying visually delayed signal analysis. It's basically accurate plotting from the very first bar (bar_index==0) on Tradingview. If you don't know what this is, most people don't, go back to the VERY beginning of any stock on the "All" chart and compare it to other similar indicators. What's so special about this? It is extremely difficult to get a healthy plot from bar_index==0 on any platform. However, I have become exceedingly talented performing this feat in most cases, but not all depending on the algorithm. This indicator is a successful accomplishment implementing IPOCS. It's inherent value is predominantly for IPO traders who in the past have had to wait 20, 50, and 150 bars before they obtain a precise indicator measurement for the simplest of algorithms in order to make a properly informed decision to potentially invest in an asset. How is this achieved? It's a highly protected secret of mine... but I will say I rarely use Pine built-in functions at all. When I do, I use them scarcely due to currently existing Pine language limitations.
Features List Includes:
I.P.O.C.S.(Initial Public Offering Clean Start) Technology
Enable/disable dark background for enhanced visibility
Color schemes for individual indicators
Controls for Heikin Ashi candlestacks smoothing
Historical bar controls
"Neon Source" options
Many, many more previously described...
This is not a freely available indicator, FYI. To witness my Pine poetry in action, properly negotiated requests for unlimited access, per indicator, may ONLY be obtained by direct contact with me using TV's "Private Chats" or by "Message" hidden in my member name above. The comments section below is solely just for commenting and other remarks, ideas, compliments, etc... regarding only this indicator, not others. When available time provides itself, I will consider your inquiries, thoughts, and concepts presented below in the comments section if you do have any questions or comments regarding this indicator. When my indicators achieve more prevalent use by TV members, I will implement more ideas when they present themselves as worthy additions. As always, "Like" it if you simply just like it with a proper thumbs up, and also return to my scripts list occasionally for additional postings. Have a profitable future everyone!
Smooth HA Candles MTF v1So this is last version of HA
this one has all MA type to choose from and MTF
HA Candles MTFJust try to make non repainting MTF candles
cross over of open and close , seen by small triangles
HeikinAshi - Candlestick % Difference This script shows the price difference ( %) between heikin ashi and candlestick for all investment instruments as Close, Open, High and Low. (Switchable )
In this way, you can see which instruments can easily use heikin ashi .
And by taking averages you can find the opportunity to compare which investment tools are more risk-free.