Sell CL1!As we can see from the chart, sellers have took the market, recording to our strategy CL1! is on sale since 7:00, what prove us that it still on sale is passing the VWAP down which prooves us that CL1! is on sale, also its an opportunity to reinforce our placement in order to get a high profit.par YassineAnalysis2
CL1! is going downAs we can see on the chart, CL1! have reach it's highest point, now it's going down recording to the highest volume of buyers which shows us that all buyers have done their job, so now it's sellers turn to take the market.par YassineAnalysis1
Annalyse CL 15 mn Apré le golden point sur le CL 15 mn le pétrole et a acheté ce matin (1er rebond sur le VWAP ou on double notre position et 2éme rebond sur le VWAP ou on triple notre position). Shortpar kamel23reda0
CL 15 MN 14/12/2020Annalyse CL 15 Mn du 14/12/2020 Golden point + Volume et identification des supports et résistances .par kamel23reda0
CONTRATS À TERME SUR ESSENCE RBOBCONTRATS À TERME SUR ESSENCE RBOB The market knows the birth and the beginning of a new high-rise approach do Great liquidity with a large volume of buyers and I would recommend buyingLongpar ELHASSANE-TRA1
CONTRATS À TERME SUR PÉTROLE BRUT LÉGERCONTRATS À TERME SUR PÉTROLE BRUT LÉGER The market knows the birth and the beginning of a new high-rise approach do Great liquidity with a large volume of buyers and I would recommend buying During the calm of the week until the week ahead without fearLongpar ELHASSANE-TRA1
Le Petrole a vendre encore une foisle pétrole est fort probablement qu il est a vendre c le point d entrée mais tjr assure le stopp losspar imad780