BTI - Bitcoin (BTC) Top Indicator [Logue]Bitcoin top indicator. This indicator is a combination of multiple on-chain and seasonality BTC macro cycle top indicators, plus the Pi-Cycle top moving average. Because there is no magic single indicator to detect macro cycle tops in bitcoin, the BTI detects confluence of multiple indicators to select tops of each BTC macro cycle. The individual indicators used for the BTI are:
1) Cumulative Value Days Destroyed (CVDD) - The CVDD was created by Willy Woo and is the ratio of the cumulative value of Coin Days Destroyed in USD and the market age (in days). While this indicator is used to detect bottoms normally, an extension is used to allow detection of BTC tops. When the BTC price goes above the CVDD extension, BTC is generally considered to be overvalued. Because the "strength" of the BTC tops has decreased over the cycles, a logarithmic function for the extension was created by fitting past cycles as log extension = slope * time + intercept. This indicator is triggered when the BTC price is above the CVDD extension.
2) Net Unrealized Profit Loss (NUPL) - The NUPL measures the profit state of the bitcoin network to determine if past transfers of BTC are currently in an unrealized profit or loss state.
Values above zero indicate that the network is in overall profit, while values below zero indicate the network is in overall loss. Highly positive NUPL values indicate overvaluation of the BTC network. Based on decreasing "strength" of BTC tops, a decreasing linear function (trigger = slope * time + intercept) was fit to past cycle tops. Therefore, future trigger values can be calculated over time. This indicator is triggered when the NUPL is above the trigger value.
3) Market Value-Realized Value Z-score (MVRV-Z) - The MVRV-Z measures the value of the bitcoin network by comparing the market cap to the realized value and dividing by the standard deviation of the market cap (market cap – realized cap) / std(market cap)). When the market value is significantly higher than the realized value, the bitcoin network is "overvalued". Very high values have signaled cycle tops in the past. This indicator is triggered when the MVRVZ value is above 55.
4) Puell multiple (PUELL) - PUELL is the ratio between the daily coin issuance in USD and its 365-day moving average. This multiple helps to measure miner profitability. When the PUELL goes to extremely high values relative to historical values, it indicates the profitability of the miners is very high and a top may be near. This indicator triggers when the PUELL is above 3.33.
5) Calendar Seasonality Index (CSI) - The CSI takes advantage of the consistency of BTC cycles. Past cycles have formed macro tops every four years between October 21st and December 12th. Therefore, this indicator triggers at set times that are marked every four years between these two dates.
6) Halving Seasonality Index (HSI) - The HSI, as with the CSI, takes advantage of the consistency of BTC cycles following the major event that is the halving. Aside from the first halving cycle, cycles have formed macro tops approximately 538 days after each halving. Therefore, this indicator triggers at set times that are marked 528 to 548 days (i.e., 538 +- 10 days) after each halving.
7) Polylog Regression (PLR) - The BTC cycle tops and bottoms were separately fit using a polynomial regression for the PLR. The bottom band was fit on much more data than the top band, so is likely to be more reliable. The shape of the regression into the future was estimated, so may not be accurate into the future, but is the best fit of tops and bottoms to date. This indicator is used to estimate when tops and bottoms are near when the price goes into the top or bottom bands. This triggers when the BTC price is inside or above the upper polylog regression channel.
8) Realized Price (RP) - The RP is summation of the value of each BTC when it last moved divided by the total number of BTC in circulation. This gives an estimation of the average "purchase" price of BTC on the bitcoin network based on when it was last transacted. This indicator tells us if the average network participant is in a state of profit or loss. This indicator is normally used to detect BTC bottoms, but an extension can be used to detect when the bitcoin network is "highly" overvalued. Because the "strength" of the BTC tops has decreased over the cycles, a logarithmic function for the extension was created by fitting past cycles as log extension = slope * time + intercept. This indicator triggers when the BTC price is above the realized price extension.
9) Pi-cycle Top (PCT) - The PCT indicator is simply the cross of the 111-day moving average above a 2x multiple of the 350-day moving average of the BTC price. While there is no fundamental reasoning behind why this works, it has worked to indicate previous bitcoin tops by taking advantage of the cyclicality of the BTC price and measurement overextension of BTC price. This indicator triggers when the fast moving average (111-day) crosses above the 2x multiple of the slow moving average (350-day).
10) Transaction Fee Spike (TFS) - Transaction fees on the bitcoin network can signal a mania phase when they increase well above historical values. This mania phase may indicate we are near a top in the BTC price. The daily transaction fee total in USD is divided by the number of daily transactions to calculate the average transaction fee paid on the bitcoin network. The transaction fees increasing above $40 trigger this indicator.
The on-chain indicators (CVDD, NUPL, MVRV-Z, PUELL, RP, and TFS) work together to give a health check of the BTC price as compared to its network health. The seasonality indicators (CSI, HSI, and PLR) work together to map the macro cycles of BTC. The PCT gives a view of the overvaluation of the BTC price. Each of these indicators is weighted evenly when selected and if over 45% of the indicators are triggering on a candle (i.e., at least 5 of 10), the overall BTI indicator prints a clear signal -- a red dot with a white middle portion between the white horizontal lines at the top of the indicator. This signal is meant to indicate when the macro cycle top is likely already hit or is near. Each of the individual indicators used for the BTI are proven macro top indicators over multiple cycles.
Each of the individual indicators are shown in their own rows to visualize which indicators are triggering. You are able to deselect any indicator you do not wish to have considered and select it back again. To prepare you for indicators triggering, the BTI shows dark blue or dark green when the indicator is close to triggering (i.e., generally around 20% from the trigger value, a less intense background will appear, and 10% from the trigger value, a more intense background will appear). The color of the individual indicators turns pink when they are triggered. The background color of the BTI becomes blue when at least 30% of the indicators considered are triggering and it becomes purple/pink when the BTI fully triggers. See the BTC chart above the indicator showing the performance of the indicator in picking out macro top regions (red dots with white middle portion). Because not all daily data for BTC can be shown on one chart, ensure you also play with the indictor yourself. The BLX is most appropriate, but the indicator works on all BTC/USD charts. Because of the limits imposed by TradingView, the indicator doesn't work on time frames lower than 4 h or higher than the weekly.
You can use this indicator to help you understand when the BTC price is more likely topping based on past performance of these indicators. This indicator pairs with the BBI (Bitcoin (BTC) Bottom Indictor) and the BTB (Bitcoin Top and Bottom indicator).
Use this indicator at your own risk. I make no assertions that this indicator will work to detect any future top since we all know that past performance is no guarantee of future results.
Analyse fondamentale
BBI - Bitcoin (BTC) Bottom Indicator [Logue]This indicator is a combination of multiple on-chain and seasonality BTC macro cycle bottom indicators. Because there is no magic single indicator to detect macro cycle bottoms in bitcoin, the BBI detects confluence of multiple indicators to select bottoms of each BTC macro cycle. The individual indicators used for the BBI are:
1) Cumulative Value Days Destroyed (CVDD) - The CVDD was created by Willy Woo and is the ratio of the cumulative value of Coin Days Destroyed in USD and the market age (in days). When the BTC price goes below this value, BTC is generally considered to be undervalued. This indicator is triggered when the BTC price is below the CVDD.
2) Net Unrealized Profit Loss (NUPL) - The NUPL measures the profit state of the bitcoin network to determine if past transfers of BTC are currently in an unrealized profit or loss state.
Values above zero indicate that the network is in overall profit, while values below zero indicate the network is in overall loss. Highly negative NUPL values indicate an undervaluation of the BTC network. This indicator is triggered when the NUPL is below -15.
3) Market Value-Realized Value Z-score (MVRV-Z) - The MVRV-Z measures the value of the bitcoin network by comparing the market cap to the realized value and dividing by the standard deviation of the market cap (market cap – realized cap) / std(market cap)). When the market value is significantly lower than the realized value, the bitcoin network is "undervalued". Very low values have signaled cycle bottoms in the past. This indicator is triggered when the MVRVZ value is below 4.
4) Puell multiple (PUELL) - PUELL is the ratio between the daily coin issuance in USD and its 365-day moving average. This multiple helps to measure miner profitability. When the PUELL goes to extremely low values relative to historical values, it indicates the profitability of the miners is low and a bottom may be near. This indicator triggers when the PUELL is below 0.4.
5) Calendar Seasonality Index (CSI) - The CSI takes advantage of the consistency of BTC cycles. Past cycles have formed macro bottoms every four years between December and February. Therefore, this indicator triggers at set times that are marked every four years in December, January, or February.
6) Halving Seasonality Index (HSI) - The HSI, as with the CSI, takes advantage of the consistency of BTC cycles following the major event that is the halving. Past cycles have formed macro bottoms approximately 948 days after each halving. Therefore, this indicator triggers at set times that are marked 903-993 days (i.e., 948 +- 45 days) after each halving.
7) Polylog Regression (PLR) - The BTC cycle tops and bottoms were separately fit using a polynomial regression for the PLR. The bottom band was fit on much more data than the top band, so is likely to be more reliable. The shape of the regression into the future was estimated, so may not be accurate into the future, but is the best fit of tops and bottoms to date. This indicator is used to estimate when tops and bottoms are near when the price goes into the top or bottom bands. This triggers when the BTC price is inside or below the lower polylog regression channel.
8) Realized Price (RP) - The RP is summation of the value of each BTC when it last moved divided by the total number of BTC in circulation. This gives an estimation of the average "purchase" price of BTC on the bitcoin network based on when it was last transacted. This indicator tells us if the average network participant is in a state of profit or loss. This indicator triggers when the BTC price is below the realized price.
9) Hash Rate Capitulation (HRC) - The HRC indicator measures the rate of change of the hash rate. Steadily increasing hash rate is a sign of health of the bitcoin network. This indicator uses moving averages (20- and 100-day) of the hash rate to indicate when a decrease in the rate of change is has occurred (i.e., the 20-day MA goes below the 100-day MA). This indicator triggers when the 20-day moving average of the hash rate going below the 100-day moving average.
The on-chain indicators (CVDD, NUPL, MVRV-Z, PUELL, RP, and HRC) work together to give a health check of the BTC price as compared to its network health. The seasonality indicators (CSI, HSI, and PLR) work together to map the macro cycles of BTC. Each of these indicators is weighted evenly when selected and if over 40% of the indicators are triggering on a candle (i.e., at least 4 of 9), the overall BBI indicator prints a clear signal -- a green dot with a white middle portion between the white horizontal lines at the top of the indicator. This signal is meant to indicate when the macro cycle bottom is likely already hit or is near. Each of the individual indicators used for the BBI are proven macro bottom indicators over multiple cycles.
Each of the individual indicators are shown in their own rows to visualize which indicators are triggering. You are able to deselect any indicator you do not wish to have considered and select it back again. To prepare you for indicators triggering, the BBI shows dark blue or dark green when the indicator is close to triggering (i.e., generally around 20% from the trigger value, a less intense background will appear, and 10% from the trigger value, a more intense background will appear). The color of the individual indicators turns pink when they are triggered. The background color of the BBI becomes blue when at least 30% of the indicators considered are triggering and it becomes green when the BBI fully triggers. See the BTC chart above the indicator showing the performance of the indicator in picking out macro bottom regions (green dots with white middle portion). Because not all daily data for BTC can be shown on one chart, ensure you also play with the indictor yourself. The BLX is most appropriate, but the indicator works on all BTC/USD charts. Because of the limitations of moving averages in TradingView, the indicator doesn't work on time frames lower than 4 h.
You can use this indicator to help you understand when the BTC price is more likely bottoming based on past performance of these indicators. This indicator pairs with the BTI (Bitcoin (BTC) top indictor) and the BTB (Bitcoin top and bottom) indicators.
Use this indicator at your own risk. I make no assertions that this indicator will work to detect any future bottom since we all know that past performance is no guarantee of future results.
ETH Crypto P/S RatioP/S ratio = Crypto Asset Market Capitalization / Annual Sales Revenue
The indicator divides the Market Capitalization by the total annual ETH fees from Glassnode.
How to read it:
A low P/S ratio means that the crypto price is undervalued relative to the fees that are generated, while a high P/S ratio signifies that the price is overvalued.
Central Bank Liquidity YOY % ChangeThis shows the percent change from a year ago (YOY%) in Central Bank Liquidity
It's important to the study rate of change data in this liquidity metric and compare it to the nominal chart.
When this chart is accelerating, liquidity is being added, meaning it's a good time to be in assets.
When this chart is declining, liquidity is being removed, meaning it's a good time to be in cash.
Bottoms in markets coincide with the rate of change of liquidity going from negative (below the zero line) to positive (above zero)
Central Bank Liquidity = Total value of the assets of all Federal Reserve Banks - Overnight Reverse Repurchase Agreements (RRP) - The Treasury General Account (TGA)
Stock's Intrinsic Value| DCF modelScript Description
This pine script is based on a YouTube video titled: Warren Buffett: How to Calculate the Intrinsic Value of a Stock. Warren Buffett is a famous value investor who follows the principles of his mentor Benjamin Graham. He looks for companies that have strong competitive advantages, consistent earnings, and low debt. He also considers the intrinsic value of a company, which is the present value of its future cash flows, and compares it to the market price. He prefers to buy stocks that are trading below their intrinsic value and hold them for a long time.
One of the methods that Buffett uses to estimate the intrinsic value of a company is the discounted cash flow (DCF) model. This involves projecting the free cash flow (FCF) of the company for several years and then discounting it back to the present using an appropriate discount rate. The discount rate is usually the weighted average cost of capital (WACC) of the company, which reflects its cost of equity and debt. The sum of the discounted FCFs and terminal value is the intrinsic value of the company.
Lastly, a margin of safety is included when using the DCF method for stock valuation because of uncertainty and error in estimating future cash flows and the intrinsic value of the company.
When the current price is below margin of safety, it means that the stock is currently undervalued and being price at significantly below its intrinsic value.
Guideline for determining each variable in this script
FCF growth rate: This is the annual rate at which the free cash flow (FCF) of the company is expected to grow over a forecast 10-year period. You can use historical FCF growth rates, industry averages, analyst estimates, or your assumptions to project the FCF growth rate. The higher the FCF growth rate, the higher the intrinsic value will be.
Discount rate: This is the rate of return that you require to invest in the company. It reflects the risk and opportunity cost of investing in the company. You can use the weighted average cost of capital (WACC) of the company, capital pricing model (CAPM), hurdle rate, or market rate as the discount rate. The lower the discount rate, the higher the intrinsic value.
The margin of safety: Provides a cushion against errors in the valuation or adverse events that may affect the company. The margin of safety depends on your personal preference and risk tolerance. Normally is at 15% - 30%, the higher the margin of safety you set, the lower the chance that the stock will hit that level.
How to use this script
Step 1: This script only works for stocks that have financial data of free cash flow and total common shares outstanding
Step 2: Please use a yearly chart (12-month chart)
Step 3: You are required to determine a growth rate that will grow the free cash flow 10 years into the future
Step 4: You are required to determine a discount rate for the calculations
Step 5: You are required to add a margin of safety (Accounting for uncertainty)
Step 6: The rest of the calculations will be done automatically.
Disclaimer when using this script
I'm not a financial advisor
This script is for education purposes only
There are risks involved with stock market investing and investors should not act upon the content or information found here without first seeking advice from an accountant, financial planner, lawyer or other professional.
I can’t guarantee that this script will be error-free as I still consider myself a Pinescript beginner
Before making any decisions, investors should always research companies individually
I'll not be liable for any loss incurred, arising from the use of, or reliance on, this script
Limitations of this script
This script only works on the yearly chart (12 monthly charts)
The intrinsic value of a company will be negative if the company have a negative forecasted free cash flow
You need to make an educated guess about the growth rate, discount rate and margin of safety
This script uses free cash flow instead of owner's earnings (Operating cash flow - Maintenance capital expenditure), therefore it can't accurately estimate the maintenance capital expenditure.
Need at least 6 years’ worth of financial data
Market capitalisation uses total common shares outstanding multiplied by the closing price instead of using company-level total outstanding shares multiplied by the closing price
V Shape Rebound - Valuation / Undervalued ZoneThe Indicator is a tool designed to assist value investors(short, middle, long) in identifying potential undervalued market opportunities.
How to Use:
The valuation level and valuation method can be adapted to individual risk management and capital management.
Observe Bottom Price: Using the system's historical data and V-bounce indicator, observe if a company is at the bottom of the price to show that it is undervalued.
The valuation levels are categorized into deep undervalue, light undervalue, and bullish retracement levels, and deep and light undervalue are usually used as buy positions.
Real-time Alerts: Users can set up real-time alert functionality to ensure they do not miss potential undervalued investment opportunities.
Combined with FIE Indicator: The indicator can be used in conjunction with the Financial Fundamental Intelligent Evaluation(FIE) indicator to provide investors with more comprehensive and accurate decision-making support.
**There are 8 key elements that must be adhered to before investing,
healthy financial position,
stable profitability,
stable cash flow,
good management quality,
no suspicion of accounting fraud,
undervalued price,
positive industry position and
strong competitive advantage
**It is important to ensure that the FIE's main indices are high average score and low score volatility.
The main indices include:
Compressive Strength,
Borrowing Capability,
Leverage or debt,
Secondary indices include:
Quality of Earning,
Auxiliary indices greater than score 30~50 can indicate that Profitability is very solid.
Example 01
Example 02
Example 03
Example 04
Example 05
Analytics Trading DashboardThe Analytics Trading Dashboard is a tool designed to bring key information about a company into an easy-to-view dashboard. The indicator combines Company Info, Fundamental Data, Price & Volume Data, and Analyst Recommendations all into one table.
Let’s dive into the details by section:
Company Info:
Name – Company name.
Market Cap – Total dollar market value of the company’s outstanding shares of stock.
Float Shares / Shares Outstanding – Floating shares indicate the number of shares available for trading. Outstanding shares are any shares held by shareholders and company insiders.
Sector – The stock's sector.
Industry Group - The industry group the stock belongs to.
IPO Date – Date on which a security is first publicly traded.
Dividend – The latest dividend amount if the company pays one.
Fundamental Data:
EPS Due – The date the company is set to report earnings next.
EPS Est Next Qtr – The earnings per share estimate for the upcoming report.
EPS Est % Chg (Current Qtr) – The earnings growth as a percentage based on the reported earnings of the same quarter from the previous year.
EPS % Chg (Last Qtr) – The earnings growth of the last reported quarter as a percentage versus the same quarter from the previous year.
Last Qtr EPS Surprise – The amount reported earnings beat or missed estimates from the last reported quarter.
Last 3 Qtrs Avg. EPS Growth – The average percentage growth of the last 3 earnings reports.
# Qtrs of EPS Acceleration – The number of consecutive quarters that EPS has increased.
Last 3 Qtrs Avg. Rev Growth – The average percentage growth of the last 3 revenue numbers reported.
# Qtrs of Rev Acceleration – The number of consecutive quarters that revenue has increased.
Gross Margin – Measures gross profit compared to revenue as a percentage.
Debt/Equity Ratio – The ratio of debt to equity, or financial leverage.
Price and Volume Data:
52 Week High – The highest high of the last 52 weeks.
% Off 52 Week High – The percentage the current price has decreased from the 52-week high.
Price vs. Moving Average – The distance as a percentage that the current price is from the selected moving average.
Average Volume – The average number of shares traded based on the selected lookback period.
Average $ Volume – The average of the total value of shares traded based on the selected lookback period.
Pocket Pivots – The number of pocket pivots that have occurred in the selected lookback period.
Up/Down Volume Ratio - A 50-day ratio derived by dividing total volume on up days by the total volume on down days.
ATR – The average true range shown as a dollar value and percentage of current price.
ADR – The average daily range shown as a dollar value and percentage of current price.
Beta - Beta is a measure of its volatility relative to the overall market, indicating how much the stock's price is expected to fluctuate compared to the market average.
Analyst Ratings:
Strong Buy – The number of strong buy recommendations.
Buy – The number of buy recommendations.
Hold – The number of hold recommendations.
Sell – The number of sell recommendations.
Strong Sell – The number of strong sell recommendations.
The Analytics Trading Dashboard also comes with the flexibility to select your preferred moving average for price and volume analysis, as well as to choose the specific lookback period for calculating the Average True Range (ATR), Average Daily Range (ADR), and Pocket Pivots lookback period.
Custom Text LevelsDescription:
The Multi-Level Custom Text and Line Indicator is a versatile tool designed for traders who need to mark specific price levels on their charts with personalized text and visual cues. This indicator allows users to input up to three distinct levels, each with its custom text annotation, making it ideal for highlighting support/resistance levels, pivot points, or any significant price points relevant to their trading strategy.
Customizable Text for Each Level: Enter specific annotations for up to three different levels. Ideal for labeling key price points, notes, or reminders directly on the chart.
Adjustable Levels: Set the exact price level for each text annotation, enabling precise placement at critical price points.
Color Customization: Choose the color for the line at each level, enhancing visual clarity and chart aesthetics.
Line Style and Thickness: Customize the appearance of the line at each level, with options for solid, dotted, or dashed lines and adjustable thickness, providing clarity and emphasis where needed.
Text Offset Control: Adjust the horizontal position of the text relative to the current bar, allowing for a cleaner and more organized chart layout.
Text Size Options: Select from small, normal, or large text sizes to ensure the annotations are easily readable and suit your chart's scale and layout.
Use Cases:
Marking Support and Resistance Levels: Quickly annotate key support and resistance levels with descriptive texts.
Highlighting Pivot Points: Label pivot points or other significant price levels for easy reference.
Trade Setup Notes: Annotate potential trade setups or entry/exit points along with specific price levels.
How to Use:
Input Custom Text: Enter the text you want to display for each level in the 'Custom Text' fields.
Set Levels: Specify the price levels where you want the lines and text annotations to appear.
Customize Appearance: Choose line colors, styles, and text sizes according to your preference and chart needs.
Adjust Text Offset: Use the offset feature to position the text left or right of the current bar for a neat and organized layout
Limited Growth Stock-to-Flow (LGS2F) [AlgoAlpha]Description:
The "∂ Limited Growth Stock-to-Flow (LG-S2F)" indicator, developed by AlgoAlpha, is a technical analysis tool designed to analyze the price of Bitcoin (BTC) based on the Stock-to-Flow model. The indicator calculates the expected price range of BTC by incorporating variables such as BTC supply, block height, and model parameters. It also includes error bands to indicate potential overbought and oversold conditions.
How it Works:
The LG-S2F indicator utilizes the Stock-to-Flow model, which measures the scarcity of an asset by comparing its circulating supply (stock) to its newly produced supply (flow). In this script, the BTC supply and block height data are obtained to calculate the price using the model formula. The formula includes coefficients (a, b, c) and exponentiation functions to derive the expected price.
The script incorporates error bands based on uncertainty values derived from the standard errors of the model parameters. These error bands indicate the potential range of variation in the expected price, accounting for uncertainties in the model's parameters. The upper and lower error bands visualize potential overbought and oversold conditions, respectively.
Traders can utilize the LG-S2F indicator to gain insights into the potential price movements of Bitcoin. The indicator's main line represents the expected price, while the error bands highlight the potential range of variation. Traders may consider taking long positions when the price is near or below the lower error band and short positions when the price is close to or above the upper error band.
It's important to note that the LG-S2F indicator is specifically designed for Bitcoin and relies on the Stock-to-Flow model. Users should exercise caution and consider additional analysis and factors before making trading decisions solely based on this indicator.
The LG-S2F indicator, developed by QuantMario and AlgoAlpha, is an original implementation that combines the Stock-to-Flow model with error bands to provide a comprehensive view of BTC's potential price range. While the concept of Stock-to-Flow analysis exists, the specific calculations, incorporation of error bands, and customization options in this script are unique to QuantMario's methodology. The script is released under Mozilla Public License 2.0, allowing users to utilize and modify it while adhering to the license terms.
CAPM Calculator [TrendX_]CAPM calculator is a powerful tool that helps find the cost of equity, which is the minimum return that shareholders require to invest in a company.
With the CAPM calculator, you can assess how well your trading strategy performs compared to the market. The goal of your strategy is to earn higher returns than what you would get by investing in the market with the same level of risk. This is called the risk-adjusted cost of capital, and it represents the minimum return that you should accept for your investment.
A simple way to measure this is to compare the Compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of the trading strategy with the “Compound CAPM”, which is the CAGR of investing in the market with the same beta as the strategy.
If the trading strategy has a higher CAGR than the “Compound CAPM”, it means that it has outperformed the market on a risk-adjusted basis.
This is a sign of an effective trading strategy.
The results achieved in the past are not all reliable sources of what will happen in the future. There are many factors and uncertainties that can affect the outcome of any endeavor, and no one can guarantee or predict with certainty what will occur.
Therefore, you should always exercise caution and judgment when making decisions based on past performance.
"Daily Range with Filtre [Hunter_Algo]
- The script calculates the high and low ranges based on the specified session time, such as the Asia Liquidity session.
- It uses the timeinrange function to determine if the current bar is within the specified session.
- High and low values are updated based on whether the current high or low surpasses the previous values within the specified session.
- The script includes functions to convert day strings to integers and style strings to enumeration values.
- There are additional inputs related to the start and end of the day range, as well as colors and styles for various elements.
- The script calculates daily high (Dh), daily low (Dl), and other variables based on certain conditions, including the day of the week.
Dividend Calendar (Zeiierman)█ Overview
The Dividend Calendar is a financial tool designed for investors and analysts in the stock market. Its primary function is to provide a schedule of expected dividend payouts from various companies.
Dividends, which are portions of a company's earnings distributed to shareholders, represent a return on their investment. This calendar is particularly crucial for investors who prioritize dividend income, as it enables them to plan and manage their investment strategies with greater effectiveness. By offering a comprehensive overview of when dividends are due, the Dividend Calendar aids in informed decision-making, allowing investors to time their purchases and sales of stocks to optimize their dividend income. Additionally, it can be a valuable tool for forecasting cash flow and assessing the financial health and dividend-paying consistency of different companies.
█ How to Use
Dividend Yield Analysis:
By tracking dividend growth and payouts, traders can identify stocks with attractive dividend yields. This is particularly useful for income-focused investors who prioritize steady cash flow from their investments.
Income Planning:
For those relying on dividends as a source of income, the calendar helps in forecasting income.
Trend Identification:
Analyzing the growth rates of dividends helps in identifying long-term trends in a company's financial health. Consistently increasing dividends can be a sign of a company's strong financial position, while decreasing dividends might signal potential issues.
Portfolio Diversification:
The tool can assist in diversifying a portfolio by identifying a range of dividend-paying stocks across different sectors. This can help mitigate risk as different sectors may react differently to market conditions.
Timing Investments:
For those who follow a dividend capture strategy, this indicator can be invaluable. It can help in timing the buying and selling of stocks around their ex-dividend dates to maximize dividend income.
█ How it Works
This script is a comprehensive tool for tracking and analyzing stock dividend data. It calculates growth rates, monthly and yearly totals, and allows for custom date handling. Structured to be visually informative, it provides tables and alerts for the easy monitoring of dividend-paying stocks.
Data Retrieval and Estimation: It fetches dividend payout times and amounts for a list of stocks. The script also estimates future values based on historical data.
Growth Analysis: It calculates the average growth rate of dividend payments for each stock, providing insights into dividend consistency and growth over time.
Summation and Aggregation: The script sums up dividends on a monthly and yearly basis, allowing for a clear view of total payouts.
Customization and Alerts: Users can input custom months for dividend tracking. The script also generates alerts for upcoming or current dividend payouts.
Visualization: It produces various tables and visual representations, including full calendar views and income tables, to display the dividend data in an easily understandable format.
█ Settings
Description: This setting allows the user to specify the currency in which dividend values are displayed. By default, it's set to USD, but users can change it to their local currency.
Impact: Changing this value alters the currency denomination for all dividend values displayed by the script.
Ex-Date or Pay-Date:
Description: Users can select whether to show the Ex-dividend day or the Actual Payout day.
Impact: This changes the reference date for dividend data, affecting the timing of when dividends are shown as due or paid.
Estimate Forward:
Description: Enables traders to predict future dividends based on historical data.
Impact: When enabled, the script estimates future dividend payments, providing a forward-looking view of potential income.
Dividend Table Design:
Description: Choose between viewing the full dividend calendar, just the cumulative monthly dividend, or a summary view.
Impact: This alters the format and extent of the dividend data displayed, catering to different levels of detail a user might require.
Show Dividend Growth:
Description: Users can enable dividend growth tracking over a specified number of years.
Impact: When enabled, the script displays the growth rate of dividends over the selected number of years, providing insight into dividend trends.
Customize Stocks & User Inputs:
This setting allows users to customize the stocks they track, the number of shares they hold, the dividend payout amount, and the payout months.
Impact: Users can tailor the script to their specific portfolio, making the dividend data more relevant and personalized to their investments.
The information contained in my Scripts/Indicators/Ideas/Algos/Systems does not constitute financial advice or a solicitation to buy or sell any securities of any type. I will not accept liability for any loss or damage, including without limitation any loss of profit, which may arise directly or indirectly from the use of or reliance on such information.
All investments involve risk, and the past performance of a security, industry, sector, market, financial product, trading strategy, backtest, or individual's trading does not guarantee future results or returns. Investors are fully responsible for any investment decisions they make. Such decisions should be based solely on an evaluation of their financial circumstances, investment objectives, risk tolerance, and liquidity needs.
My Scripts/Indicators/Ideas/Algos/Systems are only for educational purposes!
MacroTrend VisionThe "MacroTrend Vision" indicator is crafted with a singular goal – to provide traders with a quick and insightful snapshot of a country's global index. Seamlessly combining macroeconomic and technical perspectives, this tool is designed for those seeking a straightforward yet comprehensive overview. Let's explore the key features that make the "MacroTrend Vision" a valuable asset for traders looking to grasp both the big-picture economic context and technical nuances.
1. Long-Term Vision with Weekly Periods:
Gain a genuine long-term perspective with the ability to process 2500 weekly periods. This feature ensures a holistic understanding of global indices from both macroeconomic and technical viewpoints.
2. Composite Leading Indicator (CLI) Conditions:
Integrate both macroeconomic trends and technical signals through Composite Leading Indicator (CLI) conditions derived from the Relative Strength Index (RSI), offering a comprehensive outlook for informed decision-making.
3. Deviation Bands for Volatility Analysis:
Refine market analysis with strategically integrated deviation bands (0.2 and 0.4) based on smoothed linear regression. Anticipate volatility and potential trend shifts, aligning macro and technical insights.
4. Logarithmic Scale Transformation:
Enhance precision in understanding price movements with a logarithmic scale transformation, especially beneficial for assets with exponential growth patterns.
5. Separated Window for Easy Navigation:
Streamline your analysis with a user-friendly design – a separated window allowing easy navigation through different symbols without altering indicator settings.
6. Alert System for CLI Conditions:
Stay informed about critical shifts with an alert system for both long and close conditions based on the RSI of the CLI. Even during periods of limited chart monitoring, this feature keeps you connected to macroeconomic and technical changes.
In essence, the "MacroTrend Vision" is your go-to tool for a balanced view, simplifying the complexities of global indices with a blend of macroeconomic insights and technical clarity.
Bitcoin Dominance (Excluding Stablecoins)Bitcoin dominance as provided by Trading View's BTC.D ticker fails to account for the fact that crypto is an isolated market and should not include stablecoins in their calculations.
Godspeed anon.
Scale Ability [TrendX_]Scale Ability indicator can indicate a company’s potential for future growth and profitability.
A scalable company is one that can increase its revenue and market share without increasing its costs proportionally, which can benefit from economies of scale. Therefore, the high-scale ability can generate more value for its shareholders - which is important for investment decisions.
Scale Ability indicator consists of 3 financial components:
Cash Flow from Investing Activities to Total Assets Ratio (CFIA / TA)
Net Income to Total Debt Ratio (NI / TD)
Earnings Before Interest, Taxes, Depreciation and Amortization to Equity Ratio (EBITDA / E)
These measures can help investors assess how efficiently and effectively a company uses its resources to generate revenue and profit.
This can be customizable between Fiscal Quarter (FQ) and Fiscal Year (Fy)
This is suitable for companies in fast-growing industries.
CFIA / TA Ratio
A company with a net income to total debt of 9% could indicate that it is investing in its assets to keep up with the market demand and the technological changes which can create competitive advantages.
NI/ TD Ratio
A company with a net income to total debt of 9% could show that it is profitable and has a strong financial position, which can easily cover its debt payments.
EBITDA / E Ratio
A company with a net income to total debt of 14% illustrates that it is generating a high return on its equity.
Scale index division:
> 43 : Excellent
32 - 43 : Good
12 - 31 : Above Average
= 11 : Average
8 - 10 : Below Average
5 - 7 : Poor
< 4 : Very Poor
This is only a rough estimate, and the actual ratio may differ significantly depending on the stage of the business cycle and the company’s strategy, and the comparison of each company and its peers.
This indicator is not financial advice, it can only help traders make better decisions. There are many factors and uncertainties that can affect the outcome of any endeavor, and no one can guarantee or predict with certainty what will occur.
Therefore, one should always exercise caution and judgment when making decisions based on past performance.
TASC 2023.12 Growth and Value Switching System█ OVERVIEW
This script implements a rotation system for trading value and growth ETFs, as developed by Markos Katsanos and detailed in the article titled 'Growth Or Value?' in TASC's December 2023 edition of Traders' Tips . The purpose of this script is to demonstrate how short-term momentum can be employed to track market trends and provide clarity on when to switch between value and growth.
The central concept of the presented rotation strategy is based on the observation that the stock market undergoes cycles favoring either growth or value stocks. Consequently, the script introduces a momentum trading system that is designed to switch between value and growth equities based on prevailing market conditions. Specifically tailored for long-term index investors, the system focuses on trading Vanguard's value and growth ETFs ( VTV and VUG ) on a weekly timeframe.
To identify the ETF likely to outperform, the script uses a custom relative strength indicator applied to both VTV and VUG in comparison with an index ( SPY ). To minimize risk and drawdowns during bear markets, when both value and growth experience downtrends, the script employs the author's custom volume flow indicator (VFI) and blocks trades when its reading indicates money outflow . Positions are closed if the relative strength of the current open trade ETF falls below that of the other ETF for two consecutive weeks and is also below its moving average. Additionally, the script implements a stop-loss when the ETF is trading below its 40-week moving average, but only during bear markets.
The script plots the relative strengths of the value and growth equities along with the signals triggered by the aforementioned rules. Information about the current readings of the relative strength and volume flow indicators, along with the current open position, is displayed in a table.
The script uses the function to gather price data for both equities and the reference index. Custom relative strength and volume flow indicators are calculated based on the formulas presented in the original article. By default, the script employs the same parameters for these indicators as proposed in the original article for VTV and VUG on a weekly timeframe.
ETF Holdings and Sectors [SS]Made this fun little indicator.
It is another showcase one, just demonstrating the ETF library that contains the top 10 holdings of various US-based ETFs, as well as a breakdown by sector.
The indicator is defaulted to auto settings. This means it will automatically populate with ETF data when you are on that ETF chart. If you are on another chart, it will disappear for which no information is available, it will disappear. (Note, it is also programmed to recognize the leveraged share versions, such as TNA, TZA, SPXL, UPRO, etc.)
However, there is another cool little function it does, which is, it will search all available ETFs in the database to find if any of them hold the ticker you are on and, if so, what percentage of the ETF is invested in that particular ticker.
We can look at some examples:
And if you are on a chart that is neither an ETF or is not found in any of the databases, the indicator disappears:
It made it so you could leave it running in the background and it would do its thing.
You can also choose to manually search through the available ETFs in the list.
Another function is, that when you are on the ETF itself, it will display the past 252 (1 trading year) day return. You can modify this to any amount of days you would like in the settings.
All of the settings are customizable. You can choose what you want and don't want to be plotted.
That's the indicator in a nutshull, just something fun and interesting to play around with.
Hope you enjoy!
Safe trades everyone and thanks for reading!
Leading Industry [TrendX__]Leading Industry indicator functions like an Industry-meter, a tool that measures the strength of different industries in a country or region.
It consists of the fields of Technology, Finance, Industrial, Energy, Real-estate, and Construction.
The Industry-meter indicates which industry is the strongest by using an arrow that points to the field with the highest score.
The default fields are set for Vietnam’s industry, but the user can customize them according to their preferences and needs.
The Industry-meter is a useful way to visualize the economic landscape and identify the opportunities and challenges in various sectors.
This indicator is not financial advice, it can only help traders make better decisions. There are many factors and uncertainties that can affect the outcome of any endeavor, and no one can guarantee or predict with certainty what will occur.
Therefore, one should always exercise caution and judgment when making decisions based on past performance.
News AlertIntention Of This Indicator
This indicator allows you to enter daily news release times, and it will warn you before and after that news release time ( to help you stay out of trading news )
This indicator is not intended to display news releases automatically. You must manually enter the time you wish to display news in the inputs
This indicator Draw / Displays the following
A line displaying where the news release is going to happen ( only according to your time input settings )
A box that surrounds the news release ( only according to your time input settings )
A table in the bottom right corner that shows you when there is Active News ( only according to your time input settings )
Inputs to change the aesthetics ( colours etc. )
Numeric inputs to modify the placement News / Area
Toggles to activate or deactivate features
This indicator does not guaranteed to work for every instrument ( always test before use! )
This indicator is not guaranteed to be accurate, or error free.
You must manually enter the news time inputs, this indicator does not automatically show you when there is a news release
TrendX Earning-Approach Valuation (Stock)TrendX Earning-Approach Valuation (Stock) indicator is a Fundamental Analysis tool that only focus on the Earnings of the company.
This Earning-Approach Valuation is easy to use and customize. TrendX valuates a company's Fair Value based on all the earnings multiples and its average with a little interference of users' risk capacity. Technical Analysis is also included as an additional basis for investment decisions.
Valuation tool
The strategy projects the future value of the company based on its Fiscal Quarter operating income, net income and diluted total shares outstanding. Operating income is the income from the core business operations, before interest and taxes. Net income is the income after interest, taxes and other expenses. The strategy assumes that the operating income and net income will grow at the same rate as their historical values.
The strategy also adjusts the diluted total shares outstanding, which may change due to dilutive securities, to calculate the projected EPS. It then uses the price-to-earnings (P/E) as a multiple in future valuation approach.
Value classification
TrendX classifies 2 phases between Under-value and Over-value, which are represented in green and red, respectively. This toolkit can work well with other indicators of technical analysis, but it can also stand on its own because of its built-in Technical Analysis plugins, which are explained below.
Display potential Support and Resistance levels
TrendX shows support and resistance levels based on the company's past and present Fair Values, which is colored in white. It also draws a current Fair Value line with green coloring.
Potential Entry and Exit zone
By combining the Breakout and retesting technique in both Lagging and Leading's perpective, with the Earning-based valuation, traders can optimize not only the entry-level at the Undervalued zone but also the exit-level at the potential “Bear” area.
Margin of Safety
TrendX also incorporates the margin of safety, which is shown in Risk Ability for customs.
The strategy is useful for valuing companies that have positive and stable earnings, and a predictable growth rate. Accordingly, it can also be helpful for traders to use alongside other forms of Technical Analysis.
Many traders fail to realize that indicators are not enough to achieve success, and they end up getting confused and frustrated by trying to find a perfect solution. TrendX aims to avoid this problem by providing clear and concise signals that can be easily followed
The results achieved in the past are not all reliable sources of what will happen in the future. There are many factors and uncertainties that can affect the outcome of any endeavor, and no one can guarantee or predict with certainty what will occur.
The strategy also relies on assumptions that may not be accurate or realistic, which can vary depending on the market conditions and investor sentiment.
If you notice significant changes in the Valuation over time, it is due to revisions in the company’s reported financials, changes in accounting standards, or corrections of previous errors.
Therefore, you should always exercise caution and judgment when making decisions based on past performance.
Syminfo analysisAllows you to track analysts' recommendations by symbol (both current and selected in Symbol input)
The table in the upper right corner shows information on the symbol:
1. employees count
2. shareholders count
3. shares outstanding float
4. shares outstanding total
The chart in the lower left corner shows Analyst rating from past 3 months, equivalently shows the number of analysts who say:
1. Strong buy
2. Buy
3. Hold
4. Sell
5. Strong sell
The lines pointing to the right edge of the chart show analysts' price expectations for the year:
- max price
- average price
- current price
- min price
The area between current price and max price is filled with green color
The area between min price and current price is filled in red color
TrendX Financial Modelling (Stock)TrendX Financial Modelling (Stock) indicator is a comprehensive tool that takes full advantage of both financial modelling and technical analysis to estimate the Intrinsic Value of any security. There are 2 main Fundamental methods for Intrinsic valuation: Discounted Cash Flow (DCF) and Basic Valuation.
This Intrinsic Value Indicator is easy to use and customize. TrendX enables adjusting the parameters such as the type of basic valuation, market expected growth rate, the earnings multiple, and the margin of safety level according to your own assumptions and preferences. You can also apply different filters and alerts to get notified when a buy or sell signal is generated.
Valuation tool
DCF model will calculate the Present Value of all expected future cash flows, discounted at an appropriate rate, and compare it with the current market condition. In addition, Basic Valuation consists of 6 types of approaches depending on the industry of the target company. Combining these, the chart will show the potential target value from the current price.
Value classification
TrendX classifies 2 phases between Under-value and Fair-value, which are represented in Purple and grey, respectively.
Display potential targets
TrendX spot key target levels based on TrendX’s Valuation toolkit.
Optimal valued entry-exit
By combining the Breakout structure and divergences with the TrendX financial model, investors can optimize not only the entry-level at the Undervalued zone but also the exit-level at the potential “Bear” area.
Margin of safety
TrendX also incorporates the margin of safety principle, which is a key concept in value investing. The margin of safety is the secured zone between the intrinsic value and the market price, expressed as a percentage. The higher the margin of safety, the lower the risk of loss and the higher the potential return, which is customizable based on your preferences.
The Intrinsic Financial Model Indicator is very practical for any investor who wants to make informed and rational decisions based on Fundamental Analysis. It will help find undervalued gems in any market and avoid overpaying for overhyped stocks. Accordingly, it can also be helpful for traders to use alongside other forms of Technical Analysis.
Many traders fail to realize that indicators are not enough to achieve success, and they end up getting confused and frustrated by trying to find a perfect solution. TrendX aims to avoid this problem by providing clear and concise signals that can be easily followed
The results achieved in the past are not all reliable sources of what will happen in the future. There are many factors and uncertainties that can affect the outcome of any endeavor, and no one can guarantee or predict with certainty what will occur.
If you notice significant changes in the Intrinsic Valuation over time, it is due to revisions in the company’s reported financials, changes in accounting standards, or corrections of previous errors.
Therefore, you should always exercise caution and judgment when making decisions based on past performance.
Stablecoin DominanceStablecoin Dominance Indicator
The Stablecoin Dominance Indicator is a powerful tool designed to analyze the relative dominance of stablecoins within the cryptocurrency market. It utilizes a combination of regression analysis and standard deviation to provide valuable insights into market sentiment and potential turning points. This indicator is particularly useful for traders and investors looking to make informed decisions in the dynamic world of cryptocurrencies.
How to Read the Indicator:
The Stablecoin Dominance Indicator comprises three key lines, each serving a specific purpose:
Middle Line (Regression Line):
The middle line represents the Regression Line of stablecoin dominance, acting as a baseline showing the average or mean dominance of stablecoins in the market.
When the stablecoin dominance hovers around this middle line, it suggests a relatively stable market sentiment with no extreme overbought or oversold conditions.
Upper Line (2 Standard Deviations Above Mean):
The upper line, positioned 2 standard deviations above the Regression Line, indicates a significant deviation from the mean.
When stablecoin dominance approaches or surpasses this upper line, it may imply that the cryptocurrency market is experiencing oversold conditions, potentially signaling a market bottom. This is an opportune time for traders to consider increasing their exposure to cryptocurrencies.
Lower Line (2 Standard Deviations Below Mean):
The lower line, positioned 2 standard deviations below the Regression Line, shows a significant deviation in the opposite direction, indicating overbought conditions.
When stablecoin dominance approaches or falls below this lower line, it suggests overbought conditions in the market, possibly indicating a market top. Traders may consider reducing their cryptocurrency holdings or taking profits during this phase.
It's important to note that the Stablecoin Dominance Indicator should be used in conjunction with other analysis tools and strategies.
By understanding and applying the insights provided by this indicator, traders and investors can make more informed decisions in the ever-changing cryptocurrency landscape, potentially enhancing their trading strategies and risk management practices.
(Log Regression code made by @rumpypumpydumpy)