Trend Direction v1 - by @cryptomrdavis -This little script helps you to get the right trend. It use two RSI - 1. current chart 2. total market cap.
Simple to use:
Blue line cross the orange line = bullish
Orange line cross the blue line = bearish
You can trade it that way or you wait for the bullish cross and sell it, when the line cross under 70 (or higher, depends on which levels you set).
Combine it with the Crypto Trading Helper to find better long or short positions.
This script doesn't plot any lines or buy signals.
Happy trading!
*** use this tool on your own risk ***
ETH: 0x7b825fa752b9926D3E8397cDb1d9E5473D074646
BCH: qz57n04ud6mn42u00aymqkku8tfh0lk4jv9c28mjvv
[astropark] Long-Short Strategy V2Buy/Long at next candle's open price when you see a green "B" label on the screen, considering green cloud as support for more buys/longs
Sell/short at next candle's open price when you see a red "S" label on the screen, considering red cloud as resistance for more shorts
If you appreciate my script, offer me a coffee, a beer, a pizza :)
BTC jar: 1K5kuYQPEqoNo6GRmJbHWMPmqwKM5S3oRR
ETH jar: 0x091b541a6dd6fe08c4e7bd909baafb2fce9b975e
LTC jar: LSVoAChsZrVsvbNyUfdpxtFpDAUSaUTUig
XRP jar: (XRP deposit tag) 103997763 (XRP deposit address) rEb8TK3gBgk5auZkwc6sHnwrGVJH8DuaLh
PS: Do you need a customization or do you need a dev who implements your strategy? send me a private message ;-)
ETHUSDSHORTS - ETHUSDLONGS : balance of powerHello everyone,
I noticed that many people try to compare SHORTS and LONG positions (see:ETHUSDSHORTS and ETHUSDLONGS ), and the available indicators don't sufficiently highlight the balance of power .
That's why I programmed this indicator to answer this need ( which I also have ! ).
His ETHUSDSHORTS - ETHUSDLONGS crossover indicator e of power
I think you will understand quickly how it works, it's easy :
- If the histogram is negative, the color is red and that means that there are more BTCUSDSHORTS than ETHUSDLONGS
- If the histogram is positive, the color is green and that means that there are more ETHUSDLONGS than ETHUSDSHORTS
A small cross (red or green) appears when the power balance is reversed.
Have a good day.
BTCUSDSHORT - BTCUSDLONG : balance of powerHello everyone,
I noticed that many people try to compare SHORTS and LONG positions (see: BTCUSDSHORTS and BTCUSDLONGS ), and the available indicators don't sufficiently highlight the balance of power .
That's why I programmed this indicator to answer this need ( which I also have ! ).
His name is : BTCUSDSHORT - BTCUSDLONG crossover indicator
I think you will understand quickly how it works, it's easy :
- If the histogram is negative, the color is red and that means that there are more BTCUSDSHORTs than BTCUSDLONG
- If the histogram is positive, the color is green and that means that there are more BTCUSDLONDS than BTCUSDSHORTS
A small cross (red or green) appears when the power balance is reversed.
Have a good day.
EDIT 03/02 : Title has been changed
[astropark] Low TimeFrame Strategy (2H or lower)Buy/Long when you see a green "B" label on the screen "at best price you can", considering green cloud as support for more buys/longs
Sell/short when you see a red "S" label on the screen "at best price you can", considering red cloud as resistance for more shorts
BTC jar: 1K5kuYQPEqoNo6GRmJbHWMPmqwKM5S3oRR
ETH jar: 0x091b541a6dd6fe08c4e7bd909baafb2fce9b975e
LTC jar: LSVoAChsZrVsvbNyUfdpxtFpDAUSaUTUig
XRP jar: (XRP deposit tag) 103997763 (XRP deposit address) rEb8TK3gBgk5auZkwc6sHnwrGVJH8DuaLh
Speed_long_short-v2[WOZDUX]Indicator longs and shorts version 2.
Индикатор лонги и шорты версия 2.
Breakout IndicatorThis script allows you to set breakout alerts.
An alert will be triggered only when price breaks and closes beyond the specified prices. You will get an alert on the first candle that closes beyond the levels you set.
5e_U$D_TE$MAthis script is the triple exponential smoothed moving average.
the default values are based around the ETHUSD 15m chart, experimenting with other values may work against other usd pairs and tf.
how to use:
-if the signal wave crosses above the yellow mean the trend is up
-if the signal wave crosses below the yellow mean the trend is down.
-if the tesma signals green the price is heading up
-if the tesma signals red the price is heading down
*use the blue direction line to gauge a possible change as it heads towards the main signal line.
///// this indicator is designed for coin/usd(t) pairings not alt/btc or alt/eth \\\\\
for alts use this:
tg = robinhood_free
[AN] HAStudy that signals buy and sell zones based on HeikinAshi chart.
Also includes exit signals.
Strategy that tests the signals is available here:
5e_TDIthanks to lazy bear for the initial scripting and the below instructions on TDI:
Traders Dynamic Index
This hybrid indicator helps to decipher and monitor market conditions related to trend direction, market strength, and market volatility .
TDI has the following components:
* Red/Green line = RSI Price line
* Gray line = Trade Signal line
* Blue lines = Volatility Bands
* Orange line = Market Base Line
Trend Direction - Immediate and Overall:
* Immediate =
Green, price action is moving up.
Red, price action is moving down.
* Overall =
Orange line trends up and down generally between the lines 32 & 68. Watch for Orange line to bounces off these lines for market reversal. Trade long when price is above the Orange line, and trade short when price is below.
Market Strength & Volatility - Immediate and Overall:
* Immediate = Green/Red Line -
Strong = Steep slope up or down.
Weak = Moderate to Flat slope.
* Overall =
Blue Lines - When expanding, market is strong and trending. When constricting, market is weak and in a range. When the Blue lines are extremely tight in a narrow range, expect an economic announcement or other market condition to spike the market.
Entry conditions:
* Scalping - Long = Green over Red,
Short = Red over Green
* Active - Long = Green over Red & Orange lines
Short = Red over Green & Orange lines
* Moderate - Long = Green over Red, Orange, & 50 line
Short= Red over Green, Green below Orange & 50 line
Trend direction is on screen as a red or green X at the bottom of the indicators, colour relevant to long or short.
Exit conditions:
If Green crosses either Blue lines, consider exiting when the Green/Red line crosses back over the Blue line.
Blockgain INTRA-SWING SignalsRules 1h to 4h for Crypto:
- This script should be used as confirmation of an entry that the trader is preparing, since the signal can move 2 or 3 candles because it is calculating the chances of a rally in that area.
- The S and B are Stoch crosses in overbought and oversold
- The green and red triangles indicate new maximums and new minima of 4 candles back
- EMAS 10, 26, 50 refer to Ichimoku
Tenkan-sen (9) (10), Kijun-sen (26), Senkou Span B (52) (50)
- Supports and resistances calculated at 20 candles
🔗 Blockchain Rhythms by Cryptorhythms🎼 Blockchain Rhythms v1.0 by Cryptorhythms
This indicator and data plot suite is for bitcoin BTCUSD analysis over longer periods and higher time frames. 🚨For this to plot anything you must use on Daily or higher timeframe🚨 .
You want to have an alternative to the typical technical indicators you see everywhere? This is it. Seen crypto twitter talking about/using all sorts of indicators you have never seen before on tradingview? Here you go. Are you a long term investor and not a short term speculator?... I think you get the picture...
With the wealth of data here, I cannot go into a fully detailed analysis for every indicator. Please make liberal use of google and as always DYOR before trading on a system you have never used.
These indicators are best observed versus a logarithmic price scale. If I have missed any indicators you think should be in here let me know! Let me preempt that by saying MVRV and UTXO Age Distribution are not possible to create on Tradingview at this time.
🚧Error Screen:
If you see this you need to choose a data-point or indicator to plot!
⌚If you are loading this indicator with alot of chart history shown (as in the example screenshots) it may take up to a minute to load.
Please note: some of the screenshots below show chart title plots which I subsequently had to remove due to limitations. If you would like a title for all the plot, simple use the Indicator Labels checkbox option located in the scales tab of chart settings.
[b📊 Fundamental Blockchain Indicators
NVT Signal & Ratio
Both are related. NVT / NVT Signal can be interpreted as the strength of market confidence in the means of payment / settlement layer narrative. A “measure of the chain’s strength as a payment network compared to its market value — a low NVT may suggest that a network is undervalued compared to the service it is providing as a settlement layer” (Matteo Leibowitz).
💰NVT Ratio:
NVT Ratio (Network Value to Transactions Ratio) is similar to the PE Ratio used in equity markets.
When Bitcoin`s NVT is high, it indicates that its network valuation is outstripping the value being transmitted on its payment network, this can happen when the network is in high growth and investors are valuing it as a high return investment, or alternatively when the price is in an unsustainable bubble.
🚦NVT Signal:
NVT Signal (NVTS) is a derivative of NVT Ratio created by Dimitry Kalichkin. This indicator provides more emphasis on predictive signaling ahead of price peaks.
🚀Bitcoin Velocity
Velocity is a measure of how quickly money is circulating in the economy. Is bitcoin trending towards savings or payments? This can help you decide. It is similar to Bitcoin Network Momentum, except this takes into account bitcoins increasing supply.
🏃Bitcoin Network Momentum
Network Momentum is a view created by PositiveCrypto which looks into the value transmitted through the Bitcoin blockchain denominated in BTC value plotted against Bitcoin's price. It serves as a leading indicator to bitcoin price, in that we need high levels of value throughput to drive the bull market. This indicator is experimental.
Both daily transaction values and price exhibit cyclical patterns, but not in sync with each other. A hypothesis to explain the mismatch is that short-term mindset traders (using exchanges) heavily influence price; but long-term mindset investments (more likely to be directly recorded on-chain) have a greater contribution to the daily transaction value recorded in the ledger.
An alternative to the NVT / NVT Signal - tracks the relationship between Bitcoin’s price and BTC volume flowing through the blockchain network.
Ⓜ Mayer Multiple
Introduced by Trace Mayer as a way to gauge the current price of Bitcoin against its long range historical price movements (200 day SMA by default), the Mayer Multiple highlights when Bitcoin is overbought or oversold in the context of longer time frames.
It`s worth noting as the market becomes larger and less volatile, the peaks are becoming less exaggerated. This is because a 200 day moving average baseline is a static yardstick against an ever growing, more stable, Bitcoin market. We should eventually re-calibrate what constitutes the overbought/oversold extremes on this chart accordingly.
A more fully featured Mayer Multiple version available here:
💲 BTC Marketcap and Thermocap
We are all familiar with marketcap, but it does come with its disadvantages.
A more appropriate measure of network value was recently put forth by Nic Carter. Remember capital flows in crypto generally do not come in via exchanges (miners notably like to sell OTC). Every buy in an exchange is matched by a sell. Money that comes in = money that goes out.
True inflows (in Bitcoin, at least) are the aggregate of resources spent by miners¹. And a good proxy for that is the amount these folks are earning back from networks they support in return for their investments. That’s aggregate security spend (or Thermocap): what was actually paid out to miners (transactions * their price in USD at the time they were mined).
There is an option to deduct lost coins, genesis (Satoshi's) coins, and dead HODL'ers coins from the marketcap. This information was taken from ChainAnalysis' 2017 report
This shows both plots for comparison on a logrithmic scale:
⛏Mining Indicators & Data
⛏ Petahash Dollar Ratio
Bitcoin’s Hashrate (Daily PetaHashes) to Daily Mining Earnings (PetaHashDollar) is a robust metric to asses the day to day mining profitability. In addition, when plotted over the past five years, its overall trend represents a good way to quantify and visualize the relative progress in efficiency of ASICs (more specifically the inverse of that metric: 1/relative mining efficiency).
⛏Unmined Coins Marketcap
A simple statistic I created to plot the value of the unmined BTC still waiting to be extracted. If you find any interesting value for analysis please message me and let me know.
⛏Percentage of Total BTC Mined
I hope this one doesnt need an explanation. 😅
#️⃣ Network Hash Rate
A network's hashrate is the most important data point in blockchain tech. It indicates to the world how secure its network is. The hashrate is the "bridge" between the analog world, and the digital world. Essentially, the hashrate describes how much computing power (called hashing power in blockchain speak) is being thrown at the network, by users all across the world. These "miners" are running servers with dedicated processing chips to solve random, cryptographic math problems. The reason miners do this constant computing is that it betters their chances to reap a "block reward." The block reward entitles them to:
1.)Newly "mined" coins, and
2.)Transaction fees
Both of these are typically paid out with each new block. This rewards miners for their “proof-of-work.” It signals to the world that real "work" and resources, like electricity, have been spent on the Bitcoin network.
As more and more miners compete for the block reward, the hashrate, mining calculations and block difficulty will increase. This increase in the network's hashrate over time means an increase in the network’s security. Much better detail on this is available elsewhere, but primarily, this process solves digital money's vulnerability to attacks and the "double spend" problem.
I like to plot it directly on the price chart (click on the indicator and drag it up)
⛏ Revenue Per Transaction
A chart showing miners revenue divided by the number of transactions.
Fee Per Block Kilobyte
A measure of how much it costs per kilobyte of blockchain block size.
⛏Return Per TeraHash (TH)
Revenue per TH of mining hash power.
Can also be plotted on price chart and looks nice:
Cost Per TX (CPT) and Cost % Per TX Volume
CPT - A chart showing miners revenue divided by the number of transactions
C%PRV - A chart showing miners revenue as percentage of the transaction volume
Blockchain Statistics & Data Plots
🏋Network Difficulty
A relative measure of how difficult it is to find a new block. The difficulty is adjusted periodically as a function of how much hashing power has been deployed by the network of miners.
I like plotting this one on price chart as well:
Daily Output Value
The total value of all transaction outputs per day (includes coins returned to the sender as change).
🔢Number of Unique Addresses Used
Addresses are kind of like bank accounts.
Unlike bank accounts, addresses on the blockchain can be generated by anyone, anywhere and one single person could have thousands.
The plot shows bitcoins growth of addresses which are both unique and active per day, smoothed out over 14 days for clarity (using a zero lag ema). As you can see bull runs typically lead to more unique addresses the assumption being that more new money is drawn into the market due to the news cycle.
This is another one I prefer to plot on the price chart.
🔢Number of Transactions (NoTX) and NoTX - Exchange Wallets
Number of TX's on the chain (green line) and NoTX minus (-) Exchange Wallets (blue line).
⏳ Median Confirmation Time
The median time for a transaction to be accepted into a mined block and added to the public ledger (note: only includes transactions with miner fees). Displayed in minutes.
🔊Volume Dominance (Liquidity to Transaction Volume Ratio)
Volume Dominance is another metric I invented simply to show the ratio between spot exchange TXs (liquidity/speculation) and blockchain TXs (utility/HODLing). Its shows percent of volume attributed to blockchain TXs.
🙃 We REALLY hope you enjoy and find this indicator useful. I certainly enjoyed creating it and learned quite a bit myself manipulating the data! I welcome any suggestions or ideas you may have to further extend, or create new indicators.
👍 Enjoying this indicator or find it useful? Please give me a like and follow! I post crypto analysis, price action strategies and free indicators regularly.
💬 Questions? Comments? Want to get access to an entire suite of proven trading indicators? Come visit us on telegram and chat, or just soak up some knowledge. We make timely posts about the market, news, and strategy everyday. Our community isn't open only to subscribers - everyone is welcome to join.
[Long/Short] Range Filter-ADXIt's a useful script for pairs where you can operate long and short.
It's a combination algorithm of the Range filter and the ADX.
The ADX helps to make the decision to enter to open long or short position.
LG --> Long
xL --> Close Long position
ST --> Short
xS --> close Short Position
Study INTRA-SWINGContent
- ema of 50 changes color if the price is above or below it
-ema of 10 yellow
-ema of 200 white
- Green triangles under the candles indicate new maxima compared to the previous 4 candles
-Red triangles indicate new minima with respect to the previous 4 candles
-the green and orange arrows of high altitude indicate Longs and Shorts for Intradia or Swing (recommended in temporalities from 1h to 4h), for more temporality should change the period for a greater one
-Alarms for:
- Green and red triangles like Break Out, Break Down
-Long ARROW green arrow
-Orange arrow SHORT ARROW
// NOTE: this Script is in Beta mode and next updates will be made
🔮 Mayer Multiple w/ MA Selection by Cryptorhythms🔮 Mayer Multiple w/ MA Selection by Cryptorhythms
Introduced by Trace Mayer as a way to gauge the current price of Bitcoin against its long range historical price movements (200 day SMA by default), the Mayer Multiple highlights when Bitcoin is overbought or oversold in the context of longer time frames.
It`s worth noting as the market becomes larger and less volatile, the peaks are becoming less exaggerated. This is because a 200 day moving average baseline is a static yardstick against an ever growing, more stable, Bitcoin market. We should eventually recalibrate what constitutes the overbought/oversold extremes on this chart accordingly.
Additional Features
I added a heatmap based coloring and background highlighting of configurable overbought and oversold zones.
In my testing I observed anecdotal evidence that a value of >1 signaled bull market sentiment and a value of <1 signaled bear sentiment. So I added the dashed line at that value.
I also added secondary zones for experimentation on other timeframes or just plain tinkering.
Lastly I added the ability to substitute the SMA for a few different types of moving averages.
Default Settings
The defaults zones are > 2.4 is overvalued and < 0.5 is undervalued. Default timeframe is daily
Default MA is SMA and default length is 200
Suggested MA length for weekly chart is 28
👍Enjoying this indicator or find it useful? Please give me a like and follow! I post crypto analysis, price action strategies and free indicators regularly.
💬Questions? Comments? Want to get access to an entire suite of proven trading indicators? Come visit us on telegram and chat, or just soak up some knowledge. We make timely posts about the market, news, and strategy everyday. Our community isnt open only to subscribers - everyone is welcome to join.
ZenTrend Follower Signals (Backtest)Buy/Sell Entry signals based on the ZenTrend Follower indicator.
Entries are taken from the setup and trend breakout level, exits from the trailing stop loss.
Overextension and trend re-entry signals are ignored.
The indicator is linked below
If you enjoy these posts please like and subscribe so more people can join you :)
If you want to tryout the indicator and strategy, follow me and drop a comment or pm and I’ll get you set up.
Stay calm, and happy trading!
More information on the indicator can be found below: