Annalyse CL 15 mn Apré le golden point sur le CL 15 mn le pétrole et a acheté ce matin (1er rebond sur le VWAP ou on double notre position et 2éme rebond sur le VWAP ou on triple notre position). Shortpar kamel23reda0
CL 15 MN 14/12/2020Annalyse CL 15 Mn du 14/12/2020 Golden point + Volume et identification des supports et résistances .par kamel23reda0
CONTRATS À TERME SUR ESSENCE RBOBCONTRATS À TERME SUR ESSENCE RBOB The market knows the birth and the beginning of a new high-rise approach do Great liquidity with a large volume of buyers and I would recommend buyingLongpar ELHASSANE-TRA1
CONTRATS À TERME SUR PÉTROLE BRUT LÉGERCONTRATS À TERME SUR PÉTROLE BRUT LÉGER The market knows the birth and the beginning of a new high-rise approach do Great liquidity with a large volume of buyers and I would recommend buying During the calm of the week until the week ahead without fearLongpar ELHASSANE-TRA1
Le Petrole a vendre encore une foisle pétrole est fort probablement qu il est a vendre c le point d entrée mais tjr assure le stopp losspar imad780
Sell US Crude Oil at 40.78The candle i marked with the arrow shows us that the sellers still here and that the previous days where just a pull back.Shortpar Symphotrade1