AII - Average indicator of indicatorsThis Pine Script for TradingView is a technical analysis tool that visualizes the average of several popular indicators in the trading world. The indicators included are the RSI (Relative Strength Index), RVI (Relative Vigor Index), Stochastic RSI, Williams %R, relative MACD (ranging from 0 to 100), and Bollinger Bands price distance from 0 to 100. The script uses the "input" function to customize the length of the indicators and the "plot" function to display the results on the chart. In addition, options are included to turn off certain indicators and change the line colors if the user desires. All indicators can also be activated independently, allowing the user to see only the indicators they want. It is also mentioned that the script will be improved in the future to offer a better user experience. The calculated values are calculated with the default EMA of 14. Overall, this script is an excellent option for those looking for a combined view of several important indicators for making trading decisions.
Strategy Myth-Busting #7 - MACDBB+SSL+VSF - [MYN]This is part of a new series we are calling "Strategy Myth-Busting" where we take open public manual trading strategies and automate them. The goal is to not only validate the authenticity of the claims but to provide an automated version for traders who wish to trade autonomously.
Our seventh one we are automating is the "Magic MACD Indicator: Crazy Accurate Scalping Trading Strategy ( 74% Win Rate )" strategy from "TradeIQ" who claims to have backtested this manually and achieved 427% profit with a 74% winrate over 100 trades in just a 4 months. I was unable to emulate these results consistently accommodating for slippage and commission but even so the results and especially the high win-rate and low markdown is pretty impressive and quite respectable.
This strategy uses a combination of 3 open-source public indicators:
AK MACD BB v 1.00 by Algokid
SSL Hybrid by Mihkel00
Volume Strength Finder by Saravanan_Ragavan
This is considered a trend following Strategy. AK MACD BB is being used as the primary short term trend direction indicator with an interesting approach of using Bollinger Bands to define an upper and lower range and upon the MACD going above the upper Bollinger Bands, it's indicative of an up trend, where as if the MACD is below the lower Bollinger Band, it's indicative of a down trend. To eliminate false signals, SSL Hyrbid is used as a trend confirmation filter, confirming and eliminating false signals from the MACD BB. It does this by validating the price action is above the the EMA and the SSL is positive that is a confirmation of an uptrend. When the price action is below the EMA and the SSL is negative, that is an confirmation of a downtrend. To avoid taking trades during ranged markets, VSF Buyer's Strength is used so the buyers/sellers strength and must be above 50% or the trade will not be inititiated.
Trading Rules
5 min candles but other lower time frames even below 5m work quite well too.
Best results can be found by tweaking these 2 input parameters:
Number Of bars to look back to ensure MACD isn't above/below Zero Line
Number Of bars back to look for SSL pullback
Long Entry when these conditions are true
AK MACD BB BB issues a new continuation long signal. A new green circle must appear on the indicator and these circles should not be touching across the zero level while they were previously red
SSL Hybrid price action closes above the EMA and the line is blue color and then creates a pullback . The pullback is confirmed when the color changes from blue to gray or from blue to red.
VSF Buyers strength above 50% at the time the MACD indicator issues a new long signal.
Short Entry when these conditions are true
AK MACD BB issues a new continuation short signal. A new red circle must appear on the indicator and these circles should not be touching across the zero level while they were previously green
SSL Hybrid price action closes below the EMA and the line is red color then it has to create a pullback . The pullback is confirmed when the color changes from red to gray or from red to blue.
VSF Sellers strength above 50% at the time the MACD indicator issues a new short signal.
Stop Loss at EMA Line with TP Target 1.5x the risk
If you know of or have a strategy you want to see myth-busted or just have an idea for one, please feel free to message me.
MACD MTF LinesThe indicator shows the MACD histogram sign (positive or negative) for several timeframes at once. You can see at a glance how the price is trending across higher and lower timeframes.
The code uses recursive calculations for the SMA and EMA to avoid lookahead errors and repainting on higher timeframes.
Note that, for lower timeframes, the line becomes yellow to the left because history is limited and there are not enough bars to calculate.
Trend Movement S1-TMIdea:
This script combines: Moving Average (MA), Directional Movement (DMI), MACD
When condition of long or short position from all mentioned indicator are met script opens position. Once trend changes, it closes the position.
Then add some filter conditions to avoid noise.
(Note that we take the close to get the closing price)
-Using only cross up down with MA will give a reversal point, but the downside is that it can be noisy.
-MACD will show the current trend detected by cross point.
-Then the +DI , -DI , ADX values are taken into account to confirm the price direction and movement strength.
-This strategy solves this problem by combining 2 more moving averages called 2 trend lines 1 long and 1 short. When the short line crosses up, it will show that the price trend is increasing (at this time the background between these 2 lines will be green) and vice versa (red). To determine if the current trend is bullish or bearish . This will avoid buying when price tend to go down.
-However, there will be many points where some more complex logic is needed. It will add conditions and calculate the probabilities before triggering the signals (You can see them through the item symbols B1, B2, ... ).
How it works:
1. The thin line is stand for short term moving average, and the thick line is stand for long term moving average.
If thin lines cross the thick lines, their color and background will turn green, the price is tend to go up (Uptrend).
If thin lines cross down thick lines, their color and background will turn red, the price is tend to go down (Downtrend).
2. Ability to check the checkbox in setting to show the Golden/De*ath cross.
The yellow symbol "+" is the Golden cross.
The black symbol "+" is the De*th cross.
3. Buy and Sell are show clearly on strategy as the buy and sell point. The default source from bar is CLOSE
4. Setting "Buy only" it using for spot market.
5. When "Not buy in down trend" is checked, it will not trigger buy when in down trend (thin lines cross down thick lines like description in 1.)
6. Setting High spread will call Close buy when it match the High spread bar with the High spread % value
7. It provides setting "Back test From date/To date" for backtest feature. You can set "BacktestFrom date" as the begin of test period. If check box "Using To Date" is check: "Backtest To Date" will be the end of test period.
Suitable time frames:
4h, 1D, 1W
* Please note that this logic does not attempt to predict future prices or 100% accurate signal; Strategy Tester are available to test the profitability of this strategy.
(INVITE ONLY indicator. Please direct message or visit website to try it out)
Hope you guys enjoy!
Price Cross ━ [whvntr]This oscillator is an attractive way to view hidden price divergence... The formula originated from the Lark, but I have cleanly displayed this information. When the two moving averages (ema) cross with a simple moving average, you find the hidden price divergence. What kind of market should you use this in? It works well when a trend is already established.
Disclaimer: This indicator does not constitute investment advice. Trade at your own
risk with this method of identifying hidden price divergence.
Volume Cross ━ (For Volume Crop) [whvntr]This fulfills a request from user: iTibu to make an oscillator to go along with one of my indicators named: " Volume Crop ━ Hidden Volume Divergence ". It essentially does the same thing, without the Midline Tool , so you can better understand where the crosses are happening. Again, the hidden MACD Divergence circles formula originated from TheLark. I converted these values to volume instead of price.
Disclaimer: using this indicator, or any indicator anywhere, involves risk when trading and isn't a guarantee of 100% accurate results.
RedK K-MACD : a MACD with some more musclesMoving Averages are probably the most commonly used analysis tools, and MACD is possibly the first charting indicator a trader gets to learn about.
MACD Basic concept
Without repeating all the tons of documentation about what MACD does, let's quickly re-visit the MACD concept from a 10-mile altitude (note we're keen on simplifying here rather than being technically accurate - so please forgive the use of any "common lingos")
- MACD goal is to represent the distance between 2 Moving Averages (MAs) - one fast and one slow, relatively - as an unrestricted zero-based oscillator.
- The value of the main MACD line is the distance, or the displacement between the 2 MA's
- usually a signal line is used (which is another MA of that distance value) to enable better visualization of the change (and rate of change, since this is all depicted on a time axis) of that displacement - this represents price momentum (price movement in the recent period versus movements for a relatively longer period).
- the difference between the main MACD line and its signal is then represented as a histogram above and below the zero line. in this case, that histogram is really redundant, since it shows a value that is already represented visually by the main line and its signal line.
How K-MACD is different
K-MACD takes that simple concept of the classic MACD and expands around it - the idea is to use the same simple approach to representing price momentum while bringing in more insight to price moves in the short, medium and long terms, ability to represent more than 2 MA's and to enable better identification of tradeable patterns (like Volatility Contraction and others) - while still keeping things simple and visually clean.
K-MACD is an indicator that allows us to view how price moves against 3 moving averages: a fast / slow pair, and a "market" Filter or Baseline (very long) that will be used as a flag for Bear/Bull market mode. Many traders and trading literature use the 200 day (40 week) SMA as that key filter
so in total, there are 4 MA lines in K-MACD (excluding the "orange" signal line):
* Price Proxy: Which is a very fast moving average that will represent the price itself - let's use a WMA(3) or something close to that here - there will be a signal line to enable better visualization of this similar to a classic MACD - that's the orange line
* Fast & Slow MA's : Use whatever represents the "medium term" momentum for your trading - Some traders use 20 and 50, others use 10 and 20 .. if on your price chart, you keep using a pair of MA's for this, use the same settings in K-MACD - these will be represented by the 3-color Momentum Bars that fluctuate above and below the baseline
* Filter/Baseline MA: Should be your long (Bullish/Bearish Mode) MA. so 100 or 200 or any other value you consider your market to be bearish below and bullish above. on K-MACD this is actually the blue zero line - everything else is "relative" to it
Review the sample chart which explains various elements and the "price chart" setup that K-MACD represents. With K-MACD you can clean up your chart from those various Moving Averages - or use a different set than the ones you already have K-MACD represent - or other indicators (like ATR channels..etc)
Other "muscles" in the K-MACD
- Relative vs Classic Calculation Mode
A key issue with the classic MACD is that the displacement between the 2 moving averages is represented as "absolute or direct" values - as the price of the underlying increases with time, you can't really use these values to make useful comparison between the past and now (see below example) - also you can't use them to compare 2 different instruments.
- The "Relative" calculation option in K-MACD addresses that issue by relating all "distances" to the Baseline MA as percentage (above or below) - you can see this clear when you look at the above chart the far left versus the far right and compare K-MACD with the classic MACD - the Classic option is still available
- More MA "type" options for all MA lines: choose between SMA, EMA, WMA, and RSS_WMA (which i use a lot in my trading and is my default for the Price Proxy)
- More Alerts: a total or 9 alerts (in 3 groups) are available with K-MACD (Momentum above or below baseline, Price Proxy crossing signal line, and Price Proxy crossing baseline)
- New 52 week High / Low markers: These will show as Green/red circles on the zero line in K-MACD. this will only work for 1D timeframe and above, i'm just using a simple approach and would like to keep it that way.
- i know i added some more features not covered above :) -- if you have questions about any of the settings, feel free to ask below
Closing thoughts
K-MACD is a combination of couple of indicators i published in the past (xMACD and Mo_Bars) - so you can go back and read about them if needed - I then added improvements to accommodate ideas from swing trading literature and common practices that i plan to focus on in future. So K-MACD is really part of my own trading setup.
I assume here that most traders are familiar with what a MACD is - so kept this post short - if you thing we should expand more about the concepts covered here let me know in the comments - i can make some separate posts with examples and more details.
I hope many fellow traders find this work useful - and feel free let me know in comments below if you do.
Volume Crop ━ Hidden Volume Divergence [whvntr] Volume Divergence
• Formula originated from: "Hidden Price Divergence" (circles) by TheLark. I did two things to harness its
• Firstly, I developed a unique way to filter out the divergence signals that were appearing on both sides of the
midline. This filter will be known as the "Midline Tool" . It filters out a lot of the false signals commonly
associated with oscillators.
• Then, I modified the default format from Price to Volume.
• The midline formula "Midline Tool" was developed by me . It adjusts in the thousands since it's volume.
Let me know in the comments if you would rater have a smaller step value than 10,000. How does it work?
Crossover then Crossunder, the arrows only appear during the first sign of hidden volume divergence once
crossing the midline. Normally, these signs appear on both side of the midline both bearish and bullish no
matter if it's on an oversold or overbought side of the spectrum... Also, let
me know in the comments if you would like for me to release an oscillator version of this
indicator for co-witnessing.
• Volume divergence
• Midline Tool©
• Disclaimer: This indicator does not constitute investment advice. Trade at your own risk with the investments
you can afford to lose because all financial investments have risks and this is not a
guarantee that the volume divergence will be 100% all the time.
MACD + RSI + ADX Strategy (ChatGPT-powered) by TradeSmartThis is a trading strategy made by TradeSmart, using the recommendations given by ChatGPT . As an experiment, we asked ChatGPT on which indicators are the most popular for trading. We used all of the recommendations given, and added more. We ended up with a strategy that performs surprisingly well on many crypto and forex assets. See below for exact details on what logic was implemented and how you can change the parameters of the strategy.
The strategy is a Christmas special , this is how we would like to thank the support of our followers.
The strategy has performed well on Forex, tested on 43 1-hour pairs and turned a profit in 21 cases. Also it has been tested on 51 crypto pairs using the 1-hour timeframe, and turned a profit in 45 cases with a Profit Factor over 1.4 in the top-5 cases. Tests were conducted without commission or slippage, unlike the presented result which uses 0.01% commission and 5 tick slippage.
Some of the top performers were:
The strategy was implemented using the following logic:
Entry strategy:
Long entry:
Price should be above the Simple Moving Average (SMA)
There should be a cross up on the MACD (indicated by the color switch on the histogram, red to green)
RSI should be above the 50 level
Volume is above the selected volume-based Exponential Moving Average (EMA)
ADX should also agree to this position: below 50 and over 20, and above the Regularized Moving Average (REMA)
Short entry:
Price should be under the Simple Moving Average (SMA)
There should be a cross down on the MACD (indicated by the color switch on the histogram, red to green)
RSI should be below the 50 level
Volume is above the selected volume-based Exponential Moving Average (EMA)
ADX should also agree to this position: below 50 and over 20, and above the Regularized Moving Average (REMA)
Exit strategy:
Stop Loss will be placed based on ATR value (with 1.5 Risk)
Take profit level will be placed with a 2.5 Risk/Reward Ratio
Open positions will be closed early based on the Squeeze Momentum (Long: change to red, Short: change to green)
NOTE! : The position sizes used in the example is with 'Risk Percentage (current)', according which the position size will be determined such
that the potential loss is equal to % of the current available capital. This means that in most of the cases, the positions are calculated using leverage.
Parameters of every indicator used in the strategy can be tuned in the strategy settings as follows:
Plot settings:
Plot Signals: true by default, Show all Long and Short signals on the signal candle
Allow early TP/SL plots: false by default, Checking this option will result in the TP and SL lines to be plotted also on the signal candle rather than just the entry candle. Consider this only when manual trading, since backtest entries does not happen on the signal candle.
Entry Signal:
Fast Length: 12 by default
Slow Length: 26 by default
Source: hlcc4 by default
Signal Smoothing: 9 by default
Oscillator MA Type: EMA by default
Signal Line MA Type: EMA by default
Exit Strategy:
ATR Based Stop Loss: true by default
ATR Length (of the SL): 14 by default
ATR Smoothing (of the SL): EMA by default
Candle Low/High Based Stop Loss: false by default, recent lowest or highest point (depending on long/short position) will be used to calculate stop loss value. Set 'Base Risk Multiplier' to 1 if you would like to use the calculated value as is. Setting it to a different value will count as an additional multiplier. Please select only one active stop loss. Default value (if nothing or multiple stop losses are selected) is the 'ATR Based Stop Loss'.
Candle Lookback (of the SL): 10 by default
Base Risk Multiplier: 1.5 by default, the stop loss will be placed at this risk level (meaning in case of ATR SL that the ATR value will be multiplied by this factor and the SL will be placed that value away from the entry level)
Risk to Reward Ratio: 2.5 by default, the take profit level will be placed such as this Risk/Reward ratio is met
Force Exit based on Squeeze Momentum: true by default, a Long position will be closed when Squeeze Momentum turns red inside an open position and a Short position will be closed when Squeeze Momentum turns green inside an open position
BB Length: 20 by default
BB Mult Factor: 1.0 by default
KC Length: 20 by default
KC Mult Factor: 1.5 by default
Use True Range (KC): Yes by default
Base Setups:
Allow Long Entries: true by default
Allow Short Entries: true by default
Order Size: 1.5 by default
Order Type: Risk Percentage (current) by default, allows adjustment on how the position size is calculated: Cash: only the set cash ammount will be used for each trade Contract(s): the adjusted number of contracts will be used for each trade Capital Percentage: a % of the current available capital will be used for each trade Risk Percentage (current): position size will be determined such that the potential loss is equal to % of the current available capital Risk Percentage (initial): position size will be determined such that the potential loss is equal to % of the initial capital
Trend Filter:
Use long trend filter: true by default, only enter long if price is above Long MA
Show long trend filter: true by default, plot the selected MA on the chart
MA Type (Long): SMA by default
MA Length (Long): 100 by default
MA Source (Long): close by default
Use short trend filter: true by default, only enter long if price is under Short MA
Show short trend filter: false by default, plot the selected MA on the chart
MA Type (Short): SMA by default
MA Length (Short): 100 by default
MA Source (Short): close by default
Simple RSI Limiter:
Limit using Simple RSI: true by default, if set to 'Normal', only enter long when Simple RSI is lower then Long Boundary, and only enter short when Simple RSI is higher then Short Boundary. If set to 'Reverse', only enter long when Simple RSI is higher then Long Boundary, and only enter short when Simple RSI is lower then Short Boundary.
Simple RSI Limiter Type:
RSI Length: 14 by default
RSI Source: hl2 by default
Simple RSI Long Boundary: 50 by default
Simple RSI Short Boundary: 50 by default
ADX Limiter:
Use ADX Limiter: true by default, only enter into any position (long/short) if ADX value is higher than the Low Boundary and lower than the High Boundary.
ADX Length: 5 by default
DI Length: 5 by default
High Boundary: 50 by default
Low Boundary: 20 by default
Use MA based calculation: Yes by default, if 'Yes', only enter into position (long/short) if ADX value is higher than MA (ADX as source).
MA Type: REMA by default
MA Length: 5 by default
Volume Filter:
Only enter trades where volume is higher then the volume-based MA: true by default, a set type of MA will be calculated with the volume as source, and set length
MA Type: EMA by default
MA Length: 10 by default
Session Limiter:
Show session plots: false by default, show crypto market sessions on chart: Sidney (red), Tokyo (orange), London (yellow), New York (green)
Use session limiter: false by default, if enabled, trades will only happen in the ticked sessions below.
Sidney session: false by default, session between: 15:00 - 00:00 (EST)
Tokyo session: false by default, session between: 19:00 - 04:00 (EST)
London session: false by default, session between: 03:00 - 11:00 (EST)
New York session: false by default, session between: 08:00 - 17:00 (EST)
Date Range:
Limit Between Dates: false by default
Start Date: Jul 01 2021 00:00:00 by default
End Date: Dec 31 2022 00:00:00 by default
Trading Time:
Limit Trading Time: false by default, tick this together with the options below to enable limiting based on day and time
Valid Trading Days Global: 1234567 by default, if the Limit Trading Time is on, trades will only happen on days that are present in this field. If any of the not global Valid Trading Days is used, this field will be neglected. Values represent days: Sunday (1), Monday (2), ..., Friday (6), Saturday(7) To trade on all days use: 123457
(1) Valid Trading Days: false, 1234567 by default, values represent days: Sunday (1), Monday (2), ..., Friday (6), Saturday(7) The script will trade on days that are present in this field. Please make sure that this field and also (1) Valid Trading Hours Between is checked
(1) Valid Trading Hours Between: false, 0930-1600 by default, hours between which the trades can happen. The time is always in the exchange's timezone
Fine-tuning is highly recommended when using other asset/timeframe combinations.
Momentum shift CCI, MACD, RSI, AligatorIndicator for BTC only.
This indicator combines CCI MACD RSI AND William's alligator.
Bullish macd cross, RSI over 50, bullish William cross and positive CCI result in green background. Otherwise red background is displayed.
For better visibility extreme values can be displayed with greater color saturation. 1D BTCUSD is best with default values.
For other TFs Bull side and bear side values can be tweaked.
For bright red we may assume price to be `greatly oversold.
For bright green we may seek some profit taking.
NSDT Double MA ShadingThis script is an interesting take on Convergence and Divergence of Moving Averages. With the built-in MACD Indicator, you cannot make these adjustments to the settings.
The top Moving Average is calculated on the High of the candle.
The bottom Move Average is calculated on the Low of the candle.
If the two are moving apart (Divergence), the shaded area between them turns Green.
If the two are moving together (Convergence), the shaded area between them turns Red.
This may help identify when a trend is becoming stronger or weaker, based on the shaded area and Moving Average direction.
For example:
If the MA's are pointing downward and the shaded area is Green - it means that average distance between the candle High and Low is getting wider, which may indicate a stronger downward movement. Then, when the shaded area turns Red, signaling the average distance between the candle High and Low are getting narrower, this may indicate that the downward movement is weakening, and may be the end of that downward trend.
You can choose from EMA, SMA, WMA, RMA, HMA, TMA, and VWMA.
Although you can choose the MA Source, it is highly recommended to keep one source on the High of the candle and the other on the Low of the candle, for measure Convergence and Divergence.
All indicator settings are editable.
It can be used on Multi Timeframes (MTF).
This script is free and open source.
MarsMine_PEMTThis indicator uses a total of four indicators, 'ParabolicSAR', 'EMA', 'MACD', and 'TSI', to indicate the direction of the trend as well as the progress signal of the trend.
Basically, the overall trend is analyzed by the 'EMA' and 'TSI' indicators, and the buying trend is displayed in green and the selling trend is displayed in red candlesticks.
An additional buy or sell signal is generated, which analyzes all the 'Parabolic SAR', 'EMA', 'MACD' and 'TSI' indicators to indicate the beginning of a trend that is slightly more accurate than the trend displayed on candlesticks.
해당 지표는 'ParabolicSAR', 'EMA', 'MACD', 'TSI' 총 네 가지 지표를 활용하여 추세의 방향성과 함께 추세의 진행 신호를 알려주는 지표입니다.
기본적으론 전반적인 추세는 'EMA', 'TSI' 지표를 분석하여 매수 추세는 초록색 매도 추세는 빨간색으로 캔들에 표시해 주고 있습니다.
추가적으로 매수 또는 매도 신호가 발생하며, 이 신호는 'Parabolic SAR', 'EMA', 'MACD', 'TSI' 지표 모두를 분석하여 캔들에 표시되는 추세보다 조금 더 정확한 추세의 시작을 표시합니다.
MACD Optimizer Pro [Kioseff Trading]Massive update! This script now includes 12 different moving averages and 30+ built-in technical indicators to enhance your trading strategy optimization! (:
This script (MACD Optimizer Pro) allows the user to optimize and test hundreds of MACD strategies, simultaneously, in under 40 seconds. Of course, theoretically, an unlimited number of trading strategies can be tested with the MACD Optimizer Pro. After the optimization period - the MACD Optimizer Pro will show the most profitable MACD strategy or, should you choose, the highest win-rate MACD strategy or the most-efficient MACD strategy!
Optimization results can be backtested and verified using the native TradingView backtester - which is included in the MACD Optimizer Pro - and made easy to use! This feature makes settings alerts a simple practice!
Test hundreds of MACD strategies, simultaneously, in under 40 seconds.
Optimize long MACD strategies and short MACD strategies.
12 different built-in moving averages included to improve your MACD strategy.
30+ built-in technical indicators to improve your MACD strategy.
Runs as a strategy script - profit factor, PnL , win-rate, number of trades, max drawdown, equity curve and other pertinent statistics shown.
Optimize any MACD setting
Profit targets, trailing stops, fixed stop losses, and a binary MACD strategy can all be tested.
Strategies can be optimized for highest win rate, highest net profit, most efficient profit.
Limit orders can be simulated.
External indicators can be used for optimization i.e. your own, custom-built indicator, an indicator from your favorite author, or almost any publicly available
TradingView indicator.
Date range for optimization and backtesting are configurable.
The image above shows a list of configurations for the optimizer. You can
You can test hundreds of different MACD settings in under 40 seconds on any timeframe, asset, etc.
The image above shows additional settings to filter the outcome of your optimization testing. Additionally, you can test an unlimited number of profit targets and stop losses!
You can add one of several built-in TradingView indicators to filter trade entries.
The image above shows all built-in moving averages and TradingView indicators that can be incorporated into your MACD strategy.
Additionally, you can add your own, custom indicator to the optimization test, your favorite indicator by your favorite author or almost any publicly available indicator on TradingView.
The image above shows the settings section in which you can implement this feature.
The image above shows an example of the custom indicator feature! In this instance, I am using the public indicator titled "Self-Optimizing" RSI and requiring it to measure below a level prior to entry! Almost any custom indicator, your favorite indicator, etc. is compatible with this feature!
The MACD Optimizer has improved user friendliness over previous versions. The optimizer can be as simple or complex as you'd like - capable of handling both "easy" and "difficult" tasks at your discretion.
Additionally, you can configure the optimizer to prioritize MACD strategies that earn profit most efficiently!
The image above shows this feature in action.
You can also configure the optimizer to prioritize MACD strategies that achieve the highest win rate!
The image above shows this feature in action.
The instructions below show a rudimentary approach to using the optimizer.
1. Build your strategy in the settings.
You should also disable the "Run a Backtest" feature to improve load times during optimization.
The image above shows my custom strategy settings.
Now that you've got some data on your chart - you should try "Freezing" the "Smoothing" setting for MACD . When doing this, the optimizer will test hundreds of MACD settings with a fixed "Smoothing" setting. Try using the best "Smoothing" setting you were able to find for your initial testing.
2. Take the best "Smoothing" setting and test various MACD and Signal Lengths.
The image above shows me configuring the MACD Optimizer to test different MACD line lengths and Signal line lengths with a fixed "smoothing" setting.
From the results, we can see that there are better MACD settings than what was shown in our initial test!
With this information we can execute a TradingView backtest.
3. Execute a TradingView Backtest.
You must enable the "Run a Backtest" feature to perform a TradingView backtest. Additionally, it's advised to enable the "STOP OPTIMIZATION" feature when performing a TradingView backtest. Enabling this feature will improve load times for the backtest to only a few seconds (since the optimizer won't look for the best setting when this feature is enabled).
The image above shows completion of the process!
From here, you can perform further testing, set alerts, etc.
Backtest Settings Shown
Initial Capital: The initial capital used for the shown backtests is $3,500 USD. Set the initial capital to replicate your true starting capital (: PnL for the MACD strategies (listed in table) is calculated using a starting capital of $10,000 USD.
Slippage: The slippage settings for the displayed backtest was set to 2 ticks.
Commission: Commission was adjusted to 0.1%.
Verify Price for Limit Orders was set to 2 ticks.
Trading system optimization is immensely advantageous when executed with prudence.
Technical-oriented, mechanical trading systems work when a valid correlation is methodical to the extent that an objective, precisely-defined ruleset can consistently exploit it. If no such correlation exists, or a technical-oriented system is erroneously designed to exploit an illusory correlation (absent predictive utility), the trading system will fail.
Evaluate results practically and test parameters rigorously after discovery. Simply mining the best-performing parameters and immediately trading them is unlikely a winning strategy. Put as much effort into testing strong-performing parameters and building an accompanying system as you would any other trading strategy. Automated optimization involves curve fitting - it's the responsibility of the trader to validate a replicable sequence or correlation and the trading system that exploits it.
Thanks for checking this out!
Fast EMA above Slow EMA with MACD (by Coinrule)An exponential moving average ( EMA ) is a type of moving average (MA) that places a greater weight and significance on the most recent data points. The exponential moving average is also referred to as the exponentially weighted moving average . An exponentially weighted moving average reacts more significantly to recent price changes than a simple moving average simple moving average ( SMA ), which applies an equal weight to all observations in the period.
Moving average convergence divergence ( MACD ) is a trend-following momentum indicator that shows the relationship between two moving averages of a security’s price. The MACD is calculated by subtracting the 26-period exponential moving average ( EMA ) from the 12-period EMA .
The result of that calculation is the MACD line. A nine-day EMA of the MACD called the "signal line," is then plotted on top of the MACD line, which can function as a trigger for buy and sell signals. Traders may buy the coin when the MACD crosses above its signal line and sell—or short—the security when the MACD crosses below the signal line. Moving average convergence divergence ( MACD ) indicators can be interpreted in several ways, but the more common methods are crossovers, divergences, and rapid rises/falls.
The Strategy enters and closes the trade when the following conditions are met:
The MACD histogram turns bullish
EMA8 is greater than EMA26
Price increases 3% trailing
Price decreases 1% trailing
This strategy is back-tested from 1 January 2022 to simulate how the strategy would work in a bear market and provides good returns.
Pairs that produce very strong results include AXSUSDT on the 5-minute timeframe. This short timeframe means that this strategy opens and closes trades regularly.
Additionally, the trailing stop loss and take profit conditions can also be changed to match your needs.
The strategy assumes each order is using 30% of the available coins to make the results more realistic and to simulate you only ran this strategy on 30% of your holdings. A trading fee of 0.1% is also taken into account and is aligned to the base fee applied on Binance.
Ichimoku Cloud with MACD and Trailing Stop Loss (by Coinrule)The Ichimoku Cloud is a collection of technical indicators that show support and resistance levels, as well as momentum and trend direction. It does this by taking multiple averages and plotting them on a chart. It also uses these figures to compute a “cloud” that attempts to forecast where the price may find support or resistance in the future.
The Ichimoku Cloud was developed by Goichi Hosoda, a Japanese journalist, and published in the late 1960s. It provides more data points than the standard candlestick chart. While it seems complicated at first glance, those familiar with how to read the charts often find it easy to understand with well-defined trading signals.
The Ichimoku Cloud is composed of five lines or calculations, two of which comprise a cloud where the difference between the two lines is shaded in.
The lines include a nine-period average, a 26-period average, an average of those two averages, a 52-period average, and a lagging closing price line.
The cloud is a key part of the indicator. When the price is below the cloud, the trend is down. When the price is above the cloud, the trend is up.
The above trend signals are strengthened if the cloud is moving in the same direction as the price. For example, during an uptrend, the top of the cloud is moving up, or during a downtrend, the bottom of the cloud is moving down.
The MACD is a trend following momentum indicator and provides identification of short-term trend direction. In this variation it utilises the 12-period as the fast and 26-period as the slow length EMAs, with signal smoothing set at 9.
This strategy combines the Ichimoku Cloud with the MACD indicator to better enter trades.
Long/Exit orders are placed when three basic signals are triggered.
Long Position:
Tenkan-Sen is above the Kijun-Sen
Chikou-Span is above the close of 26 bars ago
Close is above the Kumo Cloud
MACD line crosses over the signal line
Exit Position:
Price increases 3% trailing
Price decreases 3% trailing
The script is backtested from 1 June 2022 and provides good returns.
The strategy assumes each order is using 30% of the available coins to make the results more realistic and to simulate you only ran this strategy on 30% of your holdings. A trading fee of 0.1% is also taken into account and is aligned to the base fee applied on Binance.
Rob Booker Reversal Tabs StrategyRob Booker Reversal Tabs Strategy is an updated version of Rob Bookers Reversal Tab study: Rob Booker Reversal Tabs
While the original is a Pinescript study, this version can be switched between strategy and indicator mode.
Rob Bookers script generates reversal signal based on MACD and Stochastics, it is not a true reversal system, default pyramiding value is set to 5.
Inputs determine MACD and Stochastics settings. The only additional input is the "Strategy Mode" checkbox.
This script works well on its own for some tickers, but like any reversal pattern generating scripts, traders will profit from looking at overall price action and trend strength before making a trade.
From the original:
A simple reversal pattern indicator that uses MACD and Stochastics.
Created by Rob Booker and programmed by Andrew Palladino.
Please note that I only updated the original to V5 and edited it to be a strategy, which was a grand total of 5 minutes of work. I updated it because I wanted to see how the script performs as a strategy and I'm publishing it in case others would like to use it. I take no credit whatsoever for the original and WILL take this version down if Rob Booker or his Team ask me to or decide to release their own strategy version of the original.
Check out Rob Bookers scripts and ideas on his Tradingview account: robbooker
Symbol Comparison MACDHow is this different?
This indicator will calculate a MACD between two symbols chosen. As the two symbols price difference grows or shrinks this indicator plots same as MACD and crosses should indicate interesting things with the right symbol selection.
How to use this?
Simply choose a second symbol for comparison or choose two if main chart symbol isn't needed for comparison, the rest of the settings are quite standard to MACD/PPO settings though 14 period signal seems to align better with my intentions.
Which market is it meant for?
Any market, enjoy creating unique combinations and comment any interesting discoveries. I recommend market internals.
What market conditions does this apply to?
Any condition.
Stochastic Moving Average Convergence Divergence (SMACD)This is my attempt at making a Stochastic MACD indicator. To get this to work I have introduced a DC offset to the MACD histogram output. I figured that if theirs a Stochastic RSI their might as well be a Stochastic everything else! lmao enjoy. Honestly, from what I can tell it's even faster than Stochastic Smooth RSI.
The Stochastic Oscillator (STOCH) is a range bound momentum oscillator. The Stochastic indicator is designed to display the location of the close compared to the high/low range over a user defined number of periods. Typically, the Stochastic Oscillator is used for three things; Identifying overbought and oversold levels, spotting divergences and also identifying bull and bear set ups or signals
MACD is an extremely popular indicator used in technical analysis. MACD can be used to identify aspects of a security's overall trend. Most notably these aspects are momentum, as well as trend direction and duration. What makes MACD so informative is that it is actually the combination of two different types of indicators. First, MACD employs two Moving Averages of varying lengths (which are lagging indicators) to identify trend direction and duration. Then, MACD takes the difference in values between those two Moving Averages (MACD Line) and an EMA of those Moving Averages (Signal Line) and plots that difference between the two lines as a histogram which oscillates above and below a center Zero Line. The histogram is used as a good indication of a security's momentum
MACD + EMA System with AlertsSo I created the MACD Cross Strategy but not working alone by itself. I added EMA (Exponential Moving Average) filter to improve its winning rate so the MACD Signal only appears when in the same trend direction as Moving Average.
The Main Rules for Long Signal are:
- MACD Main Line Crossover the MACD Signal Line.
- The crossover happens below the MACD center line (0) so the momentum is strong.
- Price above the EMA 200 so it means the market is in a strong uptrend.
The Main Rules for Short Signal are :
- MACD Main Line Crossunder the MACD Signal Line.
- The crossover happens above the MACD center line (0) so the momentum is strong.
- Price below the EMA 200 so it means the market is in a strong downtrend.
The signal crossover & signal alert only generate as per the following rules above.
Limited MACDwhat is "Limited MACD"?
it is macd but it has some useful additional features.
what it does?
it takes limited values ??just like rsi. The highest value it can take is 100 and the lowest value is -100. this way it gets the same highs and lows for different symbols and time slots. which means we can set overbought and oversold values ??with it. he also paints candles according to their values. The closer the price is to the oversold values, the more red, and the closer to the overbought values, the greener.
how it does it?
macd values ??are limited by dividing by extreme values. The macd value is used as the variable for the color.rgb function, this is used to get a different color for each macd value.
how to use it?
The variables in the settings section are the same as standard macd.
Use the colors to identify overbought and oversold zones and to predict possible price reversal points. also the indicator will mark possible turning points. other than that, its use is similar to standard macd and its limits are up to your imagination.
four hour:
one hour:
five minute:
Rolling MACDThis indicator displays a Rolling Moving Average Convergence Divergence . Contrary to MACD indicators which use a fix time segment, RMACD calculates using a moving window defined by a time period (not a simple number of bars), so it shows better results.
This indicator is inspired by and use the Close & Inventory Bar Retracement Price Line to create an MACD in different timeframes.
If you are not already familiar with MACD, so look at Help Center will get you started
The typical MACD, short for moving average convergence/divergence, is a trading indicator used in technical analysis of stock prices, created by Gerald Appel in the late 1970s. It is designed to reveal changes in the strength, direction, momentum, and duration of a trend in a stock's price.
The MACD indicator(or "oscillator") is a collection of three time series calculated from historical price data, most often the closing price. These three series are: the MACD series proper, the "signal" or "average" series, and the "divergence" series which is the difference between the two. The MACD series is the difference between a "fast" (short period) exponential moving average (EMA), and a "slow" (longer period) EMA of the price series. The average series is an EMA of the MACD series itself.
Because RMACD uses a moving window, it does not exhibit the jumpiness of MACD plots. You can see the more jagged MACD on the chart above. I think both can be useful to traders; up to you to decide which flavor works for you.
Load the indicator on an active chart (see the Help Center if you don't know how).
Time period
By default, the script uses an auto-stepping mechanism to adjust the time period of its moving window to the chart's timeframe. The following table shows chart timeframes and the corresponding time period used by the script. When the chart's timeframe is less than or equal to the timeframe in the first column, the second column's time period is used to calculate RMACD:
Chart Time
timeframe period
1min 🠆 1H
5min 🠆 4H
1H 🠆 1D
4H 🠆 3D
12H 🠆 1W
1D 🠆 1M
1W 🠆 3M
You can use the script's inputs to specify a fixed time period, which you can express in any combination of days, hours and minutes.
By default, the time period currently used is displayed in the lower-right corner of the chart. The script's inputs allow you to hide the display or change its size and location.
Minimum Window Size
This input field determines the minimum number of values to keep in the moving window, even if these values are outside the prescribed time period. This mitigates situations where a large time gap between two bars would cause the time window to be empty, which can occur in non-24x7 markets where large time gaps may separate contiguous chart bars, namely across holidays or trading sessions. For example, if you were using a 1D time period and there is a two-day gap between two bars, then no chart bars would fit in the moving window after the gap. The default value is 10 bars.
This indicator should make trading easier and improve analysis. Nothing is worse than indicators that give confusingly different signals.
I hope you enjoy my new ideas
best regards
MACD MTF Strategy [JoseMetal]============
- Description:
This strategy uses my indicator MACD MTF (check my profile) to generate entries, it also has ATR to define Stop Loss and Take Profit if needed.
The strategy has several customizable options, which allows you to refine the strategy for your asset and timeframe.
You can customize settings for ALL indicator settings (MACD MTF and ATR).
1. Both MACDs agree (current timeframe and higher timeframe).
2. Current timeframe MACD crossover.
3. Higher timeframe MACD crossover.
4. MACDs no longer agree with each other.
1. Predefined Stop Loss and Take Profit based on ATR (stop can be previous wick).
2. MACDs no longer agree with each other.
3. Opposite position entry.
1. ATR.
2. Previous wick.
You can customize any setting for my MACD MTF and ATR.
- Visual:
ATR is shown for the Stop Loss / Take Profit.
The script prints the Take Profit as a green line, Stop Loss as a red line and entry price with a white line.
- Recommendations:
Recommended on 8H or 12H timeframe for the CURRENT timeframe, while using DAILY for the higher timeframe on the MACD MFT (by default).
Entry when BOTH MACDs agree and exit on opposite entry, this has NO TAKE PROFIT or STOP LOSS, so be careful, but gives the BEST profit overall, and being on 8H/12H + Daily lets you relax.
- Customization:
As you can see, almost everything is customizable, for colors and plotting styles check the "Style" tab.
- Descripción:
Esta estrategia utiliza mi indicador MACD MTF (revisa mi perfil) para generar entradas, también cuenta con ATR para definir Stop Loss y Take Profit si es necesario.
La estrategia tiene varias opciones personalizables, lo te le permiten refinar la estrategia para te activo y temporalidad.
Puedes personalizar la configuración de TODOS los indicadores (MACD MTF y ATR).
1. Ambos MACDs coinciden (temporalidad actual y temporalidad superior).
2. Cruce del MACD en el marco de tiempo actual.
3. Cruce del MACD en el marco temporal superior.
4. Los MACD ya no coinciden entre sí (están en desacuerdo).
1. Stop Loss y Take Profit predefinidos basados en el ATR (el stop puede ser la mecha anterior).
2. Los MACDs ya no coinciden entre sí (están en desacuerdo).
3. Entrada en posición contraria.
1. ATR.
2. Mecha anterior.
Puede personalizar cualquier ajuste para mi MACD MTF y ATR.
- Visual:
El ATR se muestra para el Stop Loss / Take Profit.
El script imprime el Take Profit como una línea verde, el Stop Loss como una línea roja y el precio de entrada con una línea blanca.
- Recomendaciones:
Se recomienda en el marco de tiempo 8H o 12H para el marco de tiempo ACTUAL, mientras que se utiliza DIARIO para el marco de tiempo superior en el MACD MFT (por defecto).
Entrar cuando AMBOS MACDs están de acuerdo y salir en la entrada opuesta, esto no tiene TAKE PROFIT o STOP LOSS, así que tenga cuidado, pero da el MEJOR beneficio en general, y estar en 8H/12H + Diario le permite relajarse.
- Personalización:
Como puedes ver, casi todo es personalizable, para colores y estilos de trazado revisa la pestaña "Estilo".
¡Que lo disfrutes!
3Commas Bot DCA Backtester & Signals FREEThis is a DCA Strategy backtester + signals, built to emulate the 3Commas DCA bots. It uses your choice of 4 different buy signals, 2 of which can be adjusted in the settings. Everything is customizable so you can backtest specific settings with different buy signals and find the best performing strategy for your risk tolerance and capital. It can be used to backtest strategies on stocks as well, but just make sure your base order is larger than the share price for the entire backtesting range or it will not calculate properly.
You can use this template to code your own buy signals and then backtest them as a DCA strategy if you know some basic pine script.
The indicator shows all of your backtesting orders on the chart. The red line is your take profit level, the blue line is your average price level, the white line is your first order and the green lines are your average down orders. If you enable a stop loss in the settings your stop loss will be shown as an orange line once all of your average down orders have been hit, it will not be set until price has dipped below your covered trading range.
These levels update when things change during backtesting so you can visualize your strategy and how it would perform as well as see if your percentage deviation is large enough to cover dips. When backtesting trades are taken, the chart will show where they were taken(in backtesting) along with info on those trades such as the number each order is, the size of that order and the percentage deviation that order is from the initial buy.
Tradingview cannot sync this backtester to 3Commas and with the way alerts are setup for strategies on Tradingview, the best option for you to give signals to your bot would be to use this backtester to figure out what trigger you want to use and then setup that indicator separately to send alerts to your bot. All of the indicators used for signals in this backtester are available for free and can be configured to match this backtester and send alerts to 3Commas for you. Just make sure you set your alerts to once per bar close and don’t use less than a 15 second timeframe because then you could trigger the Tradingview threshold for alerts and get your alerts shut off.
You can also use this backtester with your own buy triggers if you know a little pine script. Just make copy of the script and code in your own buy signals and see how it backtests.
The right hand side of the screen will show an info panel that shows a lot of different information so you can quickly see your bot settings and how it performed right on the screen.
In the top right corner you will see in purple your bot settings. These include your stoploss % if turned on, take profit %, average down order %, average down order % multiplier, volume multiplier, max number of orders allowed and size of your base order.
The top section of the first column “Current Trade” shows these stats: the open trade’s average price, the open trade’s take profit price, the open trade’s PNL, how far price is from your open tarde’s take profit level in percentage, your open position size and number of open orders.
The bottom section of the first column “Overall Performance” shows these stats: total number of trades taken during backtesting range, the largest amount of trades that were open at one time during backtesting, the max drawdown, the average number of bars per trade, gross profit, net profit, percent profit from your initial capital, current portfolio value and your initial capital.
Stoploss On/Off
This will turn your stoploss on or off. By default it is set to off and will not affect anything unless turned on.
Stoploss Percentage
This is the percentage below your final average down order price that will be set as a stoploss to keep your account from going too far in the red on big dips.
Take Profit Percentage - This is the percentage of profit you want the trade to hit before taking profit on your entire DCA trade. This level updates everytime you average down.
Average Down Percentage - This is the percentage that price has to drop from your initial order to initiate your first safety order. If the Average Down Percent Multiplier is set to 1 then this percentage will be the same for every average down order.
Average Down Percentage Multiplier - This multiplies your Average Down Percentage so each safety order needs a larger percentage deviation than the previous one. This keeps your buys closer together at the beginning and further apart when you hit more orders so you can extend your trading range but still be aggressive when price is going sideways.
Volume Multiplier Per New Order - This multiplies the size of each trade based on your base order. If you set it to a 2x multiplier then each average down order will be 2 times the size of the last one. So for example, a $100 base order with a 2x multiplier would have these values for the first 3 average down orders: 200, 400, 800.
Size Of Base Order - This is the size of your first position entry and will be used as a starting point for the volume multiplier. If your base order is $100 then it will buy $100 worth of whatever crypto you are backtesting this on. If you are looking at stock charts, you need to make sure your base order is higher than the share price across the entire backtesting range or it will not perform correctly.
Max Number Of Orders - This is the maximum number of orders the bot can take, including your base order. Adjust this to suit the amount of capital you are willing to allocate to your bot based on how much money it will require to run according to your bot settings.
If you don’t have a lot of capital to work with, then use longer timeframes with a reasonable take profit percentage so that you don’t need a lot of average down orders. You can also try keeping the volume multiplier close to 1.
You can use the 3Commas dca bot settings page to see how much capital you will need for your strategy if you match it to the settings you have on this indicator. You can also check to see how much of a percentage deviation your bot is covering to make sure you have a reasonable range to trade in and orders to cover big dips. You can also check your coverage by seeing how far down the chart the green lines cover, which are your average down orders.
Make sure the initial capital in the properties tab of the settings has enough to cover all of your orders otherwise you will get unrealistic backtesting results. Also, make sure you leave the order size in the properties tab on contracts so it calculates your trades correctly. The only settings you need to touch in the properties tab is the initial capital. Unless you are trading somewhere that has lower commission fees, then you can change that to match, but leave all the other settings as is for it to function properly.
Increasing the volume multiplier will make your average price and take profit target follow the price action a lot closer as price falls, but it can also lead to having very large orders very quickly once you get into the 1.5-3x multiple range. Try using a high volume multiplier with less safety orders and you will get better results, however you need to have money on the sidelines to add on major dips to keep your bot turning a profit. Be very careful with this as greed and impatience will hurt your overall performance. This bot is meant to make money with lots of small wins so don’t get greedy and make sure you have enough money to cover large dips. If you are being aggressive with your bot, then I recommend only using 25% or less of your portfolio to trade aggressively and then use the smart trade feature on 3commas to add chunks of funds to your trades when price dips below your last safety order. Or if you want it to run without any supervision, then use lower volume multipliers and have lots of safety orders that can cover entire bear markets and still keep buying lower.
It’s a good idea to have some capital on the sidelines that you can add in when price dips quickly. This will help lower your average price and allow your bot to get out in profit quicker. 3Commas bot has a smart trade feature that will allow you to track your average price when adding extra funds and it will automatically update your other orders which is very convenient. Look at the longer timeframes when price dips and only add chunks at major areas where price is very likely to bounce. Or you can be aggressive when trading and add to your position when price dips and is at a likely bounce zone to maximize profits.
Only trade coins that have a good amount of liquidity as the larger your orders get, the harder it will be to sell if there isn’t much liquidity. Also, beware of how large your first order is as it will usually be a market order and can move the market if there is not much liquidity.
Since this bot takes a lot of trades and performs best when taking small profits consistently, you will need to factor in exchange fees. The bot is set to .5% commission(you can change this) on the buy and sell orders as most exchanges charge that amount. Some exchanges offer no fee trading on certain coins so be sure to look around for those so you can keep the commissions and maximize profits.
I strongly encourage you to try out a lot of different setting combinations across multiple different coins and do it across a few months to see how it would have performed under various market conditions. This will help you get a better idea of how much of a percentage deviation you’ll need to be able to cover to keep your bot running and making constant profits. You can also use the deep backtesting feature of the strategy panel to see how it would have done, but just beware that the info panel of the indicator will not reflect deep backtesting results, only the normal backtesting range.
This backtester can be used on any market including crypto, stocks, forex & futures. You just need to make sure your base order is larger than the share price when using this on things besides crypto.
This backtester can be used on all timeframes.