Traders_Reality_LibLibrary "Traders_Reality_Lib"
This library contains common elements used in Traders Reality scripts
calcPvsra(pvsraVolume, pvsraHigh, pvsraLow, pvsraClose, pvsraOpen, redVectorColor, greenVectorColor, violetVectorColor, blueVectorColor, darkGreyCandleColor, lightGrayCandleColor)
calculate the pvsra candle color and return the color as well as an alert if a vector candle has apperared.
Situation "Climax"
Bars with volume >= 200% of the average volume of the 10 previous chart TFs, or bars
where the product of candle spread x candle volume is >= the highest for the 10 previous
chart time TFs.
Default Colors: Bull bars are green and bear bars are red.
Situation "Volume Rising Above Average"
Bars with volume >= 150% of the average volume of the 10 previous chart TFs.
Default Colors: Bull bars are blue and bear are violet.
pvsraVolume : the instrument volume series (obtained from request.sequrity)
pvsraHigh : the instrument high series (obtained from request.sequrity)
pvsraLow : the instrument low series (obtained from request.sequrity)
pvsraClose : the instrument close series (obtained from request.sequrity)
pvsraOpen : the instrument open series (obtained from request.sequrity)
redVectorColor : red vector candle color
greenVectorColor : green vector candle color
violetVectorColor : violet/pink vector candle color
blueVectorColor : blue vector candle color
darkGreyCandleColor : regular volume candle down candle color - not a vector
lightGrayCandleColor : regular volume candle up candle color - not a vector
adr(length, barsBack)
length : how many elements of the series to calculate on
barsBack : starting possition for the length calculation - current bar or some other value eg last bar
@return adr the adr for the specified lenght
adrHigh(adr, fromDo)
Calculate the ADR high given an ADR
adr : the adr
fromDo : boolean flag, if false calculate traditional adr from high low of today, if true calcualte from exchange midnight
@return adrHigh the position of the adr high in price
adrLow(adr, fromDo)
adr : the adr
fromDo : boolean flag, if false calculate traditional adr from high low of today, if true calcualte from exchange midnight
@return adrLow the position of the adr low in price
given a session in the format 0000-0100:23456 split out the hours and minutes
sessXTime : the session time string usually in the format 0000-0100:23456
calcSessionStartEnd(sessXTime, gmt)
calculate the start and end timestamps of the session
sessXTime : the session time string usually in the format 0000-0100:23456
gmt : the gmt offset string usually in the format GMT+1 or GMT+2 etc
drawOpenRange(sessXTime, sessXcol, showOrX, gmt)
draw open range for a session
sessXTime : session string in the format 0000-0100:23456
sessXcol : the color to be used for the opening range box shading
showOrX : boolean flag to toggle displaying the opening range
gmt : the gmt offset string usually in the format GMT+1 or GMT+2 etc
@return void
drawSessionHiLo(sessXTime, show_rectangleX, show_labelX, sessXcolLabel, sessXLabel, gmt, sessionLineStyle)
sessXTime : session string in the format 0000-0100:23456
show_rectangleX : show the session high and low lines
show_labelX : show the session label
sessXcolLabel : the color to be used for the hi/low lines and label
sessXLabel : the session label text
gmt : the gmt offset string usually in the format GMT+1 or GMT+2 etc
sessionLineStyle : the line stile for the session high low lines
@return void
calculate market session dst on/off flags
@return indicating if DST is on or off for a particular region
timestampPreviousDayOfWeek(previousDayOfWeek, hourOfDay, gmtOffset, oneWeekMillis)
Timestamp any of the 6 previous days in the week (such as last Wednesday at 21 hours GMT)
previousDayOfWeek : Monday or Satruday
hourOfDay : the hour of the day when psy calc is to start
gmtOffset : the gmt offset string usually in the format GMT+1 or GMT+2 etc
oneWeekMillis : the amount if time for a week in milliseconds
@return the timestamp of the psy level calculation start time
get the daily open - basically exchange midnight
@return the daily open value which is float price
new_bar: check if we're on a new bar within the session in a given resolution
res : the desired resolution
@return true/false is a new bar for the session has started
to_pips Convert value to pips
val : the value to convert to pips
@return the value in pips
rLabel(ry, rtext, rstyle, rcolor, valid, labelXOffset)
a function that draws a right aligned lable for a series during the current bar
ry : series float the y coordinate of the lable
rtext : the text of the label
rstyle : the style for the lable
rcolor : the color for the label
valid : a boolean flag that allows for turning on or off a lable
labelXOffset : how much to offset the label from the current position
rLabelOffset(ry, rtext, rstyle, rcolor, valid, labelXOffset)
a function that draws a right aligned lable for a series during the current bar
ry : series float the y coordinate of the lable
rtext : the text of the label
rstyle : the style for the lable
rcolor : the color for the label
valid : a boolean flag that allows for turning on or off a lable
labelXOffset : how much to offset the label from the current position
rLabelLastBar(ry, rtext, rstyle, rcolor, valid, labelXOffset)
a function that draws a right aligned lable for a series only on the last bar
ry : series float the y coordinate of the lable
rtext : the text of the label
rstyle : the style for the lable
rcolor : the color for the label
valid : a boolean flag that allows for turning on or off a lable
labelXOffset : how much to offset the label from the current position
drawLine(xSeries, res, tag, xColor, xStyle, xWidth, xExtend, isLabelValid, labelXOffset, validTimeFrame)
a function that draws a line and a label for a series
xSeries : series float the y coordinate of the line/label
res : the desired resolution controlling when a new line will start
tag : the text for the lable
xColor : the color for the label
xStyle : the style for the line
xWidth : the width of the line
xExtend : extend the line
isLabelValid : a boolean flag that allows for turning on or off a label
labelXOffset : how much to offset the label from the current position
validTimeFrame : a boolean flag that allows for turning on or off a line drawn
drawLineDO(xSeries, res, tag, xColor, xStyle, xWidth, xExtend, isLabelValid, labelXOffset, validTimeFrame)
a function that draws a line and a label for the daily open series
xSeries : series float the y coordinate of the line/label
res : the desired resolution controlling when a new line will start
tag : the text for the lable
xColor : the color for the label
xStyle : the style for the line
xWidth : the width of the line
xExtend : extend the line
isLabelValid : a boolean flag that allows for turning on or off a label
labelXOffset : how much to offset the label from the current position
validTimeFrame : a boolean flag that allows for turning on or off a line drawn
drawPivot(pivotLevel, res, tag, pivotColor, pivotLabelColor, pivotStyle, pivotWidth, pivotExtend, isLabelValid, validTimeFrame, levelStart, pivotLabelXOffset)
draw a pivot line - the line starts one day into the past
pivotLevel : series of the pivot point
res : the desired resolution
tag : the text to appear
pivotColor : the color of the line
pivotLabelColor : the color of the label
pivotStyle : the line style
pivotWidth : the line width
pivotExtend : extend the line
isLabelValid : boolean param allows to turn label on and off
validTimeFrame : only draw the line and label at a valid timeframe
levelStart : basically when to start drawing the levels
pivotLabelXOffset : how much to offset the label from its current postion
@return the pivot line series
getPvsraFlagByColor(pvsraColor, redVectorColor, greenVectorColor, violetVectorColor, blueVectorColor, lightGrayCandleColor)
convert the pvsra color to an internal code
pvsraColor : the calculated pvsra color
redVectorColor : the user defined red vector color
greenVectorColor : the user defined green vector color
violetVectorColor : the user defined violet vector color
blueVectorColor : the user defined blue vector color
lightGrayCandleColor : the user defined regular up candle color
@return pvsra internal code
updateZones(pvsra, direction, boxArr, maxlevels, pvsraHigh, pvsraLow, pvsraOpen, pvsraClose, transperancy, zoneupdatetype, zonecolor, zonetype, borderwidth, coloroverride, redVectorColor, greenVectorColor, violetVectorColor, blueVectorColor, lightGrayCandleColor)
a function that draws the unrecovered vector candle zones
pvsra : internal code
direction : above or below the current pa
boxArr : the array containing the boxes that need to be updated
maxlevels : the maximum number of boxes to draw
pvsraHigh : the pvsra high value series
pvsraLow : the pvsra low value series
pvsraOpen : the pvsra open value series
pvsraClose : the pvsra close value series
transperancy : the transparencfy of the vecor candle zones
zoneupdatetype : the zone update type
zonecolor : the zone color if overriden
zonetype : the zone type
borderwidth : the width of the border
coloroverride : if the color overriden
redVectorColor : the user defined red vector color
greenVectorColor : the user defined green vector color
violetVectorColor : the user defined violet vector color
blueVectorColor : the user defined blue vector color
lightGrayCandleColor : the user defined regular up candle color
clean an array from na values
arr : the array to clean
@return if the array was cleaned
calcPsyLevels(oneWeekMillis, showPsylevels, psyType, sydDST)
calculate the psy levels
4 hour res based on how mt4 does it
mt4 code
int Li_4 = iBarShift(NULL, PERIOD_H4, iTime(NULL, PERIOD_W1, Li_0)) - 2 - Offset;
ObjectCreate("PsychHi", OBJ_TREND, 0, Time , iHigh(NULL, PERIOD_H4, iHighest(NULL, PERIOD_H4, MODE_HIGH, 2, Li_4)), iTime(NULL, PERIOD_W1, 0), iHigh(NULL, PERIOD_H4,
iHighest(NULL, PERIOD_H4, MODE_HIGH, 2, Li_4)));
so basically because the session is 8 hours and we are looking at a 4 hour resolution we only need to take the highest high an lowest low of 2 bars
we use the gmt offset to adjust the 0000-0800 session to Sydney open which is at 2100 during dst and at 2200 otherwize. (dst - spring foward, fall back)
keep in mind sydney is in the souther hemisphere so dst is oposite of when london and new york go into dst
oneWeekMillis : a constant value
showPsylevels : should psy levels be calculated
psyType : the type of Psylevels - crypto or forex
sydDST : is Sydney in DST
SFC Smart Money Manipulation - Liquidity, StructureThis indicator shows very important information about the market.
- Market structure
- Important Ranges
- Liquidity
- Trading session
- Daily Checklist
Market structure
Market structure is the behaviour, condition, and current flow of the market. It highlights support and resistance levels, swing highs, and swing lows. A trend is simply a consistent direction of price movement over time. Market structure can tell you if the market is trending or not.
Market structure is a lagging indicator, because Highs and Lows must to be created in order to define the structure properly. The structure provide the most important information about the market.
Market structure can provide early signals about the trend.
- If the structure continues to break in the same direction, it means that the trend is healthy and will continue (BoS).
- If the structure break in the opposite direction, means that the trend may reverse or pause for a while (CHoCH).
Important ranges
- Asia Range - it is important intraday range and can provide early information if the day will be bullish or bearish.
- Most recent High/Low - determine the last swing
- Premium/ Discount zone with Fibonacci levels - the institutions always want to buy in discount and sell in premium.
Areas where a lot of traders get into the market and theirs stop losses are obvious. So the banks will manipulate the price to clear these stop losses, before price go in real direction. The banks will always hunt the liquidity.
The major liquidity is:
- Doji candle - displayed
- Double/Triple Highs or Lows - displayed
- Fair value gaps - displayed
- Imbalances - displayed
- Trend lines
- Big wicks
Trading Sessions
Price and Time theory is very significant in Smart Money Concept. The banks do not just place orders chaotically. They place it in specific time.
The indicator shows the Asia, London and New York intraday sessions and the kill zones.
Kill Zone - most manipulated time in the day, where institutions try to wipe out the retail traders and establish the true move.
Daily Checklist
Simple, but very useful checklist. It shows the most important daily steps in order qualitative analysis to be created.
How to use
1) Use the swing highs and lows and check the current structure.
2) Look where is the major liquidity. By default orange colour. When liquidity is retested from the price ,it change the colour from orange to gray. Retested liquidity is no more significant for the banks.
3) Use the important ranges to define the pullbacks or reversals or trading ranges.
4) Use the trading sessions and kill zones to place orders in the right time.
5) Use the "daily checklist" every day - step by step. It helps trader to analyse the current market.
-Show pivots, Pivot confirmation candles, Equal Highs/Lows sensitivity
-Show structures breaks
-Show most recent high/low
-Show Asia range
-Show premium/discount zone with Fibonacci levels
-Show liquidity, Colour of liquidity, Color of retested liquidity, Doji settings
-Show Trading sessions
-Show daily checklist
Polaris [Loxx]Polaris is a lower timeframe, high-leverage scalping indicator. It works by scanning for volatility spikes and then calculation the likelihood that those spikes will break market structure to the upside or downside.
Volatility Type: ATR or TRD , these types will be expanded in future releases.
Volatility Multiplier: How much volatility for market structure break
Filter and source: Proprietary moving average filter period and source type
Equity Calculation Method: Fixed or compounded. This determines trade size. If fixed, then the strategy uses the same quantity per trade, if compounded the strategy uses a percentage of cash on hand as that cash grows or shrinks
% Risk Per Trade: How much you'd like to risk per trade.
Leverage Multiple: How much leverage you'd like to use
% Maintenance Margin: You can find this value posted on the exchange you use
Enabled Forced Liquidation Stop-loss?: If enabled, the strategy will liquidate at measures of leverage automatically. 10x leverage liquidates at 10% opposite move for the trade, for example. This number will be adjusted by the % Maintenance Margin determined by the exchange.
% Minimum Take Profit Cutoff: This controls whether you wish to take trades only over XX% volatility . Since this indicator is to be used for small tight scalps, this keeps you out of trades that are too small to be useful for your desired trading style
Activate Long Pullback Rule?: This controls how the trade is entered. If activated, then the entry won't occur until a pullback happens after market structure break
Activate Short Pullback Rule?: This controls how the trade is entered. If activated, then the entry won't occur until a pullback happens after market structure break
Activate Trend Flip Exits?: Force strategy to exit when trend flips from short to long and long to short
Number of Take Profits: How many take profits levels. 1-5
Activate Trailing Take Profit?: Allows you to set a trailing stop loss after TP2 his hit
Trailing Take Profit Offset Multipler: This determines when the trailing stoploss hits. It's a multiple of volatility
Activate Moving Stop-loss?: Forces the stop loss to move up as targets are reached
Where to Move Stop-loss: At which Take Profit level do we begin to move stoplosses upward with targets
Show dip buying levels: If you have a high risk appetite, these are levels where you could increase your investment size, this has no effect on the strategy but is included for if you wish to manually add to your position size
Activate Longs?: Toggles on/off Longs
Activate Longs?: Toggles on/off Shorts
The remaining settings are multiples of volatility for Take Profits and dip buying levels
UI components
Big green and red plus signs means an entry point. PTF with green and red arrows means "prepare for trend flip". Not every PTF will actually flip the trend. These are just warning shots to make you aware that a possible trend flip is coming. Labels nest to market structure breaks with numbers are the ideal entry level. You can set limit orders at these levels so as to incur less exchange fees on Binance or Bybit for example. The data window provides useful information about the current trade and targets and stoploss of the next upcoming trade giving the current price action of the asset.
Other things to note
this is an extremely high risk strategy depending on how you tune the settings. You can tune down the settings to make it less risky at the cost of profit and hit rate, but that's up to you and your trading style. This can be used all all timeframes, but is meant for timeframes below 4 hours.
Andromeda [Loxx]Andromeda is a lower timeframe, high-leverage scalping indicator tuned to Cryptocurrency futures trading. It works by scanning for volatility spikes and then calculation the likelihood that those spikes will break market structure to the upside or downside.
Volatility Type: ATR or TRD, these types will be expanded in future releases.
Signal Speed: How quickly you'd like signals to flow in
Equity Calculation Method: Fixed or compounded. This determines trade size. If fixed, then the strategy uses the same quantity per trade, if compounded the strategy uses a percentage of cash on hand as that cash grows or shrinks
% Risk Per Trade: How much you'd like to risk per trade.
Leverage Multiple: How much leverage you'd like to use
% Maintenance Margin: You can find this value posted on the exchange you use
Enabled Forced Liquidation Stop-loss?: If enabled, the strategy will liquidate at measures of leverage automatically. 10x leverage liquidates at 10% opposite move for the trade, for example. This number will be adjusted by the % Maintenance Margin determined by the exchange.
% Minimum Take Profit Cutoff: This controls whether you wish to take trades only over XX% volatility. Since this indicator is to be used for small tight scalps, this keeps you out of trades that are too small to be useful for your desired trading style
Activate Long Pullback Rule?: This controls how the trade is entered. If activated, then the entry won't occur until a pullback happens after market structure break
Activate Short Pullback Rule?: This controls how the trade is entered. If activated, then the entry won't occur until a pullback happens after market structure break
Activate Trend Flip Exits?: Force strategy to exit when trend flips from short to long and long to short
Number of Take Profits: How many take profits levels. 1-5
Activate Trailing Take Profit?: Allows you to set a trailing stop loss after TP2 his hit
Trailing Take Profit Offset Multipler: This determines when the trailing stoploss hits. It's a multiple of volatility
Activate Moving Stop-loss?: Forces the stop loss to move up as targets are reached
Where to Move Stop-loss: At which Take Profit level do we begin to move stoplosses upward with targets
Show dip buying levels: If you have a high risk appetite, these are levels where you could increase your investment size, this has no effect on the strategy but is included for if you wish to manually add to your position size
Activate Longs?: Toggles on/off Longs
Activate Longs?: Toggles on/off Shorts
The remaining settings are multiples of volatility for Take Profits and dip buying levels
UI components
Big green and red plus signs means an entry point. PTF with green and red arrows means "prepare for trend flip". Not every PTF will actually flip the trend. These are just warning shots to make you aware that a possible trend flip is coming. Labels nest to market structure breaks with numbers are the ideal entry level. You can set limit orders at these levels so as to incur less exchange fees on Binance or Bybit for example. The data window provides useful information about the current trade and targets and stoploss of the next upcoming trade giving the current price action of the asset.
Other things to note
this is an extremely high risk strategy depending on how you tune the settings. You can tune down the settings to make it less risky at the cost of profit and hit rate, but that's up to you and your trading style. This can be used all all timeframes, but is meant for timeframes below 4 hours.
Mastering Market Structure"Market structure first, always" - Mr. Anderson aka TrueCrypto28 right before he went on to master Kung-Fu
Understanding and identifying market structure is essential for successful and consistent profitability. No system is perfect, but trading in the direction of the prevailing market structure can reduce the likelihood of being caught severely offsides and can yield trades with tighter invalidations and greater risk-to-reward potential.
This script will automatically identify and plot the following:
Market Structure
Pivot highs and lows using the lookback left and right lengths are analyzed to identify major swing highs and lows to identify the current trading range.
Bullish structure is characterized by a series of higher highs and higher lows.
Bearish Structure is characterized by lower highs and lower lows.
Structure breaks when a bar closes outside the current trading range. Major swing highs and lows will update following these breaks to continue following the current price action
Current market structure bias, bullish or bearish, can be displayed in a table in the location of your choosing.
Structure is fractal, so seeing low time frame structure shift against the high time frame structure can identify the beginning of a pullback. When it realigns with the high timeframe structure, it can identify the beginning of the high time frame trend continuation. You can choose to analyze structure on any timeframe with this script and even add multiple copies of it to your chart each analyzing different a timeframes to easily find high quality trade opportunities.
Fibonacci Levels of the current trading range
These are included to help identify areas of interest for trade execution and profit levels.
We want to buy at a discount and sell at a premium. The "Wholesale Zone" can be considered below the 50% retracement level in bullish structure, or above it in a bearish structure.
When in a bullish structure, "discount" buy opportunities can be found below the 50% retracement level with the expectation of trend continuation.
In a bearish structure, more ideal "premium' sell opportunities can be found above the 50% retracement with the expectation of trend continuation.
Optimal trade entry (OTE) zone, between the 61.8% and 78.6% retracement can offer a great risk-to-reward ratio for execution of a new position in trending environments.
When trading sideways in a range, opening new buy positions near the bottom of the range or new sell positions from the top of the range are preferred. Midrange 50% level commonly sees some reaction and can be used as a primary target with further targets either being the opposite end of the range or lower support levels (see order block section).
Order Blocks
New Bullish and bearish order blocks are created and plotted with every respective market structure break. They identify the price level from which the most recent leg of price action that yielded the structure break began.
In strong trending environments, these levels should continue to support or resist price. They are great areas to look to enter new positions.
Order blocks can also be used as targets for your trades to avoid giving back unrealized profits as price tends to react off of these levels.
To keep your chart clean and the order blocks relevant, an order block will be automatically deleted if price trades through and closes beyond it. Otherwise, printed order blocks will remain on your chart until either it's origin bar is out of TradingView's maximum bar history allowance or their maximum box count allowance.
Pairing these with fibonacci levels, retracements into order blocks that are in the Wholesale Zone or even the OTE zone offer higher probability trades with more favorable risk-to-reward potential.
Swing Failure
Swing failure patterns (SFPs) arise when a candle takes out a swing high or low, but fails to close beyond it.
Again, pairing these with other features of this script like range boundaries, wholesale zones, OTE zones, and order blocks can help traders identify the best times to actually execute their trade as SFPs are commonly seen at points of inflection in price action.
Moving Averages
Up to 4 moving averages from the current time frame are available. MA type and lengths can be adjusted to your preference.
Up to 4 MTF MAs. By Default this is an EMA 200 as it is commonly used for trend identification and support/resistance.
These are included for confluence of trend direction and strength.
They can also act as dynamic support and resistance and so can be useful for trade execution if price bounces or rejects off of them or targets as price may do so when it reaches them.
Additionally, alerts have been coded for the following scenarios:
MS Break alerts will trigger on bar close when a break in market structure has been confirmed.
SFP alerts will trigger on bar close when the swing failure pattern has been confirmed.
Entering OB alerts will trigger as soon as price touches the closest order block.
Entering Wholesale Zone alerts will trigger as soon as price cross the 50% retracement level. This can be used as an early alert to identify assets that have undergone a significant pullback before potential continuation in the direction of the main trend.
Entering OTE Zone alerts will trigger as soon as price crosses into the Optimal Trade Entry zone between the 61.8% and 78.6% retracement.
This script is unique in the way that it tracks market structure, automatically updates as price action continues to develop, presents high quality areas of interest, and SFPs for trend reversal and continuation. Traders will no longer need to constantly monitor their charts or exhaustively update their alerts to find good trade opportunities. This script takes care of all of it automatically. Collectively, all of the included features can be used to build a complete trading system.
Smart Money Concepts (SMC) [LuxAlgo]This all-in-one indicator displays real-time market structure (internal & swing BOS / CHoCH), order blocks, premium & discount zones, equal highs & lows, and much more...allowing traders to automatically mark up their charts with widely used price action methodologies. Following the release of our Fair Value Gap script, we received numerous requests from our community to release more features in the same category.
"Smart Money Concepts" (SMC) is a fairly new yet widely used term amongst price action traders looking to more accurately navigate liquidity & find more optimal points of interest in the market. Trying to determine where institutional market participants have orders placed (buy or sell side liquidity) can be a very reasonable approach to finding more practical entries & exits based on price action.
The indicator includes alerts for the presence of swing structures and many other relevant conditions.
This indicator includes many features relevant to SMC, these are highlighted below:
Full internal & swing market structure labeling in real-time
Break of Structure (BOS)
Change of Character (CHoCH)
Order Blocks (bullish & bearish)
Equal Highs & Lows
Fair Value Gap Detection
Previous Highs & Lows
Premium & Discount Zones as a range
Options to style the indicator to more easily display these concepts
Mode: Allows the user to select Historical (default) or Present, which displays only recent data on the chart.
Style: Allows the user to select different styling for the entire indicator between Colored (default) and Monochrome.
Color Candles: Plots candles based on the internal & swing structures from within the indicator on the chart.
Internal Structure: Displays the internal structure labels & dashed lines to represent them. (BOS & CHoCH).
Confluence Filter: Filter non-significant internal structure breakouts.
Swing Structure: Displays the swing structure labels & solid lines on the chart (larger BOS & CHoCH labels).
Swing Points: Displays swing points labels on chart such as HH, HL, LH, LL.
Internal Order Blocks: Enables Internal Order Blocks & allows the user to select how many most recent Internal Order Blocks appear on the chart.
Swing Order Blocks: Enables Swing Order Blocks & allows the user to select how many most recent Swing Order Blocks appear on the chart.
Equal Highs & Lows: Displays EQH/EQL labels on chart for detecting equal highs & lows.
Bars Confirmation: Allows the user to select how many bars are needed to confirm an EQH/EQL symbol on chart.
Fair Value Gaps: Displays boxes to highlight imbalance areas on the chart.
Auto Threshold: Filter out non-significant fair value gaps.
Timeframe: Allows the user to select the timeframe for the Fair Value Gap detection.
Extend FVG: Allows the user to choose how many bars to extend the Fair Value Gap boxes on the chart.
Highs & Lows MTF: Allows the user to display previous highs & lows from daily, weekly, & monthly timeframes as significant levels.
Premium/Discount Zones: Allows the user to display Premium, Discount, and Equilibrium zones on the chart
Users can see automatic CHoCH and BOS labels to highlight breakouts of market structure, which allows to determine the market trend. In the chart below we can see the internal structure which displays more frequent labels within larger structures. We can also see equal highs & lows (EQH/EQL) labels plotted alongside the internal structure to frequently give indications of potential reversals.
In the chart below we can see the swing market structure labels. These are also labeled as BOS and CHoCH but with a solid line & larger text to show larger market structure breakouts & trend reversals. Users can be mindful of these larger structure labels while trading internal structures as displayed in the previous chart.
Order blocks highlight areas where institutional market participants open positions, one can use order blocks to determine confirmation entries or potential targets as we can expect there is a large amount of liquidity at these order blocks. In the chart below we can see 2 potential trade setups with confirmation entries. The path outlined in red would be a potential short entry targeting the blue order block below, and the path outlined in green would be a potential long entry, targeting the red order blocks above.
As we can see in the chart below, the bullish confirmation entry played out in this scenario with the green path outlined in hindsight. As price breaks though the order blocks above, the indicator will consider them mitigated causing them to disappear, and as per the logic of these order blocks they will always display 5 (by default) on the chart so we can now see more actionable levels.
The Smart Money Concepts indicator has many other features and here we can see how they can also help a user find potential levels for price action trading. In the screenshot below we can see a trade setup using the Previous Monthly High, Strong High, and a Swing Order Block as a stop loss. Accompanied by the Premium from the Discount/Premium zones feature being used as a potential entry. A potential take profit level for this trade setup that a user could easily identify would be the 50% mark labeled with the Fair Value Gap & the Equilibrium all displayed automatically by the indicator.
This indicator highlights all relevant components of Smart Money Concepts which can be a very useful interpretation of market structure, liquidity, & more simply put, price action. The term was coined & popularized primarily within the forex community & by ICT while making its way to become a part of many traders' analysis. These concepts, with or without this indicator do not guarantee a trader to be trading within the presence of institutional or "bank-level" liquidity, there is no supporting data regarding the validity of these teachings.
High Accuracy Tops/BottomsThis script may be TradingView's most accurate tops & bottoms indicator ever published.
Since it's experimental, I'm going to offer access to it free of charge. Send me a direct message requesting access.
5 years ago I joined TradingView and began studying price and the factors behind what causes bottoms and tops to form as well as how to find them. Fascinated by it, I spent years researching and discovered lot of different concepts that play an instrumental role with tops and bottoms: Market structure, price reactions, S/R , and much more. Through tons of experimenting, I ended up discovering a variety of NEW methods of identifying tops & bottoms. Through the years I've built up a script that has enabled the process for identifying tops and bottoms within the market to be much more convenient.
This is currently experimental and still has a lot of potential for improvement. The objective of the indicator is to help identify absolute tops and bottoms, and so far it does a great job whenever it provides a signal. It works for practically all types of securities, and surprisingly, even if they are in illiquid markets.
This indicator does NOT repaint whatsoever.
Below are a few examples of it across different security types as well as different timeframes:
Gamestop (GME)
Luna / TetherUS
Crude Oil (Commodities)
Even spanning back centuries:
The indicator should be used for the following:
-Helping find potential entry points
-Timing trades and improving risk management
-Assisting with plotting top/bottom support and resistance levels
-For higher timeframes, use in conjunction with market news or global headlines
-For lower timeframes, use in conjunction with other indicators/trading tools
This is not a buy & sell indicator.. This is a TOOL to help identify accurate entry points and craft decisions based upon it.
Soon, I will be providing an updated version of it. It will include explicit details surrounding how it works and it's functions. My aim is to provide some level of value to the TradingView community in return for the great insight Tradingview and other platforms have insighted me with over price action.
ArtiumPro Main Market StructureThis indicator maps out Market Structure using real time price action rather than simply pulling "pivot" points. Use to see at a glance where a BOS or CHoCH has occurred and where the current and historic highs and lows are.
- M-BOS happens when a main break of structure occurs (trend continuation) the continuation of a bullish or bearish trend.
User setting change line style, color and transparency & turn off text, change text color and transparency
- M-CHoCH happens when a Change of Character occurs (trend change) this is the 1st sign of a possible change of the trend direction from bullish to bearish or bearish to bullish
User setting change line style, color and transparency & turn off text, change text color and transparency
- M-swh & M-swl are the current active unmitigated highs and lows
- User setting for M-swh & M-swl allows you to chose the amount of active highs / lows you want to see on the chart. this can be used at a glace to see where potential liquidity may be laying. If you only want to see the last most current
high an low you can turn on the "just last active" option box.
- User settings to turn on or off the old mitigated highs lows making it easy to see at a glance when old highs and lows have been broken or swept. The label for this is also customizable to user preference.
DOW 30 - Market BreadthDOW 30 indicator is intended for short-term intraday analysis and should not be used solely alone. Best to use this indicator in a combination with technical and fundamental analysis.
This indicator is calculated from all stocks in the DJI as of 8/9/2022;
- Evaluating VWAP,
- 9 EMA,
- 20 EMA.
Vwap Calculations;
Stock above Vwap = 1 (Vwap Bull),
Stock below Vwap = 1 (Vwap Bear),
As there are 30 stocks in the DJI, there is a max value of 30 Vwap Bulls/ Vwap Bears.
Ema Calculation;
Stock above 9 EMA = 0.5 (EMA Bulls),
Stock below 9 EMA = 0.5 (EMA Bears),
Stock above 20 EMA = 0.5 (EMA Bulls),
Stock below 20 EMA = 0.5 (EMA Bears),
For the EMA Bulls to reach 30 all stocks must be trading above both the 9 EMA and 20 EMA to reach a Max Value of 30.
The reasoning for this calculation is to suggest the current strength and speed of the current turn in the market.
Horizontal Lines:
There are three horizontal lines, MAX, MIN & Neutral;
Resides at the 30 & 0 levels suggesting the market is currently at an extreme. Representing all stocks are moving in the same direction together.
When the MAX or MIN are represented in the VWAP Line this represents directional conviction in the underlining DJI.
Neutral resides at the 15 level and represents that the market is either about to make a decision or is choppy.
Below are some examples of how the DOW 30 indicator is able to represent the current market conditions.
Understand Current Market Conditions, either being Bullish, Neutral, or Bearish.
See live Market Mechanics, and understand the current market direction on a short-term timeframe.
DOW 30 indicator is intended for short-term intraday analysis and should not be used solely alone. Best to use this indicator in a combination with technical and fundamental analysis.
If there are any additional requests to the indicator feel free to leave a comment or privet message.
Best of luck trading.
Smart Money Concepts Premium (Expo)Are you a professional Smart Money Concept Trader?
█ This premium version of our SMC indicator includes all advanced Smart Money Concept Trading techniques. The indicator includes all the important concepts such as Market Structure, Change of Character, Current Trading Range, Premium & Discount , Fractals, and Swing Structure. The indicator includes the popular SMC Market Structure Trend to help traders analyze the trend.
In addition to these features, this version adds the following:
Multitimeframe option
Predicted Structure and Range
Backtesting option
External Range Liquidity
Internal Range Liquidity
Liquidity Grab
Fair Value Gap (FVG)
True Fair Value Gap
Order block
Supply & Demand
Equal Highs and Equal Lows
Point of Interest
An alert function that allows you to set any combination of alerts.
This indicator aims to be an all-in-one SMC indicator that helps Smart Money Traders automate their analyzes.
Use the indicator to trade advanced SMC Trading techniques.
█ Settings
The indicator is fully customized and can be adjusted to fit Swing Trading, Trend Trading, Day Trading, or Scalping.
The indicator works in any market and timeframe.
Copyright by Zeiierman.
The information contained in my Scripts/Indicators/Ideas/Algos/Systems does not constitute financial advice or a solicitation to buy or sell any securities of any type. I will not accept liability for any loss or damage, including without limitation any loss of profit, which may arise directly or indirectly from the use of or reliance on such information.
All investments involve risk, and the past performance of a security, industry, sector, market, financial product, trading strategy, backtest, or individual's trading does not guarantee future results or returns. Investors are fully responsible for any investment decisions they make. Such decisions should be based solely on an evaluation of their financial circumstances, investment objectives, risk tolerance, and liquidity needs.
My Scripts/Indicators/Ideas/Algos/Systems are only for educational purposes!
Shotoki Exit FinderHi,
I publish this indicator again because PineScript deleted it
Let's explain it a bit :
The indicator is caculated from HHLL structures
- When the line is black, then nothing particular
- When the line is blue and >0 we soon have a top
- When the line is blue and <0 we found a bottom
- When the line is pink and >0 we found a top
- When the line is blue and <0 we sonn have a bottom
I use it to exit earlier a trade
ArtiumPro Smart Money ConceptsSmart money concepts refer to the use of institutional trading strategies which align with the perspectives of Smart Money in the market. i.e. the composite man. Market Structure is the foundation of price action trading, understanding price action is fundamental to SMC.
ArtiumPro SMC 2.1 is an SMC (Smart Money Concepts) indicator full of features to aid SMC traders. Our aim is to save you time with automatic chart mark-up and help you spot areas of interest you may miss with the naked eye.
Fvg (Fair Value Gap) - is also known as an imbalance. An FVG is an imbalance of orders, for instance, for sellers to complete their trades, there must be buyers and vice versa so when a market receives too many of one kind of order buys or sells, and not enough of the order's counterpart. When the amount is not balanced and too many orders are put in for one direction, it creates an imbalance.
Multi timeframe FVG - this will show the same as above but on the higher timeframe you choose. It’ll show as 2 lines that show the higher timeframe fvg with a filled box that mitigates on entry.
Order Blocks - These are supply and demand zones, displayed typically as the last down/up candle before a move in the opposite direction. Great POI’s for entry and take profits.
Outside candle - this is a candle that sweeps the highs and lows of the previous candle, best used for the 1 hour or above these can indicate a change of price direction.
Previous day high & low
Not only does it show your previous day's low and high but it also shows your opening and close of the day. You have settings where you can turn off the open and close and just have daily highs and lows. It’s your choice within your settings.
Market Structure - We have packed this feature with options that are customizable for you,
Break of Structure (BOS) indicates a trend continuation.
Change of Character (CHoCH) indicates the first sign of a possible trend change.
Equal Highs/lows - this will mark your double/triple tops and bottoms.
Retracement - set this to your preferred retracement amount to customize your market structure to what you qualify as a valid pullback.
Elliott Wave ZigZag
Many people ask for the Elliott Waves. Well, here it is, inside this SMC. Just like your pivot highs and lows, the Elliott Wave is showing in real-time so you can see where your previous highs and lows are with the Elliott Wave break of structures that you can use in conjunction with the Smart Money Concepts Indicator of ArtiumPro.
Fib levels - for Premium & Discount areas - in this Instance the fib is used to determine if the price has pulled back into a premium or discount zone for optimal trade entry.
Trading Sessions
One of the most advanced trading session indicators out there and it’s included inside the most advanced SMC indicator on the market today. It has open breakout and settings to filter the opening range along with your pip daily range. You can select what timezone you are in and it automatically adjusts on the chart. Cool right? Hope you enjoy it, happy trading!
Market Structure Patterns (Nephew_Sam_)This market structure indicator plots HH/LL labels with a little twist - it can identify upto 14 custom patterns of your choice!
Indicator settings:
Pivot strength - highest or lowest point in a number of x left+right bars
Show - show zigzag lines, HHLL labels, Pattern Matches
Patterns - upto 14 patterns (7 bear, 7 bull) with custom label text
Styles - for labels and lines
- Although 90% of this indicator is custom coded, I have to give credits to LonesomeTheBlue ( for his "Double Zig Zag with HHLL" indicator where I got the logic on how to plot the labels in real time.
- This indicator repaints labels in realtime (not historical candle)
Smart Money BusterAfter daytrading for a while i came into conclusion that price action trading is the most successful way to trade for me and this project was for me to simplify my way of trading at the beginning. Eventually it got big and turned into a very useful helper indicator for me to setup on different pairs for alerts and only look at the charts to decide for entry when the alerts come from 120 different pairs that i set it up. Since i always looked at indicators for a way to make my job simpler and give me more time to do more important things for me rather than drawing lines on different pairs eveyday i think it got to a point where it works to my liking and making me gain time, thus more money.
This indicator uses smart money concepts like Market Structure, Order Blocks, Quassimodo Levels, Structure Breaks, Pumps and Dumps, Imbalances(In the works will be added in first update) to help trader catch what the whales are thinking and how to enter in the right time for swing trading, catching bottoms and tops.
Here are some of the features as of release:
Detects Market Structure and draws zig-zag lines and keeps note of pivot points.
Detects Order blocks and draws boxes when the conditions met
Detects the quassimodo levels and changes the color of the box to signal double confluence meaning stronger signal
Draws structure break lines
Setting to set structure break percentage before drawing boxes to get the boxes drawn if you want to be more 'sure' about the Order Block Levels.
Setting to change depth and backstep values for zigzags to be able to let you fit the system for different time frames.
Setting to set MSB trigger point between High and Low, Close and Open or hl2 values.
Setting to set Signal Triggering Range between Start, Middle and End meaning eg. if you set it to Middle it will wait for MSB trigger point to hit the middle of the box before giving you a signal.
Setting for changing HH-LL pivot points lookback count, 5 as default. Increasing this value will make you compare your pivot points with more data, really useful in lower time frames where will be a lot of zig-zags and highs and lows giving you a method to avoid false signals. Recommended to keep it lower values on 30 min and higher and increase it in lower Timeframes according to market volatility.
Setting to add a Box limit where the box of order block will be set invalid after certain candles and it still didn't trigger. Default value of 0 means it's disabled.
Setting to set Candle volatility percentage value to avoid big candles getting opposite signals on fast pump or dump schemes and bust those market makers schemes. Gotta say this came out really handy in crypto markets :)
As an end you can set alerts for 'Buy' , ' Sell ', ' Buy and Sell' together or if you wish you can connect it to bots via webhook as an entry. Although haven't connected to any bots myself as i think the best method of trading is human and machine working together. Since we have the creativity and out of the box thinking and machines have the ability to brute force calculation and huge bandwith that we don't currently have. At least until Elon Musk turns is into a cyborg, which i am not very eager about.
Planned Features:
- Add ability to detect imbalances(fair value gaps) to add third confluence to detect dragon fruit entries. This will make the system work with triple confluence.
- Add more settings so humans can command the ai better.
- Maybe a strategy version after i write my own dynamic take profit algorithm to give system ability make quantitative decisions based on current position profit levels.
- Although i think i fixed almost all the important bugs if there ever comes up one bugs will take priority for updates.
- And some things i may decide to add later. I will keep working on this project since it works well for me.
And like always, happy trading.
Price Action All In One IndicatorIf you are the one who is "Price Action" style & does not want to use many indicators or complex indicators or you are an ICT (The Inner Circle Trader)
student or ICT charter, this simple beautiful All In One Indicator is right for you.
The indicator has the following functions.
The default timezone is New York Time GMT-4, if you leave the time zone setting blank, it will use the symbol timezone. Note that the trading time changes with one hour delay in winter. so if you just trade forex, and leave the time zone setting blank, TradingView will adjust the symbol timezone automatically for you or don't forget to change the timezone setting GMT-4 or GMT-5 depending on daylight saving time.
You can choose which panel to show through settings.
Session Info Panel : pips info of ADR, Asian, London, and New York sessions.
Trend Panel : showing trend (up/down) of
5m/15m/1h/4h/D/W time frames (TF)
4MA (default values: SMA with lengths: 20–50–100–200)
Money Management Panel : in trading, money management is very important. Just put the % risk, & stop loss value below, the indicator will calculate a suitable size/amount for each trade.
Size by Lots: input stop loss in pips
Size by Units: input stop loss in % (of price)
(*)Units size is calculated by % stop loss & current bar close price. You have to determine a stop-loss price to convert to % stop loss by yourself.
We can choose which time separators we want to display. The indicator has 5 options: Anchor Time/Day/Week/Month/Quarter. Of course, we can choose to show just one or all 5 of them.
With Anchor Time you can choose which time you want to draw a vertical line for better timing analysis. This can show up to 2 Anchor Time lines. The default values are 00:00 (New York Midnight Opening) and 08:30 (New York Session Opening). You also have an option to show the past lines or not.
About Day Separator, cause TradingView has supported Session Breaks in Setting but if you don't like to use it or when enabling, it distracts you, you can use mine. My favorite trading dates are Tuesday & Wednesday.
For intraday trading, the high/low/close of the previous day, the previous week, ADR (default period is 5) are very important key levels. You can choose which one you like to show for better analysis. Of course, you can change the color & style of the lines. This is also my favorite indicator.
This indicator also has an option to show up to 2 price lines at a specific time, you can choose the price type (high/low/close/open) that you want to display. The default time values are:
Specific Time 1: 0:00. (New York Midnight Opening Price)
Specific Time 2: 8:30 am. (New York Session Opening Price)
The market tends to reprice the higher/lower to the old high/low or imbalance/fair value price to promote buy/sell stops or to provide smart money pricing for long/short entries. Typically, it redistributes quickly and you must learn to anticipate them at key levels intraday. Weak short/long holders will be squeezed in the retracement.
Except for the open price, the price changes continuously until the closing time, so the accumulation area can also be changed in real-time, but if you combine it with other information when analyzing, you can predict/determine whether the zone has been established or not with high probability. In short, price needs time to be accumulated, I usually don't pay attention to this daily zone till London open/close or New York sessions
Not only daily zone, but the indicator also supports higher timeframes accumulation zone from
There are 3 sessions: Asian, London, New York. The default values are below (New York Time).
Asian: 19:00 ~ 00:00
London Open (London KillZone): 01:00 ~ 05:00
New York Open (New York KillZone): 07:00 ~ 10:00
If you do not want to show the label, just leave the label values blank or change them to whatever you want.
This is one of my favorite functions. I use it on 15m, 30m, 1h TF for Forex intraday trading. My favorite trading sessions are London Open & New York Open.
You also can choose to show or not Standard Deviations (STD). The default values are set for Asian Range STD and max STD levels can be shown are 5. I use the following 3 types of STD (New York Time):
CBDR (Central Bank Deviations) STD: 14:00 ~ 20:00
Flout STD: 15:00 ~00:00
Asian Range STD: 19:00 ~ 00:00
Can show high/low/mid of the data ranges on the daily/4h chart. The default values are:
- 20–40–60 days back from today for daily TF.
- 30–60–90 bars back from the latest bar for 4h TF.
The default anchor bar for calculating the lookback is the latest one but with:
- 4h TF: we can change the lookback from the 1st day of the week.
- Daily TF: we can change the lookback from the 1st day of the month.
The indicator also has options showing the high/low/mid (equilibrium level) lines for better analysis. Especially, on daily TF, we have the option that can show up to 4 lines (25% for each one) of the data range.
Of course, you can change the colors or the style of the high/low/mid lines.
The lookback can be shown on the lower TFs for better detection when the market structure is shifted.
Fractal bar : The bar's color is changed when the divergence occurs between the price & RSI. You can change the RSI period (default value is 14) & RSI source. (open/high/low/close,…)
Imbalance bar or liquidity void or fair value gap - whatever you call it. This is my favorite indicator when trading on all TFs.You can choose to extend the last n imbalance bars if you like in the settings. I make sure I covered all cases of imbalance/fair value gap.
First, this function is not used as the common Support & Resistance that retail traders usually use, so I call it Old High/Low. I usually use it in 2 ways:
Detect the next buy/sell stops that Market Makers aim to manipulate.
Detect whether market structure shifted or not (Break of structure)
In settings you can:
Set the period to detect high/low levels, the default value is 10. My other favorite values are 6 & 2.
On a lower time frame, you might want to set it to a large number to remove noise.
On a higher time frame, a small number is enough, I think.
Choose the numbers of the last lines you want to show on your chart.
Of course, the style of lines can be changed easily.
A very simple trendline with default pivot left strength is 10.
By default, trendline uses high/low price but you have the "Using close price" option.
The Linear Regression Channel is a three-line technical indicator used to analyze the upper and lower limits of an existing trend. It is a statistical tool used to predict the future from past data and is used to determine trend direction or when prices may be overextended.
You can choose
To fill the background or not
To show inner/outer lines or not
To change the colors/line styles of upper zone, lower zone, upper lines, lower lines, midline
Working on all TFs, this looks like the same with lookback function but if you would like to display them in a box for easily focusing/comparing with other symbols or for detecting divergence in a specific period. The indicator also has a setting to show or hide lines connecting between lows or highs.
Another example of how I use High/Low connecting lines to detect divergence between S&P 500 and NASDAQ 100.
Can show up to 2 ZigZag lines.
This is suitable for traders who have difficulty in detecting key levels (recent high/low) of the prices to confirm market structure or just for drawing Fibonacci easily at those levels.
MA (Moving Average)
I believe that this is one of the most used indicators for every trader. There are 5 types of MA to choose from: EMA, SMA, WMA, VWMA, SMMA(RMA).
This can show up to 4 MAs. You can choose the source (close/high/low,…) for each one. My favorite values are 34 & 89 EMA.
This indicator also supports MA Bands. You can select which MA you want to display the bands, and the "width" of the bands can be changed via the settings.
It's just a simple function but I think it's very useful for those who want to add Copyright info to the chart, to prevent others from copying it.
Others/known issues/limitations
In forex or stock (things that are traded only on weekdays), TradingView's does not include the latest bars till Monday so the Day Separator cannot fill that space. Because TradingView deals with those bars as Sunday's ones so I set the color of Sunday the same as Friday for good UI/UX. On Crypto charts, the indicator shows without problems.
If you see "Internal server study error", please try closing the current TradingView tab in your browser and reopening it in a new tab. The error will disappear.
Because TradingView does not provide any detailed error information when such "general error" occurs. It's very difficult to detect which function is causing this error or is there something that caused TradingView "overloaded" through a long time running/loading on that tab? Honestly, I don't know exactly the cause, but in my experience, this error often occurs in the following cases:
When you have the TradingView Tab open for hours. In my case, I usually leave TradingView tab open overnight & when I come back the next day, this error might appear. (I'm a Mac user & I almost never shut down my Mac)
When you change settings too many times, especially settings of drawing objects like line width in a using session, it might cause this error.
So, after changing the setting or when you come back for the next trade, please save & close that TradingView tab, and then open a new one, everything will work fine.
You can see the images below that show I have tested my indicator from 1-minute time frame, enabled all functions, change every setting to max values & everything still works fine.
Liquidity Raid - Stop HuntLiquidity Raid - Stop Hunt
The market always seeks liquidity. Liquidity rests above previous highs and below previous lows as many traders see these as obvious points to place their stops. These are areas in the chart where many orders are placed together and serve as tipping points for market makers.
The script marks the breach of a market structure high/low with a vertical line. The script has the option to show the current W,D,4H & 1H market structure high and low.
How to use:
Once a raid occurs, use a higher timeframe to search for high probability supply and demand zones. Price needs to react to something. You may have multiple breaches before a reversal happens as price is likely looking for fresh(untested) zones. So don't trade blindly.
A good understanding of supply and demand concepts, odds enhancers, and how to identify fresh levels is expected to utilise it's full potential.
Lines and colours are all customizable
Alerts function included.
Indicator in use:
NASDAQ Advance/Decline Line 1.0NASDAQ Advance/Decline Line is a Market Breath indicator.
Brought to you by IQ-trading (Andrei Bogdan) via Trading View Pine script. If you find this helpful in anyway, please leave a like!
A/D line calculates a ratio between total number of NASDAQ stocks advancing and total number of NASDAQ stocks in one day, providing another way to grasp the market breath at any moment.A
Green columns mean more than 50% of NASDAQ stocks are advancing, red columns mean more than 50% of NASDAQ stocks are declining.
Green values above the top band mean correlation to the upside, red values bellow the low band mean correlation to the downside.
Correlation means rising probability of capitulation (to the upside or to the downside).
For a better interpretation, NASDAQ Advance/Decline Line should be used in conjunction with other indicators (volatility, volume, etc.).
NASDAQ here refers to the totality of assets listed on the NASDAQ exchange, not to the Nasdaq Composite index or the Nasdaq100 index.
NASDAQ is the second-largest stock exchange on earth, and operates the two major stock indexes based on companies that trade on its exchange: the Nasdaq Composite and the Nasdaq 100.
The Nasdaq Composite tracks the performance of more than 3,000 stocks listed on the Nasdaq while the Nasdaq 100 captures the performance of the exchange’s largest non-financial companies.
Super OrderBlock / FVG / BoS Tools by makuchaku & eFeThis super indicator is a Swiss army knife for Smart Money traders for OrderBlocks / FVG / BoS
It provides many options for drawing (non-repainting) boxes for OrderBlocks, Fair Value Gaps (FVG) and Break of Structures. The boxes are extended into the future, until the first retest/mitigation.
Some of the additional options (not explained in the diagrams above)
PPDD OB : An order block which is formed after interacting with Liquidity (old low/high, fractal low/high, etc). Since these OB's are in the most premium or most discount, they are Premium Premium Discount Discount OB's (PPDD OB)
HVB Bars : When the volume of any bar is higher than the average volume of last N bars, it could mean something important (in the right context). Hence, the indicator allows for coloring them differently.
This indicator was built as a collaboration between @makuchaku & eFe
Pro tip : This indicator is a simply a tool to visualize trading concepts on the candle stick chart. It is the job of the trader to sequence these effectively into a profitable trade.
If you come across any bug or have a question on how to effectively use the indicator, please don't hesitate to ask questions.
Good luck & good trading!
Market Pulse4 Market Stages:
The Market Pulse indicator simplifies the market into 4 separate stages:
Acceleration - Market in confirmed uptrend
Accumulation - Market in uptrend, but moving more cautiously
Deceleration - Market in confirmed downtrend
Distribution - Market in downtrend, but moving more cautiously
Full video tutorial breaking down the 4 different market stages can be found on our website.
How Does it Work?
The Market Pulse line is plotted using a 10-period Variable Moving Average (VMA). This works as a good substitute for moving averages, and allows you to easily determine trend, in a process-driven fashion, without leaving room for over-analyzing ( ie . are these moving averages stacked, what if x is above y, but a is below b, etc.). The color of the Market Pulse line is determined by the relationship between three Volume Weighted Moving Averages ( VWMA ): 8-period VWMA , 21-period VWMA and 34-period VWMA .
The Market Pulse line will change colors, based on the following conditions:
Green line - when the 8-period VWMA is greater than the 21-period VWMA and the 21-period VWMA is greater than the 34-period VWMA (Acceleration stage)
Red line - when the 8-period VWMA is less than the 21-period VWMA and the 21-period VWMA is less than the 34-period VWMA (Deceleration stage)
Gray line - when the three VWMAs are not stacked bullishly or bearishly, and there is no clear trend clarity (Accumulation stage if close >= VMA, Distribution stage if close < VMA)
Feel free to send us an email if you have any questions.
Special thanks to Nick (@Nick42_for_win) for the assist with translating our Market Pulse indicator for TV traders.
Market structure intraday ES futures strategy - BuySell ZonesThis market structure strategy for ES Mini Futures optimized for intraday market analysis ( RTH ).
Entry condition identified by bearish and bullish market structure.
Support level (Green Lines) is identified based on different variations of price fluctuations followed by the close above the range.
Resistance level (Red Lines) is identified based on different variations of price fluctuations followed by the close below the range.
The idea is to spot areas where market players were fighting for the best price and one side finally won.
Bullish trend is identified by consecutive series of support levels developing in upside direction.
Bearish trend is identified by consecutive series of resistance levels developing in downside direction.
When market develops bullish trend , strategy sets LONG limit order at fresh support level .
When market develops bearish trend , strategy sets SHORT limit order at fresh resistance level .
If there is an open position no new entries are performed.
For longs initial stop is set at previous support level adjusted by ATR.
For shorts stop is set at previous resistance level adjusted by ATR.
Stop trailing is also based on market structure.
If new support level is identified, stop moves to previous support level .
If new resistance level is identified, stop moves to previous resistance level .
There are no target. Strategy either gets stopped at current stop level or exits at session end.
Strategy calculates position size based on the previous market structure and ATR.
Strategy performs compounding position sizing so as account amount increases so does amount of traded contracts.
Add script to your favorites and apply it on ES1! 1 minute time frame setting regular trading hours.
Script will print the limit order as well as stop levels according to the rules described above. As trade will progress, script will print levels to move the stop to.
I added an option to disable the support and resistance lines printing if you prefer to have clean charts.
You can also change risk % to best fit your trading style.
If you just want to use the support and resistance levels as indicator you can also disable the strategy execution.
Support and Resistance indicator itself is universal and can be used on any market or timeframe.
If you want the strategy to be optimized for other markets or timeframes or have other rule set in mind feel free PM me, we will create the solution that best fits your needs and styles.
Real life trading is not get rich scheme. It is continuous process that involves various steps and dedication. If you are willing to take this path please PM me to enable the strategy for you.
Koalafied MSB (CHOCH) Indicator will show market structure breaks (MSB) - higher lows being broken in an uptrend and vice versa for lower highs in a downtrend.
These levels are derived from user selected pivot lengths and are plotted on the chart after the break for reference.
User option to filter MSB by the principles of a CHOCH - Change of Character which represents a possible change in market direction. A CHOCH requires a filter to be valid. The previous pivot high needs to be broken first putting in a higher high. Then if there's a break of the previous higher low the CHOCH is validated. Traders will then wait for a pullback for a retest of an orderblock/level before entering in a reversal trade. Additionally the CHOCH pullback target level, which is the candle/orderblock at the pivot prior to the MSB will be displayed and kept onscreen until broken.
As MSB are based on pivot points there is an inherent lag built into the script. The user selected length that the pivots are calculated on requires a number of bars to pass before a pivot is confirmed. Market Structure Breaks typically occur multiple bars after a pivot point so the offset isn't typically an issue, although occasionally a pivot will be validated after a MSB and it's offset plot will place it prior to the MSB.
GT - Recent High/Low█ OVERVIEW
This indicator will help traders identify the recent high and low of the current trend so we know where we are in the trend. If recent high/low broken it could be that the trend is changing. This indicator is based on price action.
Basically, a trend is when the prices move up and down in a stair-step fashion. In an uptrend, The indicator keeps track of the up and down movement and remember the last high and once the price pull back and broke the recent high it will mark out the new high. When prices pull back in and uptrend it must not broken the recent low. If the pull back move broke the recent low it could means that the trend is changing and we could see prices start going down. Downtrend is the reverse of uptrend.
Whenever the price broke the recent high or low the script will go back from the candle that broken the previous high to find the recent low. As long as the high of previous candle is lower than each other consecutively backward, all of those candle will be counted as part of the up move. The lowest low of these candles will be counted as the recent low. If one of the candles that are part of the up move is an inside bar then the recent low is the low of that inside bar candle (for downtrend it will be the high). Inside bar candle is a candle that it's high and low are both inside the high and low of the candle preceding it (to its left).
The content of this post is NOT investment advice and I am not a financial advisor.
This is for educational purpose only.
Always do you own research. Do not blindly trust a random stranger online.
Moving the recent high and low every time a candle break out is a very tedious job. Plus, you cannot set an automatic alert system whenever price broke a recent high or low. This indicator allow you to create an alert whenever a recent high or low is broken.
You can use this indicator as a trailing stop loss strategy. Move the stop loss of your long position to the recent low level whenever price broke recent high or move the stop loss of your short position to the recent high level whenever price broke recent low.
The bullet line is the minor recent high or low before the prices broke the major recent high/low. This line could be the level where prices touch before continue with the trend.
Based on how a candle broke the recent high or low, if it breaks impulsively you can develop your strategy to trade the pullback and hoping on the trend before it continue to move up or down.
Recent high/low.
Previous high/low.
Inside bar marker.
Alert for when high/low broken. Configurable message format either in JSON or plain text, useful when using with webhook alert.
Bullet line (trend continuation line).
Toggle switch to redraw in realtime. CAUTION: this will cause repainting and alert will fire multiple time during a real-time bar.
- I am very new to pine script. So there could be a way to handle the alert in realtime to not fire multiple time, Once I found a way I will update the indicator. However, redrawing in realtime will definitely cause repainting of high/low or bullet line, as far as I know this cannot be fixed because it is how pine script compiler works.
- If you like the indicators and it helps you please be sure to leave a like.
This indicator is made by me but the idea is inspired by Guerrilla Trading course. Which is why this indicator is closed-source. Guerrilla doesn't support the use of indicators and they believe in mastering reading candle sticks using price action on a naked chart. However, I'm a visual learner, I do my due diligent in backtesting and learning how to read the chart. I think that a little help with indicator to smooth my learning curve or make it easier to identify important level is very useful.
!IMPORTANT!: If you are a member of Guerrilla please do not advertise this indicator on their forum as they do not support the idea of using indicators.
While using the indicator if you found any bugs or the lines draw incorrectly please report it directly to me by leaving a comment or message me directly. Do not report the bugs of this indicator to Guerrilla Trading as this has nothing to do with them and they are not the maintainer.
If you are not a member of Guerrilla but you are considering joining Guerrilla Trading. You can support me out by using my affiliate link in my Signature . Thank you very much!
If you are a developer and a member of Guerrilla and you would like to contribute to this indicator please message me.
Dow Theory Trend Direction VisualizerJapanese below / 日本語説明は下記
What is difficult for beginner traders is to identify trend occurrence, continuation and reversal.
This indicator visualizes market direction by changing background colors based on Dow Theory so that traders can visually grasp trends.
Sample chart
1.MTF Higher High/Lower High/Higher Low/Lower Low(HH/LH/HL/LL)
Indicator shows HH/LH/HL/LL of an upper timeframe(MTF) and those of chart’s timeframe at the same time.
As usual, HH/LH/HL/LL of chart’s timeframe can be used to identify trend continuation based on Dow Theory while MTF HH/LH/HL/LL can be used as support/resistance.
Auto and manual mode for MTF
When you select “Auto” mode, then an upper timeframe will be automatically determined as MTF based on chart’s timeframe. If “Manual “ mode selected, then you need to specify MTF timeframe.
MTF HH/LH/HL/LL are displayed only below the selected MTF timeframe so it will not disturb when you open higher timeframe.
For instance, if you select daily timeframe as MTF, then HH/LH/HL/LL of daily timeframe will be shown on 4 hour or below timeframes.
Auto and manual mode for MTF
When you select “Auto” mode, then an upper timeframe will be automatically determined as MTF based on chart’s timeframe. If “Manual “ mode selected, then you need to specify MTF timeframe.
MTF HH/LH/HL/LL are displayed only below the selected MTF timeframe so it will not disturb when you open higher timeframe.
For instance, if you select daily timeframe as MTF, then HH/LH/HL/LL of daily timeframe will be shown on 4 hour or below timeframes.
Sample chart (AUDJPY 4H + Daily timeframe HH/LH/HL/LL )
In this chart, you can see two different timeframe’s trend.
In 4hour timeframe, a new high recorded as HH and in daily timeframe, lows going up from LL to HL and high going up from LH to HH hence daily chart is uptrend.
Also, you can predict that Daily HH would be respected as resistance line.
2.Visualize trends direction with colors based on HH/LH/HL/LL.
Background color will change based on break up/down of HH/LH/HL/LL.
1.上位足とチャートの時間軸両方のHigher High/Lower High/Higher Low/Lower Low(HH/LH/HL/LL)の表示(MTF機能)
サンプルチャート (AUDJPY 4H に日足のHH/LH/HL/LL を表示)
Higher High/Lower High/Higher Low/Lower Lowとは何か?
Higher High(HH)
Lower High(LH)
切り下がった高値を意味します。Lower Highなのでより低い方の高値という意味です。当インジケーターでは一つ前の高値(HH/LH)から切り下がった場合にLHとしています。
Higher Low(HL)
切り上がった安値を意味します。Higher Lowなのでより高い方の安値という意味です。当インジケーターでは一つ前の安値(HL/LL)から切り上がった場合にHLとしています。
Lower Low(LL)